Varus Build Guide : [11.3] THE ULTIMATE S11 GRANDMASTER

varus lethality build 10.23

varus lethality build 10.23 - win

Look at "ADC" role champion's use of mythics and crit in patch 10.23

I am technically an adc main, and like many other adc mains, I was kinda sad with the current state of crit and it's meaning for the role. I was curious if all the changes were really that bad, so I took a look at the builds and winratios of relevant AD champions played in the "bottom" role on patch 10.23.
In my search I looked at data from and for plat+ in patch 10.23 (I was also comparing the results with what's on but there doesn't seem to be a way to check for patch 10.23, so I wasn't treating it as any indication). For patch 10.23 those 2 sites show 22 champions played in the bottom lane. Since I am not really interested in AP picks, the highest WR botlaner, Swain, can be removed from this champion pool. Now we are left with 21 champions. Inb4 someone says they play onhit Jhin with Aegis, I'll be looking at the most populasuccessful builds, not every single possible one.
First, we can talk about Ezreal. He always had a different build than other ADCs for longer than I can remember. He's still going Trinity Force, then branching into other items, not really aiming for crit, as that never was his thing. Technically he doesn't have a gauntlet to go for anymore, but Serylda's Grudge gives him that onhit slow and penetration vs tanks.
Now we are left with 20 champions that do build crit. 4 of them do not make a "marksman" recommended mythic. They opt for Eclipse, then The Collector as an item that shifts a build from a lethality one into a crit one. Those champions are Jhin, Miss Fortune, Draven and Senna. While they do utilize crit as crit, they do not utilize the "items meant for marksmen", which isn't a bad thing(even though riot advertised is as an assassin mythic), but maybe if 20% of botlane marksmen utilize it, it could be moved into it's recommended section too?
Now, we are down to 16 champions, all of them using other marksmen mythics (since Tri force is technically recommended), Immortal Shieldbow, Kraken Slayer... Galeforce?... yeah... Galeforce isn't a staple item on even one of those champions. While it is definitely used by some players who find the item really suiting their playstyle, people who want to feel fancy with the dash, or agains teams with insane mobility and catch potential, it is definitely underutilized compared to other mythics. It's probably because in most games you don't need the dash, and the passives from other items are better in a bigger number of games. But that probably allows for some tweaking of the item?
Of the 16 champions building Shieldbow and Kraken, it's a perfect 50/50 split. Once again, in the most popular builds for the champions, you might build differently, it's ok, you don't have to shout at me.
Out of those 16 champions:
So we have from 5-7 champions not using crit as crit and 9-11 champions using crit as crit. Doesn't seem that bad, right? Well, do they have any other options? What are the winrates like?
Quick note: WRs are from as I don't find the ones from blitz reliable, and they are shoretened to one place after the decimal point.
Out of all of those champions, only 7 had a WR higher than 50%. One of them was Swain, with over 54%, so we are left with 6 champions. 3 of them were Jhin(53.53%), MF(52.57%) and Draven(50.56%), 3 out of 4 ADCs utilizing Eclipse. Goes to show the dominance of champions that can benefit from this build. 2 of them were Vayne(51.02%) and Ashe(50.86%) (Vayne using Guinsoo, and if you want to argue that Ashe is no longer using Guinsoo, sadly, she was, to a great success, so she can't really be counted as pure crit carry on that patch). The last one was Samira with (52.57%), but in my opinion it's hard to say if it's just Samira being Samira or if she's actually benefiting greatly from preseason crit.
In the middle of the pack, we have champions mostly alternating between those using Guinsso's and not, with Senna somewhere in there. However, the lowest winratio of a champion using Guinsoo's belongs to Varus, at 16th out of 22 places. The back of the pack belongs to Ezreal and a bunch of pure crit carries.
Of course, there's more to winratios than just itemization, as there's still a matter of how a specific champion fits into the current meta. However, there is a clear domination of Eclipse users above non-Eclipse users, as well as there being champions that would rather get Guinsoo's than crit. Also, the overall low winratios of ADCs might indicate a problem with the items for their role, and crit was definitely the biggest change (or maybe it's just other items being too strong relative to ADC items?)
If you got that far into my post, congratulations and thank you. Yes, I didn't go turbo deep into it, as this post would probably be the length of a scientific paper. Also, personally, Riot claiming that Caitlyn was buffed compared to other ADCs because of crit changes was imo a statement made by someone so most Cait mains who won't actually check, won't feel bad. Unfortunately, I knew it was wrong the moment I read the changes.
tl;dr: Out of botlaners with a WR >50%: one was Swain, 3 built Eclipse, 2 built Guinsoo, and the last is Samira, which is Samira. *sad adc noises, muffled crying in the back*
*Disclaimer: If you encountered any health problems because of linguistic mistakes made by me in this post, please contact a relevant doctor. Any and all complaints should be sent to my previous English teachers.
PS: Jax’s combat prowess allows him to dodge all incoming attacks for a short duration and then quickly counterattack, stunning all surrounding enemies.
submitted by Phanth to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Patch 10.1 Breakdown

Patch 10.1 brought some necessary changes to some champions, while avoiding some of the stronger issues in the game. These are my thoughts on the patch itself, and the differences we will see coming this patch. Keep in mind these projected changes focus more for SoloQ games rather than competitive games.

Sett - We finally get the head bashing, Hashinshin favored, brawler champion. As many of the new champions and updates have been for many moons, I believe he will be overly powerful and abused heavily. Despite the strength the champion may have upon release, I really enjoy the juggernaut style of champion. Hopefully this does not hinder the role of bot as it did so the first time juggernauts came about.
Aphelios - The nerfs Aphelios received this patch would be categorized under the “Necessary” tab. Aphelios was incredibly strong and his potential to bully champions out of lane just to dominate the mid game was a little absurd. We see some relatively decent changes between his movement speed being nerfed by 5, along with his health reduced by 30. This will allow for a more punishable laning phase. The change that impacts the mid game the most is the nerf to his ultimate (specifically regarding Infernum). His ultimate now only does 75% damage (was originally 100%) to the secondary targets hit by Infernum’s shockwave effect. This will most likely prevent the Aphelios pentakills we have all been seeing, but I think it will still feel nice when you land a 3 to 5 man ultimate. We should still see Aphelios being a top tier AD.
Aurelion Sol - Most of us are probably wondering why the hell you would even touch ASol. Other than the occasional one tricks, who actually plays this champion? Well I agree to an extent. While ASol wasn’t a widely selected champion, his win rate was the highest among all mid lane champions for 5 patches in a row, never descending below a 54.23%. Clearly our ASol mains are packing some heat, and Riot felt to teach them a lesson about one tricking.
Azir - The egyptian bird received some relatively needed buffs. I don’t believe they were in the right areas, but what do I know. Clearly the balance team knows exactly what they are doing. Azir started to see some play when the preseason patch was released, and then was quickly shoved back in the closet after the nerf to Conqueror. Riot feels that Azir isn’t seeing enough play, and so they buffed his ultimate’s base damage and duration. Since the change causing Emperor's Divide to be passable by dashes (which by the way, every champion has one), I don’t necessarily feel like the duration is of great importance.
Corki - The change made to our corgi loving airplane man were quite good. Buffing the base damage on Missile Barrage might be just the change needed to make Corki a viable mid laner again… because we needed that. While it won’t help his wave clear early, it will provide him with incredible poke damage and sieging tools again.
Jax - He may finally have a real weapon. Jax’s ultimate now gains the additional effects from Guinsoo’s, meaning the champ can probably wreck some havoc. If you time the stacks properly, every 3rd auto, Jax will basically destroy your ADC and any chance you have of winning that game.
Jayce - The Defender of Tomorrow quickly became a Thing of the Past. He went from seeing some intense competitive play to almost none in your average solo queue game (excluding Korea). I mean how many times have you honestly seen a Jayce in preseason? While some of the lethality items did help him, the oppression he was known for in lane just isn’t there. He received a base damage buff to his Q, increasing by an exponential 5 per point. While I don’t think we are going to see him back in pro play already, this is a good start to at least make him viable again.
Kalista - Another champion that went from Pro to No, Kalista has been out of the meta for quite a while. In an attempt to push her back from the brink, her Health Growth and Armor Growth were both increased. This is the second time in a handful of patches she got buffed, and based on this patch, I don’t think it changes as of right now.
Kassadin - “OH YEAH! THE BEST MID IN THE GAME FINALLY GOT NERFED! ALRIGHT SO THEY NERFED THE MOVE… ment…” Yeah I really don’t even know what to say about this. I guess Riot just hates us. Kassadin’s only stats change was movement speed nerf of 5. I suppose this technically hinders his laning phase a little more but come on. The man is a walking Dalek with the ability to damage flash everyone consistently. I don’t even feel like his early game is that weak. I rarely see a defensive summoner and lately I have even seen Kassadin running ignite like he owns the place. Riot please.
Kog’Maw - Just kidding, it is just a display change. He is still terrible.
Mordekaiser - THANK YOU! The only reason I don’t flip my entire desk over the Kassadin shit Riot just pulled is because they finally beat down the menace in the top lane. Mordekaiser was extremely oppressive and it felt like no matter what champion you played into it, you were going to have a rough time in lane. And when the jungler can’t even gank after Morde is level 6, it really is just a FeelsBadMan. While the changes are really great, I still think Morde needs a little bit more tuning. His passive doesn’t last as long, and the movement speed stays at 3% at all levels, but the champion is still gunna hurt like a truck in elongated teamfights. I expect we see some damage nerfs soon.
Nami - Remember the days when Leona wasn’t shield bashing your face in and Blitz couldn’t grab you from a mile away? Yeah good times. Hopefully this is a move in the right direction. Nami received a pretty relevant buff to her Tidecaller’s Blessing. Empowering an ability is really good and this change will also open the pool of AD’s she can be paired with. I think we will start to see a higher presence for Nami come this patch.
Sejuani - Sej received some changes that will ultimately help her scale better as a monsterous boar rider. She has more Armor and MR from her passive. Her Health Growth stat was buffed by 5. And her Permafrost is going to deal more damage at an exponential 10 per point. I actually like this change up in jungle meta and I expect Sej to be making a relative impact starting the new season.
Shyvanna - So Riot realized that a champion with no CDR on their Ultimate couldn’t gain an advantage from Cloud Drakes. Amazing. It only took all of preseason. Instead, the Cloud Drake is actually going to increase the rate at which Shyv’s Fury will be gained. So a dragon makes her a dragon faster. Neat. Also a nice flavor additive, she will gain 5 bonus armor and magic resistance per drake her team secures. Yes, including Elder Drake. Guess what? There’s more! Her Flame Breath is also getting a damage ratio buff, and the damage that can be dealt to marked monsters camps as well. So I assume we will start to see the terrorizing AP Shyv a lot more.
Sylas - The Unshackled was by far the most extensive change to happen yet. And I am pretty excited. There was a ton of debate regarding these changes. On SylasMain, there has been a non-stop flow of complaints, including some mains just blatantly saying they are going to quit. Even some of the top ranked players are stating Sylas was terrible, so why make him worse. I may receive A LOT of shit for this, however I actually think overall, Sylas was buffed. Without going through every individual detail, I will touch on some relative points. Sylas can no longer auto attack reset with any ability but his Q. AP ratios were increased across the board (other than initial cast of Q). Sylas does not gain the shield from his E and cannot cast his Q during his E. Q CDR nerfed by 1 second at all levels. His healing increased on his W at the cost of more mana. His W no longer deals Coup De Grace damage, but that is traded off with a lower CDR. We removed some of his more powerful tools, but he received so much damage in compensation. Ultimately, I believe we will start to see Sylas move back into the meta.
Varus - The less than stellar AD received a couple of buffs. His Q CDR was lowered and his Blight CD Refund was lowered. I don’t believe we will see much in the regards of meta change in bot lane due to Caitlyn and Aphelios being as strong as they are, but I can see mid Varus making the comeback.
Vi - Vi mains be pleased! She received a nice change to her ultimate, allowing her to basically remain unstoppable for the entire duration of her uppercut. I think its a nice quality of life change and may make QSS a little more necessary.
Zyra - We see a small change to Zyra’s empowered E. The slow was decreased by 5%, however multiple plants can proc the slow, stacking up to two times. This forces Zyra to determine what it is she wants to use her Rampant Growth on either Vine Lashers or Thorn Splitters.

In this patch the only items that were touched upon were the starting support items and their evolutions throughout the game. I believe this will help make support a stronger role, and be more impactful in laning phase and onward. Changes are listed below.
Relic Shield - Relic Shield received a base health regen of 25% that increases to 50% when evolved into Targon’s Buckler, and then 100% when evolved into Bulwark of the Mountain. The AP was also nerfed to 25 from 40.
Steel Shoulderguards - Shoulderguards received the exact changes as Shield in regards to the base health regen, with a nerf to AD from 24 to 15.
Spectral Sickle - Received Mana Regen starting at 25%, then 50%, and finally 100% when evolved fully. AD was reduced to 25 from 35 and Health reduced to 100 from 150.
Spellthief’s Edge - Same mana regen buff as Sickle, with an AP nerf to 45 and the Health reduced to 100 as well.

The only real change to runes was Prototype: Omnistone. It received a CDR buff across the board. 5-3 seconds for melee champs and 9-7 for ranged. The rune hasn’t been that great with the exception of the Skarner build that haunts everyones’ dreams, but knowing Riot they won’t stop until it is absolutely broken and requires a nerf.

Notable Bugfixes:
One "bugfix" in particular makes a drastic change for 10.1 meta. Ardent Censer will no longer activate the bonus attack speed passive on the champions that shield themselves. This will prevent Diana from steamrolling everyone, though I think she will still be relatively strong.

These are my overall thoughts to Patch 10.1 and what I believe will transpire from this patch alone.
submitted by NeatoPhreedo to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

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Downfall - A Journey Through Season 8 (Part II)

So, in the last post, we've seen how Riot was up to a good start in this Season, but started making some unnecessary/incorrect changes, that ended up either nerfing champions too much (Kalista, i.e.), or even not making any difference at all (Tristana). In this post, we're gonna take a look in the patches 8.5 all the way down to 8.8, and see if they improved their decision making (spoiler alert: they didn't). << We're gonna be checking on this spreadsheet from time to time, so give it a good look!
GREEN COLOR -> BALANCED PATCH FOR THE CHAMPION (for the sake of simplicity, we'll take 50% Win Rate as a "balanced" state. We know it's not always true, but it gives us somewhat of a "neutral ground" to look at things)
All WR % taken from, make sure to check their website too for more info on the champions throught the patches!
Well, at that time, we had no idea that Kai'Sa was going to be one of the best ADCs in the whole game, and on top of that, building AP. Besides that, Riot decided to make some changes to Volibear and Skarner, which were seriously hurting and solo-carrying a lot of matches back then, while buffing some of Zoe's skills to make it a little bit more playable.
But lets come back to the ADCs for now. Jhin received some new buffs in this one, also Tristana and Twitch were changed (again), and Kai'Sa even got a mid-patch update, but we'll talk about that later.
Jhin -> It took Riot an entire patch to realize "hey, I think that MAYBE Jhin is still weak, y' know?", but at least they made a decent job in this one. They finally realized that the champion is much more reliant on his auto-attacks and Dancing Grenades (only during the lane phase, after that he's almost a right-click champion tbh), so they buffed both his Q and passive by a decent amount, while making a little change to his W so he can combo with his Grenade. The spreadsheet tells us that it was a good buff, almost getting him to 50%, so good job!
Tristana -> Not sure if it was a necessary change. The win rate in this one is actually very misleading. You could think that they were a bit too hard on the champion that wasn't really that strong, but Tristana's pick rate really dropped a little bit from the previous patch to this one (12.72 to 10.5%), which by itself makes it harder for a good win rate, however I really think they had no reason to really go around changing the champion if it was close to a 50% win rate... Personal opinion too, and we know that 50% WR isn't always balanced, but they coulda've waited to check on Kai'Sa impact to the game itself before changing this one.
Twitch -> So yeah, they reverted some of the changes they made to the little rat in the previous patch, and it really worked out, but the real reason why his WR spikes is because of the changes in the PtA COMBINED with the little increase in the pick rate. You could think that a .10% change is close to nothing, but in a server-wide or even global point of view, this means a lot, and you can bet a lot of those players were picking PtA for the increased damage that came with this patch. Long story short, they picked the wrong time to buff this little guy, or picked the wrong way to do so. You choose which one you like the most.
We have three champions in their most balanced state right here, and for Caitlyn it was also her best patch! Kinda funny, right? The reason for this is because most of the time, people would pick Caitlyn over the new champion because of its huge range, and it worked really well to just demolish KS laning phase. Draven is really just a champion that is used by mains most of the time, so its difficult to interpret its win rate, and we can easily explain Varus by looking at its pick rate, falling from 30.45 to 27.33%. It was still one of the most picked champions, but just not enough to maintain a constant win rate. Xayah also had her best patch in this one, also because people were starting to realize how good Rakan + Xayah combo was in the current meta.
It's complicated to talk about Kai'Sa as soon as she was released, so we'll be using good common sense and leaving it alone for now.
Yes, Rageblade got tweaked! At that time, some people were saying that Guinsoo was done, that it just wasn't worth building anymore, but boy oh boy, were they wrong. It really felt even stronger than before! Also, we had the new rune, Conqueror, coming into the game, and we didn't know at the time, but MF and Draven would be using this almost to perfection.
Lets jump to the changes. In this patch, the targets were MF, Kai'Sa, Lucian and Xayah.
Miss Fortune -> So, this is going to sound crazy, but they actually buffed her AD growth by 1. No, I'm not even joking. This was a real thing. "BuT dEvIaNt, look at the Win Rate!!!!". Well, look at the new rune! Miss Fortune was already a considerable threat building lethality, and with Conqueror she went full nuts. The changes here COULD have played a part in the increase, but if it did, it was completely minimum and easily ignored.
Kai'Sa -> This here, take a good look at all the changes. This patch is where Riot decided Kai'Sa's fate of being one of the best ADCs for the rest of the season. They deliberately buffed a lot, and I trully mean A LOT in her kit, and the most important part, they buffed her AP ratios to insane amounts. They were almost BEGGING players to build AP on this champion, and when we finally started doing so, they noticed that they fkd up and couldn't go back. Yes, she definitely needed some changes, but was it necessary to do it so early? Players were still learning how to play Kai'Sa, and by making such overtuned buffs in a new champion, you're making a gamble that the champion is actually gonna under-perform. I don't even have to go in depth of how the changes were completely over the edge, the Win Rate spike speaks for itself.
Lucian -> Finally a good change in this patch! The changes made to Lucian were ideal, just enough to help him climb to the balanced state, also thanks to the previous PtA changes, which they quote in the change summary. Of course, we didn't see so much of Lucian in the matches, but the ones that picked him made some good plays and were able to get a lot of wins.
Xayah -> I mentioned that Xayah and Rakan were really thriving together, and Riot noticed that. I'm not really sure they made the correct changes here, tho. We could easily explain the win rate dropping with the pick rate drop as well (23.11 to 20.71%). Nevertheless, a decent nerf, and a necessary one.
On top of Kai'Sa's insane win rate increase, Kog'Maw really liked the new Guinsoo, of course, and Draven mains found a new toy to play with Conqueror. Funny thing: it was obvious that Kog'Maw was going to get a little bit too strong, but he wasn't changed at all in this patch.
So, 8.7 comes into play, and we have to partially say goodbye to the Ninja Tabis as soon as a champion as strong as Irelia comes to the game. Now, this should go without saying, but have you ever noticed how Riot thinks that Marksmen don't really need defensive items? Patches and seasons come and go, and the def items are still pretty much the same. We have GA when we think that maybe we'll have a chance to actually survive after being burst down, and Malmortius when, y' know, Veigar and stuff (not that it works). Ninja Tabis were a good way to deal with champions that would 100-0 you in .5 secs, but still, it's best to let the game be unbalanced and unfair to one class over the other, right?
No changes were made directly to the ADCs, and the changes that really hit us were basically the Tabis and Guinsoos getting 300G more expensive. Because of this, we'll take a look at how our champions felt after those changes.
We can easily see that the 300G really made a difference in the win rates of the main users of the item (KM, Varus, Kai'Sa), and we have some champions getting a better WRs either because they either have scape tools to deal with assassins/bruisers (again, because of the near death of Ninja Tabis) or just because their pick rate dropped (Jhin went from 27.29 to 22.29%, i.e.). On top of that, with the apparent "nerfs" for the Guinsoo users, crit champions had more space to shine in lane and in team fights.
Also around this time, Rekkles started trying some crazy builds in the Korean boot camp, including Guinsoo for Xayah and (wait for it...) double tear Ezreal! Of course, people weren't really aware of this or how busted it was at the time, but it really became a thing when youtubers like Phylol, for example, started posting videos about it a few weeks later, and that's where things got out of control, but at that time, Ezreal was already pretty good with the normal build itself.
When you look at the spreadsheet, you can think that nothing really happened in this patch, mostly because of the lack of colors, and it was essentially a kind of a "neutral patch" ADC-wise. Although we had some nerfs here and there (some of them pretty ridiculous, as you shall see), the marksmen champions weren't really touched or affected by the changes in this one. The only really noticeable change you find is that MF's win rate spiked a little bit, mainly because of the Conqueror users and the .20% increase in her pick rate.
We had some nerfs on Kai'Sa, a little tweak on Varus and another nerf on Xayah.
Kai'Sa -> So, the excuse that Riot gave on this one was pretty good. They buffed her laning phase by a ton as soon as she hit the Rift, now they were trying to take it back a bit. But the way they did it was really... Kinda dumb. Yeah, it kinda worked as well, she had a .20% decrease in win rate, but the main problem wasn't and it still isn't (yes, up until this day) the way Kai'Sa plays the early game, the main problem is the way she spikes so hard with just a few items (nowadays, you can add up the fact that she's building AP, while all the nerfs are directed towards her AD ratio. Good work, Riot).
Varus -> So, Varus wasn't doing so well, 48.5% win rate, not exactly his best moment, and yet, Riot comes and tries to do something with him (instead of changing champions that showed really a problem, like Ezreal and the rising Double Tear build). The changes in his passive were really rude, as his auto-attack oriented build was directly nerfed by this one, and up until now the changes to his Q and W don't really make a difference. Hey, Riot, if you're trying to brink back the spamming-Q-Varus playstyle, you're doing it in the wrong patch, my friend. Build died centuries ago, get over it.
Xayah -> A little bit above the average, so it deserved some nerfs. The changes to her passive really worked out, good job.
These 4 patches are even better of an evidence about Riot's inconsistency in balancing champions. Despite one or two good nerfs, the rest of the changes were just ignorable/overtuned, and the fact that they strip ADCs away from their third out of the only three defensive items they had only goes to show that they are not interested in making the game interesting for everyone, just more entertaining for eSports purpose. I mean, isn't it fun? To see an Irelia flying at the face of the ADC and just bursting him down at the speed of light? Or a Zed, just ulting you and going away as you explode? Funny, right?
And we finish our Part II of this series and get ready to move on to the last 4 patches, the ones where they really dropped the ball. This could take a little bit more time to be made, as I'm going to make a lot of researches to bring the most accurate explanations for you guys, so relax. Take a walk, look at the skies and wonder "why do I spend my time on a game where the dev's are not really caring about the players, they just care about their pockets?".
Stay safe!
submitted by Deviant137 to adc [link] [comments]

Downfall - A Journey Through Season 8 (Part II)

So, in the last post, we've seen how Riot was up to a good start in this Season, but started making some unnecessary/incorrect changes, that ended up either nerfing champions too much (Kalista, i.e.), or even not making any difference at all (Tristana). In this post, we're gonna take a look in the patches 8.5 all the way down to 8.8, and see if they improved their decision making (spoiler alert: they didn't). << We're gonna be checking on this spreadsheet from time to time, so give it a good look!
GREEN COLOR -> BALANCED PATCH FOR THE CHAMPION (for the sake of simplicity, we'll take 50% Win Rate as a "balanced" state. We know it's not always true, but it gives us somewhat of a "neutral ground" to look at things)
All WR \ taken from), make sure to check their website too for more info on the champions throught the patches!
Well, at that time, we had no idea that Kai'Sa was going to be one of the best ADCs in the whole game, and on top of that, building AP. Besides that, Riot decided to make some changes to Volibear and Skarner, which were seriously hurting and solo-carrying a lot of matches back then, while buffing some of Zoe's skills to make it a little bit more playable.
But lets come back to the ADCs for now. Jhin received some new buffs in this one, also Tristana and Twitch were changed (again), and Kai'Sa even got a mid-patch update, but we'll talk about that later.
Jhin -> It took Riot an entire patch to realize "hey, I think that MAYBE Jhin is still weak, y' know?", but at least they made a decent job in this one. They finally realized that the champion is much more reliant on his auto-attacks and Dancing Grenades (only during the lane phase, after that he's almost a right-click champion tbh), so they buffed both his Q and passive by a decent amount, while making a little change to his W so he can combo with his Grenade. The spreadsheet tells us that it was a good buff, almost getting him to 50%, so good job!
Tristana -> Not sure if it was a necessary change. The win rate in this one is actually very misleading. You could think that they were a bit too hard on the champion that wasn't really that strong, but Tristana's pick rate really dropped a little bit from the previous patch to this one (12.72 to 10.5%), which by itself makes it harder for a good win rate, however I really think they had no reason to really go around changing the champion if it was close to a 50% win rate... Personal opinion too, and we know that 50% WR isn't always balanced, but they coulda've waited to check on Kai'Sa impact to the game itself before changing this one.
Twitch -> So yeah, they reverted some of the changes they made to the little rat in the previous patch, and it really worked out, but the real reason why his WR spikes is because of the changes in the PtA COMBINED with the little increase in the pick rate. You could think that a .10% change is close to nothing, but in a server-wide or even global point of view, this means a lot, and you can bet a lot of those players were picking PtA for the increased damage that came with this patch. Long story short, they picked the wrong time to buff this little guy, or picked the wrong way to do so. You choose which one you like the most.
We have three champions in their most balanced state right here, and for Caitlyn it was also her best patch! Kinda funny, right? The reason for this is because most of the time, people would pick Caitlyn over the new champion because of its huge range, and it worked really well to just demolish KS laning phase. Draven is really just a champion that is used by mains most of the time, so its difficult to interpret its win rate, and we can easily explain Varus by looking at its pick rate, falling from 30.45 to 27.33%. It was still one of the most picked champions, but just not enough to maintain a constant win rate. Xayah also had her best patch in this one, also because people were starting to realize how good Rakan + Xayah combo was in the current meta.
It's complicated to talk about Kai'Sa as soon as she was released, so we'll be using good common sense and leaving it alone for now.
Yes, Rageblade got tweaked! At that time, some people were saying that Guinsoo was done, that it just wasn't worth building anymore, but boy oh boy, were they wrong. It really felt even stronger than before! Also, we had the new rune, Conqueror, coming into the game, and we didn't know at the time, but MF and Draven would be using this almost to perfection.
Lets jump to the changes. In this patch, the targets were MF, Kai'Sa, Lucian and Xayah.
Miss Fortune -> So, this is going to sound crazy, but they actually buffed her AD growth by 1. No, I'm not even joking. This was a real thing. "BuT dEvIaNt, look at the Win Rate!!!!". Well, look at the new rune! Miss Fortune was already a considerable threat building lethality, and with Conqueror she went full nuts. The changes here COULD have played a part in the increase, but if it did, it was completely minimum and easily ignored.
Kai'Sa -> This here, take a good look at all the changes. This patch is where Riot decided Kai'Sa's fate of being one of the best ADCs for the rest of the season. They deliberately buffed a lot, and I trully mean A LOT in her kit, and the most important part, they buffed her AP ratios to insane amounts. They were almost BEGGING players to build AP on this champion, and when we finally started doing so, they noticed that they fkd up and couldn't go back. Yes, she definitely needed some changes, but was it necessary to do it so early? Players were still learning how to play Kai'Sa, and by making such overtuned buffs in a new champion, you're making a gamble that the champion is actually gonna under-perform. I don't even have to go in depth of how the changes were completely over the edge, the Win Rate spike speaks for itself.
Lucian -> Finally a good change in this patch! The changes made to Lucian were ideal, just enough to help him climb to the balanced state, also thanks to the previous PtA changes, which they quote in the change summary. Of course, we didn't see so much of Lucian in the matches, but the ones that picked him made some good plays and were able to get a lot of wins.
Xayah -> I mentioned that Xayah and Rakan were really thriving together, and Riot noticed that. I'm not really sure they made the correct changes here, tho. We could easily explain the win rate dropping with the pick rate drop as well (23.11 to 20.71%). Nevertheless, a decent nerf, and a necessary one.
On top of Kai'Sa's insane win rate increase, Kog'Maw really liked the new Guinsoo, of course, and Draven mains found a new toy to play with Conqueror. Funny thing: it was obvious that Kog'Maw was going to get a little bit too strong, but he wasn't changed at all in this patch.
So, 8.7 comes into play, and we have to partially say goodbye to the Ninja Tabis as soon as a champion as strong as Irelia comes to the game. Now, this should go without saying, but have you ever noticed how Riot thinks that Marksmen don't really need defensive items? Patches and seasons come and go, and the def items are still pretty much the same. We have GA when we think that maybe we'll have a chance to actually survive after being burst down, and Malmortius when, y' know, Veigar and stuff (not that it works). Ninja Tabis were a good way to deal with champions that would 100-0 you in .5 secs, but still, it's best to let the game be unbalanced and unfair to one class over the other, right?
No changes were made directly to the ADCs, and the changes that really hit us were basically the Tabis and Guinsoos getting 300G more expensive. Because of this, we'll take a look at how our champions felt after those changes.
We can easily see that the 300G really made a difference in the win rates of the main users of the item (KM, Varus, Kai'Sa), and we have some champions getting a better WRs either because they either have scape tools to deal with assassins/bruisers (again, because of the near death of Ninja Tabis) or just because their pick rate dropped (Jhin went from 27.29 to 22.29%, i.e.). On top of that, with the apparent "nerfs" for the Guinsoo users, crit champions had more space to shine in lane and in team fights.
Also around this time, Rekkles started trying some crazy builds in the Korean boot camp, including Guinsoo for Xayah and (wait for it...) double tear Ezreal! Of course, people weren't really aware of this or how busted it was at the time, but it really became a thing when youtubers like Phylol, for example, started posting videos about it a few weeks later, and that's where things got out of control, but at that time, Ezreal was already pretty good with the normal build itself.
When you look at the spreadsheet, you can think that nothing really happened in this patch, mostly because of the lack of colors, and it was essentially a kind of a "neutral patch" ADC-wise. Although we had some nerfs here and there (some of them pretty ridiculous, as you shall see), the marksmen champions weren't really touched or affected by the changes in this one. The only really noticeable change you find is that MF's win rate spiked a little bit, mainly because of the Conqueror users and the .20% increase in her pick rate.
We had some nerfs on Kai'Sa, a little tweak on Varus and another nerf on Xayah.
Kai'Sa -> So, the excuse that Riot gave on this one was pretty good. They buffed her laning phase by a ton as soon as she hit the Rift, now they were trying to take it back a bit. But the way they did it was really... Kinda dumb. Yeah, it kinda worked as well, she had a .20% decrease in win rate, but the main problem wasn't and it still isn't (yes, up until this day) the way Kai'Sa plays the early game, the main problem is the way she spikes so hard with just a few items (nowadays, you can add up the fact that she's building AP, while all the nerfs are directed towards her AD ratio. Good work, Riot).
Varus -> So, Varus wasn't doing so well, 48.5% win rate, not exactly his best moment, and yet, Riot comes and tries to do something with him (instead of changing champions that showed really a problem, like Ezreal and the rising Double Tear build). The changes in his passive were really rude, as his auto-attack oriented build was directly nerfed by this one, and up until now the changes to his Q and W don't really make a difference. Hey, Riot, if you're trying to brink back the spamming-Q-Varus playstyle, you're doing it in the wrong patch, my friend. Build died centuries ago, get over it.
Xayah -> A little bit above the average, so it deserved some nerfs. The changes to her passive really worked out, good job.
These 4 patches are even better of an evidence about Riot's inconsistency in balancing champions. Despite one or two good nerfs, the rest of the changes were just ignorable/overtuned, and the fact that they strip ADCs away from their third out of the only three defensive items they had only goes to show that they are not interested in making the game interesting for everyone, just more entertaining for eSports purpose. I mean, isn't it fun? To see an Irelia flying at the face of the ADC and just bursting him down at the speed of light? Or a Zed, just ulting you and going away as you explode? Funny, right?
And we finish our Part II of this series and get ready to move on to the last 4 patches, the ones where they really dropped the ball. This could take a little bit more time to be made, as I'm going to make a lot of researches to bring the most accurate explanations for you guys, so relax. Take a walk, look at the skies and wonder "why do I spend my time on a game where the dev's are not really caring about the players, they just care about their pockets?".
Stay safe!
submitted by Deviant137 to MarksmanMains [link] [comments]

Downfall - A Journey Through Season 8 (Part II)

So, in the last post, we've seen how Riot was up to a good start in this Season, but started making some unnecessary/incorrect changes, that ended up either nerfing champions too much (Kalista, i.e.), or even not making any difference at all (Tristana). In this post, we're gonna take a look in the patches 8.5 all the way down to 8.8, and see if they improved their decision making (spoiler alert: they didn't). << We're gonna be checking on this spreadsheet from time to time, so give it a good look!
GREEN COLOR -> BALANCED PATCH FOR THE CHAMPION (for the sake of simplicity, we'll take 50% Win Rate as a "balanced" state. We know it's not always true, but it gives us somewhat of a "neutral ground" to look at things)
All WR % taken from, make sure to check their website too for more info on the champions throught the patches!
Well, at that time, we had no idea that Kai'Sa was going to be one of the best ADCs in the whole game, and on top of that, building AP. Besides that, Riot decided to make some changes to Volibear and Skarner, which were seriously hurting and solo-carrying a lot of matches back then, while buffing some of Zoe's skills to make it a little bit more playable.
But lets come back to the ADCs for now. Jhin received some new buffs in this one, also Tristana and Twitch were changed (again), and Kai'Sa even got a mid-patch update, but we'll talk about that later.
Jhin -> It took Riot an entire patch to realize "hey, I think that MAYBE Jhin is still weak, y' know?", but at least they made a decent job in this one. They finally realized that the champion is much more reliant on his auto-attacks and Dancing Grenades (only during the lane phase, after that he's almost a right-click champion tbh), so they buffed both his Q and passive by a decent amount, while making a little change to his W so he can combo with his Grenade. The spreadsheet tells us that it was a good buff, almost getting him to 50%, so good job!
Tristana -> Not sure if it was a necessary change. The win rate in this one is actually very misleading. You could think that they were a bit too hard on the champion that wasn't really that strong, but Tristana's pick rate really dropped a little bit from the previous patch to this one (12.72 to 10.5%), which by itself makes it harder for a good win rate, however I really think they had no reason to really go around changing the champion if it was close to a 50% win rate... Personal opinion too, and we know that 50% WR isn't always balanced, but they coulda've waited to check on Kai'Sa impact to the game itself before changing this one.
Twitch -> So yeah, they reverted some of the changes they made to the little rat in the previous patch, and it really worked out, but the real reason why his WR spikes is because of the changes in the PtA COMBINED with the little increase in the pick rate. You could think that a .10% change is close to nothing, but in a server-wide or even global point of view, this means a lot, and you can bet a lot of those players were picking PtA for the increased damage that came with this patch. Long story short, they picked the wrong time to buff this little guy, or picked the wrong way to do so. You choose which one you like the most.
We have three champions in their most balanced state right here, and for Caitlyn it was also her best patch! Kinda funny, right? The reason for this is because most of the time, people would pick Caitlyn over the new champion because of its huge range, and it worked really well to just demolish KS laning phase. Draven is really just a champion that is used by mains most of the time, so its difficult to interpret its win rate, and we can easily explain Varus by looking at its pick rate, falling from 30.45 to 27.33%. It was still one of the most picked champions, but just not enough to maintain a constant win rate. Xayah also had her best patch in this one, also because people were starting to realize how good Rakan + Xayah combo was in the current meta.
It's complicated to talk about Kai'Sa as soon as she was released, so we'll be using good common sense and leaving it alone for now.
Yes, Rageblade got tweaked! At that time, some people were saying that Guinsoo was done, that it just wasn't worth building anymore, but boy oh boy, were they wrong. It really felt even stronger than before! Also, we had the new rune, Conqueror, coming into the game, and we didn't know at the time, but MF and Draven would be using this almost to perfection.
Lets jump to the changes. In this patch, the targets were MF, Kai'Sa, Lucian and Xayah.
Miss Fortune -> So, this is going to sound crazy, but they actually buffed her AD growth by 1. No, I'm not even joking. This was a real thing. "BuT dEvIaNt, look at the Win Rate!!!!". Well, look at the new rune! Miss Fortune was already a considerable threat building lethality, and with Conqueror she went full nuts. The changes here COULD have played a part in the increase, but if it did, it was completely minimum and easily ignored.
Kai'Sa -> This here, take a good look at all the changes. This patch is where Riot decided Kai'Sa's fate of being one of the best ADCs for the rest of the season. They deliberately buffed a lot, and I trully mean A LOT in her kit, and the most important part, they buffed her AP ratios to insane amounts. They were almost BEGGING players to build AP on this champion, and when we finally started doing so, they noticed that they fkd up and couldn't go back. Yes, she definitely needed some changes, but was it necessary to do it so early? Players were still learning how to play Kai'Sa, and by making such overtuned buffs in a new champion, you're making a gamble that the champion is actually gonna under-perform. I don't even have to go in depth of how the changes were completely over the edge, the Win Rate spike speaks for itself.
Lucian -> Finally a good change in this patch! The changes made to Lucian were ideal, just enough to help him climb to the balanced state, also thanks to the previous PtA changes, which they quote in the change summary. Of course, we didn't see so much of Lucian in the matches, but the ones that picked him made some good plays and were able to get a lot of wins.
Xayah -> I mentioned that Xayah and Rakan were really thriving together, and Riot noticed that. I'm not really sure they made the correct changes here, tho. We could easily explain the win rate dropping with the pick rate drop as well (23.11 to 20.71%). Nevertheless, a decent nerf, and a necessary one.
On top of Kai'Sa's insane win rate increase, Kog'Maw really liked the new Guinsoo, of course, and Draven mains found a new toy to play with Conqueror. Funny thing: it was obvious that Kog'Maw was going to get a little bit too strong, but he wasn't changed at all in this patch.
So, 8.7 comes into play, and we have to partially say goodbye to the Ninja Tabis as soon as a champion as strong as Irelia comes to the game. Now, this should go without saying, but have you ever noticed how Riot thinks that Marksmen don't really need defensive items? Patches and seasons come and go, and the def items are still pretty much the same. We have GA when we think that maybe we'll have a chance to actually survive after being burst down, and Malmortius when, y' know, Veigar and stuff (not that it works). Ninja Tabis were a good way to deal with champions that would 100-0 you in .5 secs, but still, it's best to let the game be unbalanced and unfair to one class over the other, right?
No changes were made directly to the ADCs, and the changes that really hit us were basically the Tabis and Guinsoos getting 300G more expensive. Because of this, we'll take a look at how our champions felt after those changes.
We can easily see that the 300G really made a difference in the win rates of the main users of the item (KM, Varus, Kai'Sa), and we have some champions getting a better WRs either because they either have scape tools to deal with assassins/bruisers (again, because of the near death of Ninja Tabis) or just because their pick rate dropped (Jhin went from 27.29 to 22.29%, i.e.). On top of that, with the apparent "nerfs" for the Guinsoo users, crit champions had more space to shine in lane and in team fights.
Also around this time, Rekkles started trying some crazy builds in the Korean boot camp, including Guinsoo for Xayah and (wait for it...) double tear Ezreal! Of course, people weren't really aware of this or how busted it was at the time, but it really became a thing when youtubers like Phylol, for example, started posting videos about it a few weeks later, and that's where things got out of control, but at that time, Ezreal was already pretty good with the normal build itself.
When you look at the spreadsheet, you can think that nothing really happened in this patch, mostly because of the lack of colors, and it was essentially a kind of a "neutral patch" ADC-wise. Although we had some nerfs here and there (some of them pretty ridiculous, as you shall see), the marksmen champions weren't really touched or affected by the changes in this one. The only really noticeable change you find is that MF's win rate spiked a little bit, mainly because of the Conqueror users and the .20% increase in her pick rate.
We had some nerfs on Kai'Sa, a little tweak on Varus and another nerf on Xayah.
Kai'Sa -> So, the excuse that Riot gave on this one was pretty good. They buffed her laning phase by a ton as soon as she hit the Rift, now they were trying to take it back a bit. But the way they did it was really... Kinda dumb. Yeah, it kinda worked as well, she had a .20% decrease in win rate, but the main problem wasn't and it still isn't (yes, up until this day) the way Kai'Sa plays the early game, the main problem is the way she spikes so hard with just a few items (nowadays, you can add up the fact that she's building AP, while all the nerfs are directed towards her AD ratio. Good work, Riot).
Varus -> So, Varus wasn't doing so well, 48.5% win rate, not exactly his best moment, and yet, Riot comes and tries to do something with him (instead of changing champions that showed really a problem, like Ezreal and the rising Double Tear build). The changes in his passive were really rude, as his auto-attack oriented build was directly nerfed by this one, and up until now the changes to his Q and W don't really make a difference. Hey, Riot, if you're trying to brink back the spamming-Q-Varus playstyle, you're doing it in the wrong patch, my friend. Build died centuries ago, get over it.
Xayah -> A little bit above the average, so it deserved some nerfs. The changes to her passive really worked out, good job.
These 4 patches are even better of an evidence about Riot's inconsistency in balancing champions. Despite one or two good nerfs, the rest of the changes were just ignorable/overtuned, and the fact that they strip ADCs away from their third out of the only three defensive items they had only goes to show that they are not interested in making the game interesting for everyone, just more entertaining for eSports purpose. I mean, isn't it fun? To see an Irelia flying at the face of the ADC and just bursting him down at the speed of light? Or a Zed, just ulting you and going away as you explode? Funny, right?
And we finish our Part II of this series and get ready to move on to the last 4 patches, the ones where they really dropped the ball. This could take a little bit more time to be made, as I'm going to make a lot of researches to bring the most accurate explanations for you guys, so relax. Take a walk, look at the skies and wonder "why do I spend my time on a game where the dev's are not really caring about the players, they just care about their pockets?".
Stay safe!
submitted by Deviant137 to ADCMains [link] [comments]

Elder League Week 2 Analysis

Hey all!
Once again, we’re back with this week’s stats analysis, after having to take a one-week hiatus due to problems with Riot’s servers. Nonetheless, the games must go on, and as such there is a wealth of new information to analyze, and games to watch. Not that some people care, as according to Bags.
If you haven’t seen, all the streamed games from the second week of both Elder and Dragon leagues can be found at the Ascension eSports YouTube here, and we hope to continue uploading them to YouTube for your easy access.
As a whole, the games were very one-sided this week, in that in the entire ten Bo2 series played were all straight 2-0s with the exception of one. From this, the top teams and bottom teams solidify their positions, however it’s not over yet, so we’ll see whether or not they can keep their positions or fight their way out, respectively. Without further delay, however, let’s get into the stats.
Note: notation is [Team Tag] Team Name - (score this week) [overall score]:
[CUCK] The Cuckobos - (4-0) [7-1]:
Crawling up from their second place position from last week, the Cuckobos wear their claim to fame being the only team this week to have gone 4-0. What can I say, other than “hail the gods saman0 and Azuru”, having both worked their way up to the top five on the Impact Efficiency Rating list, and definitely proving themselves to be the main carry forces since Week 1. Saman0 was able to play his Sivir again, however due to being incompetent I am unable to tell whether he stopped picking it due to it being banned out or just electing to play different champions. More or less the team’s compositions don’t change particularly much, with TNOTF and his replacement in the first game Im the Chuckster having picked tanks the entire four games, Azuru having picked control mages such as Twisted Fate or Orianna, and alternating picks back and forth in the support and jungle positions.
Going into the stats, the Cuckobos retain their rather low First Blood percentage at 25%, but do still keep their defining characteristic of First Tower % up at 75% this week, as opposed to last week’s 100%. The First Tower statistics do show a departure from last week, however, in that Azuru and Quikscythe were the only ones to partake in it, whereas last week the category was mostly dominated by TNOTF and Quikscythe together. Another anomaly in their statistics was the surprisingly large amounts of Barons taken at 7, being the highest in the league ahead of Team Fusion’s 5. The statistic is particularly important when considering that the Cuckobos have the fourth-lowest Average Game Time in the league at 35.2, which is significantly shorter than the next runner-up for most Barons Team Fusion, at 44.6 minutes average. Whether this says more about the Team Fusion than the Cuckobos is up for debate, however the Cuckobos’ high Dragons taken indicates otherwise. The Cuckobos also boast the highest Dragons taken in the league at 15, 4 more than the next runner up Blazing Bandits at 11. That’s not the end of it, however, as the Cuckobos have dethroned Team Fusion for most Towers Taken, having 39 towers taken, 2 more than Team Fusion’s 37 this week. All in all, the statistics keep pointing towards the Cuckobos having very strong objective-focused gameplay, and doing admirably in carrying it out, while not just being the result of super-long game times. That’s not to say they didn’t do their fair share of fighting, however, as the Cuckobos also have the second-highest Total Kills at 123, being Team Fusion’s 154, while having the second-highest DPM/Game at 690, again behind Team Fusion’s 824.5. The Cuckobos have considerable stats just about everywhere, but the extreme prevalence of their objective-oriented presence in such an impressive time looks to be their defining playstyle.
MVP: MVP for this week is a toss-up between saman0 and Azuru. While Azuru had the higher Impact Efficiency Rating, being the second-highest in the league to saman0’s fourth-highest in the league, saman0 had the second-highest WPM of all ADCs, along with a 7.4 KDA. Azuru, unfortunately, died a couple more times than his ADC, ending with only a 4.47 KDA, however he was able to boast a 69% KP to saman0’s 60%.
[BB] Blazing Bandits - (3-1) [7-1]:
While still keeping their number-one position from last week, the Bandits now are forced to share it with the Cuckobos, having gone 3-1, a result of the only tied series this week. It is to note that in the previous week, the Bandits did not have access to their star mid laner SirYodaa, a tragedy considering the importance of the set they tied in, the last game of which being a 58 minute long game. They also did not have their support 8BitBuck with them, playing with community member ProNibs, however it is to be seen which of them is more helpful in the support role. If, however, they have access to their full roster this week, I believe it is practically certain they will have good fortune. It seems to be that the Bandits are turning out to be a very multi-threat team, with threats such as SirYodaa (if he returns) in the middle lane, negispringfield in the bottom lane, and W0ify in the jungle. It is important to note that Supp or Feeding (their top laner) played nothing but AP tanks (specifically, Nautilus, Maokai, and Malphite), suggesting that the Bandits have already carved out their niche for what they want their playstyle to be, and it doesn’t appear to be one that carries from the top lane.
To their credit, the Bandits do sport a fairly favorable First Blood and First Tower ratio, with 50% of First Bloods taken and 75% of First Towers taken. While it is not so obvious as the 100% Towers Taken of other teams such as the Cuckobos, they do have something going for them. They do, however, have the third-highest Towers Taken at 35, behind Team Fusion and The Cuckobos. It is interesting to note that the top three teams in the league all have the highest Towers Taken total this week, although in all likelihood the reason for their being the top is probably attributable to their Towers Taken in the first place. In any case, it’s probable they didn’t sweep the games through one central push, so I’d think that the top teams have a tendency to win the games thoroughly, given there are only 44 towers to take in the course of four games anyways. Also tying into the objectives side of the discussion, the Bandits have the second-most Dragons Taken at 11, however it is adequately explained by the fact that they legitimately had the longest Average Game Time of any team in the league this week, at an average of 46 minutes. The Bandits also had the highest wards placed of any team, with a total of 472 wards for a 0.63 WPM score. Given that W0ify is a Kha’Zix Rengar player and I refuse to acknowledge that those champions could ever play in a non-selfish manner, I’m going to mostly attribute this to ProNibs. Speaking of selfish jungling, W0ify did plenty of that this week, taking the stats for highest Counterjungling Done this week, for the second week in a row. However, that’s not to say that “selfish jungling” is necessarily bad, considering W0ify plays many carry junglers, and indeed is probably doing his job well by playing in such a manner.
MVP: MvP for this week goes to negispringfield, yet again. I cannot stress how highly I think of him as a player, and he has done fantastically in all of his games, particularly the first one, in which case he utterly dominated me in the laning phase. 4.41 KDA, 7 CS/min, and a 33.26% Damage Share, mostly attributed to the insane amount of Varus poke he was able to land. With 845 DPM, his stats look good, and so does he, so again, what’s not to like? Unfortunately, he was unable to translate the first game into a win, but still he performed outstandingly, and I sincerely hope to meet him again in playoffs for the rematch.
[TFUSN] Team Fusion - (3-1) [6-2]:
Another week, another 3-1. Team Fusion has been fortunate in comparison with other teams in that they’ve haven’t had too many roster issues thus far, being able to stick with their new support starter ReCrisis and the rest of the team most of the time, with the exception of their first game this week, in which case they subbed in IMMA “IMMASCOOPYOU” SCOOPYOU for top lane star Naughty Leaf, and subbed previous player PioTrickk for their jungler zew. Naughty Leaf proved himself to be the aggressive carry terror yet again, defining his aggressive playstyle that both has its ups and downs, but more often than not results in an advantage for his team. All in all, however, Team Fusion appears to be stacking up to be a team that carries through the bottom and top lanes, with mid laner Summoner Shen playing mostly to scale, rather than outright win his lane.
Team Fusion sports the second-highest GPM/Game in the league at 475, behind the Cuckobos in first with 494. Whatever you may say about Team Fusion’s playstyle, an extreme amount of fighting appears to come into it, given that they were first in DPM of all teams by a very significant margin, having 824.5 DPM, ahead of the Cuckobos at 689.7. Total Kills was also the highest in the league at 154, showing that Team Fusion truly had quite a bloody week. Despite that, however, their First Blood and First Tower ratings were quite average, in fact they were both literally 50%. This has not changed since last week, when they also had dual 50% percentages for First Tower and First Blood, showing that they aren’t particularly dominant in the early game, but they appear to make up for it in later stages of the game. Something else they have retained from their first week is their amount of Towers Taken. Last week, Team Fusion led the league with 35 towers taken total, and this week they’ve bumped it up to 37, however they remain behind the Cuckobos at 39. The team also had the second highest Barons Taken at 5, however were yet again behind the Cuckobos, who had 7. Interestingly, their Dragons Taken is quite middle of the pack for a leading team, even though they had the second-highest Average Game Time of any team, at 44.6 minutes long. They have also retained their low warding rate, having the third-lowest WPM of any team. Ultimately, Team Fusion retains their thoroughness in winning through towers taken, but mostly appear to gain advantages through fighting, of which there is plenty of.
MVP: MVP goes to AllSpark, in my opinion. While he was off to a rocky start (specifically, at one point being 0-4 on Jhin in the first game), he made up for it in the later stages of the game, starting to play more safe and just picking up kills around the board. Having a 5.72 KDA and 67% Kill Participation, the latter of which being the highest on his team, it shows his influence in the game, and even more importantly, he had 948 DPM, the second-highest in the league, behind Teegardin’s 960. Although he had a Damage Share of 28.74%, the highest on his team, he accomplished it with only a 20.76% Gold Share, being the lowest on his team besides ReCrisis, and temporary sub IMMASCOOPYOU.
[T2] T2 eSports - (2-2) [4-4]:
Another week, another 2-2, or should I say T-2. In any case, I’m doing a team that’s not the top three you’ve only seen so far, so hurray! T2 eSports had a rocky start in which they weren’t entirely sure of their roster, however with the acquisition of player Teegardin, they are looking much better as a whole (however they did retain the same score as last week, so take that with a grain of salt). The rest of T2 eSports seem to be relatively new (with the exception of Mahint, a previous support player in the community), so I’m afraid I don’t know the particulars of their playstyles or backstories, but that’s alright. They did have community member Dive on Ln playing top lane for them this week, so we’ll see whether orn ot their regular top lane will return, and if he could be more beneficial for the team. In any case, the Impact Efficiency Rating was not kind to them, with solely ADC Teegardin being above 26th place, which is where support Mahint was. Let’s look into the particulars.
T2 eSports did have the fourth-highest DPM/Game of all teams with 637.6, coming close to surpassing Off in the Shower’s 642.15. In kills however, there was a surprisingly low amount of kills (which was contrary to what I expected, given Teegardin’s immense damage output), being the fourth-lowest at 84, only slightly higher than the least amount of kills at 78. Their First Blood stat was fairly average at 50%, however they possess a lower-than-average First Tower stat, being only 25%. The only tower that they took appears to have been a joint effort between jungler bigdaddyfrank, Teegardin, and Mahint, which is not surprising considering the apparently power of T2 eSports’ bottom lane, however they were unable to do so in other games. Despite his success in at least one game, bigdaddyfrank and the rest of T2 eSports appears to be falling behind when it comes to Dragons Taken, having the third-lowest at 5. Despite that, however, they had the third-most Barons Taken at 4. All in all, T2 eSports does not have terribly many outstanding stats about them, with average GPM, average Game Time, and WPM. Something that can be said about T2 eSports is their second-most negative CS differential at 10, being -2.2, implying that as a whole they’re lacking individual talent, however I hope they can come together and pick up more wins through team play.
MVP: MVP for this series goes to Teegardin. While his KDA wasn’t insane, he had the highest DPM in the league at 960, along with an absolutely ludicrous Damage Share of 37.65%. 6.7 CS/min, 71% Kill Participation, he’s got good stats and I hope he keeps it up going into Week 3.
[SK] Sleeping Knights - (2-2) [4-4]:
Another week, another 2-2, except I can’t try to make a pun for it with this team. Oh well. Sleeping Knights did do not terribly this week, however it is more distressing when you consider the fact that they went 0-2 against T2 eSports, the only other team to share third place with them, and only got their 2-0 off of Goofy Goobers, one of the teams tied for fourth. They were able to pull a game off of Team Fusion back in Week 1, so we’ll see whether or not they can return to the same form that was seen from them then, and pull themselves back up through the rankings. They did, however, have a different roster than what was seen Week 1, having UDS Azurite, previous Dragon League Coach, sub for their jungler jarvan the 420th. It does not appear the Sleeping Knights have claimed any particular style as their own quite just yet, except for maybe a tendency for Sopheria to pick Ashe, so we’ll review in the coming weeks whether they will establish their own niche.
The Sleeping Knights actually had fairly low stats, with third-lowest GPM/Game at 422.32, and second-lowest DPM/Game at 604.06. With an average 50% ratio for both First Tower and First Blood, along with third lowest Towers Killed at 22, it doesn’t appear they have too much going for them. Something they can take as their claim to fame (although, perhaps they wouldn’t want to) is their Total Kills, which was literally the lowest in the league at 78 kills, one below Trash Pandas’ 79. Something the Knights can claim is their third-highest CS differential at 10, being +1.4, below the Blazing Bandits’ 1.7. They were also last in total Wards Placed, though maybe that could be explained by their low Average Game Time, which was the second-lowest in the league at 33.2 minutes, though they have the lowest WPM at 0.5, making that somewhat unlikely. Frankly, looking at the stats, you’d be pretty surprised they went 2-2. It’s likely that instead of winning thoroughly or through long back-and-forth fights, they simply won off a single strong push.
MVP: Prantik gets MVP for this one. 34.68% Damage Share, 74% KP, and sixth-highest DPM in the league at 838. Last week, he had the absolute highest DPM of any player, and this week he still remains fairly high, 2 First Towers, and 11th highest Impact Efficiency Rating. Hopefully he can cement his position on the team as a carry and bring them to glory, because the Sleeping Knights will need it.
[BoBo] Boosted Bonobos (2-2) [3-5]:
Ah, the Boosted Bonobos. So close, yet so far. Hopefully, they will have an easier time of it this week, as they are fighting other fairly low-ranked teams such as the Sleeping Knights and Off in the Shower, but it remains to be seen if they can beat Off in the Shower. With their recent troubles in not having a coach, the team has been looking fairly shaky (outside of a dominating performance versus Elite 8), however they have recently acquired a coach and hopefully they will be able to improve in their play this Saturday. The team has also been having roster issues in Eilvan, their mid laner, who was not here last week and potentially will have to be replaced, given that he does not appear very active, so hopefully with a new mid laner the team will be able to perform well.
The sad truth of going down in the rankings as I do this analysis is that the stats become less and less remarkable, and more embarassing. As such, I’ll try to refrain from pointing out every single stat each team suffered in, but I’ll try to see what makes each team stand out from each other. For the Boosted Bonobos, they actually had the third-highest GPM/Game of any team, having 466.57. They also had a favorable First Tower %, being 75%, with all of the First Towers having been participated in by top laner TheStormnMormon. That’s not to say that every First Tower taken by the Bonobos was top lane, however, as mid sub Savage Force and support HMTKD also had assists. The team also had the third-most Dragons Taken at 10, and surprisingly actually have the highest CS Differential at 10 of any team, typically being up +3.3 CS. With fairly balanced Damage Shares and Kill Participation, it points towards the Bonobos tending to make plays happen independent of each other rather than grouping up and getting a five-man push, for instance. They seem fairly talented individually, so I’d like to see how they will do if they develop some more teamwork.
MVP: MVP goes to TheStormnMormon. He’s done well for himself in the top lane, especially against community member Blastona (of which I have a high opinion), and just generally has favorable stats. 23.66% Damage Share, 56% Kill Participation, and just general impressive stats all around. Also apparently an on-hit Lulu game, oddly enough.
[OitS] Off in the Shower - (2-2) [3-5]:
Off in the Shower’s games are just a story of tragedy. With star mid laner Fug Nuggler doing his best to try and translate his immense leads he often builds up to victories, the team definitely has something going for them, but just appear to be unable to finish out these games. However, their two losses last week were to first-place team The Cuckobos, so it’s entirely understandable. In any case, they look good in the games they have won, so it’s just a matter of whether they can pull out the win against teams Elite 8 and Boosted Bonobos.
Off in the Shower actually had a decent DPM/Game stat, being third-highest in the league at 642.15. Another interesting statistic to note is that Off in the Shower is the only team to possess a 100% First Blood rate this week, with the first bloods being split up between mid laner Fug Nuggler, top lane sub Noreman, and jungler Autumn Rain. They did, however, have average stats for Dragons Taken and Towers Taken, though they led the league for Rift Heralds Taken at 2, possibly indicative of a more top-centric playstyle, which would be justified given that top lane sub Noreman has the highest Impact Efficiency Rating in the league, although he only played for two games. They are also tied for second-most WPM in the league, at 0.57, which means they do have that going for them.
MVP: MVP for this team goes to Fug Nuggler, since he’s tried so hard and done so much for his team. While top laner Noreman does have the higher Impact Efficiency Rating, he only played in two games and thus I must rate him slightly less importantly than the rest of his team. That doesn’t mean Fug Nuggler was very much worse off, as he had the third-highest Impact Efficiency Rating, with a 4.29 KDA, fifth-highest GPM in the league at 417.84, and eighth-highest DPM at 751.
[GG] Goofy Goobers - (2-2) [3-5]:
Goofy Goobers have had a lot going on in the past little while, such as superstar jungler-turned-toplaner Miji being off on vacation, and being able to cinch the 2-2 on his return, after more than two months of not playing the game. Wdphan13 showed himself to be quite the fan of the Ashe pick, having picked it three times this week. The Goobers tended to pick control mages mid lane and tanks in the top and jungle positions, meaning that the carrying was mostly left to BTF5 Snow and wdphan13, who performed as well as they could given the circumstances, but appear to have had unfortunate times in the laning phase and gaining leads early. They also used community member Altas and Kirito to sub for their jungler repoted, who did not show up this week. It will be seen whether they will have to resume getting subs for him, or whether repoted was simply unable to make it this week.
The Goobers have one stat that they hold in infamy, given that they hold the title for least DPM in the entire league, at 523.23, behind Sleeping Knights’ 604. They did, however, have middle of the pack Kills/game, along with average Average Game Time. Despite that, they had average stats for First Tower and First Blood, implying they aren’t getting irreplaceably behind from early excursions, but perhaps they’re having a difficult time in teamfights or rotating to objectives, given their average Towers Taken stat of 25. Something to counter that, however, is the fact that they have the most negative CS Differential at 10 in the league, at -2.2. Their extremely low DPM stat is possibly symptomatic of their drafts, given that the Ashe pick is not known for dealing the most damage (especially in this lethality ADC meta, in which ADCs actually do damage), and that they tend to pick tanks in many other positions. Maybe we will see a new draft come out from them, or more team-oriented playstyle to try and get a foothold on the objective-related statistics, but only time will tell.
MVP: MVP for this team goes to wdphan13. They tended to put him and BTF5 Snow in the drivers seat in terms of damage dealing, and while the team damage as a whole was abysmal, wdphan13 did have the fifth-highest DPM of all ADCs, and a 31.44% Damage Share, which means he didn’t do terribly in what he was meant to do, just that the team in all likelihood had limited opportunities. Wdphan13 also had a 5.8 KDA, got two first bloods, and actually got a pentakill, so he’s an easy choice. I’m curious to know the circumstances in which the pentakill happened, but hey, a penta is a penta, so MVP goes to him.
I'm afraid that's where it ends, given that it's literally twenty minutes before the Week 3 games at the time of writing this, and honestly I feel worse about doing analysis the farther down we go because I feel like all I'm doing is bashing the team's stats. In any case, I hope you enjoyed reading, and if you're from one of those lower-standing teams, please let me know if you would still prefer I do you, even if I have very little positive things to say.
submitted by brandonspark to ascensionesports [link] [comments]

varus lethality build 10.23 video


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