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Popheads 2020 Album of the Year #5: Grimes - Miss Anthropocene

Artist: Grimes
Album: Miss Anthropocene (Deluxe | Revised | Revised Deluxe)
Label: 4AD
Tracklist and Lyrics: Genius
Release date: February 21, 2020
popheads [FRESH] thread: Here
Listen: Apple Music (Deluxe) | Spotify (Deluxe V1) | YouTube Music (Deluxe V1)
You know me as the girl who plays with fire,
But this is the song I wrote you in the dark ...
Madness, intellect, audacity?
Grimes, the stage name of Claire Boucher, is an electronic musician and multimedia artist from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. How ordinary and uncontroversial that makes her sound. As any Pophead surely knows by now, Grimes is far from either of those things.
Much of the lore behind Grimes' early career seems well-known by now to her fans: she attend McGill University in Montréal, Québec (a very prestigious school) where she had an interest in neuroscience and worked on her Russian, a language she had first picked up in childhood (she is of French and Ukrainian heritage, and her name means "clear (f.) butcher" in French, a fact she finds hilarious). She chose her stage name after hearing of grime music on her MySpace (which is still around), and listed her music as "grime" despite never having heard grime music before (she ended up liking it, by the way). She also goes by c, the physical constant for the speed of light, because she finds her name hard to pronounce (she has a slight speech impediment, as well as a lisp for the sound /s/, though she doesn't care about the latter).
Grimes learned to use recording software in university (Apple's GarageBand) and about music production from friends, and got involved with the music collective Lab Synthèse, which had a production space in a now-closed warehouse in Montréal and spawned the label Arbutus Records, which has since housed many Canadian indietronica acts. Grimes' first two albums were released on this label: Geidi Primes, a concept album about her favourite novel, the science fiction epic Dune; and Halfaxa, an ambient electronica album that has been described as gothic, both in 2010. Not expecting that anyone would hear her debut (it was first released as a run of 30 cassettes with hand-drawn covers by her), both albums were well-received by critics, to her surprise. All writing and almost all production was done on both by her alone.
Grimes' early work was linked to the "witch house" microgenre, an underground scene of electronic music that was gothic in both sound and aesthetic, and was briefly popular around the early 2010s. (This can be seen on the tracklist of Halfaxa with that scene's trademark use of arcane symbols in their titles.) In 2011, she released the split EP Darkbloom with fellow Canadian electronic musician D'Eon, with the first five tracks being by her. Notably, this EP had her first song to have a music video, the self-directed "Vanessa". Her breakthrough, though, was yet to come.
If you're looking for a dream girl, I'll never be your dream girl
Visions (2012), Grimes' first LP with her new label 4AD, won her widespread acclaim and made her a cultural phenomenon in her home country of Canada. The album gave a more accessible and poppy spin on her early mix of dark, ambient and psychedelic music, and is a bewitching, trance-like album to listen through. Although the first single from it was "Genesis" with a music video featuring Brooke Candy, she won acclaim for her song "Oblivion", written about her own experience with sexual assault and trauma afterward. During this time, Grimes' image became linked with the Manic Pixie Dream Girl archetype, the concept of "kawaii" (a Japanese aesthetic which roughly translates as "cuteness") and her waiflike appearance; as well as her reputation as an outspoken feminist.
Grimes has expressed dislike of being misinterpreted as a less serious musician during this time because of her turn towards a pop sound and aesthetic, as well as frustration at not being taken seriously as a woman music producer, still fairly uncommon in electronic music. Indeed the recording of Visions is a key part of Grimes lore: she made the album alone at her home in a matter of weeks, neither sleeping nor eating, and taking amphetamines to stay focused (she has alluded to possibly having ADHD before). [Author's note: Grimes has since disavowed the association of her music with drugs, saying that she has struggled with addiction in the past.]
Her next album came in 2015: the widely acclaimed Art Angels, which saw a turn towards an even poppier sound and moved away from the ambient and psychedelic feel of Visions towards classic synthpop and electronica. Art Angels was recorded again at her home, now in Los Angeles, and showed a mix of strong pop hooks with more intelligible lyrics that touched on themes of personal doubts, lost friendships, and her place in the music industry. [Because this album is most likely her best-known on Popheads, I will not discuss it in much depth].
Infamously, she was quoted in 2019 as calling the album a "piece of crap", a narrative she has refuted since, saying her comments were taken out of context. Despite her success, neither Visions nor Art Angels had any singles that charted highly even in her home country, but she gained a loyal cult following online. To accompany the album, she also released The Acid Reign Chronicles, a series of music videos by her and her best friend HANA).
How could one follow up an album that's been repeatedly called one's magnum opus? It would have to be something crazy, wouldn't it? Something that's provocative ... it gets the people going ...
This is the sound of the end of the world
Does anyone think global warming is a good thing? I love Grimes. I think she's a really interesting artist
We come to it at last: Miss Anthropocene, stylized at release as Miss_Anthrop0cene, Grimes' fifth studio LP and my pick for album of the year.
It’s called Miss_Anthropocene. It’s a concept album about the anthropomorphic Goddess of climate Change: A psychedelic, space-dwelling demon/ beauty-Queen who relishes the end of the world. She’s composed of Ivory and Oil - Grimes via Instagram
The way I figure it is that climate change sucks and no one wants to read about it because the only time you hear about it is when you’re getting guilted. I wanted to make climate change fun. Miss Anthropocene has got a Voldemort kind of vibe. She’s naked all the time and she’s made out of ivory and oil. It’s going to be super tight. [...] If I’m stuck being a villain, I want to pursue villainy artistically. If there’s nothing left to lose, that’s actually a really fun idea to me. I think it has freed me artistically. The best part of the movie is the Joker. Everyone loves the villain. Everyone fucking loves Thanos. Let’s make some Thanos art. (Source)
If you haven't heard this album or know anything about it yet, you might be thinking: Wait, what?
Miss Anthropocene is a concept album about the apocalypse. As Grimes said, she wants to make climate change fun. We're living in a new epoch, the Anthropocene, the age of humanity, so named because we now have the power as a species to alter our environment, or even destroy it. Some might find this disturbing. Grimes, however, finds it thrilling.
So my album’s about a modern demonology or a modern pantheon where every song is about a different way to suffer or a different way to die. If you think about it, god-making or god-designing just seems so fun. The idea of making the Goddess of Plastic seems so fun to me. - Grimes
As is common with Grimes: Is she serious? Is she trolling? Being edgy? When the news is full of natural disasters, species extinctions and dire warnings about a climate apocalypse, why would anyone want to make an album about how dying from climate change is awesome? Well, it should be said: Miss Anthropocene is not Grimes. She is a character, a personification of our times, and she is also (this is very key) a villain. This is, as Grimes has done before and shown a long-running interest in, a work of science fiction.
It would be absurd not to talk briefly about how our last year was dominated by the life-altering effects of COVID-19 and how life in quarantine has felt like the apocalypse to many. It's been hard on us, our mental health, our finances. This isn't a "quarantine album", and the album was mostly finished before the virus appeared in the news. Grimes did not predict it, but she ended up making the perfect soundtrack to our dire 2020 anyway and how powerless we felt to do anything about it. "You're gonna get sick, you don't know when", she sings. The threat was always looming whenever we went out, and when we stayed in we had little to do often but doomscroll through news articles about wildfires, protests against police brutality worldwide, a draining election cycle in America, take your pick. Last year was frankly a shitshow no one saw coming - though maybe they should have. Things just aligned right with this album being full of darker lyrical themes, and darker in sound than the bright-sounding Art Angels.
We had a taste of what the album would be like before it came out with the song "Pretty Dark" (video, a demo track released in 2019 that didn't make it onto the album. On this song, Grimes explores alternate characters, being a girl named "Dark", as a chance to escape from her Grimes persona. However, the concept of the album ended up being much more complex, with a whole pantheon of "new gods" that are fitting for our time, each song representing a different facet of the modern world. Here they are as listed on her website months before the album came out:
  1. Goddess of climate crisis: Miss Anthropocene
  2. Demon of addiction: "Delete Forever"
  3. Goddess of ID and social media: War Nymph, her digital avatar
  4. Demon of AI: "We Appreciate Power"
  5. Goddess of gaming: "Violence"
  6. Demon of political apathy: "My Name is Dark"
  7. Goddess of simulation: "4ÆM"
  8. Demon of ego death: "Before the Fever"
  9. Goddess of digital lust: "IDORU"
  10. Demon of sexual assault: "Darkseid"
  11. Goddess of gender roles: "So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth"
Isn't this pretentious? Maybe. But it's optional: you don't need to know all of the album's lore to understand what Grimes is singing about on it. For those who wish to know the background and thought process behind the album in more detail, I highly recommend reading this interview with another uncontroversial Popheads fave, Lana Del Rey first, then delving into her Genius annotations. For now I'm going to give my own, somewhat subjective (!) takes on what each track is about.
Annihilation sounds so dope!
In 2020, Grimes became a mother for the first time with partner Elon Musk, having a child named X Æ A-Xii (the Roman numeral for 12); a breakdown of how they came up with this unusual name can be found here. Grimes and Musk met in 2018 on Twitter, bonding over an obscure philosophical reference (a thought experiment about the dangers of AI called Roko's Basilisk) and made their first public appearance together at the Met Gala that year. Because Musk is (I would argue) an even more controversial figure than Grimes is, I won't be talking about him otherwise, nor do I believe it's relevant to the album. However, this song does touches on her feelings about pregnancy and motherhood, having to (in her words) sacrifice her body to another being.
When Grimes announced her pregnancy in a rather cryptic Instagram post, there was some debate over whether she was pregnant herself at all (remember, she trolled the media in 2019 by claiming to have had an experimental eye surgery which makes zero biological sense). This was cleared up soon, however. On this song, Grimes reflects on being (as the saying goes) heavy with child, bringing new life into a world with an uncertain future. This entrancing song sets the tone for the rest of the album, as does its music video, which begins with a reference to the classic sci-fi film Blade Runner (a movie about rogue androids in Los Angeles that takes place in the far-off year of ... 2019, the year of the song's first release).
This song references the name of a powerful comic book supervillain, as well as Grimes' Playstation user ID, with online gaming being (her words) "where I go to kill people and stuff". The song features lyrics in Mandarin Chinese by Taiwanese rapper 潘PAN (Pan Wei-Ju), also known as Aristophanes, who had a feature on Art Angels' "Scream". A fan translation can be found here. Here Grimes develops upon her fascination with villains and death, while the lyrics by 潘PAN are hard to interpret literally, but paint a vivid picture of death and decay. The opening line feels quite fitting for a year where many of us sat at home all day being anxious (Unrest is in the soul / We don't move our bodies anymore ...) while the operatic backing vocals call to mind religion and medieval themes, another long-running interest of hers. However this is by far the most difficult song for me to connect with its "god" in concept, and I think its original concept was most likely just abandoned.
On this song, released only a couple of weeks before the album itself, Grimes surprised fans with a poignant acoustic ballad with influences from country music - not exactly the kind of genre she is known for doing. Taking the title from a prompt on her computer, Grimes wrote this song about the opioid crisis in North America, being saddened by the death of rapper Lil Peep, who had overdosed on fentanyl (a powerful opioid and dangerous street drug). As well, she touches on her own experiences with drug abuse (I did everything / More lines on a mirror than a sonnet) and being around drug culture in her youth, having lost many friends to drug addiction herself; she compares the experience of feeling euphoric on drugs to the myth of Icarus flying too close to the sun. Grimes describes this song as emotionally hard to perform for her, as is "Oblivion". In the video, she plays a queen overlooking a crumbling empire.
Grimes brings up again her fascination with the history of warfare and weaponry over a club banger, produced by the late i_o (Garrett Lockhart) who sadly died in November of unknown causes. Described as a love song sung between the planet Earth and humanity that portrays a dysfunctional relationship between the two; in describing the concept behind the music video, Grimes also talks about digital violence as a modern addition to the physical violence of the past, which is fitting given its "god" is video games.
The video, filmed in the Vibiana cathedral in Los Angeles, features Grimes surrounded by women wielding swords and dance choreography inspired by Tiktok, with a cameo by HANA as the dead woman on the floor. Though Grimes didn't plan to put this song on the album, and the video was choreographed and filmed in a hurry, nevertheless she was pleased with the results. With its edgy and ironic concept (no, Grimes does not really love violence, nor does the Earth; she does collect swords though), as well as its excellent production, this is my own favourite song on the album.
Written for the long-delayed video game Cyberpunk 2077, in which Grimes plays an NPC named Lizzy Wizzy, this track has Grimes make use of her love of Bollywood films, sampling the soundtrack of the historical drama Bajirao Mastani. Grimes is well-known for her insomnia (see: the recording of Visions above), which is in turn known for its health effects (explaining the lyrics about getting sick). Here Grimes seems to portray being up all night in an ambivalent way. [Having stayed up all night many times, including to write this piece you are reading right now, I can confirm it only feels fun up to a point, after which it becomes exhausting.]
To me this sounds like great music to play in a futuristic city at night - Grimes is a big fan of the cyberpunk genre herself, which tends to feature this setting, as shown by her previous references to Blade Runner and Akira (an influence upon the video of "Delete Forever").
Here Grimes gets into the theme of the album as being inspired by the "gods" - secular replacements for religion - that underlie the concept of the album, the most important being the goddess of climate change (Miss A herself) but including addiction ("Delete Forever"), insomnia ("4Æm"), and more.
I was like, “Well, who are the new gods?” Because we have all this new stuff. We have plastic and pollution and plastic surgery and social media. The new gods sound sick. They sound like … like the Sailor Scouts, like these sick demons. - Grimes
Here Grimes also alludes to her image as gothic, describing herself as wearing "black attire, black eyeliner", fittingly for a bleak-sounding, pessimistic song. Being the slowest track on the album, it may be hard to get into, but it wouldn't be the same without it.
Grimes described her thoughts behind the making of this song in this ... interesting tweet. (I voted for "fighting Balrog", but it seems closer to the latter.) Her "nu metal song about insomnia" ended up being not quite either but does show some of the influence of industrial music on the album; she again brings up drug use, sleeplessness and her alter ego of "Dark" from the single "Pretty Dark".
It’s just about pretty obvious, like, paradise in hell, making the decision to be good or bad. The specter of death always haunting you. It was serious. - Grimes
Grimes depicts herself as jaded and nihilistic (The boys are such a bore / The girls are such a bore / I never trust the government and pray to God for sure, yeah) in the lyrics and alludes to mental illness and self-destructive urges with the opening lines about wishing for annihilation ("When you don’t care if you live or die, when you’re so depressed that you’re like, 'Whatever, fuck it'"). She also hints at her long history of controversies and misconceptions in the media (I'm not shy but I refuse to speak / Because I don't trust you to understand me). Grimes found the song very difficult to make, wanting it to sound "roaring" with its screaming vocals.
In one of her most melancholy-themed songs, here c. sings openly about suicide ideation, conceptualizing it as another demon of hers. She brings up various suicide methods and self-harm, and imagines herself in death as happy. Despite its morbid subject matter, this is a deceptively upbeat song musically. Although self-destruction and death are recurring themes on this theme, this is the one where she talks most about wanting to die herself.
First of all, that title is almost too on the nose for an album released in February 2020.
Here Grimes sings about hedonism in the first verse and uses an old joke as a metaphor for death (There are many ways in / But there's only one way out), referring to birth and death. She explains the title thus:
Grimes explained how she wanted "Before the Fever" to invoke the "literal feelings" of dying — the uncertainty, desperation, and bizarre tranquility presumably felt when one knows it's the end. "Fevers are just kind of scary, but a fever is also sort of poetically imbued with the idea of passion and stuff, too," she told him. "It's like it's a weirdly loaded word — scary, but compelling and beautiful." What's more terrifying and more beautiful than committing yourself to another person when everything could very well implode in your face? One could even call it romantic. (Source)
Even though it was written before the COVID-19 outbreak became serious, nevertheless the theme of this song could easily be called love in the time of coronavirus for the way it combines metaphors of illness with romance (cf. the analysis of "Violence").
By far the happiest-sounding song on the album, this seven-minute epic is also the longest, and much needed after the dark themes that pervade much of it. Beginning with what sounds like birdsong, it's a fun, cute, lighthearted ditty that gives a bit of much-needed hope to the album (I wanna play a beautiful game / Even though we're gonna lose / But I adore you). Maybe we're all going to die and humanity will go extinct; maybe not. If that's going to happen, can't we have some fun anyway?
As an aside, the title is a neat pun on the phrase "I adore you" but also seems to be referencing the novel Idoru ("idols") by famed cyberpunk author William Gibson, in turn about the Japanese concept of "idols", a unique kind of celebrity.
There has been fan speculation over who, if anyone, the song may be about; Grimes alluded to its meaning on a livestream with HANA but did not say in the end. My own take is that it could just as well be about the Earth itself.
These are all ten of the tracks on the standard edition of Miss Anthropocene; on the deluxe version(s) there are five bonus tracks, four of which are alternate mixes of other songs on the standard edition that differ mainly in length ("So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth", "Violence", "My Name is Dark" and "IDORU"). These seem to have been done to make the longer tracks more suitable for playlists, explaining the name "algorithm mix" for them. As well, there is one more: the original WAP.
First of all: what a fucking BANGER.
"We Appreciate Power" is a bonus track that was released as a single in 2018. It was originally meant to feature vocals by Poppy, who had featured Grimes on her own 2018 album Am I a Girl? but after a feud between the two, she was replaced with HANA. Musically, it is influenced heavily by nu-metal, it blends crunchy distorted guitars and loud rock drums with an awesome electronic drop. Grimes' and HANA's vocals trade between verses and choruses and blend so well it is hard to tell which part is whose upon first listen. This song was due to have a larger-budget music video, but ended up getting a bare-bones video instead, which is still a very fun watch with its cyberpunk visuals.
Lyrically, it was inspired by a North Korean girl group who make propaganda music for the state, as well as Grimes' fascination with the concept of an AI dictatorship. "We Appreciate Power" touches on common cyberpunk themes like mind uploading, transhumanism and simulated reality. The song portrays AI rule as something desirable yet frightening, punctuating the lyrics with unsettling shrieks and ending the song with Grimes chanting "Submit" repeatedly. Despite its tongue-in-cheek nature, the song's lyrics led to a minor controversy: for her speculation of AI replacing humans, musicians Zola Jesus and Devon Welsh called her a "silicon fascist" and they got into a spat on Twitter that seems to be resolved, with Grimes acknowledging Zola made some good points. As for the prospect of an AI takeover: it's frankly a terrifying thought, but at least we'd have jams like this.
Now is the time to burn twice as bright and half as long. Sincerely, Miss Anthropocene
This writeup is dedicated to all those cyberpunks who fight against injustice and corruption every day of their lives! (DJ mix)
Thanks so much for letting me do this writeup, Popheads - and thank you if you made it to the end. I know there is a lot here, but Grimes is a longtime favourite artist of mine and I had a lot to say. I hope I've been reasonably balanced here and not come off as an apologist stan; I am well aware Grimes can be "messy" or a "problematic fave". However, I've tried to explain the best I can what this album is really about, give my thoughts, and explain why I think it's one of the albums of the year. As well, if I said anything factually wrong, please let me know; I tried my best to source everything and get things right.

Questions for the culture:

  • [Voice of Anthony Fantano] What did you think of the album? Did you love it? Did you hate it?
  • The album was infamously leaked months before its release. (I didn't listen to the leak.) Did you listen to it or not, and do you think it may have affected fan reception to the album?
  • A big problem with concept albums is that they often have an elaborate concept that doesn't come across well in the lyrics. What do you think of Grimes' concept for this album and did she succeed at it? Do you have different readings of the lyrics than what I wrote?
  • How would you say this album holds up against her others? Was the darker tonal shift a good thing? Would you have liked her to make a more upbeat or poppy album?
  • How would you rank it this among the year's albums? Were they better on average, worse, etc.?
Feel free to ask me any other questions, bring up other topics as you like and I will respond to everyone. (I just have one request though: please for the love of god do not bring up Grimes' partner or child; I think it's messy and like I said, not very relevant to the album anyway.) Any other topic, no matter how "spicy", is fair game though. Just be nice.
Hope reading this was fun! We have more AOTY posts every day for the rest of the month, so be sure to check those out too.
- vayyiqra
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I saw 44 movies in theaters in 2020. Here is my full ranking.

I haven't been since March due to COVID and I'm a couple days late, but I still managed to watch 44 movies in theaters this year before I stopped going, and this is my ranking from favorite to least favorite. Under regular circumstances, I usually try to go 3-5 times per week, keeping track of movies, dates, ratings, etc, along with ticket stubs. My list from 2018 list had 162, and my list from 2019 had 192, if anyone wants to check those out. I saw 140 in 2017, 9 in 2016, and 5 in 2015 but didn't make lists for those. This year was obviously very different. My original goal for this year was to finally hit 200 (and I was mostly on track to, saw 44 in the first 72 days), but obviously that was cut short because of COVID. My plans/goal to attend Miami Film Festival and Toronto International Film Festival, my first film festivals, also were cancelled.
I debated even doing a list this year because I haven’t been since late March and this seemed pointless (and depressing), but I think it’s good to still keep it going regardless and might be interesting to look back at once it’s all said and done. Also, keep in mind that January/February/March releases aren’t usually the strongest (January is a dumping ground, February is usually mostly previous-year holdovers and award expansions for movies I’ve already seen, and March is too early for most award contenders). Because of that, this list will be missing pretty much all of this year’s awards contenders, and have some of 2019’s movies that I saw late.
My first movie of the year in theaters was Little Women (on 1/1/20) and my last movie of the year was Balloon (3/19/20). So yeah, this list will not be nearly as expansive as my previous ones. I don’t really expect for anyone to care this year, with everything going on. There are much better non-theater lists out there, that more accurately & comprehensively reflect the full year.
Disclaimer: My ratings are mostly just on an enjoyment scale for me personally. It’s not meant to be super-serious. I don’t keep a specific checklist to give out scores, I am not a professional critic. I’m just some dude that writes down a score on a notepad when I walk out of the theater. I sometimes re-adjust scores if I end up re-watching them. Here is the list:
Portrait of a Lady On Fire - 10/10 – Probably enough has already been said about this movie. I can’t add anything that wouldn’t be redundant. Just watch it.
1917 - 9/10
Les Miserables - 9/10 - Overshadowed by Portrait of a Lady on Fire as far as French movies this year go (and got a lot of hate for being the Foreign Language submission), but it's totally deserved. Seat-clutching final act brings this to another level. It reminded me a lot of La Haine.
Beanpole - 9/10 – The most emotionally-crushing movie of the year for sure. This movie starts suffocating you from the first scene and doesn’t let go until you’ve lost all faith in mankind by the end of it. It’s amazing. Wonderfully shot (the colors especially) and perfectly acted. Movies set in post-WW2 Europe tend to all look the same, like bland, stuffy period pieces, but this one’s unique. Reminded me a lot of Andrey Zvyagintsev’s work, who is a top 5 director for me. Shame this was ignored by the Academy for Foreign Language, but it was a pretty stacked year.
Invisible Life - 9/10
The Assistant - 8/10“Underrated” and “underseen” are 2 annoying and overused words, especially on this sub, but I think this movie truthfully deserves both. Perfect movie to represent a Weinstein-like studio. Loved how they never showed the antagonist. I loved the movie-industry-lingo and references they used and made. Amazing, low-key performance by Julia Garner, I thought this would be her breakout film, but it was ignored.
Little Women - 8/10Only movie I went to see twice this year. Great director from Gerwig (snubbed for an Oscar nom) and the best score of the year from Alexandre Desplat. Top-notch costumes. Ronan and Chalamet amazing as always. No other scene in 2020 made me more giddy and happy than the Jo & Laurie dance scene set to Dvorak: String Quartet No. 12 on the porch. I could watch it on an infinite loop forever. May be my favorite scene of the year in any movie.
Invisible Man - 8/10
The Lodge - 8/10Best straight-up horror film of the year. Keeps you guessing and is honestly pretty fucked up. Don’t want to spoil anything.
Just Mercy - 8/10
Honeyland - 8/10 – The best documentary of the year. It’s more a documentary-drama than a straight-up documentary though, it tells a full-fledged narrative story. Shows you a tiny part of the world that you would never even think about.
The Gentlemen - 8/10 – Not quite up to the classic Guy Ritchie crime-comedies, but this was a fun time. Saw it in a 100% packed theater and might be the most fun time I had in a theater in 2020.
And Then We Danced - 8/10 – Gorgeous movie. Best use of lighting I’ve seen in a movie in a long time. I know that’s a pretty specific compliment but I noticed it every few minutes. Combine that with amazing dance sequences, several beautiful long-takes, and unique camera perspectives.
Tremblores - 7/10
Emma. - 7/10 – Solid Jane Austen adaptation. Hilarious at times, grating at others. I would definitely suggest Clueless and Love & Friendship instead if you wanted an Austen movie, but this was a good comedy in a year full of bad comedies.
Underwater - 7/10 – Went in with extremely-low expectations but this turned out to be a pretty enjoyable little sci-fi horror-thriller hybrid. It’s dumb, it’s fun, it’s underwater. It’s The Meg of this year. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and the set-pieces were nice. The characters are all cliché and already done a thousand times each, sometimes in better movies, but it works. I’d suggest this movie after a few beers.
Ordinary Love - 7/10
The Rhythm Section - 7/10 – This movie got a lot of shit online for it’s abysmal box office ($2.8M opening on a $50M budget, oof) and it got trashed by critics, but I actually enjoyed it. There’s been so many ‘assassin out for revenge’ movies recently (thanks, John Wick), that it’s become it’s own saturated genre, but I thought this was solid. The fight choreography was a highlight and Blake Lively was clearly full-on committed. Unfortunate it flopped so hard.
The Way Back - 7/10 – Solid, throwback sports-drama, reminded me of when they came out every other week in the 2000s (Coach Carter, Remember the Titans, etc). Good (and meta) performance from Ben Affleck.
Bad Boys For Life - 7/10
Onward - 7/10
Clemency - 7/10 – Maybe the most disappointing film of the year for me. Went in super-hyped (this movie had some awards buzz early on, especially for the two leads), but it was completely toothless. The two leads were indeed pretty great (keeping this rating decent), but the rest didn’t keep up with them. There’s like other movies out there about this subject that are better (including another one this year, Just Mercy).
Birds of Prey - 7/10
Greed - 7/10 – Bloated and tone was all over the place, but the sharp writing made up for it. Probably just watch The Big Short or something like that instead though. The mockumentary aspect didn't really work. Funny though.
Seberg - 7/10
The Photograph - 7/10 - Really loved the chemistry between Lakeith Stanfield and Issa Rae. A bit too long and contrived though.
Those Who Remained - 6/10
Weathering With You - 6/10
Sonic the Hedgehog - 6/10 – The Jim Carrey dance sequence was the best part. Everything else is just okay, maybe too childish for what I wanted (yes, I know it’s a Sonic movie). Way too much product placement.
The Call of the Wild - 6/10
The Song of Names - 5/10 – Boring. The only thing keeping this movie from a lower score was Clive Owen’s hilariously-bad Fake Movie Beard™ making me laugh so goddamn hard. It honestly carried this movie. It probably beats last year’s Chris Pratt Fake Movie Beard™ from The Kid.
The Traitor - 5/10
Balloon – 5/10
Jose - 4/10
Downhill - 4/10 – Everything is dumb-downed and over-explained (checks every cliche of a bad American remake of a layered international film). There's 0 nuance in the dialogue, subtle as a brick (far removed from The Descendants for Faxon/Rash). I thought Julia Louis-Dreyfus was actually really bad in this (in the original, the lead actress absolutely carried the movie, in this one not so much. She just basically makes over-exaggerated facial reactions to Will Ferrell for 90 minutes straight). The kid characters were basically just cardboard cutouts in this (whereas in the original they actually had depth and served a huge purpose). They could've easily not been there in this movie. Most importantly, I missed the theme song/sound from the original.
Gretel & Hansel - 4/10 – This movie is the definition of “style over substance”. It’s soooooooooooo slowwwwwwwwwwwww. Honestly the longest 88 minutes of my life. Don’t get me wrong, it did look beautiful (liked The Witch), and the creepy-forest vibe was there, but it’s so hollow. This movie was built to make a good trailer, not a full length film.
Fantasy Island - 4/10
Recorder: Marion Stokes - 4/10 – I almost never rate documentaries this low, but this movie just didn’t make me interested in the subject. It never connects. By the end, you kinda just dislike Marion Stokes. It’s overly-biased and too long.
The Last Full Measure - 3/10 – This one’s weird. I don’t know how a movie like this even gets made. It looked and felt like a cheap Sunday-afternoon Lifetime movie made for $500,000 from an unknown director, but somehow lands an insane cast of Sebastian Stan, Samuel L Jackson, William Hurt, Christopher Plummer, Peter Fonda (RIP), Ed Harris, and Diane Ladd (RIP). Like, how does that happen? The performances are wooden (looks like no one gave a shit) and there’s no emotion to the story. The “payoff” at the end sucks. Totally forgettable stuff.
Like A Boss - 2/10
Dolittle - 2/10 – I never fall asleep during a movie, but this was the closest I’ve been. Might’ve dozed off a few times. Total mess of a movie. Only thing keeping it from a 0/10 is that nice little animated intro thing. They should’ve just done an entirely-animated movie instead. Also, Robert Downey Jr’s accent, what the fuck? This should have just sat on a shelf until the sun exploded.
Beneath Us - 2/10 - It’s Get Out, but shitty.
Impractical Jokers: Movie - 1/10 – Should’ve been kept as a TV show. Embarrassing for everyone involved (including the audience).
Las Pildoras de Mi Novio - 1/10Do not watch this. Please. I didn’t even plan on seeing it, I wanted to see something else that ended up being sold out (I think Emma.), so I randomly went to this instead. I immediately regretted by decision. It’s just so mean-spirited, cheap, and dated. Borderline offensive. Nothing redeeming about it.
Some other stats:
Most Movie Theater Visits in One-Week Span: 8 (1/11/20 – 1/18/20): Bad Boys for Life, Invisible Life, Doolittle, Just Mercy, Underwater, 1917, The Song of Names, Tremblores
Movie Theater Visits by Month:
Longest Span Without Movie Theater Visit: 286 Days (3/20/20 – 12/31/20)
Average Rating: 6.27/10
On the non-theater front, I haven’t been doing much streaming viewing so I am not including those, might catch up soon, but for now I’ve been instead catching up on my DVD/Bluray backlog. I'm looking forward to catching up to Da 5 Bloods, Nomadland, I'm Thinking of Ending Things, I'm Your Woman, and others.
Since theater shutdowns, two of my favorite indie theaters have announced that they’re closing permanently so that sucks. The general anti-theater sentiment on this sub has been kind of a bummer too. Compared to the other problems people are having, not going to the theater is trivial and I feel selfish for even complaining, but I really can't wait to start going back again, without having to stress about my health or the health of others around me. I really miss it. Anyway, hoping for a better 2021 and a much bigger list next time.
submitted by BunyipPouch to movies [link] [comments]

Fighting Game Anniversaries: Week 2

A bit late than usual, but greetings yall. Just like last week, I'll compile all of the anniversaries within each week under one post so you'll be able to see what stuff turned a year older. This account is still setting up everything so I'm missing some dates as a result so apologies in advance if I missed anything. I'll update posts as well stealthy whenever I get new info too. But for now, these would be anniversaries this week:
January 11
January 12
January 13
January 14
January 15
January 16
January 17
submitted by fganniversaries to Fighters [link] [comments]

‘Do you want to do a superhero movie?’ - answers from directors, writers, actors and actresses (2020 update)

I did one of these a couple years ago and people seemed to like it, but I figured it could use an update.
Take these with a grain of salt, of course, this is more for fun than anything. It’s a pretty long post so I’d probably recommend just skimming through for any names you’re interested in.
Pedro Almodóvar
It’s too big for me! I like to see what I’m doing, to direct movies the same day. You have to wait too long to see the results. I like being able to impose my opinion as a director. I’ve made 21 movies. I’m used to doing it the way I like, not fitting with the Hollywood system. (Vulture, 2019)
Darren Aronofsky
You never know. I mean, Superman would always be interesting. But they’re already deep into reinventing him, so that’s not going to happen for a long time. I think with those films you have to be careful because they are about communicating with as big an audience as you possibly can. Audiences who go to see those films expect a certain type of movie. (CinePop, 2017)
Gemma Arterton
I’m not really into superheroes and stuff like that. But you never know. (HeyUGuys, 2015)
Olivier Assayas
I mean, I enjoy it as a viewer. I don’t think I would touch it as a filmmaker, but I can certainly understand the fun one has with that material, not to mention the admiration I’ve always had for the writers and artists of the comic books. Once in a while, I still do read X-Men comics. I’m just fascinated by the complexity of the narratives and the ambition of the storytelling, which is way beyond whatever they’re doing in the movies. (AV Club, 2015)
Ari Aster
I’ve received some really enticing and cool offers, and I certainly want to hear what the offers are, but I am self-generating. I have so many films I want to make that I’ve written that are so vivid in my head.... Never say never, I definitely want to look at everything that comes my way, but it’ll take a lot to pull me away from these projects that are sort of on the tip of my tongue and that I’m ready to make. (Happy Sad Confused, 2019)
Michael Bay
I wouldn’t want to, it’s not my thing, it’s just not my gig. (Collider, 2016)
Orlando Bloom
I do read [the Marvel comics] a little bit. Who’s the British one? Captain Britain! There you go. Terrible costume, though. (BBC Radio 2, 2018)
Emily Blunt
Not particularly. (Variety, 2018)
Bong Joon-ho
I don’t think Marvel would ever want a director like me. I don’t expect any offers from them anytime soon. Of their movies, I did enjoy the films by James Gunn and James Mangold’s Logan, and I think there are great directors who can handle great projects like that. (Variety, 2020)
John Boyega
I sat down with Marvel years ago, but that’s not the direction I want to go at all. (ComicBook, 2019)
Danny Boyle
I wouldn’t be very good at it. I saw the Spider-Man movie, the animation, and I thought it was wonderful, but out of my league. Normally when you see a movie like that, you think, “I could maybe do that.” I didn’t think “Maybe” with this. It had a sensibility that felt truthful to its origins. Whoever made this, it is part of their bloodstream. You’ve got to recognise that you have no idea how to get there. I don’t think you should attempt one unless it’s in your bloodstream... Comics really aren’t in my bloodstream. (Empire, 2019)
Alison Brie
I would love to. I think especially after working on GLOW, where we all felt like we were superheroes, in a way it has satisfied my desire to do something like that. But in some ways it’s only whet my appetite. (Business Insider, 2017)
James Cameron
I’m not the slightest bit interested in laboring in someone else’s house. (Daily Beast, 2017)
Timothée Chalamet
I want to work with good storytellers and good directors on projects that are fresh, and on roles that feel challenging. Like Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, or Christian Bale in that film, or Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises. If it was something of that caliber, then that’s awesome. (Variety, 2018)
Toni Collette
It’d be super-fun to be a superhero. I’m not averse to any particular budget. I’m just averse to a shitty story. (Metro, 2015)
Olivia Colman
I’ve always wanted to play a Marvel baddie. I’m not sure I fit the mould, though. Like a powerful, extraordinary woman. Somebody with superpowers would be really fun, but I’m not sure how many middle-aged women they have in Marvel. (Vulture, 2016)
Sofia Coppola
I love making small low-budget films where I am really allowed to do it the way I want, and I think when you have those huge franchises there are a lot of cooks in the kitchen and meetings in conference rooms. But I’d never say never. (The Independent, 2017)
Bryan Cranston
I don’t want to do a character that has been done several times before. I don’t want to be compared, like, “Well, his Commissioner Gordon was yada yada yada.” I don’t want to do that. I want to take something that hasn’t been done. (ScreenGreek, 2018)
Tom Cruise
I’ll never say no if I find something that’s interesting, and I think an audience would like to see it, and they’re going to be entertained by it, and I feel like I can contribute something. (MTV, 2018)
Guillermo del Toro
Well, I co-wrote a whole screenplay on Justice League Dark for Warner Bros., so that’s your answer. I love Deadman, I love Demon, I love Swamp Thing, Zatanna. That’s a universe, is one thing. I’m very attracted to that side of the DC universe. But I’m not a superhero guy. For me to like a superhero, the superhero needs to be a monster. (ComicBook, 2019)
Leonardo DiCaprio
You never know. They’re getting better and better as far as complex characters in these movies. I haven’t yet. But no, I don’t rule out anything. (ShortList, 2015)
Zac Efron
I would do it in a second. I’m just waiting for the right opportunity. (Elle, 2017)
Taron Egerton
I love Marvel and I love the movies and I’d love the excuse to get in shape. (Variety, 2019)
Robert Eggers
Absolutely not. (Bloody Disgusting, 2019)
Cynthia Erivo
Yes. My body is suited to it. And I’d love to see what that experience is like. I think I could have a good time doing it. (Hollywood Reporter, 2020)
Giancarlo Esposito
I love those guys at Marvel. We’ve been trying to figure out how to collaborate on something. (ComicBook, 2016)
Rebecca Ferguson
I don’t think my goal is to throw myself into Marvel university. I love their stories, some of their characters are great, but I do it for the stories, for the people you work with, for the directors. We’ll see. (Metro, 2016)
David Fincher
Maybe. I was open to doing a zombie movie. I think in terms of stories — I don’t want to have to go and they say, “Okay, you have to dream up something for Meteor Man.” Or whatever. I don’t want to have to cobble together something around a pre-existing mask or uniform or cape or idea. (SXSW, 2019)
Jodie Foster
No, not interested in the franchise hero, superhero movie at all. It’s just not what I do. I’m glad other people do it and there’s always been those kinds of films, and there will always be those kinds of movies. It’s just now there’s been kind of, there’s a word for it in business where features as a business model have been more keen on, 95 percent of what they do is $200 million plus action films that appeal to all four quadrants that are these high-risk action films. It’s just not what I do. (ScreenCrush, 2018)
Cary Fukunaga
No, not really. I feel like they’ve all been taken... I do think there’s a place to make intelligent, big films. It depends on sensibility, too. I loved Guardians of the Galaxy. (Vulture, 2015)
Greta Gerwig
I would be open to doing a bigger film but at the same time I think, for me, one of the guiding principles of what I try to do to make my career as I have tried to make it, I always have a sense of what I would drop everything for and I think the thing that I would drop everything for is my own work that I write and that I make. It’s not that I’m not interested in those things, it’s just that they don’t come first. (Silver Screen Riot, 2015)
Hugh Grant
[I was recently offered one, but] there was a scheduling and family issue. Otherwise, I was absolutely up for it. It was a juicy role. It was a baddie. I love a good baddie. (Variety, 2019)
James Gray
I have no problem with Marvel. I’ve taken my children to Marvel movies and it’s a great experience — a bonding experience. It’s beautiful, and those films are brilliantly made. I loved the first Captain America. Terrific movie. So it’s not about shitting on them. The problem is not that — the problem is only that. It’s like if you went to the supermarket and you saw only one brand of cereal. Special K is all they had. Special K is not a bad-tasting cereal, but if that’s the only one you could get it would be awfully frustrating. If the movie business starts catering to smaller and smaller groups, it’s going to start hurting itself in a major way. I would argue that it already has. It’s my job as a director to try and push back against that a little bit. (IndieWire, 2019)
Eva Green
I really like physical stuff, actually. Even 300, I loved doing the training. It was thrilling to play that very strong woman. You get out of your head as an actor and you find the character through physical training. I’d love to do more of the superhero stuff. (ComingSoon, 2019)
Jon Hamm
It depends on the script, what the story is. I am a huge comic book fan, always have been. I have read comic books since I was nine or younger. And I am pretty knowledgeable about a lot of them. And I like the genre, and I like when they are done well. (Hollywood Reporter, 2018)
Armie Hammer
I haven’t seen a superhero movie in a long time where I thought, “Fuck, I wish I was in that.” You know? So for me there’s not, like, a huge rush. (Happy Sad Confused, 2017)
Neil Patrick Harris
I’d love to be some sort of villain in a big-budget action movie. Or a superhero franchise. That’d be rad. (Interview Magazine, 2015)
Ethan Hawke
I guess I’ve been offered things like that that didn’t appeal to me. You have to be careful about what you’re famous for. You don’t want to be famous for something you don’t love. It brings people a lot of pain when that happens. (ScreenCrush, 2018)
Lucas Hedges
I don’t see myself signing a long-term contract. That sounds frightening. Some of those actors who are in those movies really make challenging material work. That’s really impressive. I don’t see that as a challenge I’m dying to take on. (Hollywood Reporter, 2019)
Taraji P. Henson
I would love to be a Marvel superhero. (The New York Times, 2017)
Ron Howard
I’ve had opportunities over the years. I really feel like you shouldn’t make a movie as a kind of exercise. You have to be all the way in. I was never a comic book guy. I like the movies when I see them, especially the origin stories. I never felt like I could be on the set, at 3 o’clock in the morning, tired, with 10 important decisions to make, and know, intuitively, what the story needs. (Happy Sad Confused, 2015)
Glenn Howerton
If Marvel came along and wanted me to play a superhero, I probably would because I think that would be really, really fun. (GQ, 2018)
Charlie Hunnam
I didn’t grow up a comic book fan and I haven’t really seen any of those Marvel films or the Batman films. It’s just not really my taste.... It’s not part of my vision for my career or what I aspire to. (Yahoo, 2017) taste.
Peter Jackson
I’m not a superhero guy. (Empire, 2019)
Lily James
I want to do more action. I want to be a superhero. (Refinery29, 2016)
Barry Jenkins
I’m friends with Ryan Coogler, and just seeing his path from Fruitvale Station to Black Panther, and seeing that his voice has arrived at Black Panther intact and he’s creating on this scale that I think has far more reach than the scale I’m creating on right now. Yeah, if the right character presented itself — I can’t imagine Ryan directing Doctor Strange, I just can’t. But I think even superheroes are characters. And I think what Ryan did so well in Black Panther was showing the human being that T’Challa is. So, if something like that presented itself, yeah, I’d be interested. So long as I had the freedom to create the way I create. (Houston Chronicle, 2018)
Charlie Kaufman
Of course. But — no one wants me to do that. (IndieWire, 2016)
Jennifer Kent
The opportunity has been there if I really wanted to pursue that path and it still probably is to some extent. I am excited by this aboriginal Marvel character, Manifold. Aboriginal culture is the oldest culture in the earth; it’s so sophisticated and deep. It would interest me to take that out to the planet. There could be some amazing story there. (IndieWire, 2019)
John Krasinski
I would love to be in the Marvel universe. I love those movies because they’re fun, but I also think they’re really well done. And certainly a lot of my friends are in those movies. (Total Film, 2020)
Mila Kunis
No, that’s a lot of working out. Lots of those people are hungry, and you have to be because you have to be in shape and I don’t want to be hungry for 10 years. (MTV, 2018)
David Lowery
I grew up reading Marvel comic books and it’s a joy to see the aesthetic replicated on screen so thoroughly. Yet the aesthetic is so well-grounded at this point I don’t think there’s anything I could contribute to it. So the answer is likely no. But I do love superheroes, so there might be the right superhero movie out there I may want to delve in. (Maclean’s, 2017)
Rooney Mara
I don’t really get offered those parts, or maybe I do. I don’t even know. Maybe I do and I just don’t even realize it and just say no to them. For me it’s just all about the director and it’s all about the script and the story. (Deadline, 2016)
Matthew McConaughey
I did Sing, I did Kubo and the Two Strings. But other than that I’m like, what have I done that my kids can see? ... I’ll be there in a little while! I’ll do something. (Fandango, 2018)
Adam McKay
We’re always kind of talking. I think Feige is just the greatest, and what they’re doing is amazing. (Happy Sad Confused, 2018)
Christopher McQuarrie
I must tell you, the possibility of my doing a superhero movie is remote in the extreme. (Twitter, 2019)
Sam Mendes
The funniest letter I got — they were sending [a packet for] The Avengers, right? For directors to pitch — and I got a package, which was full of comic books, but no treatment; there was no script. But the cover letter said “Marvel’s Avengers will be released on May 3, 2012” or whatever it was. That was the first sentence of the cover letter. Not, “We have the pleasure of enclosing the materials…” or “Here is the script for…” But the release date.... I mean, that’s not my world particularly. I’ll go see it, particularly with my kids, but I didn’t want to make it. (Moviefone, 2012)
Sienna Miller
I feel quite content. It’s a huge commitment to have the ambition to be playing those parts and to be doing those roles. I don’t know that I have that, the ambition that it takes, the drive that it takes. Yes, I think I have subconsciously shied away from that, I think the idea of that is daunting. (The Guardian, 2017)
Helen Mirren
Oh yes! ... I’d probably have to be the baddie. You know, because I’m British. (CineMovie, 2013)
Viggo Mortensen
I’m just looking for good stories, and the ones I’ve happened to find and commit to have happened to be in other countries, or are independent films. I’m not trying to avoid any kind of budget or genre of movies. (LA Times, 2016)
Elisabeth Moss
I don’t think I’m good at the whole green screen thing, but I’m not averse to trying it out. I’m more into, like, a weird concentration camp miniseries [laughs]. That’s a sure path to my own Marvel movie. (MovieMaker Magazine, 2019)
Carey Mulligan
I don’t think I would be very good in something like that. (The Resident, 2018)
Eddie Murphy
No! I’m going to be 60 in a year. Who would I play? The old brotherman? I guess that’d be the character.... Man, fuck that. I can’t be standing around in a movie with a stick and shit, pointing and telling people, “Oh, you should do this or that.” I’m just not down with the whole superhero movie thing. But, if I had to, I guess I could play a villain or some shit like that. (IndieWire, 2019)
David Oyelowo
I tread with caution around the notion of those kinds of characters. Depending on which one of them you’re playing, there’s always a danger you’re going to get so identified with this larger than life character that it could become tougher for audiences to believe you in other roles. (The Wrap, 2015)
Al Pacino
I would do anything that I could understand in terms of how I fit in it. And you know, of course if I could fit in it. Anything’s possible. You know, I did Dick Tracy and I got an Oscar nomination, so come on. (Deadline, 2014)
Dev Patel
I had a wee bit of a scarring experience when I attempted to be a part of a franchise, and it didn’t quite hit the mark. It makes you evaluate what kind of mark you want to leave on the industry. (Esquire, 2016)
Jordan Peele
So many of those properties — it’s a childhood dream to be able to essentially see what you saw in your imagination as a child, watching or reading or whatever you were doing with that stuff. It’s a filmmaker’s dream. But you know, I feel like I only have so much time. I have a lot of stories to tell, and it just doesn’t feel right. It just doesn’t feel right. I’m a comic book and graphic novel appreciator, but I can’t call myself a true fan boy. (Rolling Stone, 2019)
Sean Penn
You asked me with a camera on this face and in this time of my life if I would be a superhero? (laughs) Maybe, if there’s a very funny one. (Reuters, 2015)
Brad Pitt
I don’t think so. I think there’s enough. I don’t think I have anything to add. (24 Oras, 2019)
Daniel Radcliffe
If it was good enough and something I was interested in. I’m not sure if I’d sign up for something that was another seven or eight films or ten years, but a shorter franchise, yeah. (Business Insider, 2016)
Lynne Ramsay
When I was 15 or 16, I had a boyfriend who was an obsessive fan [of comics]. His apartment was so full of comic-books he made a path through the boxes to get places.... My boyfriend at the time was always on about the psychology of the characters, the ones that he really liked tended to have these strange histories. A lot of them are quite Freudian and strange. I liked Bill Sienkiewicz’s work, and Alan Moore is so special.
The ones I liked were deeply, darkly screwed-up reflections of the world – where you can see how they became what they became and that past was super-psychological.... There’s some amazing things in graphic novels and comic-books, and they taught me a lot about filmmaking as well. Someone said to me that You Were Never Really Here’s like a graphic novel. I think I’ve learned a lot about filmmaking through comic-books, in terms of how to tell a story visually. That had an influence on me. If you’re able to do it without a committee, with a real set approach to it, where you have freedom and people trust you, that would be amazing. (Yahoo, 2018)
Eddie Redmayne
I love the films. You know how in summer, when studios compete for people to see their summer blockbusters, I am their dream. I see all of them. I would never rule out the opportunity to be in one. (The Sun, 2015)
Nicolas Winding Refn
I love Hollywood. I love glamour and glitz. I love camp. I love vanity, I love egos, I indulge in all that, but the bigger kind of approaches or the offers that have come my way or the interest, in the end, I’ve always just felt that I wasn’t the right person in the end for it. Doesn’t mean that it won’t happen. I mean I would love to do one of those comic book movies. (Collider, 2019)
Kelly Reichardt
There’s absolutely no danger of that happening [laughs]. But maybe there’s something for me somewhere in between that and my sort of films. I did really enjoy doing my little wagon crash in Meek’s Cutoff. It was one of the most fun things I ever did, and I suddenly realized, “Oh, this is why people love to smash things up. It’s so much fun!” (Variety, 2016)
Boots Riley
I have a problem with superheroes in general, because, politically, superheroes are cops. Superheroes work with the government to uphold the law. And who do the laws work for? Put it like this: We all love bank robbers, because we know that in the two sides of that equation, the robbers are the ones to root for, not the banks. Only in superhero movies and the news do they try to make us think we’re against the bank robbers. (The New York Times, 2018)
Guy Ritchie
I’m up for it.... I’m a guy that likes to work so I’m gonna work. And I’ll work with whatever I can to make it work. I’m not an absolutist about what a genre is so I’m not a no-man, I’m a yes-man when it comes to making something manifest. (Variety, 2017)
Gina Rodriguez
I would love to be a superhero—that’s all I want to do is play a superhero. (E! Online, 2015)
Saoirse Ronan
If a script came along that was strong, interesting, original, I would take it. A good script is a good script. (Vogue, 2018)
Winona Ryder
No one is banging my door down to be a superhero. I don’t know how good I would be. I have low bone density, so I don’t know if anyone really wants to put me in a cape and chuck me out a window. (Collider, 2016)
Josh Safdie
A studio offered us to do a sequel to this huge comic-book thing. We just said, “No, we don’t wanna do that!” But we are interested in working in the studio system. (The Independent, 2017)
Andrew Scott
Absolutely, I wouldn’t say no. But it very much depends on the character. And what exactly it is that you’re doing. I’ve definitely had conversations about that world before, but as yet, it hasn’t transpired. So for me, it just depends on the acting requirement. The films are definitely really cool. So, I don’t know. We’ll wait and see. (Digital Spy, 2019)
Amanda Seyfried
They’re highly enjoyable. I love being an audience member. I just don’t want to put on the suit. Nope, I’m not into [stunts]. That’s not where I see my career going. (Late Night with Seth Meyers, 2015)
Alexander Skarsgård
If you do it with the right tone, then sure. (The Guardian, 2015)
Steven Soderbergh
Well, look, those movies are bananas. I see some of them and I’m like, “I couldn’t direct 30 seconds of that.” Just because so much of my time would be spent on things I’m ultimately not interested in. You look at my career, and it’s mostly just two people in a room. Two people in a room to me is exciting. If you look at history, it's the way gigantic things happen; it’s the result of two people in a room. I’ve always felt that was the richest tapestry you could come up with. So anything that isn’t about that, I’m immediately kind of like, “Well, why isn’t it two people in a room?” So you’re just spending all this time having conversations with VFX people, instead of with actors about what the scene is. And that’s what I’m interested in. It’s not that I’m a snob. It’s just that I wasn’t into comic books as a kid, and I’m not interested in things that don’t have to do with performance. (W Magazine, 2017)
Aaron Sorkin
I happen to have meetings coming up with both DC and Marvel. I have to go into these meetings and tell them as respectfully as I can that I’ve never read a comic book. It’s not that I don’t like them. It’s just that I’ve never been exposed to one. So, I’m hoping that somewhere in their library is a comic book character that I’m gonna love and I’m gonna wanna go back and start reading from the first issue on. (ComicBook, 2017)
Lakeith Stanfield
I would love to play the Joker. That’d be beautiful. (Jimmy Kimmel Live, 2020)
Kristen Stewart
I think maybe what I’ve learned is that I don’t want to do another [big franchise] ever again [laughs] … No, I mean, sure. Maybe. I never really limit myself. (Konbini, 2019)
Justin Theroux
There are younger guys than me that are better at it than I am. I’ll leave it up to them. (Vulture, 2014)
Jean-Marc Vallée
If the script is great, yeah. But so far, it’s not my cup of tea. (Hollywood Reporter, 2016)
Paul Verhoeven
If I could add some other level to it, but if it's the same as whatever those other people are doing right now, then no. No! I'm not saying it's not possible, but, like, when they wanted to pit Batman against Superman [laughs, hands flailing] My God! (Metro, 2016)
Denis Villeneuve
No, because I’m not from that culture. I’m French-Canadian which means that my culture is European. I was influenced by authors from France and Belgium, and Europeans are graphic novelists. Honestly, I know very little about most of them. (Happy Sad Confused, 2017)
Mark Wahlberg
I’m not leaving my trailer in a cape. (American Film Market, 2016)
Lulu Wang
[Big movies like that are] really made by committee. And that’s one of the reasons I don’t want to do it right now. Because I haven’t figured out my voice yet as a filmmaker. (Hollywood Reporter, 2019)
Denzel Washington
I haven’t been approached. You know, we’ll see what happens. (Joe.ie, 2018)
Ben Wheatley
They usually take people after two films, and [Free Fire was] film six. So you can safely say they’ll not come fucking knocking on my door. (Q&A, 2017)
Olivia Wilde
Totally, yeah. Absolutely. (MTV, 2019)
Evan Rachel Wood
I would love to be a superhero or something. (Cinephiled, 2014)
Steven Yeun
I’d like to do anything, if it comes my way and moves me I’m into it. (South China Morning Post, 2020)
submitted by LukeWilsonStupidNose to movies [link] [comments]

Fighting Game Anniversaries: Week 2

A bit late than usual, but greetings yall. Just like last week, I'll compile all of the anniversaries within each week under one post so you'll be able to see what stuff turned a year older. This account is still setting up everything so I'm missing some dates as a result so apologies in advance if I missed anything. I'll update posts as well stealthy whenever I get new info too. But for now, these would be anniversaries this week:
January 11
January 12
January 13
January 14
January 15
January 16
January 17
submitted by fganniversaries to u/fganniversaries [link] [comments]

Fake Elon Musk "thank me" spammers targeting 922 subs for their spam campaign

They post, then delete to avoid mods for spamming. It stays on peoples new feed until they refresh. These are the subs they post to
submitted by ScamWatchReporter to ScamWatchReporter [link] [comments]

2.13.2019 Nintendo Direct MegaThread

2.13.2019 Nintendo Direct MegaThread

Please use this thread for all pre-event hype and speculation, as well as post-event thoughts reactions.

Watch & Live Thread

This event is scheduled to start at 2:00 p.m. PT, 5:00 p.m. ET, 10:00 p.m. UK

Recap of Announcements

REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In a new Nintendo Direct video presentation, Nintendo announced that Super Mario Maker 2, a sequel to the groundbreaking original game, and a stylish re-imagining of The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening are both launching this year for the Nintendo Switch™ system. The video also revealed ASTRAL CHAIN, a new action game from PlatinumGames exclusive to Nintendo Switch.
In addition to introducing other acclaimed titles coming to Nintendo Switch, like Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice and Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, the video also provided more details about upcoming Nintendo games like Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Yoshi’s Crafted World, DAEMON X MACHINA and MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 3: The Black Order, among many others. Nintendo Switch will also be home to BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL!, the next iteration in the charming puzzle-platformer series coming to Nintendo eShop.
Plus, starting today, Nintendo Switch owners will have access to surprise launches like the online 99-player puzzle-fest Tetris® 99 and classic SQUARE ENIX role-playing game FINAL FANTASY IX, as well as new co-op DLC for Captain Toad™: Treasure Tracker and free demos for upcoming anticipated games.
“Every game covered in this Nintendo Direct is slated for launch for Nintendo Switch this year,” said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Whether you’re looking for new games in classic franchises, new content for existing hits or completely new experiences, Nintendo Switch has something for everyone over the next several months alone.”
To view the Nintendo Direct video in its entirety, visit https://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct. Some of the highlights revealed in the video include:
  • Super Mario Maker™ 2: In this new game, players can create the Super Mario courses of their dreams, with access to even more tools, items and features. Super Mario Maker 2 launches exclusively for Nintendo Switch this June.
  • The Legend of Zelda™: Link’s Awakening: Originally released for the Game Boy™ system more than 25 years ago, one of the most beloved games in the Legend of Zelda series returns. In this modern re-imagining, players travel to the mysterious island of Koholint to guide Link on a perilous adventure. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening arrives exclusively on Nintendo Switch in 2019.
  • ASTRAL CHAIN: ASTRAL CHAIN is a new action game from PlatinumGames, directed by Takahisa Taura, known for his work as the game designer on NieR:Automata, and supervised by Hideki Kamiya, creator of the Bayonetta™ series. As part of a police special forces unit in a multicultural futuristic city, players work together with a special living weapon, the Legion, in a synergetic action system of battle and exploration. More details about this Nintendo Switch exclusive will be revealed in the future. ASTRAL CHAIN launches exclusively for Nintendo Switch on Aug. 30.
  • Fire Emblem™: Three Houses: The Black Eagles. The Blue Lions. The Golden Deer. Three noble houses that are part of the Officer’s Academy, an elite facility that trains students in the ways of weapons, magic and special skills. As a professor, the player must choose one of these houses to lead its students in grid-based battles with life-or-death stakes. Each house is comprised of many different students to meet and train, each with her or his own personality and skills. These students can interact with each other at the academy, strengthening their bonds and supporting each other on the battlefield. The Fire Emblem: Three Houses standalone game and the Fire Emblem: Three Houses – Seasons of Warfare Edition both launch exclusively for Nintendo Switch on July 26.
  • BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL!™: Welcome back, BOXBOY! The fan-favorite puzzle series is back for the first time on Nintendo Switch with a brand-new game! In addition to 270 new levels, two players can work as a team to solve puzzles in a new co-op mode. As a bonus, players who complete the game can access a new adventure starring Qudy. BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! unboxes itself on Nintendo eShop on April 26.
  • Tetris® 99: The iconic puzzle game Tetris® arrives, but with an online experience like no other. In this next entry in the storied puzzle franchise, 99 players compete together until only one is left standing. Nintendo Switch Online members (membership sold separately) can battle for dominance in this free-to-download software. The Nintendo Switch exclusive will be available to download starting today, and players can look forward to battling it out in upcoming online events.
  • Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night: The side-scrolling action of yore rises once again in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Play as Miriam, host of the Alchemist’s Curse, as she steals the abilities of enemies, bends gravity to her will and darts around the game’s elaborate castle at lightning speed. Here, the laws of reality – and 2D side-scrollers – don’t apply. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night emerges from the shadows this summer for Nintendo Switch.
  • Mortal Kombat 11: New and classic characters return for more over-the-top fighting action in Mortal Kombat 11, launching for Nintendo Switch on April 23.
  • Yoshi’s Crafted World™: Before Yoshi’s Crafted World launches on March 29, Nintendo Switch owners can head to Nintendo eShop to download a free demo for the artfully handcrafted game starting today! In the Yoshi’s Crafted World game, players can explore the Front and Flip-Side of stages while rafting, racing solar cars, tearing through the sky on a plane and experiencing many other wild and surprising gameplay sequences. Using coins collected through the varied and secret-filled levels, players can unlock 180 different crafted costumes that Yoshi can wear.
  • Captain Toad™: Treasure Tracker Update and Special Episode DLC: Guess who is still ready for adventure? After downloading a free Nintendo Switch version update for the Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker game that is available starting today, all courses in the game will support a new two-player co-op mode featuring a second Toad to explore simultaneously with a friend. And on March 14, new paid DLC arrives that adds 18 new challenges to the game, including five new courses and new Shiny Crowns, which can be obtained in each course. New players can get the Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker game together with the updates and all the new Special Episode content in a digital bundle available for purchase on Nintendo eShop beginning Feb. 13. Players who purchase the bundle or the Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker – Special Episode DLC will receive early access to one of the courses in Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker – Special Episode, with the remainder of the courses launching on March 14.
  • Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate Update: The fastest-selling console-exclusive game in Nintendo history is about to spring forward with a free Ver. 3.0 update coming to the game this spring. Before the end of April, Joker from Persona 5 will be available as a playable fighter. Announced in December, Joker is the first Fighters Pass DLC fighter to join the game’s expansive cast. Players who want to get access to five upcoming DLC fighters plus additional stages and music can purchase the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass by visiting https://smashbros.nintendo.com/buy/dlc/. Additional details about the 3.0 update and upcoming Fighters Pass content will be revealed in the future. Also, be on the lookout for new amiibo in 2019 like Snake, Simon, Squirtle, Pokémon Trainer and Ivysaur.
  • Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice: Winner of multiple awards, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is coming to Nintendo Switch. Created in collaboration with neuroscientists and those with lived experience of psychosis, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice pulls players deep into the mind of a Celtic warrior on a haunting vision quest to fight for the soul of her dead lover. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice launches for Nintendo Switch this spring.
  • DAEMON X MACHINA: Starting today, mech pilots in the making can get a free demo for DAEMON X MACHINA called “Prototype Missions,” available for a limited time to download from Nintendo eShop or Nintendo.com. In the demo, players can battle through four different missions while testing out the game’s controls and mech customization. After playing, select players will receive an email containing a link to an online survey where they can provide feedback about the game to Director Kenichiro Tsukuda and the development team. Currently in development, DAEMON X MACHINA is scheduled to launch for Nintendo Switch this summer.
  • MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 3: The Black Order: For the first time in 10 years, the MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE series returns with four-player action and an original story … all exclusive to Nintendo Switch! Assemble your dream team from a huge cast of Super Heroes, including Marvel’s ultimate cosmic protector, Captain Marvel. Players can save the world together with up to four players** in TV mode, with four separate systems locally or online. A dynamic zoomed-in Heroic Camera will give players the option to get closer to the action. As characters level up, they’ll learn new skills they can use on the fly, and also perform powerful Alliance Extreme attacks. MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 3: The Black Order launches for Nintendo Switch this summer.
  • Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition: Ready for a grand adventure filled with memorable characters, an enchanting story and classic RPG gameplay that can be taken on the go? This enhanced version of the critically acclaimed game features the same sprawling content of the original, but with newly added character-specific stories, the option for increased battle speed, fully orchestrated field and battle music, and the ability to switch between HD and retro-inspired 16-bit visuals. Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition launches for Nintendo Switch this fall.
  • DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2: Combining both RPG and crafting gameplay together, players gather materials to create things like weapons, buildings and even entire towns. With the help of the mysterious Malroth and other villagers, players will explore large islands, find quests and battle monsters and bosses scattered around the world. Those who own the original DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS on their Nintendo Switch system can craft the Legendary Builder’s outfit and the Dragonlord’s Throne. DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 launches for Nintendo Switch on July 12.
  • ONINAKI: To uphold the tenets of reincarnation, players must travel between the Living World and the Beyond to rescue lost souls from the terrible fate of becoming monsters. In battle, the souls you rescue manifest within you, granting you strength and new abilities. ONINAKI launches for Nintendo Switch this summer.
  • New Star Fox Missions in Starlink: Battle for Atlas: The Starlink: Battle for Atlas digital update coming in April will add new Star Fox missions to the Nintendo Switch version of the game. Play as Peppy, Falco and Slippy to help aid the fight to down Star Wolf’s lieutenants, Andrew, Pigma and Leon, in a series of challenging missions. Additional content released as part of the update includes new starship races, faction missions and more. The spring update of Starlink: Battle for Atlas launches this April on Nintendo Switch.
  • Disney TSUM TSUM FESTIVAL: Disney’s adorable Tsum Tsum are coming to Nintendo Switch in a new game! In Disney TSUM TSUM FESTIVAL, players connect matching Tsum Tsum to clear them and set a high score. Up to four players can compete against each other in local or online modes. Disney TSUM TSUM FESTIVAL launches exclusively for Nintendo Switch in 2019.
  • Rune Factory 4 Special and Rune Factory 5: Classic RPG Rune Factory 4 is being remastered for Nintendo Switch. Interact with townsfolk, grow vegetables and fruit on the farm, catch fish, raise monsters and wield weapons and spells in this new version of the game. Rune Factory 4 Special will be ripe for playing on Nintendo Switch later this year, with the newly announced Rune Factory 5 coming at a later date.
  • DELTARUNE: The next game from the creator of Undertale is coming to Nintendo Switch. Download DELTARUNE Chapter 1 for free on Nintendo eShop beginning Feb. 28.
  • FINAL FANTASY VII: Return to Midgar in one of the most iconic RPGs of all time, when FINAL FANTASY VII finds a new home on Nintendo Switch on March 26.
  • FINAL FANTASY IX: First-time players have the chance to fall in love with Vivi like the rest of the world when the beloved RPG FINAL FANTASY IX comes to Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch later today.
  • Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY!: KWEH! On March 20, the latest game in the Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon series arrives on Nintendo Switch.
  • Dead by Daylight: Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape and avoid being caught and killed. The Nintendo Switch version features loads of maps, characters and cosmetics, and a deep progression system to try out. Dead by Daylight creeps onto Nintendo Switch this fall.
  • Assassin’s Creed III Remastered: For the first time on Nintendo Switch, experience Assassin’s Creed III with revamped gameplay and features tailored to the system like motion aiming and touch input. In addition to all the original game’s DLC, the standalone game Assassin’s Creed Liberation Remastered will also be included when Assassin’s Creed III Remastered launches for Nintendo Switch on May 21.
  • Unravel Two: Take control of two adorable characters made out of yarn and solve challenges in Unravel Two. Play as both characters in single-player or team up with a friend in local co-op. Unravel Two launches for Nintendo Switch on March 22.
  • GRID Autosport: GRID Autosport comes to Nintendo Switch fully loaded with a mix of high-speed thrills, realistic handling and a difficulty level that scales to players’ skills. Players will feel like pro racers as they master the world’s fastest cars to win motorsport’s most exhilarating races, from the prestigious Circuit of Spa-Francorchamps to the narrow city streets of Barcelona. All DLC is included in this version of the game, with 100 cars, 100 circuits and some welcome additions like tilt controls and custom controls. GRID Autosport launches for Nintendo Switch this summer.
Remember that Nintendo Switch features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about other features, visit https://www.nintendo.com/switch/.
*Nintendo Switch Online membership (sold separately) and Nintendo Account required for online play. Not available in all countries. Internet access required for online features. Terms apply. nintendo.com/switch-online


What is a Nintendo Direct?
A Nintendo Direct is a pre-recorded video presentation (Today's is approximately ~35m in length) to make game announcements and provide fans with general updates directly from Nintendo.
What if I can't watch the Nintendo Direct live due to work/school/etc.?
  • If you want the latest news the moment it's announced, read along with our reddit live thread.
  • If you want a spoiler-free experience, click here to watch the replay on YouTube (once it's available). This will take you directly to the video so you don't accidentally see any trailers if you visit the Nintendo YouTube page directly. Just don't scroll down!
There WILL be spoilers here on the subreddit, so watch the video first.
If you see any posts that should actually be here in the MegaThread, please do us a favor and hit the report button.
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Ok, this is going to likely be one of my longest Reddit posts ever. Since there are many new players to the community, I'm first going to explain who I am, and what I've done while playing battle legion, then I'm going to talk about how the game's changed. From when I started playing, specifically looking at the monetisation. Right, let's get on with this.


I'm Greenfoot5, to some, the name is enough, others know some about me, others know little. I began playing in Era 1, Season 1, update 1.0. On Sunday of the first week. On the 31st of March 2019 (roughly) prior to ulther and dmund starting. Some players started earlier than me, but I also haven't really officially taken a break from Battle Legion while I've played. Ok, so what have I done during that time other than played?
I started early with a wiki. This is now the third version of the wiki I've started. The second version lasts a whole year, and was the source of much information and helped many users. We got around 200 visits a day. The new wiki isn't quite ready yet, but can be found at https://www.battlelegion.wiki Several users have helped in adding information, updating it as well as
I also created BattleBot. It's a discord bot that's used in 12 servers including the official server. It's open source and I along with QoO have put a lot of effort into it. You can check out the code here if you're interested: https://github.com/Greenfoot5/BattleBot Note that the repo was originally private so some code can't be seen there.
I run the Battle Legion Community Discord, formally known as the Battle Legion Wiki Discord. It's the largest community discord, that's hosted competitions, the tournament, now also home to the discord side of the subreddit, BattleBot support and also discussion on the wiki.
Of course, I also run this subreddit. Not originally but I took it over a while ago and have been running it since with some help from others too. I am also still looking for more applicants to be moderators! It's a pinned thread!
I am also leader of The Tavern, The Tavern 2 and The Tavern 3. With TT being the top clan in Battle Legion for 4 seasons running, TT2 top 4 during those 4 seasons too. Managing all three takes time, we're also the only pre-clan clan that still exists/is active. By this, I mean I made the discord community in preparation for clans before they were released.
There's still more. I am currently the only community moderator on the official Discord, the only moderator on the official YouTube for streaming (not that there's too much there). This does mean I am the only moderator during the weekends on the official discord though. And I've also send more that 12 thousand messages on the official Discord, which is at least 3 thousand better than the next person.
I think that's everything. Oh! I also do the occasional stream. That's everything. If I've missed anything, please let me know.

Monetisation History

This is going to be a personal history. From my experience. There will be some opinions.
Before I start though, I'd better explain what the game was like. So, there were 6 ranks, 1-5 and Eternal Battlegrounds. Ranks 1-5 were like an extended tutorial with rank 6 being the full game, with rating and seasons/eras. To advance through 1-5 you just needed xp and bonus xp, not rating. Shards didn't exist, and you collected units through ranks (which were from one of the 5 ranks, sizes didn't exist). You also collected skins through the wagons. Each wagon took 4 hours to arrive, and 15 keys to unlock. Units only required gold to upgrade up to rank 7 (or mastery). For mastery level, they required mastery tokens, which you got one for spending 50 gold. Tomes (old powerstones) had upgrades, up to level three, each costing more tomes to apply. It was 100% Free to Play, with season pass, being very different, gems not available and the cost for the season path was just 5000 gold. You could also buy mastery tokens from the shop for gold at a reduced rate.
First monetisation step brought in the shop, and gems. This changed the season pass cost, and brought in the first stage of monetisation. The season pass was (800?) gems to begin with and cost roughly $10. It could also be purchased again if you completed it. This was what players had requested when Irmostoi (the lead developer) asked. Many complained about the price, forgetting we had actually been asked what we thought in the first place. This season also brought in the first cosmetic bundle for 2200 gems (with individual purchases available). There were several bundles to follow. I think about 5, then the seasonal ones only after that. Prior to the 2019 halloween bundle, they were all gem costs.
After many about the season pass cost, it was halved to $5. Many had unfortunately forgotten (myself included) that it was the price we originally suggested. You could still earn it back after completing it, plus some extra gems on top. I don't believe you could spend gems on anything other than those cosmetic bundles.
There was a lot of complaints about the shop, causing Teep and a few other top players to leave. Not many though. This also saw the removal of the game from Testflight and Hockeyapp. The main reason people had an issue is because the game was still in early access. However, many players kept on playing (if they could). The shop was likely introduced as Traplight needed money and their reserves were running out.
With the addition of the second cosmetic bundle, two new items were added to the shop. You could now purchase gold and auto-spin tokens with gems. Yes, this was the first introduction of auto-spin tokens, with a cap of 999. This means you can no longer spin forever. There was also double the spin token cap in the barrel. The spin tokens annoyed many users, and caused some to start using auto-spinners. However, it was quickly realised that for most you wouldn't use all 999 spin tokens easily. This also lead to shorter, more frequent play sessions according to Irmostoi in a later AMA.
Moving on, at some point, refund scrolls were added. This allowed you to earn back the tomes you spend on a unit. I can't remember the original ratios as they changed when the tome system was changed. I can't remember if this was added to the shop for gems straight away either.
Next up, The Stage. Many users will recognise this feature, watch an ad for a reward, but it looked a little different. There were three steps, each giving more rewards than the next, and could be one of the following:
Gems, Gold, Bonus Rank Points (old bonus xp), Auto-spin Tokens and Scrolls of Refund Skill.
Cooldown was started at 8 hours. This also came with the third cosmetic bundle.
Still more to come, this is more of a time update. It's update 4.0, Traplight announce their focusing work on Clans Phase 1, and the new Unit Progression system. This also announced that there were no new eras, and they would cycle until they got round to developing more. Also tweaked the ad cooldown to 4 hours from the original 8.
Next season, the fourth bundle was added. Sometime around here, the gold limit was reduced, and it was secretly reduced multiple times. It was only noticed by players because it had been significantly reduced. Which caused some backlash.
Now, as a brand new community feature, Answer and win was created. 85 people took part in the first A&W, with a raffle for 500 gems. These happened once a week for a while.
At update 4.2, two new cosmetic bundles were added, pristine and corrupted nature packs, each granting three cosmetics. This also marked the release of the test server for the first time. It contained the new unit progression system.
After the third answer and win, a new competition was created, for 1500 gems, to rename Answer and Win, u/Greenfoot5 won, with "Question of the Week" (it was a weekly thing)
It was finally the end of October with the first real life event bundle, the halloween bundle. Just three items this time, I think it was still purchasable with gems, so you could have saved them up from the season path.
On the 8th of November, QotW had a brand new challenge, to write a short story. This would grant 1000 gems on top of the 500 for the raffle. Three winners were chosen (I was one of them).
Update 5.1. The Unit Progression Update. Long awaited and tested for many weeks, it was finally here. I'll try to summarise them quick. - Levels increased from 7 to 15. - Mastery tokens removed - Rank based wagons were removed and replaced with size based wagons - Shards were now required to unlock new units, and level them up. - Skill slots now unlocked at levels 4, 8 and 12 rather than all at level M (or 7). - You can now purchase tomes and wagons. The wagons currently in the shop are the same as current. - Introduced the cosmetic wardrobe. - Eternite prior to this update is called Pristine eternite, and normal eternite is the system you know now. You used pristine eternite to buy era based cosmetics. - Season pass had it's price increased to 550 gems. Rewards were changed so you can still rebuy if you completed it. - Tome levels were removed. All tome amounts were divided by 13. - Scroll price in shop was updated and you can no longer earn them from ads. - Auto-spin token cap was reduced to 200. - Question of the Week raffle rewards increased to 1000 for the season pass and then some.
In the next season, a new wagon was added, the gold wagon. This is because people had a lot of gold as of v5.1. This allowed people to earn some shards quickly.
A few days before the next season, the test server is reopened! This was strictly to test the new clan system but was also a mini-sandbox server that many had fun in.
With update 5.3, a few shop updates happened. A holiday bundle was added, this was purchased using real money, making it the first bundle to be purchased with real money, rather than gems. There were three offers available. Next, wagons could be ordered quickly with gems, giving you another way to spend the gems. Finally, the season pass was changed to be purchased with real money. This meant that in the players original request for the season pass, nothing remained. The pass could not be earnt again if players completed it.
Not a monetisation addition, but a huge step forward for the community, the official roadmap was added. This was on the 21st of January, 2020.
Another brand new event for gems, on the 12/2/2020, ulther announced the first fight night. The format would change over the next few months to the format you know today.
All was quiet for a while, until the announcement of the new rank system. This would be the first time a major change would not go into public testing (or even testing with the senior testers). This was announced two seasons prior to the update. Further information and warnings were given before this update took place. Pristine eternite and era cosmetics would be removed, tomes are now stones and become era based.
Then update 8.0 arrived. It's really long, read the full notes yourself. However there are a few major monetisation things I want to add. - Royal Shipments. - Seasonal Powers - Gem prices of timers reduced.
Little was changed monetisation wise for a bit. Then update 8.2 arrives. This reduces gem rewards on the quests and stones removed from medium and large wagons.
In the next update, gold limits and gains were increased, along with the addition of another cosmetic wardrobe.
First Time Spinners event happened. Hopefully you know about that.
Finally, most recently, the post that inspired this, wagon gains were changed. I shouldn't need to explain this one.

So. Where's the feedback!?

Alright, alright. I wanted everyone to understand my stance, and what it might mean if I said "I quit." I've been through a lot. It's taken me about 2 hours to go through the whole of the announcements channel just to write this post. Alright.
So, when the shop originally released, several players were upset. Myself included. I created a "secret" channel in the BLW Discord. And we complained together, some left, but nothing really happened.
In January, I wrote this: https://bit.ly/2SrnWzd
For the first point, this has kinda happened. There have been no secret updates that we didn't know of, and the streams have been a great teaser for the new content. But remember the roadmap I mentioned earlier? The updates are less frequent than once a month. I even began to setup a Community Roadmap so that players had something to refer to, I just haven't had time to update it (as this is, at the end of the day, a hobby).
For the second point... It's gotten worse, with poor balance changes (you knew SP was poor, and still argued that there wouldn't be "design changes" made mid season. Update 1.2.1. A hotfix was sent round to fix FW because he was overpowered. On top of that, the gold shortage means you only upgrade the units in your current army, and have none left over if you want to change. I've talked more about flexibility here: https://www.reddit.com/BattleLegion/comments/h9mp78/you_should_have_a_shortage_of_shards/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x
For three, this issue has been fixed, because people struggle to get up as inactive players can use units from higher ranks. I talked about this issue a little here: https://www.reddit.com/BattleLegion/comments/gxyajl/you_should_be_able_to_go_down_in_rank/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x
For four. I don't feel that I've been placed first. In fact, in the last few updates, I have not had the most enjoyment, nor the best experience. It's in your guide to parents. I've explained my opinions on the evernote page. I'm not going to bother repeating it here.
For Monetisation. "Traplight is on a mission to empower mobile players in a way no-one has done before." This is written on your Facebook page, and yet... The shards system is sooo similar to Clash Royal, the new wagon system is basically Clash Royal's system, Ranks are basically Clash Royal's arenas. The progression path, Clash Royal, Random Dice. Season Pass, Fortnite's battle pass, Clash Royal's pass. These are major mechanics that seems like you've just changed how battles work. You truly have something special here. The core game of make an army and spin is like no other game. Many players have looked to find a better one (specifically after certain monetisation features) and haven't found one. Please, please, please don't fuck it up. I would like to say, in your defence, that according to ulther, you cannot support the game on cosmetics alone. Fair enough. However that doesn't mean you have to create features that drive away the player-base and makes long term players quit.
Away from the evernote, WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE BALANCE CHANGES!? Anyway...

What can be done?

This will be me, just my opinions, what can help, what has been suggested, what might not work. For background, I take a real interest in game design, I watch GMTK and have attempted to make a few games of my own. I also paid a little attention to indie games and a game developer discord. This doesn't make me an expert, but I'm also not ignorant.
Let's start with monetisation. Specifically, the season path. The has likely been your best source of income for the game. It's truly amazing. I love the value it grants, and I've suggested these changes a few times, but I'm gonna do it again. With some more explanation this time.
  1. Make the season path at least double the length. I am literally a lazy player. I don't even log on sometimes, I have three accounts. I can get halfway through Darktonians season path, just by playing a few hours on two days. I don't know the actual stats on how many people actually complete it, but doubling the length makes it harder to complete, allows for more freedom on what to add and makes it a real challenge to complete. To help this, it may be good to tweak the path gaps so it's not double the xp required to complete it, but it should still be a challenge. This also increases the path's value a lot. This also gives players motivation to come online more to collect their bxp as they'll need it to complete that path.
  2. Make the cost gems. This means, you can earn the pass back if you complete it. However, I'd guess you could keep the x8 value, so you could make it about 1500 gems? This means that new players who save all their gems won't reach it until a few seasons in. But can still purchase it. It also means that players who do regularly complete the pass get to keep earning it. Yes, it's a loss in money for some, but if you just miss out on completing the pass, after purchasing it, wouldn't you spend a few coins to get the season pass next season? You could make the money back with the alternative methods later. This idea was mostly inspired by Vainglory, the pass was hard enough to complete and gave out some massive rewards. This also gives free to play players a chance. The season path has soo much value tome wise you're rather behind if you don't purchase it.
Another source of monetisation is the eternite system. But, it's not very good at the moment. Add a protection system in! There are two ideas:
  1. Bring back pristine eternite. A resource you earn from getting dupes. If you collect enough, you can just buy a cosmetic without having the randomness. You may have to make the pristine wardrobe specific or tailor the prices correctly so that people don't just buy the classics wardrobe to get pristine for the mechine/merfolk wardrobe.
  2. After x common dupes, you get a guaranteed common. After x mythic dupes, you get a guaranteed mythic. This means you don't spend several months (like I did) just hunting for one skin. In my case it was the punk skin and it has made me hate the system.
Several players have voiced concerns about the truly random nature of the wardrobe. People like me who complain about how many they've opened to get the last skin don't help things. If I can tell someone that they're guaranteed to get a new skin after x dupes, they'll go away happy. You may actually get people purchasing eternite (I can't imagine you get many, if any). If players like the game, they'll also be more inclined to purchase.
Next up. Unit Upgrades. This is the main focus for your monetisation. Yet, it's still as shit as all the others. I try to avoid swearing, but it's just so infuriating. Anyway, I don't have any suggestions for this. You need to have some way of progressing otherwise it's boring, you need to make sure that players feel like they're constantly progressing, but need to get better to progress more. If I could solve this issue in a better way, I'd be off making my own game. This one's up to you lot. But, also bear in mind, you need the system to not lock players into one army too harshly as otherwise once they get bored of that army and can't switch, they bore of the game and leave. Likely what happened to the recent TT leavers. However, you could decide not to make this your primary area for income. Thus making the progression system less driven by money, and more by getting better at the game and not waiting for hours. The wagons system has dropped progression speeds by 1/3 and has pissed off many players, old and new. According to dmund, it's unlikely you'll go back. There were flaws with the old system, but it's about improvement. This system is not an improvement on the old system, and I don't know how it could be changed to be an improvement.
Gem wagons. These are unappealing. Many top players in the community don't suggest buying them for several reasons. Mainly, for two reasons. It's too random and there's no gold. The gold's an easy fix, add some in. Randomness is harder. I could recommend some of Clash Royal's chests, but that's a little hypocritical since I've just complained about copying them. But giving players a choice of shards, or guarantee could be nice. Joker shards have been suggested before, you can collect the shards at a rare chance, and then use them to upgrade anything.
Offers. Offers are great. But you can have too much of a good thing. Daily offers that spam me, daily, popups with new offers, I think I've got free stuff from a royal shipment? Oh no, it's an offer, reached a new rank? Here's an offer. You're just devaluing your normal items. Stop. Imo, remove daily offers. An offer should be a special thing. If you just removed daily offers, everything in the shop would increase in value. Keep offers a rare thing. For when you reach a new rank, a small chance from a royal shipment. And perhaps for real life events. BLM and PrideMonth are perfect for offers, big offers, with perhaps 50% going to charity. Who doesn't want to support a charity (yes, I know companies milk it, but come on? It's a golden opportunity). But just removing daily offers would be enough imo.
Finally, gold limits and auto-spin tokens? I understand stopping players from getting burnt out, but like timers in XCOM 2, they just annoy the player. Yes, protect the player from themselves, but do it in a way that makes them enjoy the game even more. Good design goes a long way and truly makes a game stand out.


Ok, enough about monetisation. Let's chat balance. I mentioned earlier v1.2.1 proves that OP hotfixes happen. They are a good thing. SP and RDs desperately needed a hotfix, they were broken. I played when AAs first got effect tomes. RD and SP metas have been way worse. I get that tomes make it hard to balance, but seriously!? I could moan about this for hours.
caKe made an interesting comment about a "senior advisor" group that Traplight could use to get feedback from. Many likely don't know this, but on the Battle Legion Community Discord, all players who have obtained any #1 title, are called a lord (after the first title, Lord of Winter) and gain access to the lords channel. Traplight also have access to this channel. Traplight have all created a private channel on the official Discord server for Battle Sages. "A special role that is given to knowledgable and helpful members of the community." On top of that, there are also the senior testers. I feel the lords channel is best, as it isn't possible for it to become a friends club. The one specific requirement means people know what they have to do to get in, and also means there's no question of if someone should get access. However, you must also bear in mind that win and use rates have to be compared across the board. Just because bombot isn't used at the top that much, doesn't mean it isn't super effective in the starting ranks. But it would be good to get an idea on what players are having issues with.

Traplight's response

I understand you normally take time to respond to things, but remember this ulther? https://canary.discordapp.com/channels/439334026373890050/439334622375968771/656071541053980683 cause I do now. I know it's busy, but just a few small updates to the Discord, which you've said are needed would be wonderful. Even if it's just adding in some new Sages and adding in some more moderators. The second would really help me.
Response to bugs has been great and response times to any requests I've made has been really quick. But suggestions could do with more of a response. However, I also know this may not be possible with the fact they go to the design team, they get developed more and become something different.

Community's Response

This part's to the community. I'm not going to pick on a few people here but I know this has been happening. Not because there's an issue as such, but because you could respond better.
Please, if one of Traplight is responding, play nice. I'm not saying don't moan, but you can moan in a nice way. Any complaints do get passed on, but it's likely that the language in the complaint will be made nicer when it's forwarded onto the devs. Remember the human. Even if that human annoys you, play nice. For me?
For those that say wait for them to respond, sometimes this is good, sometimes it's bad. If it's during work hours, there's no point. Traplight can respond when Traplight responds. Also, for certain things, they will be discussed in Traplight's Slack to create the correct response. Allow them time to do so.
As always, READ THE PINNED MESSAGES probably 25% of my messages are repeats or me saying roughly the same thing. It saves me time, you time and Traplight time, thanks.


If you managed to read that all, thanks so much. Please leave comments about what I'm right and wrong about, or if you have a good way to monetise something that doesn't annoy the player. Also, please share this, if you have a translation of this, or something, I'll find a place to put it (of if you've got a document) DM me on Reddit, or Discord and I'll link it. I could also leave a sticky comment. I'll think of something if anyone bothers. Other than that, enjoy the game.
https://bit.ly/2N3i2An <-- Sharing link

Me quitting

I almost forgot to say this as I'm almost 4 hours into writing this. I have said I would quit twice in the entire time I've played Battle Legion. Once was for April Fools (I got many of you on Discord) and the second one was not because of the Soul Pylon release. But due to the poor responses of maybe we'll balance it and that design changes don't happen mid-season. That's what made me want to quit. I still remember when I first joined, I had a really nice chat with Irmostoi, I know that isn't possible anymore as the game has grown in size so much, but that level of communication and the understanding I gained from chatting about the gold limit was really insightful. But if the game keeps going in the direction it's going with monetisation, I'll leave it.
submitted by Greenfoot5 to BattleLegion [link] [comments]

How Did Your Favorite Players Perform (Relative to Seeding) at Let's Make Big Moves?

I'm back! and this time not so tired that I can barely even write the damn thing. Well, okay, by the time it was done, I was pretty fucking tired. The -1 column was the last I had to do, and by the time I hit that I was fucking done. Anyway, this is a recap of Let's Make Big Moves, the TriState major. I covered all 64 of the Top Seeds, as well as the Top 64 placements.
Note: If you are one of the listed players and want to contribute a quote, please let me know.
Disclaimer 1: Not all runs are created equal. Some players needed to take on monsters to get their placement. Some less so. This is not meant to be an objective quality match-up of players.
Disclaimer 2: If a player had a bad tournament that doesn't make them a bad player. It is easier to perform below your standard then above. Thus, one tournament can make a career, but it can't break it. There are many reasons players lose.
As fans we have a responsibility to be good to players. They cry and sweat for us. The goal isn't to make players stress out about individual placements more, but to catch interesting story lines and data. Don't be a dick to players.
Disclaimer 3: It is easier for a low seed to overperform and for a high seed to underperform. Seeds are a stand-in for expectations. The bad part of high expectations is that beating them is hard. One should consider equal levels of over-performance to favor higher seed players in terms of level of impressiveness.
Disclaimer 4: An issue with seeding is just as good an explanation for some of these cases as bad play is. It is not always possible to tell the difference.
How to Read This: Number indicates placement relative to expected placement. The number reflects losers round expected to lose in vs actual loss. If a player was seeded between 13 and 16, that means they were expected to go out at 13th place. Thus, if they got a +1 it means they got 9th place. If they got a -1 then it means they got 17th.

+5 or More (Star Turn)

(TG) MVD. PGRU 17. 31st Seed. 5th Place. (+5) - The notion that MVD needs a star turn is absurd. He's been a top player since Brawl. Yet, there's a reason he was seeded 31st. At LMBM, he broke his streak without a Major Top 8 since Low Tier City by nikita'ing Wishes, Dark Wizzy, and...wait are you kidding...Tweek into the blastzone. If your goal is to make it forget the last six months happened, that's one way to do it.
(Nfinite) Toast. 66th Seed. 13th Place. (+5) - A Young Link main who has been on the radar as a potential top player. He made big moves (I will never apologize) towards that by nearly beating Tweek in winners before going on a run through losers including Fsharp, Wishes, VoiD (Sad SoCal Hours) and LingLing. I'm calling it now. I think Toast is Season 3 PGR.
Toast on his results: "It had been eating at me lately that I would place well but not get pgr wins, so someone told me to always play like me at all times and to never forget who I was when playing, so I held it close to heart this tournament and felt more confident than I had ever been, and thus played like me."

+2 to +4 (Strong Tournament)

(DA) Sinji. PGRU 25. 39th Seed. 9th Place. (+4) - To me a case of underseeding. Sinji has only got less than 25th at one Ultimate tournament so far, and that was Smash Con. He got 25th on the PGR and he was seeded to be out before Top 32? At you kidding? He got wins on LingLing, Gen, and (tragically) Riddles while losing to Dark Wizzy and Nairo. A clear mistake.
(R2G) Kameme. PGRU 19. 11th Seed. 3rd Place. (+4) - Finally, the EVO 2016 finalist makes Top 8 at a US S-tier. He came damn close (9th) at EVO, so this is great to see. He was lucky in that he avoided a seeded match against Tweek. But, this was no fluke. He beat Venia, Marss, and Maister while only dropping sets to two Top 10 players in Dabuz and Nairo.
(TR) Zomba. 84th Seed. 17th Place. (+4) - Gotta check my notes here. Zomba is...a child. Yes. He is a 14 year old from Staten Island. Mains ROB/Link/Roy, and this is his first major. Also his Twitter is distinctly run by a 14 year old and is thus awful. But, his Smash game is pretty fucking good. He knocked out Uncivil Ninja and Raito in losers. There was some luck in that he got Elegant’s empty pool. But, some of his wins were better than the pool leader he replaced. Oh god, this kid is going to be unstoppable in about a year.
Apollo. Unseeded. 33rd Place. (+4) - A Tristate smasher who mains Duck Hunt, but I saw VoDs of him playing like Peach and Icies and some other wacky shit. A key participant of the insanity of the bonkers pool C5, where he outzoned Black Twins to win a big upset and benefited from Rfang going down earlier leading to two unseeded players escaping pools.
AceAttorney. Unseeded. 33rd Place. (+4) - I had a hell of a time researching them. "Ace Attorney Smash Bros" does not take you to a player page. Apparently a NJ Zelda main. Clearly they're pretty good since they beat MattyG and JW.
(NRG) Nairo. PGRU 8. 4th Seed. 1st Place. (+3) - Guys, is Nairo number 2 in the world right now? He's had a near unbroken string of Top 4 finishes ever since Shine, consistently banished his demons, and now he's taken home the largest Ultimate tournament he's ever won. He beat WaDi and then narrowly lost to Dabuz in Winners. But that just seemed to activate "pitbull on cocaine" mode. He proceeded to crazy man through losers, taking out Sinji, Maister, MVD, Tea, Kameme, and finally getting vengeance on Dabuz in an overawing bracket reset grand finals. Fitting that his biggest win of Ultimate to date happened so close to home too.
(Liquid) Dabuz. PGRU 7. 5th Seed. 2nd Place. (+3) - Dabuz right after Nairo, huh? Fitting. Yet again, being a Dabuz fan means heartbreak. He came back from a fairly lackluster season to get a lot of great wins here. Wins like Raffi-X and Uncivil Ninja are just the ball to the real lip of it. Kameme, Nairo, and Tea. His 3-0 over Tea banished a former demon of his using new Rosa tech he invented. But, his run ended tragically as Nairo manage to reset Game 5 of Grand Finals on last hit. After that Dabuz deflated. You could see his elusive first major tournament win slip through his fingers. Dabuz in Ultimate is like watching a Greek Tragedy.
Tea. PGRU 15. 9th Seed. 4th Place. (+3) - Don't gotta lot to add. TeaPacMan Wakka'd through Marss, Samsora, and Light, while only losing to the top 2 finishers. We're all so used to Tea breaking ankles that it's almost not surprising anymore.
(T1) ANTi. 59th Seed. 17th Place. (+3) - ANTi was once one of the best smashers, as his Meta-Knight pick reminded us, but he really has not gone all in on Ultimate. It was a nice run, including small but meaningful wins on Big D and Epic_Gabriel. Not huge names, but hardly nothing either. Sadly, he ran into fucking Maister not once, but twice, and didn't take a game in either set. Brutal. I'm pretty sure that's against the Geneva Convention.
(DU) Bankai. 77th Seed. 25th Place. (+3) - NY ZSS and PKMN Trainer main. He got this +3 through a combination of NickC getting sick, the chaos of Pool C5 letting him dodge a ranked opponent in losers...and getting a small upset on his own friend Zan, the SoCal Toon Link Player. Zan’s tweet on the subject is a tragedy in three acts.
(lluZ) BONK!. 103rd Seed. 33rd Place. (+3) - a Meta-Knight from Philly. His upset over Ned was probably the most wild upset of pools that didn’t involve Pool C5.
(SH) TheRed. Unseeded. 49th Place. (+3) - Snake main who is apparently PR’d in Massachusetts. Got wins on Vivi and Diabeo. Also helped contribute to sending False packing from the tournament. So props for that?
(US|RIP LGBB) Mr. Mojo Risin’. Unseeded. 49th Place. (+3) - Okay okay so. This guy is seemingly Tristate, seems to use Donkey Kong a lot, and is distinctly a fan of the Doors. He’s on the list for upsetting the Sonic player UR2Slow and because Rivers decided to go to MagFest and DQd.
TonyZTank. Unseeded. 49th Place. (+3) - HE IS THE ONE RESPONSIBLE. Okay so, Pool C5 turned into a massive cluster fuck with both its leads, Rfang and BlackTwins getting upset. Tony here upset Roach, before losing immediately after...but then somehow managed to get out of pools in the slot that Rfang and Blacktwins weren’t fighting over, then beat...Daybreak and Raptor? Fucking chaos. Who is this guy? Sonic main from Nebraska? I asked RFang on twitter and Rfang said “Bro I don't fucking know either lmfaoo. All know is he might be the greatest sonic to ever do it”.
Cosmos. PGRU 11. 16th Seed. 9th Place. (+2) - That’s more like it! Cosmos fell off from his Season 1 Top 15 status hard in Season 2. Cosmos is relentlessly likeable so it was kind of hard to watch. 9th is still not where he used to be. Especially with Raffi-X and Larry Lurr as his biggest wins. Not bad, but it was his close set with Dark Wizzy, who is probably presently Top 20, that gave me hope. Is Season 3 the season Cosmos recovers from his anime girl induced bout of madness?
(3D) Gen. PGRU A51. 27th Seed. 13th Place. (+2) - One of Tristate’s best talents who never travels. I wonder who he’ll face!? Venia. Suarez. Sinji. Laid is slightly out of state, right? And he even faced one foreign player...and it’s Maister. Fuck. Oh well, at least he did well. Maybe that means he might travel more?
(djb) Laid. 46th Seed. 17th Place. (+2) - The Lucina from New England. The lord of the Side-Bet Discord. As near as I can tell, he didn’t get any upsets himself. Just benefited from Rivers ditching for Magfest and LeoN getting upset by Epic_Gabriel. But, he somehow made an 8:1 bet on Nairo making a reverse sweep on Maister, so he probably made more money than some of the people who actually placed.
Riddles. 34th Seed. 17th Place. (+2) - Someone on twitter asked over the weekend what players people just love watching. Besides NickC (obviously) the most common answer is Shut- ...Riddles. That only grows more true with each passing tournament. Not only did he dominate the crew battle, but he went on an epic run at LMBM. After losing in pools to a...gotta check my notes here...a chair from twitter, he went on a massive losers run, including Ned, Enzo, Z, and even Tweek himself, before losing to Sinji. Fucking beautiful. I just wish we got a proper stream of his match with Tweek. I wanted to watch that shit so bad I was hunting for phone vids on twitter.
Epic_Gabriel. 51st Seed. 25th Place. (+2) - ROB Main from Florida. This tournament was lousy with high placing ROBs, really. Skynet basically came online. He got a big ‘ol on-stream win over LeoN, which is where the entire +2 comes from. LeoN’s a for sure PGR win, so a round of applause is in order.
SKITTLES!. 69th Seed. 33rd Place. (+2) - The best player in Nebraska. I’ve definitly talked about him before but am way too rushed to figure out in which one. Got wins on Atomsk, Sharp, Comona, and Odyssey. Nothing big, but a healthy spread.
(Drexel) Yoda Cage. 122nd Seed. 49th Place. (+2) Philly based Boswer JR and DK main. Managed to get wins on Benny&TheJets and Mata-Door. However, this all might be bracket noise from Shuton falling sick. Someone should play Diddy Kong and call themselves “Baby Yoda Cage”.
(ATU) Mekos. 116th Seed. 49th Place. (+2) - One of the few relevant Lucas players. He got an upset on Venom and then benefitted from the chaos from bracket C5 by avoiding BlackTwins or RFang.
Sharp. 101st Seed. 49th Place. (+2) - Not FSharp the Canadian, Sharp is the #1 player in Rhode Island. He went all Shiek in bracket and upset both RFang and Dazai while taking NickC and Skittles to Game 3. Especially impressive because playing Shiek in bracket is like playing “Smash Bros: Dark Souls” where you do no damage and everything else two shots you. I see some potential here.
(NVR) SAUCE. 98th Seed. 49th Place. (+2) - Mario/Roy main. Got small upsets on Chrismus and PowPow, and benefited greatly from Lima oversleeping and getting DQ’d.

-1 to +1 (Normal Tournament)

(MVG) Dark Wizzy. PGRU 31. 10th Seed. 7th place. (+1) - Dark Wizzy has completed the transformation from “Good player who says Mario shit on twitter” to “Consistent Top 20 Player”. Nothing here was that shocking. Wins on Sinji, WDGTHTBP, Cosmos, Z, and John Numbers. Losses to Marss and MVD. But, the regularity is his Top 20 appearances is something you love to see. It is fairly brutal watching him try to play his way through the badness of the Mario-Zss matchup though.
(lluZ) Raffi-X. 21st Seed. 13th Place. (+1) - Raffi doesn’t really feel like a Top Player yet, at all. Yet, he consistently gets Top 16 or better at Super Majors. My first impulse was to just claim he lacks top player wins...but actually Goblin and Raito are pretty fucking good wins. Maybe, he just needs to be memorable? Has he considered a catchphrase? “I’m Raffi, and when I’m done with you, you’re going to be Taffy!” Yeah, not sure. He’s increasingly a contender for not only Number 2 ROB...but a challenger to WaDi for the top spot. Don’t let a single word of this come across as an insult to his skill.
(T1) LarryLurr. 32nd Seed. 17th Place. (+1) - SoCal! SoCal! SoCal! We actually got someone into Top 24! We didn’t even get anyone into Top 32 in our own Tournament at Kongo Saga. This was a legitimately great result for the long time pro, including wins on Dill, Lui$, and a SoCal Teamkill on Sparg0. Okay, fine, it was only kind of a team kill, but we’re still claiming him. We’re Desperate.
Uncivil Ninja. 37th Seed. 25th Place. (+1) - Sad to say, but you should probably treat this one as -1. He got a + bump from NickC getting some kind of illness, presumably a bad case of Spiking Fever for Dairing so many fools. But, before this could be translated into any kind of run, he got sent to losers and then upset by literal child Zomba.
(lluZ) Jakal. 33rd Seed. 25th Place. (+1) - Not a lot to say about the TriState Wolf main’s performance here. He got a literally one seed upset over Larry.
(Ho3K) Frozen. PGRU 46. 61st Seed. 33rd Place. (+1) - I am not sure how he ended up in 33rd. I think Elegant’s DQ might have been the factor. I am also skeptical because of his proximity to the esoteric cursed pool C5. I am pretty sure this is just bracket chaos though.
(16B) LingLing. 58th Seed. 33rd. (+1) - The Peach Queen (King) of the North East. On examination, he actually should have got -1 because Toast upset him, but Shuton falling sick and fusing with Riddles left the bracket slot open.
(3D) Juuuuul. 49th Seed. 33rd Place. (+1) - Probably the only relevant player (outside of Texas) who uses Robin. No, that time Nairo pulled her out doesn’t count. He got a strong upset over Mr E, but got one back from DM. A mixed bag overall?
(BCe BBM) Beast. 83rd Seed. 49th Place. (+1) - PKMN Trainer from Philly. Got knocked into losers relatively early by Pazda, but actually got strong wins on Kofi and Tamim before being taken out by Suarez.
(Sinai) DM. 80th Seed. 49th Place. (+1) - A New England Top Player and one of the few actual Pikachu players with actual relevance. He got an upset on Juuuul, but I’d honestly say his losses were more impressive. Lui$ and Cosmos. Ain’t no shame in a scorecard like that.
(Evil) Nelvin. 78th Seed. 49th Place. (+1) - Another NE crab person. This time a Diddy main. Seemingly no upsets in either direction. Just got a +1 downstream because Purity beat Juice and Nelvin beat him.
(Ho3K) Ralphie. 74th Seed. 49th Place. (+1) - A Tristate player who used Wolf last I checked. But, I think that means, like all wolf mains, he dropped her for Palu. That was a joke. I hope. I think what happened here was he dodged facing Riddles or MVD because some chair from twitter upset Riddles, so Ralphie wound up with a less menacing foe.
WaDi. PGRU 24. 13th Seed. 13th Place. (+0) - WaDi did fine. WaDi always does fine. There is probably no more player who more consistently gets Top 16 in Ultimate. The problem remains same as ever. Top 16 isn’t Top 8. Oh well. Someone oughta give a “Let’s Go WaDi!” for old times sake.
(TG) MuteAce. PGRU 27. 24th Seed. 17th Place. (+0) - Not totally sure what happened here. Mute got upset by Stocktaker in one of the loudest matchest of the weekend as measured by Yerrr-Per-Minute. But, he came back with a pretty decent losers run, including a win on Jakal, that was only put to an end by an explosive set with a freshly upset Light.
(APE) Goblin. PGRU 39. 20th Seed. 17th Place. (+0) - A +0 by result, but probably in the - column when it comes to dignity. Goblin actually did fine. He lost to WaDi in winners, but fought all the way to the edge of Top 16 before suffering a tiny upset from Raffi-X. That last stock ended in a pretty intense cross-stage 0 to death by Raffi-X that appeared to break him. Goblin then proceeded to go on a pretty fucking intense twitter rant (mostly about how much he hates ROB) that was a little extreme even as the art of post-loss twitter rants go.
Suarez. PGRU 49. 35th Seed. 33rd Place. (+0) - Nothing to report. The Tristate Yoshi won/loss to seed.
Smokk. 48th Seed. 33rd Place. (+0) - Kind of a sad case. The Quebecois, who used to main Gannon but now plays mostly Wolf, actually got a bit win. Lui$ money. Depending on if Suar ever puts out PGRU 2, that could be an actual PGR win. Too bad MuteAce got upset early, and was standing right in his way...with a desire for vengeance against wolf players.
(lluZ) Enzo. 47th Seed. 33rd Place. (+0) - Philly based Joker main. For someone only at his second major to date, he did really well. And by really well, I mean “Upset VoiD”. So yeah, good shit. Sadly, after a loss to Wishes, he wound up stuck in Riddles freight train path through Losers Top 128. Oh well, two Top 100 losses and a pretty good win. Ain’t no shame in that.
(Ho3K) John Numbers. 42nd Seed. 33rd Place. (+0) - No upsets either direction and good losses in the form of VoiD and Dark Wizzy. John frequents PGStats and I’ve only ever had positive interactions with him.
(GG) Stocktaker69. 41st Seed. 33rd Place. (+0) - The Tristate Wolf player. Got a big win over MuteAce in what I heard, both from viewers and from the background Tristate-ing of the streamed matches. But, quick losses to Tea and Lui$ put his run to an end right after. Still technically a good run. Got an upset without being upset. Shame it didn’t translate to placement.
(XTR) Sparg0. 40th Seed. 33rd Place. (+0) - More of the same here. The North Mexican/SoCal Cloud child prodigy (not that prodigy) actually got an upset on Mr E, but his run was stopped by Light and Larry Lurr. Neither an upset, and the latter a team kill. Tragic stuff.
(Ho3K) Dill. 64th Seed. 49th Place. (+0) - A New York ROB, widely seen at one of the city’s rising stars. Sadly, he didn’t get that energy infusion the other ROBs got. Went par with his seed. No surprises.
Klaatu. 63rd Seed. 49th Place. (+0) - NorCal Olimar main. Suffered a small upset from Toast, who spent the rest of the tournament taking names and kicking ass.
(2scoops) Zan. 60th Seed. 49th Place. (+0) - SoCal (SIGH) Toon Link main and former seeder. Mostly did okay, but got upset by his friend Bankai. Also, beat a player named Boys ll Mensch, which if an objectively funny name.
(NPT) BlazingPasta. 56th Seed. 49th Place. (+0) - Philadelphia Peach/Daisy. Seemingly lost early MuteAce, but somehow made it to his seed? Ugh. I’ve been writing this post for like 12 hours. Someone else can dumpster dive into bracket to figure out how that happened.
Maister. 6th Seed. 7th place. (-1) - The most likeable hateable man in Smash. I know I’m not supposed to bash characters here. G&W mains read this shit too. But, there is something so viscerally unenjoyable about watching Maister out frame-data people into oblivion. I’m not saying it isn’t smart or that there’s something wrong with him doing it. It is simply aesthetically repulsive. And make no mistake “oblivion” is where he sent people. Maister continued his string of Top 8s with wins on Gen, Anti (twice. Poor man), Toast (RIP), and a Samsora who looked like he was having his soul removed from his body. I’m pretty sure there is no player who has the potential to change the meta quite as much as Maister at present.
(Rogue) Light. PGRU 10. 8th Seed. 9th Place. (-1) - Light was unremarkable. Thankfully, Light is still a blast even when he’s just doing okay. He knocked out WaDi and MuteAce, lost another set in his absurd game of back and forth with Tea before ending in a New England classic. Marss vs Light. Perfectly respectable result.
Wishes. PGRU 21. 15th Seed. 17th Place. (-1) - This is supposedly Wishes last tournament. I’m willing to buy it, if only because his interest has seemed in free fall for months. As far as career endings go, this is a whimper, not a bang. The expected wins, but then an upset at the hands of MVD followed by a second from Toast. There was a point where Wishes was one of the most exciting names in Ultimate. Time is a bitch.
(DA) Venia. 22nd Seed. 25th Place. (-1) - Don’t let the number fool you. He did fine. The New York Greninja managed to get a win on fellow Greninja (frog battle for dominance) JW, and traded upsets. Suffered a small one from Gen. Got a pretty notable one on LeoN. Evens out north of good, methinks.
(CLG) VoiD. PGRU 9. 18th Seed. 25th Place. (-1) - Everything is Darkness.
Lui$. 17th Seed. 25th Place. (-1) - Just a mediocre result overall for the NorCal Fox player. Beat DM and Stocktaker, but Smokk and Larry both got wins on him. The losses look a lot worse then the wins. Also, holy cow that’s a lot of wolves. Lui$ bracket was more furry than Cats 2019.
(Cacaw) Big D. 30th Seed. 33rd Place. (-1) - The giant of British Columbia smash. I believe we got to see some of his icies gameplay in a set on stream vs Suarez, but he was largely a non-presence for the rest of bracket. He lost early to ANTi, which makes sense because ANTi for sure knows how to kill icies from his brawl days.
JW. 43rd Seed. 49th Place. (-1) - Greninja from Ontario. Not a lot to report here. He suffered a big loss to AceAttorney, the NJ Zelda. Not a lot else to add here. With the exception of Smokk and Riddles, this was largely a not-great tournament for Canada, and this only continued the trend.
Tamim. 62nd Seed. 65th Place. (-1) - "With the exception of Smokk and Riddles, this was largely a not-great tournament for Canada, and this only continued the trend.” Equally applies here too. The former Smash 4 Top 10 player continued his run of “eh” results that followed his return to the game. Lost to Marss, unsurprisingly, and Beast, more surprisingly.
Z. 55th Seed. 65th Place. (-1) - The Canadian Palutena, not the Pikachu from Nevada. Seemed to do mostly fine here. Just went out one round early as a consequence of Riddles’ train run through losers.
(djb) MattyG. 54th Seed. 65th Place. (-1) - Chrom from New England. Had a mostly normal run until he ran into AceAttorney, the Zelda main, who sent him out a round early.
Daybreak. 52nd Seed. 65th Place. (-1) - Wolf Main from Michigan. A frequent resident of this segment of the list. He actually got a win on Bankai, who ended up on in the + column. But, he went out early when he ran into TonyZTank, the Sonic main partialyl responsible for the shit show in pool C5.

-4 to -2 (Weak Tournament)

(PG) Marss. PGRU 3. 3rd Seed. 5th Place. (-2) - Remember that time at Frostbite when he single handedly took on like half of Japan? Well, this time Japan struck back. He lost in winners to Kameme in a close set, and then fell in an equally close set against Frostbite antagonist, Tea.
(lluZ) Juice. 38th Seed. 65th Place. (-2) - Got upset in winners by a player named Purity (Bayo or Palu). Sadly, the early bracket was full of upsets, so this led to an early run in with LeoN and a failure to even make top 64.
Venom. 53rd Seed. 97th Place. (-2) - Got upset by Dazai and Mekos. They’re both pretty well known, so no harm no foul.
(SSG) LeoN. PGRU 35. 14th Seed. 33rd Place. (-3) - There’s a schrodinger’s box quality to LeoN. He has the potential to play like a Top 15 player. But, sometimes he’ll just be a pretty good regional player. Beating Juice and Hazmatt but being upset by Venia and Epic Gabriel is more the latter then the former. It’s frustrating because LeoN is such a treat to watch that you can’t help but want him to Side B his way through bracket.
(Demise) Mr. E. PGRU 38. 25th Seed. 65th Place. (-3) - Mr E shouldn’t have gone absolutely MadMan during the crew battle. After beating Kameme in that, he walked into bracket and lost to the decidedly not Kameme level Juuul as well as fellow Crew Battle Peak-er Sparg0. Gotta save some of that jet fuel for bracket.
(TG) Raito. PGRU 20. 12th Seed. 33rd Place. (-4) - I have no idea what happened here. Raito went down way early against Raffi-X and Zomba. This isn’t that bad, I think? Raffi is for sure Season 2 PR so that’s respectable. Zomba is a big ‘ol question mark, but he also beat Uncivil Ninja, so he’s clearly not some fluke.
(OES) Rfang. 29th Seed. 97th Place. (-4) - I’ve mentioned the chaos of pool C5 elsewhere, but after getting upset by a Sonic from Nebraska, Rfang had to crawl out of pools over the body of fellow Pichu. When discussing his results on Twitter, a drunk RFang told me to “Let the Reddit people know I woke up 10 min before my pool and I couldn't even up throw thunder”. The run continued on just as bad a trajectory when he was knocked out by Sharp in his first match of day 2.
(Armada) Ned. 26th Seed. 97th Place. (-4) - A mix of an upset and bad luck. He lost to the Meta-Knight BONK in pools. He might have had a chance to made a strong losers run if he hadn’t run into the also upset Riddles, technically seeded bellow him but an absolute killer.
(Mazer) Cyro. 44nd Seed. 129th Place. (-4) - Would it be a results list without a SoCal name near the washout segment? He lost in pools to the DK player Cee and the MewTwo Zapharos.
UtopianRay. 57th Seed. 129th Place. (-4) - Not sure what happened here. He drowned in pools to jamajaro and Diabeo. The latter of whom, at least, is a fairly well known name.
(EMG) Blacktwins13. 36th Seed. 129th Place. (-4) - One of the first major upsets of the tournament. He faced the local Duck Hunt Apollo and seemed totally lost in the unique Trench-War type dynamic of the DH matchup. That bad result compounded when he ran into fellow Pichu RFang in losers for 129th. As Duck Hunt Dog might say...Ruff.

-5 or Lower (Wash Out)

(EU) Samsora. PGRU 4. 1st Seed. 9th Place. (-6) - He faced Tea in Winner’s Quarters and Maister right after in Top 8 qualifiers. Pac-Man and G&W, two famously bad matchups for Peach. MuteAce's exact killers from his Summit bracket, actually. We got to physically watch on stream as Samsora seemed to deteriorate in the face of such a seemingly hopeless situation. By the time the ordeal was over, he looked like all fight had left his body.
(TSM) Tweek. PGRU 2. 2nd Seed. 25th Place. (-8) - Tweek randomly washing out early is a fairly common occurrence nowadays. It’s not like MVD and Riddles aren’t two killers who can easily take sets from Top 10 players on the right day. But, despite this tournament being home turf, he just didn’t really seem to show up much at all.

Final Analysis

There is a lot to like about Let's Make Big Moves. Just as a series of games of Smash Ultimate, there was a lot of really thrilling a fun content here. Any tournament so heavily dominated by Nairo is bound to make a fun watch. Oh, there was some slowness because of a lot of zoners doing well, but I found most of it pretty interesting on a tactical level. On a raw storyline level it was sometimes downright Shakespearean.
Not too much to report on from a technical side. Some small complaints about delays, but nothing overwhelming. A few poor choices in terms of the slides during the dead air. But, we got enough streams and there were no horrifying delays, so not a big issue. I do wish that we'd get less over-focus on one side of bracket during Top 128. But, it wasn't like we didn't get any matches from the other side of bracket.
What, this tournament is getting crucified on, and I think rightfully, is the commentary. A lot of the critiques focus on how barren it was in terms of top level casters. The Rod the Dutch/Korean team for finals had no chemistry and was so boring I switched to Coney's re-stream. Though, in truth my biggest issue with the commentary was that time Censored made an anti-semitic joke on the mic. That shit ain't professional.
Next review I do will probably be for Genesis and/or EVO Japan. It comes during a rough time for work for me, so we'll see. The issue of two super majors running against each other is complex. Tell me in the comments how you want me to handle it? Should I just cover one? If so, which? Or should I take a little bit longer and do both?
Past write ups: Frostbite, Ultimate Numbus, Collision, Prime Saga, Pound, Get On My Level, Momocon 2019, Smash N' Splash 5, CEO 2019, Albion 2019, Low Tier City 7, Super Smash Con 2019, Shine 2019, Glitch 7, Kongo Saga.
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