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The Unofficial Timeline for 7 Days To Die

I started working on this months ago, and stopped a day later, then picked it up recently because I wanted to finish it. While it's mentioned below, I'd like to say it here: I know that this might be a mess, and not everybody will like it. But that's the fun of it all; it's not official, and will never be official, so it's fun to create stuff or imagine what happened that hasn't been explained yet. Whether you enjoy it or hate it, I had fun doing this! :)
BCE-April 24, 1986 CE: History is unchanged.
April 25
- A nuclear inspection team arrives at Chernobyl, the negligence they discover and resolve in reference to a soon-to-occur safety test is ruled as 'criminal' by the Russian government due to the estimated damage that would've occurred if the test had gone through. As a result, the true danger of Nuclear Meltdown does not set into the psychology of first world countries and they continue with lax construction of reactors.
January 1
- Y2K occurs in computers across the planet. Multiple systems are permanently fried, pushing technology back several years. DIVERGENCE occurs.
- The United States Of America grants Puerto Rico statehood. The flag now carries 51 stars.
June 9
- A meeting is held at the United Nations in New York to discuss political tensions between North Korea following the death of Kim Jong Un seven months prior. A 19-6 vote is enacted to increase security at the Korean Demilitarized Zone.
October 7
- North Korea attempts an attack on soil with the launch of four ballistic missiles aimed at Guam and Hawaii. Three are confirmed duds; the fourth strikes Guam’s Tamuning. Thousands are killed in the attack. Minutes later, the United States launches three ballistic missiles; all three successfully strike the capital of Pyongyang, killing several thousand people in its limits, including NK leader Kim Ju-ae. South Korea and Japan experience one of the largest refugee crises in human history. This leads to a depression in the region that lasts several years.
October 22
- A local group known as the Woodstock Militia form in the United States, their goals claiming to be “nothing more but the peace among man.” Their numbers grow over several years, expanding beyond North America.
October 23
- Backyard Bunks, a company set on the construction of backyard fallout shelters, is successfully funded and founded in Manchester, England by US expatriate Donovan Clarke, beginning construction immediately.
September 2
- A Woodstock peace rally in Iraq is ambushed, leading to dozens of rally-goers dead or missing. An investigation discovers collusion between some members and a terror group known as the COG, or Caliphate Of Glory. The WM is banned from Iraq as a result “until further notice.”
December 22
- The United Nations begin talks on expanding territory further into the North Korean ruins. China argues against it.
December 30
- Talks at the United Nations ends with the UNSC voting 17-8 on territorial expansion through the North Korean ruins. China warns against this.
March 27
- US expansion into the North Korean ruins begin, expecting to take a total of 18 months to succeed. Protests occur near the border. Later in the evening, a brief riot breaks out, leading to the death of a Korean Border Security Officer and several arrests.
April 1
- China sanctions the United States. As a result, the US sanctions back. The Trade War, as it is simply called, begins.
- Stocks in Chinese trade fall soon after.
August 13
- Backyard Bunks expands into the United States, quickly gaining popularity in major cities, with several hundred requests in just that single day.
September 11
- A terrorist scare occurs in Washington, D.C., after a vehicle was pulled over containing a homemade nuclear weapon. The bomb was successfully deactivated and disposed of properly.
September 19
- China begins underground nuclear testing in a remote region of the country, prompting fears in the United States and Japan of potential military action.
- Coincidentally, hours prior, Russia also announced that they would resume nuclear testing 18 years after it was discontinued.
September 29
- Lucky Larry’s, one of the largest casinos in the midwestern United States, opens to the public in the city of Gravestown, Arizona.
- A mass shortage of functioning antibiotics leads to an outbreak of Cholera in India, killing 3 million from December to January 2034, where it is eventually placed under control with international aid.
- Due to the Trade War, the United States experiences what is called “The Year Without Christmas.”
December 19
- United States scientists work with the United States military with the creation of a contagion with the intent to overwhelm enemy territories. Early testing is a failure.
- Nuclear plants undergo a worldwide reconstruction effort to improve performance and defend against large-scale man-made attacks. Very few nuclear plants are completed.
January 2
- Seven bodies are discovered in the Cascade Range. All of them are mauled, covered in human bite marks, leading to rumors of a cannibal group nearby. Law enforcement denied these claims.
January 10
- The United States cancels the remaining expansion into the North Korean ruins, stationing soldiers as far as the city of Wonsan. China lifts few of the sanctions; the United States follows suit, but the Trade War persists.
January 11
- Construction of bunkers by BB in all Las Vegas hotels are complete.
March 18
- China ceases its nuclear testing temporarily, out of fear of radiation leaking into neighboring territories. Russia continues its nuclear testing.
March 19
- Midterm elections begin in the United States.
June 7
- Chinese President Chen-Chi is assassinated while on a trip in the United States. The United States is immediately blamed for her death. Many terror groups across the world claim responsibility. Some say this was a tactic to prevent any retaliation by China.
June 11
- China, upon full belief that the United States is responsible for the death of former president Chen-Chi, declares war on America.
- World War III, or simply known as “The War,” occurs as late as 6:18 PM EST. It is unknown precisely who fired first, but blame rests solely on China.
6:15 PM
- The Integrated Operational Nuclear Detection System (IONDS) detects seven nuclear ballistic missile launches from an unknown location.
6:17 PM
- NORAD confirms all seven launches. USAF enters DEFCON 1, prompting immediate takeoff of all available bombers. Several of them head for China, believed to be the sole cause.
6:18 PM
- POTUS authorizes full-scale retaliation. Several US ballistic missiles are launched.
- The War commences. China denies any action against the United States, despite their declaration of war the day before, but are bombed shortly after. The United States preps a full-scale invasion scenario into China. The seven immediate nuclear missiles are destroyed. Several more are launched from ocean level, believing to be submarine-based launches. Three of them reach the west coast of the United States. Several submarines are destroyed by military response.
6:23 PM
- Los Angeles is struck by two nuclear warheads several seconds apart. Few of the city’s skyscrapers collapse from the shockwave and sheer force of the explosions.
- News quickly spreads across the nation, confirming the detonation of nuclear weapons in Los Angeles. Panic spreads nationwide as people try to evacuate. Highways quickly go into gridlock, forcing people to escape on foot. Several people take shelter in several bunkers, only to quickly fill up.
- Divisions of the US Armed Forces are deployed in several cities to assist in the evacuation.
6:28 PM
- Seattle and San Diego are hit by two separate nuclear warheads.
- The San Diego warhead was not a head-on strike, instead striking closer towards the outskirts, nearest to the highways. Most on the highway were killed in the immediate blast, while those in the inner city survived.
- Thirty-two more ballistic missiles are confirmed launched from China as retaliation. Many of them strike the west coast and further inland. The midwestern US (Colorado) all the way to the east coast is spared from ballistic strikes due to NORAD’s immediate response.
6:30 PM
- Gravestown is devastated by two consecutive nuclear strikes. The majority of Navezgane County is spared the immediate effects of the detonations.
6:30-8:00 PM
- Six more nuclear warheads breach past NORAD defenses from China, striking Portland, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and even reaching Austin, Texas.
8:00 PM
- No further nuclear launches from China. Birds are in the air and are headed for China. Cities affected/destroyed are Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Xi’an.
- Over the next five days, the USAF is deployed across the United States and throughout China. Martial law is declared in the US, and POTUS is relocated to the Mount Weather Communications Shelter on June 14.
9:58 AM EST
- A van containing a nuclear weapon is detonated in the US capitol. Armed forces are sent to assist the injured and dying.
- NORAD detects several Russian submarines off the east coast of the US. DEFCON 1 is once again in effect, formerly set to DEFCON 2.
10:10 AM
- Russian aircraft arrives in Washington, D.C., dropping soldiers across the city with the intent to take over the White House and overthrow the president. It is revealed the president is hidden away.
- Evacuations are set for the unaffected areas of the city. Several Russian soldiers kill people attempting to flee the city limits.
10:14 AM
- POTUS and NORAD authorize launch of four ballistic missiles targeted at Moscow, Russia.
10:16 AM
- Four ballistic missiles are launched from the United States towards Russia.
- USAF continues to evacuate the outer regions of Washington, D.C.
10:17 AM
- ­A second nuclear weapon is detonated in the capitol, killing millions. It is unknown who detonated it or where it was detonated.
10:19 AM
- Russia retaliates by launching seven nuclear ballistic missiles targeting New York, Washington, Orlando, Boston, and Atlanta.
10:22 AM
- The United States launches nine more nuclear missiles targeting several Russian cities.
- Several Russian planes fly over the skies across the eastern seaboard attempting to drop soldiers with the intent on invasion. Many of them are shot down, their soldiers killed in their parachutes, regardless of the Geneva Convention.
10:25 AM
- Two Russian bombers drop three nuclear warheads onto Columbus, Ohio, destroying the city entirely. The resulting EMP causes the planes to crash, killing all onboard.
- Poland, France, and the United Kingdom join the conflict, firing their own missiles at Russia and China.
- Several Russian planes touch down in Detroit, Michigan, assuming complete control of the city over several hours.
10:40 AM
- Moscow is struck by two of three nuclear warheads, one failing to detonate. The other nine launches strike other Russian cities, including Saint Petersburg, Omsk, and Samara.
11:00 AM – 9:00 PM
- New York City, Orlando, Boston, and Philadelphia are hit by nuclear warheads and sustain heavy damage. Russia retaliates against Poland, the United Kingdom, and France with nuclear launches targeting them respectively. London, Paris, Nice, Manchester, Warsaw, and Marseille are all struck.
- Many refugees within the United States flee towards the center of the country, residing within the countryside and avoiding major cities. Denver, Oklahoma, and Houston—to name a few—are mostly deserted, with many vehicles remaining on the roads, forever trapped in gridlock.
- The east and west coasts are in complete blackout, a result of the EMPs created by the nuclear detonations.
- China has gone quiet in all military aspects. US soldiers in the region have confirmed that survivors are surrendering.
- Russia invades sections of the UK and Italy, expanding their territory with the intent to take control of more military weaponry. At the same time, their government no longer exists. Many survivors in the affected regions panic; the country is in absolute turmoil, with riots occurring everywhere.
- The northern area of Manhattan is mostly unaffected by the blast, but the radiation has killed most of the people in the vicinity. Cars are left running, filled with the corpses of those who succumbed while trying to escape. Bodies of USAF soldiers can be found as well.
- Riots break out in the few US cities still densely populated. Martial law is further enforced.
- The Blackout occurs: Many power plants within the affected regions are abandoned or destroyed. A rolling blackout occurs across most of North America. Very few cities still hold access to electricity.
June 14
- Radiation from the seaboards begins to seep into water systems and streams, which will begin to irradiate and pollute most major water sources across the country in the coming weeks.
- Patients in hospitals across the United States begin to die by the millions as backup power fails.
- Order starts to break down across several areas in the mid-US.
- Several more nations join into the conflict, firing their weapons at Russia and China.
- A global, limited nuclear exchange occurs. Action between nations is limited to several minutes. Detonations occur over three hours. 49 nations are confirmed affected or destroyed by the exchange. Very few nations remain unaffected or functioning, such as Africa, Australia, regions of South America, and parts of the central US. The rest struggle or collapse from radiation or economic failure.
June 15
- An undetonated nuclear warhead in Moscow suddenly explodes. Millions are killed in an instant. Remnants of Russian missile command see this as an attack and immediately fire twelve more nuclear missiles. They launch in random directions.
- Poland is hit again. England is hit again, London is devastated. Paris is struck again, causing the collapse of the famed Eiffel Tower. Uganda, Africa is struck, leading to them retaliating against Russia.
- The United States is once again hit by Russian warheads. New York’s north side is hit, killing millions of survivors. Washington, D.C. is hit again. NORAD nearly shoots down all of them. One surviving missile strikes Kansas City, devastating it in moments.
- After this day, no further nuclear missiles are launched from any nation. Communications break down across the world. The Great Silence begins.
June 16
- The War ends. Two-and-a-half billion people are dead. Many more are injured and dying; the death toll is expected to climb another billion over several months.
- Several countries drop communications, either intentionally or unintentionally. The United States, for two weeks, is isolated from the rest of the world except for Canada and remnants of Mexico.
June 18
- Radiation has seeped into the water systems of many inhabited US cities. People are poisoned and begin to die. USAF remnant soldiers begin to ration food and water to the population.
- NORAD is abandoned, its surviving crew scattering across the mid-US.
- Surviving members of the Woodstock Militia regroup in Denver with the intent to boost morale across the surviving states.
- Navezgane County, Arizona regains contact with the mid-US states. Several other counties of other western states soon do the same. Navezgane’s climate is heavily altered. Snowy regions plague the mountains, while plant-life blooms elsewhere. The area surrounding Gravestown is abandoned, filled with the bodies of war victims and populated with survivors, who are only now emerging from their bunkers with the intent on beginning a cleanup effort.
June 20
- Cleanup attempts begin across remnants of the nation with the help of USAF. The president is relocated to Denver, Colorado and addresses the nation to his best extent.
July 2-5
- The United States is divided into three sections: The States, The West Wasteland, and The East Wasteland.
- USAF members return from overseas after weeks of silence. Many have died from radiation poisoning and were buried in China.
- Survivors from neighboring countries, including China and Russia, begin to appear on shorelines as they make their way to the States. Very few are turned away. Many Chinese and Russian survivors surrender, only to be taken in and sheltered. It is from these survivors that the extent of the damage from the war is revealed. Russia’s economy collapsed in a matter of days, whereas China’s economy “seemingly collapsed the moment the very first bomb touched down.”
- People begin farms in their own backyards, planting gardens and producing crops.
July 5-16
- Power plants across the States are restored; the lights turn back on across the country, even in areas across the Wastelands. Navezgane County’s power is restored. Some power plants have melted down in recent weeks, irradiating parts of North America for thousands of years.
- The Great Meltdown occurs, a period in which power plants across the world experience near-simultaneous meltdowns as a result of abandonment and lack of maintenance. Several European countries are irradiated, millions killed.
- Japan’s nuclear plants melt down; those who were unable to flee die quickly of radiation poisoning.
- Hawaii is spared from the radioactive cloud, which eventually reaches North America by early August.
- The west coast of North America is devastated by radioactivity from the GM. Those not already killed by the war are killed by the cloud.
- Alaska is spared from the radioactive cloud.
- The majority of South America is spared from the radioactive cloud, but its west coast is devastated.
- Most of Europe is devastated. Those who are able to escape are forced underground.
- The world truly becomes isolated. Two billion more die during the Great Meltdown. Three-and-a-half billion survivors remain on Earth.
- The States are spared from the radioactive cloud that covers the majority of the planet.
- Very few places on the coastlines are spared from the radioactive cloud, such as Navezgane County.
- Many cities lie dead, full of the remains of the people who used to live there.
- An outbreak of Cholera occurs in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A mixture of radioactive and infected water leads to 100,000+ dead, an eighth of its population.
- A mutation via radiation exposure leads to the full-blown outbreak of V-713, or known more as the Muerto contagion in North America.
August 4
- Cases of an unknown pathogen are reported in Navezgane and several other spots of land across the western board. Reports of infection are heard in Albuquerque and Sante Fe, New Mexico, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Denver, Colorado. Due to recent outbreaks of Cholera and other dangerous diseases, USAF and doctors collaborate to deliver protective masks, while simultaneously quarantining the sick.
August 5
- Bodies are found in multiple areas across several states, in similar condition to the bodies found in the Cascade Range months earlier.
- Muerto spreads into several more towns and cities. Hospitals quickly become overwhelmed with new admissions.
- Many fear the outbreak will reach their area and attempt to leave. Highways are once again clogged, while soldiers attempt to console and comfort those panicking, encouraging them to return home.
- Cases spread further to larger cities.
- Hundreds of infected individuals begin to die in hospitals; some die on the streets. Several areas are quarantined, with hazmat teams burying the dead; in most cases, the dead are burned once space runs out.
- Reports of attacks begin to pile up in areas hit hardest by the infection. They are dismissed as riots and labelled as “fearful anarchists.”
- In the evening, sudden mass ‘riots’ break out across the western board. News reports depict people chasing each other and knocking others to the ground ‘with the intent to maim or kill’.
- Citizens, sick or healthy, attempt to flee the cities and areas that are in chaos. Many seek protection by local police forces, but are gunned down mistaken for attackers.
- Police forces in the main cities are quickly overwhelmed. USAF forces in the area respond with deadly force, but many of them are overwhelmed as well.
- Roadblocks are set up on highways, hoping to contain the violence to the cities—however, reports emerge of similar attacks occurring in small towns and even villages.
- The cities’ streets are a mix of stampeding civilians and crazed attackers.
August 7
12:00 AM – 5:00 AM
- USAF forces are forced to pull out of Denver’s limits. The president is long gone, relocated to De Moines, Iowa.
- Roadblocks outside Denver, Salt Lake City, and Santa Fe are overrun by infected individuals.
- Doctors confirm on radios and functioning stations that the attackers are deceased. The Muerto contagion is gained its name, but the infected are rarely, if ever, named as zombies.
7:23 AM
- The president addresses the nation, revealing the full scale of the situation and urges calm. This does little to prevent further panic.
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- The infected overrun multiple military outposts across several cities.
- USAF forces conduct mass napalm bombings in Salt Lake City, Denver, Santa Fe, and more, in an attempt to control the spread. The effort fails.
- Reports arise that USAF forces have gunned down refugees pouring into towns neighboring Denver and Santa Fe. Outrage spreads quickly as the infected continue to migrate further east.
4:00 PM – 11:00 PM
- USAF outposts in Fort Collins, Colorado and Rapid City, South Dakota are overrun by infected.
- Reports of infection arise in the city of Wichita, Kansas. Suspected cases are either quarantined or killed to contain the spread.
- Fort Collins is firebombed by USAF pilots. Containment is initially a success, but the sound draws mass herds of infected hosts. The fort is declared a lost cause.
August 8
- Outposts and blockades are stationed across several areas not yet hit, such as Navezgane County. Cities further to the east succumb to infection and riots.
- Firebombing methods are abandoned for major cities; citizens are left to their own devices. Many die in the panic.
August 10 – August 11
- The Muerto contagion is reported in Navezgane and several other counties. People resort to locking themselves in their homes or committing suicide. However, many commit suicide by either poisoning or hanging, leading to reanimation.
- Suicide patients begin to reanimate over several hours, leading to a siege of infected hosts in several towns.
- The Diersville hospital is under siege throughout the 11th, leading to the infected escaping and attacking the neighboring folk.
- Infection reported in Perishton.
August 13
- Perishton under siege.
- Diersville confirmed lost. Many residents forced to fend for themselves. USAF forces abandon the town after failed attempts to control the infected hordes. Some fleeing residents are gunned down, mistaken for the dead.
- Several nuclear weapons are dropped on Denver, Santa Fe, and Albuquerque as a last resort. The resulting blasts irradiate the entire region. Navezgane County is more or less sealed off from the rest of the nation.
August 18
- Power failures plague large regions of the States.
- The infection is controlled in several areas via USAF border fences.
- USAF forces begin airdrops in areas affected, but still holding survivors.
August 25
- Navezgane is declared a hazard zone. Airdrops still occur, but it is forbidden to set foot until otherwise.
- The Muerto contagion is contained; half of the States survive.
- 7 Days To Die begins.
submitted by Malcolm_Morin to 7daystodie [link] [comments]

Event Summary Compilation

Here you will find all the event summaries that our wonderful translators took the time to write. All the credit goes to them for their work.
The sheer volume of the translations have necessitated that the compilation be divided into separate threads. You will find the main story and interlude compilations below.
Last updated 12/11/20.


Events are sorted by chronological date.
  • GUDAGUDA Honnouji
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
  • Christmas 2015 - Almost Weekly Santa Alter-san
Full translation here.
  • Valentine 2016 - Chocolate Lady's Ruckus
Full translation here.
Cutscene translation compilation here.
  • Cries of the Vengeful Demon in the Prison Tower
Brief summary here.
  • Da Vinci and the 7 Counterfeit Heroic Spirits
Brief summary here.
Full translation here.
  • Fate/Accel Zero Order
Full translation here.
  • Restless Drunk Demons Capital - Rashomon
Full translation here.
  • Journey to the West
Full translation here.
  • Tenma's Marvelous Folklore - Onigashima
Full translation here.
Drunk Kiyohime scene here.
  • Summer 2016 - It's Summer! It's the Beach! It's Adventure!
Chaldea Summer Memories - White Beach of Solace
Chaldea Heat Odyssey - Evolved Civilization
  • A Magical Girl's Travelogue ~ Prisma Causeway
Full translation here.
  • Halloween 2016 - Halloween Comeback! Extremely Large Pumpkin Village and the Adventure
Prologue, video version here.
Chapter 1-2
Chapter 3-4
Chapter 5-7
Chapter 8-13
Chapter 14-15
  • Christmas 2016 - Second Alter-chan
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Additional full translation here and here.
Full playlist of subbed videos here.
  • Valentine 2017 - Chocolate Lady's Ruckus Extended Version
Cutscene translation compilation here.
  • GUDAGUDA Meiji Ishin
Chapter 1-2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5-6
Chapter 7
After chapter Oda
After chapter Shinsengumi
After chapter alternative
Full playlist of subbed videos here.
  • All the Statesmen! ~ Learning With Manga Records of the American Frontier
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Full playlist of subbed videos here.
  • Summer 2017 - Dead Heat Summer Race! Death Jail Summer Escape!
Team formation - Nero and Artoria Alter
Team formation - Fran, Babbage, and Moriarty
Team formation - Raikou and Sanzang
Team formation - Helena, Edison, and Tesla
Team formation - Nobunaga and MHX
Team formation - Nitocris and Scheherazade
Opening ceremony
Area 1: A Plains
Ending - Nitocris and Scheherazade
  • Halloween 2017 - Halloween Strike! Devil's Building Climber: Great Decisive Battle at Himeji Castle
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11-12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 and epilogue
Full playlist of subbed videos here.
  • Christmas 2017 - Merry Christmas from the Underworld
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
About Sumeria
  • Valentine 2018 - Prosperous Chocolate Gardens of Valentine
Compilation of every Valentine scene here, provided by Prof_West
Cutscene translation compilation here.
Pigeon report part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
  • Fate/Apocrypha: Inheritance of Glory
Full translation here.
Prologue, Sections 1-2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5-6
Section 7
Section 8-9
Full playlist of subbed videos here.
  • Murder at the Kogetsukan
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Full playlist of subbed videos here.
  • GUDAGUDA Strange Tales of the Imperial Holy Grail - Far East Devil Battlefront 1945
Full translation here.
Section 1
Epilogue video.
About Imperial City Grail War
Full playlist of subbed videos here.
  • Summer 2018 - Serva★Fes 2018: Servant Summer Festival!
Full translation here.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Quick notes 1
Quick notes 2
Quick notes 3
Quick notes 4
Quick notes 5
Quick notes 6
Quick notes 7
Quick notes 8
Quick notes 9
Quick notes 10
Quick notes 11
Quick notes 12
Curry x Rice doujin scene here.
Robin swimsuit quest
About the Summer 2018
Full playlist of subbed videos here.
  • Battle in New York 2018
Brief summary of ending here.
  • The Mysterious Country of ONILAND!! ~ Demon King and the Kamuy's Gold
Full translation here.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Full playlist of subbed videos here.
  • Christmas 2018 - Holy Samba Night: Snowing Ruins and the Maiden Knight
Day 0
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
  • Daily Report of the Sparrow's Inn - Enmatei Prosperity Log
Section 1 part 1, part 2
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4-5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Section 13
Treasure Gathering
VIP Entertainment
9 Drunkards
Medb and the Snow Queen
Consort Yu Massage
Guda Guda Onsen Tales
Twin Sword User and the Onsen Devil
Hell's Kitchen
  • Valentine 2019 - Voice & Letter Collection ~ Murasaki Shikibu and the 7 Cursed Books
Cutscene translation compilation here.
Valentine scenes with subs here, provided by ZerovsNight.
Valentine scenes with English text here, provided by RyouEmerada.
Full playlist of subbed videos here.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
  • White Day 2019 - The Old Spider Spins its Threads with Nostalgia
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
  • Tokugawa Kaiten Labyrinth - Ooku
Section 1
Section 2 part 1, part 2
Section 2.5
Section 3 part 1, part 2
Section 4 part 1, part 2
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7 part 1, part 2
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10 part 1, part 2
Day 1 notes
Day 2 notes
Day 3 notes
Day 4 notes
Day 5 notes
Day 7 notes part 1, part 2
Full playlist of subbed videos here.
  • Lady Reines Case Files
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5-6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10 part 1, part 2
Section 11
  • The Study of the Confounding Crying Phoenix Villa
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Section 13
Section 14-15
Section 14 alternate scenes
Section 16-17
  • Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order 2nd Volume
Full translation here.
  • GUDAGUDA Final Honnoji 2019 - All Nobunagas Attack
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4 part 1, part 2, part 3
Recruitment Quests
Suppress Kaiser Nobunaga
Suppress Oda Kipposhi
Suppress Big Nobu
Suppress Real Nobunaga
Suppress Swimsuit Nobu
Suppress Chacha
Suppress Shibata
Alters Attack Prologue
Alters Attack Suppression
Suppress Nero
Alters Attack Finale
  • Summer 2019 - Swimsuit Swordmasters Seven-Colored Showdown!
Start part 1, part 2
First casino part 1, part 2, part 3
  • Battle in New York 2019
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
  • Saber Wars II
Texas Beyond part 1, part 2
Goddess scriptures
Notes 1
Notes 2
Notes 3
Notes 4
Notes 5
Notes 6
Notes 7
Notes 8
Notes 9
Notes 10
Notes 11
Notes 12
Notes 13
Notes 14
Summary of prologue, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3.
  • Christmas 2019 - Nightingale's Christmas Carol
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
  • Help! Amazoness.com - CEO Crisis 2020
Delivery 10
Delivery 20
Delivery 30
Delivery 40
  • Valentine 2020 - Murasaki Shikibu and the 5-Person Party-Gyaru Legion
Cutscene translation compilation here.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
  • Fate/Requiem: Board Game Apocalypse
Game 1
Game 2 part 1, part 2
Game 3
Game 4 part 1, part 2
  • Summer 2020 - Servant Summer Camp! ~ Chaldea Thriller Night
Prolongue, section 1-2
Section 3
Section 4-5
Section 6-7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Final section
Summer Camp II
File 1
File 2
File 3
File 4
File 5
File 6
File 7
File 9
Go! Ghost Busters!
Medical Tent
Kaoruko's Adventure
Just One's Summer
Summer with Ghost Girl
  • GUDAGUDA Yamatai-koku 2020
Brief summary here.
  • Imaginary Scramble
Prologue part 1, part 2
Chapter 1 part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
Chapter 2 part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
Side talk 1
Chapter 3 part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6-8
Side talk 2
Chapter 4 part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4-5, part 6, part 7, part 8
Side talk 3
Chapter 5 part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4-8
If there are any translations I missed, please let me know.

submitted by Fou-kun to grandorder [link] [comments]

2012 MLS All-Stars: Where are they now?

This has been really trendy in a bunch of other subs so I figured I'd take a stab. With All-Stars coming up, I figured I'd look back at an even five years, at the 2012 MLS All-Star Game and see: where those players are now?
I'll only do this for the MLS All-Star team, for the record.

The Starting XI

Goalkeeper: Jimmy Nielsen, Sporting KC Casino Jimmy would only play one more season of professional football, ending his career on top with Sporting's MLS Cup triumph. Following retirement, he became the manager of Oklahoma City Energy, where he remains to this day with a record to date of 36W-34L-28D.
Right Back: Steven Beitashour, San Jose Earthquakes Beitashour spent one more season in San Jose before being traded to Vancouver for Garber Bucks, a mistake that looked bad then and still does look bad. After two years in Vancouver and a World Cup callup to the Iran national team, he was traded again to Toronto, where he remains. He's currently injured after a damaged pancreas. Hey Beita, it could be worse, at least yours still works unlike mine...
Center Back: Jay DeMerit, Vancouver Whitecaps The quintessential scrappy underdog who went from non-league Southall to the bright lights of the Premier League with Watford, DeMerit spent another ~year and a half with Vancouver before retiring in July 2014 due to injuries.
Center Back: Aurélien Collin, Sporting KC Collin spent two more years with Sporting (including a MOTM performance in MLS Cup 2013 when he scored the equalizer and decisive penalty) before being traded to Orlando for Jalil Anibaba and some Garber Bucks. After some shaky performances for the Lions (including being their Toni Ståhl by getting sent off in their first game), Collin was traded to NYRB in 2016 and has settled in nicely there.
Left Back: Justin Morrow, San Jose Earthquakes Much like Beitashour, Morrow also found himself given away by Frank Yallop and John Doyle. He went to for Garber Bucks and remains there to this day. He earned a Gold Cup call-up to the US this year, and remains one of the better fullbacks/wingbacks in MLS.
Defensive Mid: Ozzie Alonso, Seattle Sounders Honey Badger don't move. Seriously, his ass is still firmly parked in the center of Seattle's pitch.
Left Mid: Landon Donovan, LA Galaxy Played another two years in MLS, earning a storybook ending to his career with an MLS Cup triumph in 2014 after announcing his retirement earlier that year. Only that wasn't actually the ending because he came out of retirement in 2016. Then he retired again.
Center Mid: David Beckham, LA Galaxy Moved to PSG at the end of the season, then retired in May 2013 after finishing out the French season. Currently attempting to build a stadium and help put an MLS team in Miami. Keyword being attempting.
Attacking Mid: Dwayne De Rosario, DC United The Canadian legend spent another season in DC before heading home to Toronto through the Re-Entry Draft. He spent one year there before retiring as MLS's greatest ever Canadian.
Forward: Chris Wondolowski, San Jose Earthquakes Death, taxes, and Wondo poaching goals for the Quakes. Still there and still good, Belgium be damned.
Forward: Thierry Henry, New York Red Bulls Played another two seasons with the Red Bulls before retiring. He is currently an assistant coach with the Belgian national team.

The Bench

Goalkeeper: Dan Kennedy, Chivas USA Following the liquidation of Chivas RIP in 2014, Kennedy joined Dallas, where he wound up losing the starting job to Jesse González, earning him a trade back to LA with Galaxy. He barely played and retired after the season, taking up a job broadcasting Galaxy games.
Defender: Carlos Valdés, Philadelphia Union After the season, Valdés believed he needed to leave MLS to increase his chances of being called up to the Colombia national team. He was successful, earning a World Cup callup after loan spells at Santa Fe and San Lorenzo. Returning to Philly after the World Cup, he finished out the 2014 season with the Zolos before once again being loaned out at his request, this time to Nacional in Uruguay. Eventually the Union got sick of this headache and terminated his contract, rejoining Santa Fe. He missed 2016 with injury and now plays for Atlético Socopó in Venezuela.
Defender: Ramiro Corrales, San Jose Earthquakes Retired at the end of the 2013 season and is apparently now coaching the Santa Cruz Breakers U18 Academy.
Midfielder: Chris Pontius, DC United Pontius spent much of the remainder of his time in DC (ending in 2015) in a hospital bed, a victim of constant injuries. Traded to Philadelphia in December 2015, he rejuvenated his career with the Union, earning MLS Comeback Player of the Year after his 12 goal output in 2016. He's struggled to start this year, however.
Midfielder: Kyle Beckerman, Real Salt Lake Still there, still has the hair that looks like a bird's nest...
Midfielder: Graham Zusi, Sporting KC Again, still there, although he's been shifted to right back.
Midfielder: Michael Farfan, Philadelphia Union Farfan was a last second add as Chelsea, the All-Stars' opponent that year, requested the number of substitutes be increased, and the game was in Philly so it was convenient. Sold to Cruz Azul after the 2013 season, he returned to MLS in 2015 with DC, then briefly existed in Seattle's system in 2016 before retiring at the age of 29.
Forward: Eddie Johnson, Seattle Sounders Johnson left Seattle after the cap-strapped Sounders couldn't offer him a better contract, and was traded to DC for some Garber Bucks. Retired with the Black and Red in 2015 after developing heart problems.

The Injured Guy

Defender: Heath Pearce, New York Red Bulls (Injured - Replaced by Justin Morrow) Pearce missed the tail end of the 2013 season with a hip injury that needed surgery. Montreal picked him up in the 2014 offseason, and was later taken by Orlando in the expansion draft. But Pearce elected to go to Sweden, signing a five month contract with IFK Göteborg before retiring. He is now the main presenter on the KICK YouTube channel.

The Inactives

Yep. Back in the day there was an "Inactive" squad for the MLS All-Star Game. They were voted on by MLS players but did not play. This was the last year of them existing.
Goalkeeper: Nick Rimando, Real Salt Lake The Wall of the Wasatch is still there.
Goalkeeper: Jon Busch, San Jose Earthquakes Spent two more seasons with the Quakes before joining Chicago as a backup to Sean Johnson. He then dropped down a tier to play for Indy Eleven, where he still plays today at the age of 40.
Defender: Jámison Olave, **Real Salt Lake Traded after the season (along with Fabián Espíndola) to for Garber Bucks, Olave eventually returned to Salt Lake City in 2015, but was not the same Olave that was once a top center back in MLS. Last I heard he joined Mike Petke's coaching staff at Real Monarchs, though I'm unsure if Petke took him up to the big club with him.
Defender: Geoff Cameron, Houston Dynamo After the season, Cameron was sold to Stoke City, where he remains a rock in the Potters' back line.
Midfielder: Brad Davis, Houston Dynamo After a decade at Dynamo (plus one year with San Jose pre-relocation), Davis joined Sporting KC as a free agent in 2016. Following his lone season there, he signed a one day contract back at Houston and retired.
Midfielder: Marco Pappa, Chicago Fire Pappa moved to Heerenveen in the Netherlands just a month after All-Stars, where he'd spend two years. The Dutch side would cut him in 2014 to make room for Szabolcs Varga (he of zero appearances for the side), then joined Seattle through the allocation order. Two seasons, a stabbing, and a Supporters' Shield-winning brace later, Pappa was traded to Colorado for some Garber Bucks. He has since returned home to Guatemala with Municipal.
Midfielder: Brek Shea, Dallas After the season, Shea joined Stoke City. Then he got injured multiple times, loaned twice, and eventually came back to MLS with Orlando. Before the start of this season, Shea was traded to Vancouver for Giles Barnes.
Midfielder: Roger Espinoza, Sporting KC After the season, Espinoza joined Wigan on a free. Though he did win an FA Cup with the club, that didn't last long; he parted ways with the club during the 2014-15 season and rejoined SKC in 2015, where he remains a solid holding midfielder.
Midfielder: Marvin Chávez, San Jose Earthquakes Chávez spent just one more year in San Jose before being traded to Colorado for Atiba Harris. He played a whopping 39 minutes before being traded again to Chivas RIP for Luke Moore, and was left clubless after the liquidation of Chivas. After the season, he joined San Antonio Scorpions, where he spent a season before the team folded. Then in 2016 he joined Rayo OKC, where he spent a season before the team folded. He's like the Grim Reaper out here comin to kill clubs.
Forward: Kenny Cooper, New York Red Bulls After leaving the Red Bulls following the season, Cooper was never the same player, perhaps haunted by his missed penalty re-take in the 2012 playoffs. He was traded to Dallas for Garber Bucks in 2013, then to (where he would be the 2014 US Open Cup Player of the Tournament) for Garber Bucks and Adam Moffat after that season. Then in 2015 he was claimed off waivers by Montréal, but was hurt the whole time. He hasn't retired officially, but remains clubless.
Forward: Fabián Espíndola, Real Salt Lake Traded to the Red Bulls with Olave, Espíndola spent a year there before moving to hated rivals DC via the Re-Entry Draft. He spent two and a half seasons in the nation's capital before being traded to Vancouver for Garber Bucks, who then sold him to Liga MX side Necaxa, where he remains. He's also getting sued by an ex-DC teammate, so that happened.
Forward: Kei Kamara, Sporting KC Kamara was loaned to Norwich after the 2012 season, came back after the loan expired, and was then sold to Middlesbrough in September. He lasted less than a year before his contract was cancelled by mutual consent. He then went back to his first MLS team, Columbus, and had a 22 goal welcome-back campaign in 2015. Then, in 2016, he became a locker room cancer after calling out his teammate following a fight over who would take a spot kick and was traded to New England, where he hasn't really fit in.
Forward: Fredy Montero, Seattle Sounders Loaned back to his native Colombia for the start of the 2013 season, Montero eventually joined Sporting CP, first on loan (start of the 2013-14 season) and then by purchase (in January 2014 after scoring 13 in 16 Primeira Liga matches). He spent two years in Lisbon before moving to China with Tianjin TEDA, who has since loaned him out to Vancouver as the Chinese side needed to make room for new arrivals Nemanja Gudelj and John Obi Mikel.
submitted by LocksTheFox to MLS [link] [comments]


Con ese título,Andrés Herrero publicó un ensayo en su blog “Equisocialismo"del cual omitimos la parte histórica, la que puede consultarse en*
** http://andresherrero.com/la-independencia-proyecto-de-izquierdas-de-derechas-o-de-centro/”**
Publicaremos este trabajo- no apto para fanáticos- en tres notas sucesivas
Los nacionalismos vasco y catalán surgieron en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, alentados por la burguesía local más rancia, reaccionaria y conservadora.
Explica Ramón y Cajal que «el movimiento desintegrador en Cataluña nació en 1900, y tuvo por causa principal, aunque no exclusiva, la pérdida irreparable del espléndido mercado colonial».
Abrir el comercio con las colonias de América, reservado en principio a la Corona de Castilla, a todos los territorios peninsulares, dio alas a la industria catalana.
Pero a España le salió muy caro, económica y militarmente, embarcarse en aventuras bélicas y medidas proteccionistas ruinosas para defender el textil catalán.
Y la pérdida de Cuba, Puerto Rico y Filipinas, sus últimas posesiones, hizo que el mercado español se quedara pequeño para los empresarios catalanes, perdiera interés para ellos, y aspiraran a volar por su cuenta.
Mientras, en el País Vasco, la proximidad de las minas de hierro y carbón, permitió al capital repatriado de ultramar fundar allí una poderosa industria metalúrgica.
Maquetos denominaron despectivamente sus habitantes a los obreros que acudían a trabajar a sus acerías, altos hornos y fundiciones.
La sociedad vasca rural sintió a esos advenedizos (y a las fábricas que los empleaban) como una amenaza a la forma de vida tradicional de los caseríos. Sabino Arana ,inventor de la ikurriña, hombre clerical, retrógrado donde los hubiera y xenófobo a ultranza, se aprestó a combatir esa plaga, afirmando que «un gran número de maketos dan testimonio inexcusable de la teoría de Darwin, pues más que hombres semejan simios poco menos bestias que el gorila: no busquéis en sus rostros expresion de inteligencia humana ni de virtud alguna; su mirada solo revela idiotismo y brutalidad…
El bizcaino es inteligente y hábil para toda clase de trabajos, mientras que el español es corto de inteligencia y carece de maña hasta para los trabajos más sencillos.
Un bizcaino hace en igual tiempo tanto como tres maquetos juntos.
El bizcaino es laborioso, el español, perezoso, vago, flojo y torpe.
El bizcaino es emprendedor y degenera si se roza con el extraño; el español en cambio, a nada se atreve, ni vale para nada.
El bizcaino que vive en las montañas, que es el verdadero bizcaino, es religioso; el español, impío (aquí en Sestao, todos los españoles, que no son pocos, son librepensadores)».
Discurso al que se abonan todos los nacionalismos y que, con ligeras variaciones, se repite hasta nuestros días.
Religión y raza caracterizan al nacionalismo vasco, tanto como cálculo e interés al catalán.
Los famosos RH y ADN únicos de los vascos de los que tanto se vanagloriaba el ex-lehendakari Arzallus, hunden sus raíces en lo más profundo de la prehistoria, y encuentran su réplica exacta en «el catalán más antiguo conocido que es un niño neandertal de 215.000 años de antigüedad” .
Que en cuestión de mitos los catalanes no iban a ser menos que los vascos, ni iba a ir por la edad de piedra un neandertal catalán sin señera, aunque todavía no se hubiera inventado la tela.
Relata Cambó en sus memorias, que el 15 de noviembre de 1918, en un contexto de fuertes movilizaciones obreras, Alfonso XIII le convocó como líder de la conservadora y catalanista Lliga Regionalista (predecesora de CIU) y le comentó: «Temo que haya un estallido revolucionario en Catalunya y que los obreros se unan a los soldados. Hay que dar la autonomía a Cataluña inmediatamente. Es preciso que usted vaya a Barcelona a hacer un movimiento que distraiga a las masas de cualquier propósito revolucionario».
Dicho y hecho. Días después eran designados dirigentes de todos los partidos políticos para formar la comisión redactora del primer estatuto de autonomía catalán. Pablo Iglesias (el original, no la copia) advirtió a los políticos catalanes que si entraban en esa comisión, desligaban a Cataluña de la causa de la República, entendida ésta como proyecto social de izquierdas, y Lluis Companys y otros líderes catalanes se negaron a formar parte de la misma, entendiendo que, efectivamente, se trataba de cambiar autonomía por monarquía y de postergar las luchas populares por una sociedad más justa y democrática. ix
Las dos dictaduras militares que España padeció a lo largo del siglo XX: la de Primo de Rivera de 1923 a 1929, prolongación del pistolerismo de la patronal catalana 5), y la de Franco de 1939 a 1975), instigadas por sectores de las derechas catalana y vasca para frenar a un movimiento obrero cada vez más fuerte y cohesionado, sirvieron para potenciar sus industrias respectivas al instaurar un régimen autárquico que no permitía huelgas ni competencia con el exterior, pero la implacable represión desencadenada contribuyó a generar un profundo sentimiento de desafección popular.
La revancha de los nacionalismos periféricos llegaría con la democracia, haciendo creer a los más jóvenes, entre otras cosas, que la Guerra Civil española había sido de nuevo una guerra de España contra Cataluña, en la que sus clases dirigentes ni participaron ni se lucraron.
La instauración del régimen autonómico obró el prodigio de transformar de repente a las regiones españolas en naciones, y que, por simple mimetismo, oportunismo y espíritu de imitación, los independentismos proliferasen como setas, aunque los ya consolidados, mantuvieran su hegemonía.
La diversidad pasó de ser la mayor riqueza del país, a convertirse en su talón de Aquiles de alto voltaje emocional, y presa de un entusiasmo desbordante y un estado de exaltación propio de la champions, la sociedad nacionalista catalana se echó a las carreteras como quien va al paraíso, para reivindicar la independencia.
Una vez más se demostraba que el dinero mueve más montañas que la fe, y que lo que la televisión une, no lo separa nadie.
También ese día, infinidad de españoles, ignorantes de que el proyecto independentista catalán llevaba 35 años cociéndose e incubándose sigilosamente en la sombra, con un perfil discreto, lo suficientemente bajo como para no llamar la atención ni asustar a nadie, despertaron bruscamente a la realidad.
La estrategia nacionalista de ir conquistando gradualmente parcelas de poder, de forma lenta y soterrada, pero inexorable, demostraba su acierto frente a la estrategia violenta del independentismo vasco, que solo había conseguido provocar el rechazo general y atraer sobre sí todos los focos.
Quien siembra, cosecha, y la ingente y callada labor de D. Jordi Pujol, fundador de Convergencia Democrática de Cataluña y Presidente de la Generalitat de 1980 a 2003, comenzaba a dar sus frutos.
Como autor y padre de la criatura, el mérito de la secesión le corresponde a él y justo es reconocérselo. xi
Aunque el gran timonel debería haber ido a la cárcel en 1982 por el caso Banca Catalana, entidad de la que había sido cofundador, vicepresidente y consejero ejecutivo, cuando la fiscalía presentó una querella criminal solicitando 12 años de prisión para él por causar un agujero patrimonial de 20.000 millones de pesetas, llevar una doble contabilidad en negro, incurrir en apropiación indebida, maquinación para alterar el precio de las cosas, desvío de fondos, falsedad de documentación mercantil, etc.; finalmente salió absuelto por la Audiencia de Barcelona (como es norma en España hacer con los políticos imputados), con el voto en contra de 8 magistrados, pese a reconocerse la veracidad de los hechos imputados.
Y si los depositantes lograron recuperar su dinero, no fue gracias a la actuación «imprudente y desastrosa de sus directivos», como la calificó el auto de sobreseimiento, sino al estado español que se hizo cargo de la factura del desaguisado.
De casta le venía al galgo. Su padre Florenci Pujol, había hecho fortuna con el franquismo, que le condenó por evasión de capitales a Suiza en 1959, el mismo año en que adquirió la Banca Dorca para reconvertirla en Banca Catalana, junto con su hijo Jordi y otros socios, con la idea de hacer de ella el banco catalán por excelencia, cosa que, la nefasta gestión de éste, malogró. Cuentas de Suiza y Andorra, no empañan la inmaculada hoja de servicios de nuestro insigne prócer, aunque los escándalos se sucedieran sin descanso y fueran la tónica habitual de su régimen y del partido construido a su imagen y semejanza:
• Caso Casinos (1992, desvío de fondos por valor de 18 millones de euros),
• Planasdemunt (1994, el que fuera consejero de Economía y Finanzas de la Generalitat y también director del Instituto Catalán de Finanzas, condenado a 7 años de prisión por un fraude de 35 millones de euros con pagarés falsos),
• Prenafeta (Secretario de Presidencia y mano derecha de Pujol, imputado en 1990 y de nuevo en 1996 por usar su cargo para desviar dinero a empresas suyas),
• Caso Cullell (1994, dimisión por corrupción),
• Caso Roma (1995, dimisión por corrupción),
• Macíá Alavedra (1997, segundo de a bordo del gobierno de Pujol durante 7 años, evasión y blanqueo de 7 millones de euros a paraísos fiscales),
• Pallerols (1997, 9 millones), • Ferrocarriles (2008, malversación de 2,7 millones de euros y 4 años de cárcel para dos directivos),
• Millet/ Palau (2009, desfalco de 35 millones de euros),
• Pretoria (2009, fraude por corrupción urbanística de 44 millones de euros, de nuevo con Prenafeta y Maciá Alavedra como artistas invitados),
• Parc Central (2012, pero que se remonta a los años 90, pelotazo inmobiliario de 5 millones de euros, con 15 años de instrucción y 26 jueces diferentes, record mundial hasa la fecha),
• Instituto Catalán de Salud (pagos irregulares, favores políticos, sobrecostes y adjudicaciones sin concurso),
• Hospital Santa Pau, etcétera, etcetera.
Apenas la punta del iceberg del famoso 3% de peaje a pagar para obtener adjudicaciones públicas en la Administración Catalana: práctica mafiosa denunciada por el Presidente Maragall en el Parlamento, sobre la que inmediatamente se corrió un pudoroso y tupido velo de silencio.
Y la estirpe no decae, la saga continúa y los hijos han salido tan avispados como el padre y el abuelo para los negocios; el primogénito, Jordi junior, llegó a tener hasta 20 coches antiguos de época, como Lamborghinis, Ferraris y otros, escondidos en una nave del polígono industrial Vilapou, además de cuentas en Suiza, resorts y hoteles de lujo en Sudámerica; su ex Mercé Gironés, efectuó inversiones de más de 23 millones de euros en diversas sociedades; Pere Pujol hizo fortuna con las licencias de parques eólicos; Oriol Pujol lo intentó con las de ITV; y Oleguer, el benjamín, compró en 2008 los inmuebles del Grupo Prisa en Madrid y Barcelona por 300 millones de euros a través de Drago Capital, y por 2.084 millones de euros 1.152 oficinas del banco de Santander con dinero procedente de paraísos fiscales.
Como se puede apreciar hay de sobra para que ninguno sus descendientes se pelee, ni pase dificultades o estrecheces o tenga que trabajar jamás en su vida.
Y todo dentro de la ley, como debe ser.
A ver qué familia mejora eso.
Ni los Corleone. El gran amor de los Pujol a Cataluña no tiene precio… ¿o sí?
submitted by RaulMarti to podemos [link] [comments]

Ayuda con mi "Bucket List de Argentina"!

Hola redditors, tengo pensado recorrer el país hermoso, entero de punta a punta, esta es mi "Bucket List" que armé en un par de horas, separé cada provincia por región para que sea más fácil de leer; si me pueden ayudar con cualquier dato, opinión, que puedo agregar o sacar, cuál es la mejor provincia para hacer tal o cual cosa, desde ya gracias!,
*Visitar la Quebrada del Humahuaca *Visitar la Quebrada de Purmamarca al pie del Cerro de los Siete Colores *Celebrar el Carnaval Jujenho *Ver la fiesta del Toreo de la Vincha en Casabindo *Comer un plato de humita *Visitar el Cabildo en San Salvador de Jujuy *Comer empanadas Jujenhas *Visitar el pueblo de Iruya *Recorrer el Camino del Inca *Visitar la Yunga Jujenha *Avistar las parinas y flamencos en La Laguna de Guayatayoc *Pasar la noche en La Puna *Ver las salinas grandes
*Visitar el Cafayate *Visitar la Quebrada de las Conchas en los Valles Calchaquíes *Quebrada de Las Flechas *Admirar la arquitectura colonial en Ciudad de Salta *Visitar la Catedral Basílica de Salta *Comer empanadas Saltenas *Probar la gastronomia y el vino regional *Tomar el teleférico hacia Cerro San Bernardo *Montar el Tren de las Nubes *Avistar animales en el Parque Nacional El Rey *Ver un Yaguareté en el Parque nacional Baritú *Visitar el El parque nacional Los Cardones *participar de La tradicional Fiesta de la Pachamama de los Pueblos Andinos *Visitar los pueblos del Norte Andino *Visitar el Valle de Lerma *Pasar una noche en Cachi *Visitar el Museo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña
*Recorrer el circuito historico en San Miguel de Tucuman *Visitar la Casa de Tucuman *Ver las Ruinas de Quilmes *R ecorrer la Reserva Arqueológica de Los Menhires en El Mollar *Visitar las Ruinas La Ciudacita *Visitar la Yunga Tucumana *Recorrer el Parque Nacional Campo de Los Alisos *Probar la gastronomia local
*Visitar la ciudad de Belén en Catamarca *Banharse en las Termas de Fiambala *Visitar el volcán Galán en Antofagasta de la Sierra *Ver las vicunhas en la Laguna Blanca *Hacer aladelta en la Cuesta del Portezuelo *Ver las pinturas rupestres en el yacimiento arqueologico de La tunita *admirar los laberintos blancos y dunas de Campo Piedra Pómez *Atender la Fiesta patronal de la Virgen del Valle *participar de la CORPACHADA “Ritual a la Madre Tierra” *Tomar Catamarqueno en LA RUTA DEL ADOBE *visitar El sitio arqueológico del Shinkal de Quimivil
Santiago del Estero
*Visitar la ciudad de Santiago del Estero, la más antigua del país *disfrutar del spa natural de las termas de Rio Hondo *ver los tatú carreta en El parque Nacional Copo
*Viajar a Formosa Capital *Visitar el Museo Historico Provincial formosa *Comer comida local de Formosa *Excursion por el Bañado La Estrella *Visitar el Parque Nacional Río Pilcomayo
*visitar Resistencia en Chaco *adentrarse al Bosque impenetrable chaquenho *probar la gastronomia regional chaquena *Visitar el Parque nacional del Chaco *Ver las estrellas en el Campo del Cielo
*Visitar las Cataratas del Iguazú en Misiones *Ver la Garganta del Diablo *Montar en el Tren de la Selva *Visitar la Isla San Martín *Recorrer el Parque Nacional Iguazu bajo la luna llena *Visitar Las Ruinas de la Misión Jesuítica de San Ignacio Miní *Visitar la casa de Horacio Quiroga *Visitar la ciudad de Posadas *Atravesar el Puente Internacional Tancredo Neves *Explorar las Minas de Wanda *Caminar por las tierras rojas en Eldorado *Descubrir los ascentamientos Suecos en Oberá
*Navegar por los Esteros del Iberá *Ver un yacaré en el Parque Nacional Mburucuyá *visitar las playas de Paso de la Patria *caminar por la costanera de Corrientes Capital
Entre Ríos
*Pescar un dorado en el río Uruguay *Ir a la fiesta del Carnaval del País en Gualeguaychu *visitar las termas de Gualeguaychu *Esquí acuático sobre el río Uruguay *Visitar el Castillo San Carlos en Concordia *Visitar el hospital donde nací en Concordia *Visitar el Parque Nacional El Palmar en Colón *visitar las Termas de Concepción del Uruguay *visitar Isla Cambacuá *visitar el Balneario Drewans en la ciudad de Chajarí *motonáutica en el río Uruguay *Visitar el Palacio San Jose *Visitar la ciudad de Villaguay *nadar en Playas del Lago Salto Grande en Federación *Navegar por las calles de Villa Paranacito *Internarse en el delta del río Uruguay *Visitar La Catedral de la ciudad de Paraná *Caminar por la costanera de Paraná *Visitar Anfiteatro Héctor Santángelo *Kayak sobre el río Paraná *Visitar las aldeas alemanas
Santa Fe
*Visitar el Monumento a la Bandera en Rosario *visitar la plaza del Che *Comer alfajores Santafesinos *Tomar mate en el Parque Independencia *Visitar el Parque España *Visitar el Convento San Carlos *visitar las playas de El Banquito *Visitar la ciudad de Santa Fe
La Rioja
*Recorrer el Parque Nacionale Talampaya en La Rioja *Explorar el Valle de Famatina *Ver las murallas de fuego de La Cuesta de Miranda en Chilecito *Admirar el arte rupestre de Los Pizarrones *Tomar el Cablecarril la Mexicana *Visitar el cráter Corona del Inca *Visitar los pueblos silenciosos de La Costa Riojana *Ver las vicunhas y los flamencos en la Laguna Brava *Visitar las LAS ESTRELLAS DIAGUITAS en Vinchina *Asistir a la procesion del Tinkunako *Recorrer la precordillera *Visitar el Museo de la Ciudad de la Rioja *Recorrer el Corredor de los Llanos *Ver los condores en el Parque Nacional Quebrada del Condorito *Tomar vino y comer comida regional Riojana
San Juan
*Visitar el Parque Provincial Ischigualasto (Valle de la Luna) en San Juan *Ver las estrellas en el Parque Nacional El Leoncito
*Visitar la ciudad de Mendoza *Explorar el Parque Nacional del Aconcagua *Equiar en el centro de esqui Las lenhas *Visitar el Puente del Inca *Explorar las bodegas Mendocinas *Relajarse en las Termas y Spa de Cacheuta en la Cordillera de los Andes *Visitar la ciudad de Las Heras *Visitar La Pampa negra y los volcanes de la Payunia mendocina
San Luis
*Visitar el microclima de Villa Merlo en San Luis *Visitar el Parque Nacional Sierra de Las Quijadas *Caminar el Corredor Bio en las Sierras de los Comechingones
*Recorrer la Manzana Jesuítica en la ciudad de Córdoba Capital *Recorrer las calles de la Canhada *Tomar Fernet con coca en Nueva Córdoba *Ir a un baile de La Mona Jimenez *Festejar Oktoberfest en Villa General Belgrano *Visitar Mina Clavero *Ir al Festival Nacional del Folklore en Cosquín *Subir el Cerro Uritorco en Capilla del Monte *Visitar la casa del Che Guevara en Altagracia *Disfrutar de la gastronomía de Colonia Caroya *Visitar El Durazno en el Valle de Calamuchita *Ir al Festival de la doma en Jesús María *Acampar en La Cumbrecita *Disfrutar de la noche en Carlos Paz *Visitar Mayu Sumaj en el Valle de Punilla *Recorrer Tanti *Explorar el Valle de Calamuchita *Visitar la Reserva de pictografías del Cerro Colorado *Visitar la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario en la ciudad de Ischilín *visitar la La Capilla de Sinsacate *Visitar el Hotel Eden en La Falda *Ver los flamencos en la Laguna de Mar Chiquita *Explorar Nono en la región de Traslasierras *Observar el valle de Traslasierra desde el cerro Champaquí
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires
*Visitar la Casa Rosada *Ver el Obelisco en Av. 9 de Julio *Visitar la Plaza del Congreso *Visitar la librería El Ateneo en la calle Florida *Ir de compras en la Galería Pacífico *Visitar la Catedral Metropolitana *Explorar el cementerio de Recoleta *Visitar el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes *Tomar mate y leer un libro en Plaza Francia *Visitar el Cabildo en el microcentro *Ver la escultura Floralis Generica en Palermo *Ver el Ballet en el Teatro Colón *Paseo por Puerto Madero *Comer en un restaurante de lujo en Puerto Madero *Explorar la Reserva Ecológica *Visitar el Buque Museo Fragata Sarmiento *Visitar Colección de arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat *Comer un choripán en La Costanera Sur *Ir a una noche de Milonga en San Telmo *Ir de compras en el Mercado de San Telmo *Tomar mate en la Plaza Dorrego *Caminar por las calles de Caminito *Comer un asado en una parrilla tradicional en La Boca *Ver el superclásico River-Boca en la Bombonera *Visitar el Museo de Bellas Artes Benito Quinquela Martín *Tomar un café con medialunas en el Bar la Perla *Comer en la Pizzería Banchero *Visitar el Museo Histórico Nacional *Picnic en los Bosques de Palermo *Visitar el Jardín Japonés *Visitar la Biblioteca Nacional *Recorrer el Rosedal de Palermo *Visitar el Planetario Galileo Galilei *Visitar el Zoológico de Buenos Aires *Visitar el MALBA *Visitar el Barrio Chino en Belgrano *Tomar un catamarán por la región de Tigre *Visitar la quinta de Olivos *Visitar la Feria de Mataderos *Visitar el cementerio de Chacarita *Visitar el Abasto *Visitar el museo Carlos Gardel *Visitar el barrio de Boedo
Buenos Aires
*Visitar la ciudad de La Plata *Caminar por el Parque Ecológico Municipal de La Plata *Visitar el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Plata *Ver al Indio Solari en Tandil *Visitar Villa Gesell en la Costa Atlántica Argentina *Visitar Mar de Ajó y San Bernardo *Caminar en las playas doradas de Mar de las Pampas *Deportes Náuticos en Cariló *Visitar el casino de Pinamar *Visitar la ciudad de Mar del Plata *Visitar Bahia Blanca
La Pampa
*Visitar la ciudad de Santa Rosa en La Pampa *Visitar la Reserva Natural Parque Luro *Hospedarse en una Estancia Pampeana *Tomar vino en una Pulpería tradicional *Comer Asado Pampeano regional *Visitar el Parque Nacional Lihué Calel
*Visitar la ciudad de San Martin de los Andes en Neuquén *Explorar el Parque Nacional Lanín *Cazar un ciervo colorado o jabalí *Recorrer el puerto en Villa La Angostura *Caminar por la costa del Atlántico en Playas Doradas *Visitar el Parque Cretácico *Visitar el Salto del Agrio *Trekking en el Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi *Visitar el Parque nacional Laguna Blanca
Río Negro
*Recorrer la ciudad de Viedma en Rio Negro *Ver Primer Faro de la Patagonia Argentina en el balneario de Villa El Cóndor *Ver los lobos marinos en Reserva Faunística Punta Bermeja (La Lobería) *Visitar San Carlos de Bariloche *Visitar Villa Catedral *Esquiar en el centro de esqui del Cerro Catedral *Visitar la Catedral de San Carlos de Bariloche *Visitar el hotel Llao Llao *Visitar El Bolsón en la Comarca Andina *Visitar la Cascada Escondida *Comer chivito Patagónico *Banharse en el Río Azul *Explorar las chacras regionales en El Hoyo
*Avistaje de Orcas en la reserva Natural Península de Valdés *Ver el amanecer en Puerto Pirámides *Avistaje de la ballena franca austral en Puerto Madryn *Visitar las playas de Comodoro Rivadavia *Ver los pingüinos magallánicos en Punta Tombo *Visitar la cárcel de Trelew *Visitar el Puerto de Rawson *Avistaje de Toninas Overas en Playa Unión *Visitar el Bosque Petrificado *Visitar Museo Paleontologico de Astra *Ver el Argentinosaurus Huinculensis en el Museo Carmen Funes *Caminar por la Bahía Bustamante *Visitar el Parque nacional Los Alerces
Santa Cruz
*Visitar el Puerto de Santa Cruz *Visitar las playas de Caleta Olivia *Visitar Fitz Roy *Visitar el Glaciar Perito Moreno en El Calafate *Explorar la Cueva de las Manos en Perito Moreno *Banharse en el lago Carrera *Visitar Rio Gallegos *Trekking por la laguna Torre, glaciar Torre y cerro Torre en El Chaltén
Tierra del Fuego
*Visitar el Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego *Visitar el Museo del Fin del Mundo en Ushuaia *Admirar el Monte Olivia *Disfrutar de la gastronomía local *Esquiar en el Cerro Castor *Explorar la ciudad de Rio Grande *Ver el Faro del fin del Mundo, en el canal del Beagle *Ver los cóndores en El Cerro Shenolsh *Tomar la aerosilla al Glaciar Martial *Tomar el Tren del Fin del Mundo *Visitar la Laguna Esmeralda
*Visitar las Islas Malvinas *Visitar las Islas Sandwich del Sur y Georgias del Sur *Ir en una expedición por la Antartida Argentina *Visitar la Base Marambio
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What's happening around town (Wed, Dec 13th - Tue, Dec 19th)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Dec 13th

Thursday, Dec 14th

  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even Rembrandt. Yet sketches from the Museum’s Dickinson…
  • 🎓 Central Close Up (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Nigh University Center Constitution Hall: This day is specifically designed for high school senior students & their parents. On the day of the event, guests will take a…
  • 🎨 Ceramics Sale (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am Our working ceramics studio boasts six working instructors, several studio volunteers and countless students. The ceramics program offers classes for students of all skill levels and runs…
  • 🍴 Yukon Chamber of Commerce Membership Luncheon (Events at - Yukon) Start Time: 11:30am
  • Cindy Wilson (Opolis - Norman) http://www.killrockstars.com/artists/cindy-wilson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cindy_Wilson 7pm doors 9pm show $20 $35 VIP meet and greet
  • Deer Creek Prairie Vale Honor Choir (Othello's - Edmond) Start Time: 10:30am Tis the season for the festive carols. Director: Tricia Cochlin http://edmondok.com/calendar.aspx?EID=7186
  • Haunted Like Human / Lhotse / Paxton Pennington (Red Brick Bar - Norman) Start Time: 9:00pm The OKC stop on Haunted Like Human's first major regional tour in support of their debut album, Ghost Stories. Free show! Lhotse started as the dormroom songwriting and recording project of…
  • 🎨 Holiday Lights Spectacular (Midwest City) 1 day left Start Time: 6:00pm This family tradition began in 1995 with just 44 displays and has grown to be the largest animated lights display in a five-state region with more than 100 animated light displays. The 1.5…
  • Ian Moore (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm “…To Be Loved,” a progressive pop-rock tour de force that showcases Moore’s expressive vocals, enduring six-string abilities and razor-sharp songwriting skills. Moore has taken his…
  • 🍴 Join Us (On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 11:00am Leave the holiday season cooking to On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina and bring the family to any of the participating locations to enjoy a sizzling hot menu item this festive season to…
  • 😂 JR Brow (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 16th
  • Marvel Universe LIVE! Age of Heroes (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 17th Marvel fans, assemble! Marvel Universe LIVE! is taking the live entertainment experience to a whole new level, with a mind-blowing show unlike anything you've seen before. Watch your favorite…
  • Medicare 101 (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 11:00am Learn the basics of Medicare coverage and your supplement options. The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government Guthrie Chamber of Commerce
  • 🎨 Me & Jezebel (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Carpenter Square Theatre continues its 34th Season with “Me & Jezebel,” a true-life comedy by Elizabeth L. Fuller playing November 20-December 16, 2017. The title comes from one of Bette…
  • 🎨 Queery: Monthly Films (IAO Gallery - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm "Queer" - odd, peculiar, uncanny, curious, bizarre, informal: homosexual, an umbrella term for gender and sexual minorities. "Query" - A formal question, often to express doubt or…
  • Red Earth Treefest (Red Earth Art Center - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 5:00pm Red Earth Art Center celebrates the Christmas season with a decidedly Native twist this year during Red Earth Treefest. Nineteen Native Tribes from throughout Oklahoma have created beautiful…
  • Saints - The Savoy Trio (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Santa's Wonderland returns (The Shop - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Santa’s Wonderland returns to Bass Pro Shops and Oklahoma City-area families are invited to enjoy this magical Christmas village offering free photos with Santa and free family holiday…
  • School of Music - Musical Theatre: Holiday Revue (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm 7:30 PM - Jazz Lab: Central Musical Theatre: Jazz Lab Holiday Revue 7:30pm, December 7-9 and 14-16 5pm, December 10 UCO Jazz Lab
  • School of Music: Musical Theatre's Holly Jolly Jammin' (UCO Jazz Lab - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm UCO School of Music's Musical Theatre presents "Holly Jolly Jammin'" at 7:30pm Dec. 7-9, 14-16 and at 5pm Dec. 10 at The University of Central Oklahoma Jazz Lab. Tickets are $22 and…
  • 🎭 Senior Dance Student Project Showcase (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm A showcase of senior dance students choreography capstone projects. Free for UCO students with current ID
  • 🎨 Showroom | Showcase: Ginna Dowling | Heiroglyphics 2017: The Spirt of our People (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 11:00am Oklahoma City native Ginna Dowling will install a visual storytelling. Hieroglyphics 2017: The Spirit of Our People is based on what Dowling calls “contemporary community hieroglyphs.”…
  • Sounds of the Season (Yukon Fine Arts Center - Yukon) Start Time: 7:30pm TICKETS ON SALE NOW! General admission tickets are $10 and are on sale starting November 17 at the Yukon Community Center, 2200 S Holly; Jackie Cooper Gym, 1024 E. Main; the Dale Robertson…
  • 🎨 Spring Class Enrollment (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am OKCMOA Spring Class Enrollment opens Thursday, December 14 at 9 am! Explore OKCMOA's diverse adult classes, family workshops, and Spring Break camps designed for beginning and intermediate…
  • The Venue OKC - Culture Shock Hip Hop (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm

Friday, Dec 15th

  • 3rd Friday Block pARTy (Downtown - Shawnee) During the 3rd Friday Block pARTy in Shawnee, local restaurants, art galleries and merchants are open late in the…
  • 🎨 2017 Holiday Gift Gallery - Extended Shopping Hours (Firehouse Arts Center - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Shoppers can kick-off the gift-giving season at the Firehouse Art Center’s Holiday Gift Gallery. Open from November 10 through December 23, 2017, this festive extension of the Firehouse’s…
  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even Rembrandt. Yet sketches from the Museum’s Dickinson…
  • 🎨 Ceramics Sale (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am Our working ceramics studio boasts six working instructors, several studio volunteers and countless students. The ceramics program offers classes for students of all skill levels and runs…
  • A Cornerstone Christmas (Cornerstone Church - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Celebrate the holiday season with A Cornerstone Christmas. This Midwest City holiday production features one hour's…
  • Cowboy Christmas Ball (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Sam Noble Special Events Center Presented by Express Employment Professionals, the 23rd annual yuletide dance features Michael Martin Murphey headlining an evening of entertainment for the…
  • Exile (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Get ready for an evening of southern fried Country when Exile takes over the Tower Theatre in OKC. Listen as the five…
  • Express Employment Professionals’ 23rd An. Cowboy Christmas Ball (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Presented by Express Employment Professionals, the 23rd annual yuletide dance features Michael Martin Murphey headlining an evening of entertainment for the entire family. An alcohol-free…
  • Express Employment Professionals’ 23rd annual Cowboy Christmas Ball featuring Michael Martin Murphey (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Presented by Express Employment Professionals, the 23rd annual yuletide dance features Michael Martin Murphey headlining an evening of entertainment for the entire family. An alcohol-free…
  • Fall 2017 Graduation: CEPS Undergrad Reception (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 11:00am Fall 2017 Graduates in the College of Education and Professional Studies (CEPS): You and your family are invited to attend CEPS' Graduation Reception on Friday, Dec. 15 from 11 a.m.-noon. The…
  • 🎨 Festive Fridays: Sensory Santa Evening (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm An event for families with children with special needs, join us inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory for an evening with Santa. This event provides a more controlled and welcoming…
  • 🎨 Holiday Lights Spectacular (Midwest City) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm This family tradition began in 1995 with just 44 displays and has grown to be the largest animated lights display in a five-state region with more than 100 animated light displays. The 1.5…
  • 🍴 Join Us (On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 11:00am Leave the holiday season cooking to On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina and bring the family to any of the participating locations to enjoy a sizzling hot menu item this festive season to…
  • 😂 JR Brow (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Marvel Universe LIVE! Age of Heroes (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 17th Marvel fans, assemble! Marvel Universe LIVE! is taking the live entertainment experience to a whole new level, with a mind-blowing show unlike anything you've seen before. Watch your favorite…
  • Michael Martin Murphey (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City)
  • 🏆 Oklahoma Football (Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium - Norman) Start Time: 3:30pm Oklahoma Football Tickets. Oklahoma Sooners Schedule. Sooners Tickets.
  • Pokey Lafarge (ACM @ UCO - Oklahoma City)
  • Red Earth Treefest (Red Earth Art Center - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 5:00pm Red Earth Art Center celebrates the Christmas season with a decidedly Native twist this year during Red Earth Treefest. Nineteen Native Tribes from throughout Oklahoma have created beautiful…
  • Santa's Wonderland returns (The Shop - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Santa’s Wonderland returns to Bass Pro Shops and Oklahoma City-area families are invited to enjoy this magical Christmas village offering free photos with Santa and free family holiday…
  • 🎨 Showroom | Showcase: Ginna Dowling | Heiroglyphics 2017: The Spirt of our People (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 11:00am Oklahoma City native Ginna Dowling will install a visual storytelling. Hieroglyphics 2017: The Spirit of Our People is based on what Dowling calls “contemporary community hieroglyphs.”…
  • 🎨 State of Oklahoma Art: ArtNow 2018 (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am ArtNow is Oklahoma Contemporary's annual exhibition of Oklahoma-based contemporary artists. The ~25 artists featured in the exhibit also attend the ArtNow event so that guests can learn about…
  • The Venue OKC - Culture Shock Hip Hop (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎓 VITA Training Opportiunities (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 9:00am The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $54,000 or less, persons with disabilities and limited English speaking taxpayers who need…
  • Yheti's "Far From the Tree" Tour w/ special guest DMVU (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Global Music Broadcasting INC. Presents Yheti’s “Far From the Tree” Tour w/ special guest DMVU Tickets > https://tinyurl.com/y7cce6cg Sunday, October 22, 2017 at 89th Street OKC All…

Saturday, Dec 16th

  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Blue vs. Agua Caliente Clippers (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Christmas Train (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Get in the holiday spirit with a festive ride on the Christmas Train. Board this train to make holiday memories to last…
  • A Cornerstone Christmas (Cornerstone Church - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Celebrate the holiday season with A Cornerstone Christmas. This Midwest City holiday production features one hour's…
  • Downtown Edmond Historic Tours (Downtown - Edmond) Join experts with the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to learn something new with a downtown tour of historic Edmond.…
  • Holiday Miracles Pop-Up Shop (Crowne Plaza Oklahoma City - Oklahoma City) Explore the various offerings at the Holiday Miracles Pop-Up Shop, and cross names off your winter gift list. This…
  • iHeartMedia and KJ103 Present Darci Lynne (The Criterion - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 2:00pm
  • 😂 JR Brow (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Kenny Wayne Shepherd (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Take the chance to experience the blues firsthand as musician Kenny Wayne Shepherd delivers soulful guitar licks in…
  • Marvel Universe LIVE! Age of Heroes (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Marvel fans, assemble! Marvel Universe LIVE! is taking the live entertainment experience to a whole new level, with a mind-blowing show unlike anything you've seen before. Watch your favorite…
  • 🏃 Naughty or Nice 5K (Stars & Stripes Park - Oklahoma City) The Naughty or Nice 5K is the last running event before Christmas in Oklahoma City, OK. Don't miss it!
  • OKC Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the OKC Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at the…
  • OU Sooners vs New Mexico Lobos (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Head to Norman to watch as the Oklahoma Sooners Women's Basketball take on the New Mexico Lobos. Since the…
  • 🏃 Red Coyote Merry Mitchmas 10K & 5K (Mitch Park - Edmond)
  • Saints - Raul Reyes Quarter (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:30pm
  • A Touch of Rust's Reindeer Market (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Come out to Chickasha for a fun and eclectic market featuring handcrafted, vintage, retro items along with…
  • $uicideboy$ (Farmer's Market - Oklahoma City)
  • The Venue OKC - Stay Lit: Official Suicide Boys After Party (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 11:50pm
  • Victorian Walk (Downtown Historical District - Guthrie) Guthrie has long been a destination for fans of Victorian architecture and with this lovely holiday walking tour, you…

Sunday, Dec 17th

  • Christmas Train (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Get in the holiday spirit with a festive ride on the Christmas Train. Board this train to make holiday memories to last…
  • Holiday River Parade (Regatta Park - Oklahoma City) Make your way to the Oklahoma River for a spectacular display of boats covered in Christmas lights and decorations on…
  • iHeartMedia and KJ103 Present Darci Lynne (The Criterion - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 2:00pm
  • Jeff & Sheri Easter (Bethesda Church - Oklahoma City)
  • L.A. Guns (The State Theatre - Harrah)
  • Marvel Universe LIVE! Age of Heroes (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Last Day Marvel fans, assemble! Marvel Universe LIVE! is taking the live entertainment experience to a whole new level, with a mind-blowing show unlike anything you've seen before. Watch your favorite…
  • OKC Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the OKC Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at the…
  • The Venue OKC - Stay Lit: Official Suicide Boys After Party (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 11:50pm

Monday, Dec 18th

Tuesday, Dec 19th

See Also

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