C0R0NA Varus - Summoner Stats - League of Legends

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A list of the current issues of the League client - Summer 2020 edition, in 25 pages.

Hey everyone!
I wanted to list the problems of the League+ phone app, but then decided to spare myself some time and to instead make a list of everything that worked right on that app. Problem is, League's subreddit doesn't accept submissions without text, so I had to cancel that and go back to client buglists. I was dissatisfied by the last one I made (it was rushed a bit, and lacked quite a lot of things due to that), so hopefully this one will be better.
Each point will have the "Recent" or "New" tag, or no tag. "New" means that the bug started appearing after January, and "Recent" means that it was new at the time of my previous buglist (in January) and hasn't been addressed since. Every category will be implicitly split into two sub-categories A and B. Issues x.A.n are bugs, and issues x.B.n are problems that are bad design choices rather than actual bugs.
Honestly, it's pretty annoying. The client randomly loses functionalities from one day to the next, and most of these never get fixed. A bunch of issues appeared at the start of January, I was expecting them to be gone soon since they had just appeared and had worked fine the whole time before, yet most of them are still here today – seven months later. Another big batch of issues appeared in May. I thought I'd have to hurry up to finish this buglist, expecting them to get fixed quickly. Nothing got changed until two patches later, and most of the new issues are still here now after two months passed.
Those aren't the standards that we should be made to have. The client is supposed to receive improvements, not to worsen over time, without the issues ever being fixed for the most part. And as I was writing this thread and checking my previous ones to see what I had forgotten, I realized something that's a clear bad sign – there are many problems that I initially forgot because I got too used to them (problems that the legacy client didn't have, or even that this client didn't have earlier on). Even pretty bad problems, too.
I deeply hope that someday, these issues will be tackled. I hope that bugs will be fixed, instead of being left there for us to get used to them, for us to get used to a worse client. I know it's a trend among every big product, to leave annoying issues up for years. Battle.net, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, all of them do it. But the case of the League client is worse, when it really shouldn't be. When seeing a new bug, we should be thinking "Oh, that's annoying. But I just have to wait until the next patch and it'll be gone", rather than "Well that's what I'll have to deal with for the next three years now". And I hope for things to be like that someday. "Mordekaiser's bugs leaking onto other parts of League" was supposed to be a meme, not to be made into a reality.
Anyway, let's get started!
1) Friends list
1.A.a) Receiving a game invite will not play any sound if you have another invite pending.
1.A.b) [New] When a friend is in an open lobby, the names of the players in that lobby aren't shown anymore. Screenshot
1.A.c) [New] The game created doesn't show the map anymore. Only "Creating Normal/Ranked Game". The fun fact is that Discord shows which map a friend is creating a game on, meaning that Discord is a more reliable source than the League client, when it comes to a feature of the League client.
1.A.d) [New] If you hover over a friend while they're in queue or champ select, hovering over them again while they're in game will still show them as being in queue / CS, instead of showing them as being ingame (meaning that you can't see their ingame time, or the champion picked / mode played). Changing the sorting of the friends list refreshes it and clears that problem. (Sort alphabetically > Sort by status, or the other way around. You can also switch back immediately after.) I'm just not sure this pro tip really will help anyone, because since we're already 4 bugs in, there should be a maximum of 3 people reaching that point. Screenshot
1.A.e) [New] Here's the opposite issue! Screenshot
1.A.f) [New] After logging in, and sometimes after playing as well, the Recently Played list (from the Add Friends tab) will permanently display a loading symbol. Without loading, should you be wondering.
1.A.g) [New] There's no way to watch the profile of someone who's in game on another game or region. You can watch the profile of someone who's online on League, you can watch the profile of someone who's disconnected (even if they've never played League and have only played the other games), but as soon as they log in on another game, you can no longer look at their profile from the friends list. The option simply disappears. I'm not sure when this problem started. Screenshot
1.A.h) [New] One of my two computers will often fail to show that someone disconnected, and will keep showing them as being online, until I restart my own client. It's been like that for months, while my other computer has never had that issue.
1.A.i) [New] After someone disconnects, they will sometimes (semi-rarely) show up in your friends list as being offline (or on League+ if they use it). But they'll show up this way in your regular friends groups, while they should be in the Offline (/mobile) one.
1.A.j) [New] If a friend is creating a game while being on Away, hovering over them will show them as Away instead of creating a game. Screenshot
1.A.k) [New] Hovering over your own profile will not show your correct status. Only "Online" no matter what. Screenshot
1.A.l) [New] A person spectating is now going to be shown in green instead of blue (keeping the "Spectating" tag). One good thing coming with that is that they can be invited to a lobby – however, they can't accept the invite until they leave the spectate, just like one cannot spectate while in a lobby. The problem of this bug/change is that it means that you can't spectate a spectate anymore. For as long as I've played League – and I'm on the boomer side of this game by now – when one of your friends was spectating, you could click Spectate on them in order to watch the game that they were spectating. And since you can only spectate someone from your friends list, it's been a nice thing to have. As of this patch, this is no longer possible.
I need to take some time to state what's wrong with this, because there's a bit more than already stated. a) It's good that you can invite someone who's spectating. This should be a normal function, not something we get as a tradeoff for what's likely to just be a bug. b) It isn't normal that we still can't spectate while waiting in the lobby. This is an upgrade that we could have expected years ago already. Ever since we've been told that a new (the now current) client was in the works. c) If you're watching a replay, you can be invited, and you can also be in a lobby. Same thing if you're spectating a game through a file (when spectating through third party websites or apps). So there should be no reason for these two things to be unavailable for a live and official spectate (I don't mean no reason codingwise, but no reason to not make it a possibility). d) There's also no reason to lose the ability to spectate a friend's spectate.
The way things should be is: a) Spectating appears the way it currently does (Showing "Spectating", but in green, and being put alongside the online friends). b) Right-clicking on a friend spectating gives you the option to spectate their game (as it used to until this patch). c) Receiving an invite while spectating lets you join the lobby and queue up. d) You can also start a spectate while in a lobby or in queue (exiting it upon entering champion select).
Side note – Sometimes, for no apparent reason, they're still shown in blue instead of green. But still without giving the option to join the spectate.
1.B.a) The friend requests that you received and left pending count towards your friend limit. If I’m not mistaken, they used to only count as they were accepted. And even if I’m mistaken, that should be the way things are, in my opinion (otherwise, why would you have a friends list cap and a pending request cap?).
1.B.b) When someone tries to send you a friend request while your list is full, the request doesn't go through, and you don't get notified of it. It would be best to at least know that someone tried to add you (and who it was, obviously).
1.B.c) The friends list notes can only be written over one line. And besides, the transition in the notes from the old client to the new client was poorly made. I used to have five-line notes such as this: Name Birth date Country Studies/Job Details about the game in which we met What did these notes become? NameBirth dateCountryStudies/JobDetails about the game in which we met They didn’t replace the line break with anything, not even a space or a slash. But the fact that notes can only be put in one line is a downgrade from the legacy client, making said notes a lot less clear.
2) Lobbies
2.A.a) [Recent] Regularly, after playing a game, the client will stop responding, for either a long period of time, or until you terminate it. In the best of cases, the honor screen will pop up, then clicking anywhere will prompt that the client stopped responding for a few seconds, and after a couple of attempts, you'll be able to honor someone, then use the post-game lobby functions, and so on. That being the best case scenario, the worst one being the client flat out no longer responding, forcing a termination.
2.A.b) [New] In the post-game lobby, the button to invite one of the game's players into your party doesn't work anymore. You can press it, but it won't do anything.
2.A.c) [New] Some of your friends will have their name show as "…" in the lobby, champ select, and post-game lobby. At first I thought this bug worked in a pretty obvious way – if someone in the party is in your friends list, their name gets replaced by those dots in the chat. Turns out it's actually inconsistent, and affects each client differently. Some people will only have part of their friends show like that, with the rest having their name written out normally.
2.A.d) The post-game lobby sometimes (fairly regularly) uses the Times New Roman font instead of the normal one.
2.A.e) [New] Occasionally, a person will be shown as having the roles of another player when entering a lobby.
2.A.f) The League voice mic settings sometimes change by themselves. I've seen cases of microphones getting muted automatically after each game, I've seen cases of the setting "Mute me when I connect to League voice" getting unchecked by itself. The latter is… not something that should happen. I can't give any additional details, as this seems completely inconsistent across people.
2.A.g) After finishing a game in a party, when one of your premades presses Play again, there's a ~5-seconds delay between appearing as having joined the new lobby, and them leaving the post-game lobby.
2.B.a) You can no longer press a button in a lobby to see someone’s profile. You used to be able to. And I don’t see why one would ever want to remove that feature, especially since you cannot copy someone’s name from the lobby into the Profile search if they were in the lobby before you and if they don’t type in the chat. Here’s how the lobby used to be, for reference: Screenshot
2.B.b) You can also no longer see someone’s rank as well as ranked (or normal if unranked) wins in the lobby, unless it is a custom lobby. Maybe that has been put there as a design choice, but losing function in exchange of form is a stance that numerous people disagree with.
3) Profile and collection
3.A.a) Collection > Champions: The ability videos can be extremely outdated. Shyvana's ability videos have been outdated for almost 4 years. Here's her E for one example, as shown in the client. All of her abilities were reworked in 2016, and yet the ability videos on the client are still the ones from before 2016.
Some other examples:
  • Kha still has his old R evolution. Removed in May 2018.
  • Ryze still snares with his default W. Removed in June 2019. Additionally, Ryze's Q and E don't show these spells spreading, while that's the norm for these videos.
  • Varus' W doesn't show the active part. It was added in April 2018.
  • Aatrox's ultimate… doesn't have a video. It loads indefinitely. Screenshot
3.A.b) [Recent] Collection > Items: In the Item sets, about half of the items can only be hovered once (Hovering over an item gives you its detailed information, doing it a second time will not show anything – for half of the items, arbitrarily – until you exit the item set and load it again).
3.A.c) If you created an item set with the old client and didn’t rename the block for “Starting items”, this block is now taking the name “starting”, while you never changed its name from “Starting items”. Yes, “starting” with a lowercase s.
3.A.d) Collection > Runes: Changing a rune tree isn’t something that can be canceled in a normal way. Let’s say you have a page with Resolve primary, and Domination secondary, and you decide to change it to Precision primary, but then change your mind. Here is what should happen: - You click on the Precision button (you can then fill or not fill the tree, it doesn’t matter). - You press the cross icon. - When you’re asked whether you want to save the changes, you answer no. - You open the rune page again. - The rune page will be back to its previous values. All good! But here’s what actually happens (initial set-up – yes, I'm recycling screenshots from 2018): - You click on the Precision button (you can then fill or not fill the tree, it doesn’t matter). Screenshot - You press the cross icon. - When you’re asked whether you want to save the changes, you answer no. - You open the rune page again. - The rune page will be back to the Resolve tree… but the tree will be empty. Screenshot - You press the cross a second time. - Once again, you answer no to whether you want to save changes, because Kha’Zix says that change is good, but I say that bugs are bad. - You open the rune page a third time. - Finally, the rune page is back to its initial values. Screenshot This happens for both the primary tree and the secondary tree. But! If you try to do that on both trees at once, there won’t be a problem and the page will be fully set back to its initial values.
3.A.e) Collection > Emotes: “Sort by acquired date” shows most recent to latest, but will always show the Thumbs Up emote almost first in spite of it always being the least recent one.
3.A.f) [New] Profile > Match history: The match history no longer includes the experience gained or grade earned in your matches. It used to randomly not display either of them, and I suppose the "fix" of the problem was to downgrade the client (and match history overall) by removing the feature altogether.
3.A.g) Profile > Match history > Overview: The gold graph, by default, shows the team gold advantage. However, the selected graph reads "Champion Gold" instead of "Team Gold Advantage", indicating the wrong category. Screenshot
3.A.h) Profile > Match history > Graphs: There is no “Total damage dealt” line in the Graphs. (There is a Total damage dealt category, but there should be a Total damage dealt line, just like there’s one in the Stats tab, and just like there’s a Total damage dealt to champions line. You currently have no way to show how much total damage you did in the Graphs tab.) Screenshot
3.A.i) Profile > Match history > Graphs: There is no “Largest critical strike” line in Graphs, unlike in Stats.
3.A.j) Profile > Match history > Stats/Graphs: The stats aren’t organized the same way. In Stats, you have one Income tab for the gold earned/spent and for the CS, while in Graphs, you have an Income tab and a Neutral Monsters and Minions category. Similarly, Stats regroup all of the damage dealt in a single category, not separated in Champions/Total.
3.A.k) Profile > Match history > Stats/Graphs: Total Damage To Objectives and Total Damage To Turrets have their place swapped from one tab to the other.
3.A.l) Profile > Match history > Stats: Jungle monsters are referred to as “Neutral Minions”. They’re called “Neutral Monsters” in Graphs. Besides, they are not minions, otherwise spells affecting minions differently would affect them that way too, while they don’t. And no, they’re not coded as such.
3.A.m) Profile > Match history > Stats/Graphs: Team totals are no longer accessible.
3.A.n) Profile > Stats: Stats are just wrong and miss plenty of games. The stats on my second account say that I have played 14 games as top lane Leona in season 2019. In reality, according to the official match history, I’ve played her top lane 33 times in 2019 (all of them being in preseason 10). Where the other 19 went, that I’ll never know.
3.B.a) [Recent] Collection > Champions: The page overall was made far worse when changed for the Eternals one year ago. I've described how I find it worse in a few pages, so, I'll just redirect you there for the full write-up of how I find it wrong!
3.B.b) Collection > Match history > Overview: The champion gold graph puts all the lines in the same colour for all the champions of a team. If you want to compare the gold of all of your opponents, there is no way to tell which line belongs to whom. Not even by hovering. Screenshot
3.B.c) Collection > Match history: The fact that you can only download replays from the current patch is really not convenient for the games that are played right before a patch hits. Additionally, the fact that you can only watch replays of the current patch (and must save a copy of each older patch if you want to be able to keep watching replays of these older patches, which takes entire gigabytes of memory), while third-party softwares have been able to restore older versions of the client ever since 2014ish, is kinda mind-boggling.
3.B.d) Collection > Spells: Each Summoner spell shows the game modes it can be used in, among Classic, ARAM, and Tutorial. I don't see a point in keeping the "Tutorial" one, since first, the tutorial summoner spells are the exact same as the Summoner's Rift ones, and second, the tutorial is meant to teach you about the game, rather than the game teaching you about the tutorial.
3.B.e) Collection > Item sets: Item sets cannot be sorted by champions.
3.B.f) Collection > Item sets: Item sets cannot be searched for based on the champion they’re for.
3.B.g) Collection > Item sets: There is now a limit of 100 item sets per account, down from not having any limit. This limit was put because the item sets are now stored online, not locally. But it means that the cap isn’t enough for one set per champion, not even close to it, and overall, that limit makes little sense. The vast, vast majority of the players doesn’t hit the cap or nowhere near it. The only people who reach it are those who already were past it before said cap, and limiting them won’t change anything. The cap was probably put there as a safeguard for if people with malicious intents tried to automatically create billions of sets on lots of accounts, but considering that people who just mean to play the game normally are affected by this, the limit could surely be better placed at 200, or 250. It would still block these negative attempts, while not affecting the experience of normal users.
3.B.h) Collection > Item sets: Item sets need an option to hide event-only items, ARAM/NB-specific items, as well as champion-only items. There are currently dozens of items that are either not accessible at all, or only accessible to one single champion. Dozens of items that simply take up space while being either never used (because they can't be used, not out of choice), or almost never used.
3.B.i) Profile: The profile page lost so much information. We could have stats about our normal games (win rates then wins only, plus other stats), and the win rate in each ranked queue. Riot decided to progressively hide all of this stuff – no longer able to see someone’s normal win rate, no longer able to see someone’s ranked win rate, no longer able to see someone’s top 8-11 mastery. The argument that Riot doesn’t want people to see others’ stats like that can be made, even though that’s a philosophy that I personally disagree with especially when the ranked stats are available in the API thus on websites anyway, but even agreeing with it, there’s a big problem with that. Other people can’t see these stats, but neither can you. Why can’t I see my own win rate in ranked? Why can’t I see my own wins and losses in normal queues? And it’s not even like Riot would want to hide these away from me, I can still get those stats by finishing a game. But instead of being able to simply click on my profile to see the stats about my own account, I must play a game for it.
3.B.j) Profile: The profile background tier ordering sorts skins based on whether they are Ultimate, Mythic, Legendary, Epic or Others. I think that adding at least a “Base” category would be nice, as none of the sortings allows to only have the base skins.
3.B.k) Profile: The profile background tier ordering sorts the champions by mastery within the tiers, instead of giving a choice that would allow for more instinctive choices, like alphabetical. Because I find it easier to search for a champion based on the fact that I know that its name starts with an N, rather than based on the fact that Nami is more or less my 60th highest mastery, fact that I do not know about for any champion that is not in my top 20ish.
3.B.l) Profile > Stats: You can’t remove the Queue filter in the Stats to display the results from all queues combined, which would be really useful to have the stats be taken over relevant amounts of data. It could be solved by simply adding an “All” option. Screenshot
4) Custom games
Overall, custom lobbies run on an old lobby model, that was already outdated many years ago, and Riot has shown no interest in putting it up to date. It shouldn't be the case considering that it's a part of their client, and it should even less so be the case considering that this is what their official tournaments are run on. This is the reason why rotating game modes aren't playable in custom on the new client (the current RGM, that is), this is why League Voice isn't a thing in custom game (… remember about tournaments?), this is also why you can't hover champs, and why skin previews aren't enabled either, among other things. But, here's for a full list of the issues (grouping bugs and non-bugs, because I don't want to split this one in two parts):
4.a) We cannot play RGMs in customs. The old client always allowed it, and the “improved” one still hasn’t received it. After more than four years.
4.a) You can’t check anyone’s profile from a custom lobby, the only option for that is to go in Profile and manually type their name. Good luck with special characters.
4.c) Custom games do not have League voice. In the mode where you’re technically always with premades. Custom games are also where even League’s official tournaments are hosted, so that makes little sense.
4.d) Trying to reinvite someone who was kicked will not send an invitation. In order to have someone who was kicked rejoin, you have no other option but to create another game and redo everything.
4.e) Can’t hover champions in champ select (that will display an error message).
4.f) There is also no skin display in champ select.
4.g) The rank displayed in the lobby is random at best. It seems like most of the time, when you enter the lobby, your highest rank will be shown, but then it can switch at any time to your solo queue rank, or to any other rank at random without it being either your solo queue rank or your highest rank.
4.h) On top of that, frequently, someone in the lobby will be shown as having the rank, ranked wins, and icon of another person from the lobby.
4.i) If you switch into spectator as the owner of the lobby, you’ll lose your owner rights and they’ll be transferred to the next person who joined. I don’t see any plus side to that, it just makes the organization messier.
4.j) It would be about time we got another way to reorder the teams other than having everyone go to spectate one by one in a specific order. Especially when playing scrims where one team asks for spectate to be disabled, in which case you actually need to have people leave the lobby and rejoin it in order to change the pick order.
4.k) Passwords are the only way to make a game invite-only, since the client doesn’t offer any other. However, when someone is invited to a game with a password, they won’t have access to the chat (and also won’t have any way to type the password anywhere to be granted access to that chat).
4.l) Custom games have no "Play again" button, when they're already harder to organize and set up than normal games.
4.m) Just like how the chat box stays small when you type a long message, since the same patch as the one when this issue started happening, the box to choose bots to add in custom games has also been reduced by a lot. Instead of displaying somewhere between 6 and 8 bots, it’s now only long enough to display 4.
While they technically shouldn’t have their own category, custom games have more than enough issues to warrant one, especially as they've entirely gone unaddressed since the migration to this client.
5) Champion selection
5.A.a) [New] While I've never had this issue myself, there have been regular reports of people seeing the champ select in the wrong order. Screenshot of the wrong order (you can see the last pick having to select their champion in the first rotation) / Screenshot of the real order
5.A.b) Let's say you have a trade pending in ARAM (or any other game mode with random picks), be you the initiator or the receiver. Whenever someone rerolls a champion, trades with someone else, or trades with the bench, your pending trade will “reset”: the timer will go back to full, and the trading sound will play once more. This is the second time I almost forget to include this one, because we got so used to it. That isn't a positive thing.
5.A.c) The old client allowed you to purchase a skin during champ select. Not the new one. Maybe that’s a choice, but then the fact that clicking on a skin gives you the message “This skin is currently not available for purchase” is a relic of a past gone two years ago. Screenshot
5.B.a) When you have the runes open, most of the champ select screen is covered, and you can only see the champions picked, the timer, and a part of the chat. Only a small part of the chat. But most importantly: the summoner spells selection is hidden by the runes.
5.B.b) You can’t see which of your friends are in queue/champ select/in game while you’re in champ select. In most cases, it doesn’t matter, but sometimes, it’s a nice thing to know, and it’s a downgrade from the legacy client. I don’t just claim that it would be nice to have simply for the sake of complaining and to then never use it, but I am currently using the phone app whenever I want that, so it is actually something I need. It also can’t be because Riot wants it to be that way, since the information is accessible through the app. By extension, you also can’t see whether your friends are online/in a blue status/away/offline without specifically opening a chat with each and every one of them (which isn't even possible anymore), and checking all of them. This is once again something that the previous client offered, and once again something that the app allows. Similarly, you can’t open your Recently played list while in champ select.
6) Chat
6.A.a) [Recent] Receiving a message plays a sound notification, but the client icon in the taskbar will not be highlighted in orange. 6.A.b) [Recent] There is no longer a "New chat" button in champ select, to allow you to talk to someone you hadn't yet opened a chat with. This feature was added shortly after the release of this client, but has mysteriously disappeared this year and hasn't been brought back yet. So that means that if you're in champ select and want to send a message to a friend… you can't! Unless you had already opened a chat with them before during this session, it's not possible.
6.A.c) You can’t copy-paste a chat in a readable format, since a chat will be like this: Person A: Message 1 Person B: Message 2 Person B: Message 3 Person A: Message 4 Person B: Message 5
And the pasted version will be like that: Message 1 Message 2 Message 3 Message 4 Message 5
This is a downgrade of the old client that would show the name of the person before every message, as well as the time stamp.
6.A.d) Typing a message in the chat will not expand the size of the typing chat box as the message goes onto more than one line, preventing you from reading what you wrote before. Screenshot - Note: This used to work fine, even in this client.
6.B.a) We still can’t see people’s status in the list of chats. The legacy client had that. At some point, it went down for maybe a week or so, and it was also bugged during the infamous 6.9 patch that killed the entire client. It was easy to feel how inconvenient it was. One day, Riot tried to put that on the new client. But they didn’t do that properly, as you’d see everyone status in the list of chats… as offline. That makes me wonder if it’s actually a design choice, or if it’s just Riot saying that they aren’t managing to do it.
7) Clubs
Clubs were a nice idea, back in the days of their creation, in early 2016. As of now… they feel like a thing of the past that no longer serves a purpose. They're no longer useful to gather a party to play, they're no longer ideal to chat in, they give you incentives to close them… Their implementation on the new client was really bad, and to make things better, occasional new bugs have kept making the problem worse since.
7.A.a) [New] Here's a fun one, that I can't explain. On one of my accounts, all of my clubs disappeared. I can't use the tags, can't access the chats, and the Clubs tag asks me to join or create clubs. Same results when trying from a different computer. However, when logging on the mobile app, I'm still in the clubs and can still interact with them, and checking from a different account also showed me that I was still among the members of these clubs.
7.A.b) [Recent] The club's page in the profile tab fails to display the statuses of the online club members who are either not in your friends list, or on League+. The status dot will be missing, and hovering on the player will show them as Offline if they aren't in your friends list. Screenshot
7.A.c) If you leave a club chat open, you’ll get a sound every time someone from the club logs in or out. That is, whenever someone from the club logs in, someone from the club logs out, someone from the club closes the club chat. That sound is exactly the same as the sound of a club message. For this very reason, it’s annoying to leave the club chat open.
7.B.a) You can no longer have interactions with other club members, as you can’t click on their name. This means: - You can’t open private chats with other club members. - You can’t invite club members to games. - You can’t view the profile of club members. - You can’t copy their names to paste it to look at their profile (for the people using special characters).
7.B.b) You can’t see the list of members without hiding most of the club chat. That doesn’t sound too bad at first, but in practice, where I used to always know the name of every single member of all of my clubs, now I pretty much have no clue about it, because I never have that list of members there to see anymore.
7.B.c) Going with the previous point, you no longer passively see which of the club members are online/available, and which ones are in game. Reminder that the original point of clubs was to play with friends.
7.B.d) You can also not see the actual status of club members, beyond just the color of the status (so, no difference between In Queue/In CS/In Game, or Online/Creating game). That one isn’t exactly a clear downgrade from the legacy client, as the latter was supposed to provide that, but would only do it for your friends among the club members, and wouldn’t display anything for the others.
7.B.e) The club chat has a very poor size optimization, with every message taking a good part of the height of the chat window due to the blank space between two messages and to the low maximum width of a message. If you use the default chat size, only three messages can usually be displayed at once. Screenshot
7.B.f) The “Message of the day” is inexistent now. It can only be seen through the Clubs tag of the profile, which nobody ever goes on, as opposed to the previous client that had it shown right next to the club’s name upon opening the club. Screenshot
7.B.g) Offline friends don’t have their tag displayed in your friends list.
[Continued in the comments, this post has reached the character limit!]
submitted by Naerlyn to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

3300 MMR EUW aram tips

Just reached 3376 mmr today and this is my aram only smurf https://euw.whatismymmr.com/magiclemann, My main was D2 in SR but I enjoy playing aram much more.
I'd like to share a few less known tips for those who try hard or simply enjoy winning. I'm not gonna list the basic tips so if you don't understand how to engage vs a poke comp or why you should not stay alive at 30% hp mid-late game this thread is not the right one for you. I mostly play adcs in aram so I'll start here:
As for ranking, Sivir is the best adc in aram in most situations. If you don't have a support, mf, lucian and quinn are all very strong individual carries. With one or more enchanters, kogmaw, vayne and jinx and on-hit varus are the strongest. Cait is, contrary to common belief, not always good because when enemies constantly engage on you she doesn't have a lot of damage mid game. Ashe is pretty good because of the utility she offers to the team. Corki and Ezreal are also strong individual carrys but their power spike comes later at 3 items because tear mostly stacks up when they have 3 items (muramana, trinity force, death dance), and most high mmr aram games end around 3 items. Senna is super strong too but you'd want to have another dps on your team, and aphelios is still 200 years in aram :)

And here are some general tips. Again, these tips are aimed at people who already have a decent understanding of aram.
submitted by magicleman to ARAM [link] [comments]

Season 10 Sona support guide from a 1000 LP Challenger Sona one trick

Patch 10.12 update

On this patch Guardian was changed to be a lot more consistent at the cost of losing the movespeed buff. This makes it a lot easier to use and more fun to play with since you no longer have to position carefully to proc Guardian at the perfect moment. While losing the movespeed buff really sucks in the early game, I believe that the new Guardian is at least as good as the old one and probably a lot better if you were not very experienced with positioning around the old Guardian.
I still probably wouldn't take Guardian against enchanters but there are some new engage matchups where it's usable now. Xayah Rakan for example where previously Xayah feathers would randomly proc your Guardian too much, Alistar where you really didn't want to stand next to your ADC to proc Guardian etc.
They also changed Unflinching but I really see no reason to ever take it on Sona instead of Revitalize, the extra healing and shielding it offers is way too good.


Hey, my name is Schuhbart and I'm a high Challenger Sona one trick from the EU west server, currently at 1050 LP. In this guide I will explain to you what runes I use, what items I build and how exactly the different rune choices compare.


First of all, the runes. I alternate between two rune pages depending on the bot lane matchup:
Aery Inspiration: I take this rune page against bot lanes where I need Aery shield and the mana from Manaflow Band against poke. You can take the scaling CDR shard against matchups where you really want to just afk scale in the early game like Senna + Tahm.
The rune page itself is quite self explanatory. Aery is a good Rune for enchanters, Manaflow Band gives you mana, Transcendence allows you to reach 45% cdr faster, Gathering Storm gives massive AP. Magic boots allow you to rush Archangel's Staff directly without needing to spend 300g on boots and Cosmic Insight is very powerful with max cdr and infinite mana, increasing your amount of spell casts by 9.1% as you go from 40% to 45% cdr.
Guardian Inspiration: This is my preferred rune page and I take it whenever I don't need Aery against poke. You can take Bone Plating instead of Conditioning for more tankiness early game if you think that it won't be procced randomly.
Guardian was changed in patch 10.12 and now I would recommend it even more, if you previously tried Guardian against engage supports but found it too difficult to proc consistently I would really suggest you give it another try because it's super easy to use now.
Guardian's shield is very useful when someone tries to engage on you and the combination of Seraph's shield, Guardian itself, Conditioning and Revitalize make you extremely difficult to kill in teamfights while Revitalize also adds a lot of healing and shielding to your teammates. Due to the mana changes from patch 10.4 you no longer need mana from runes if you go Archangel's, meaning that you are free to take Magic Boots and Cosmic Insight secondary like with Aery. (More information on the mana changes below)
Note that your W does NOT proc Guardian. You need to stand close to an ally for it to work, the range is the same as your auras which is really convenient because that's where you want to stand anyway. Previously this was kind of a pain but now with the increased range it doesn't change your positioning too much, if you have Guardian in the back of your mind you should be able to have it proc in every single fight where it's up.


I have made an item set for this exact build which you can find here: https://pastebin.com/sBT6BGmT
If you want to use it simply copy the text, go to Collection > Items in the client, press the "Import item sets" button, click "paste a copied set" and paste it in the box that appears.

Starting items

Start Spellthief's and two pots always. Relic shield is not good on Sona anymore with the added mana regen on Spellthief's.

First item

Rush Archangel staff. This item is pretty useless at first but once you get the Seraph's transformation it becomes incredibly powerful. Most of the time you will want to go Tear first for the faster scaling and mana pool but if you are fighting a lot and don't really need mana then you can also buy an Amplifying tome or two before buying Tear. If you decide to do that, I would recommend buying Tear before finishing Lost Chapter to not delay your scaling by too much.

Second item

As your second item you will want to buy Athene's Unholy Grail in 95% of games or Zhonya's Hourglass if you really need the armor and active against AD Assassins and can afford its premium price.
If you have Guardian you will not have Transcendence, meaning that with just Archangel's and Athene's you will need another 10% CDR to reach the cap. With Guardian I like to buy Fiendish Codex and Boots of Lucidity (the CDR boots) before finishing the Athene's. This delays your Athene's powerspike by 600 gold but is much stronger than having Codex + Null Magic mantle. If you have Guardian and want to build Ardent or Zhonya's as your third item then you probably won't want to buy CDR boots as to not overcap your CDR.

Third item

The ideal third item with this build is Mejai's Soulstealer. You gain stacks easily by tagging allies with your auras and with the active shield from Seraph's Embrace and the defensive stats from your second item you are very difficult to kill, making it easy to retain the stacks once you have acquired them. The ideal timing for purchasing Dark Seal really depends on the game - you will want to buy it as soon as you are in a position where you can win fights or at least get a few kills without dying.
Alternative third items are Ardent Censer (if your team uses it well) and Zhonya's (if you need it and have the gold for it). You could also go Rabadon's Deathcap third item but Mejai's would be a better purchase if you are getting enough kills to be able to afford Deathcap.

Fourth item

At this point you will really want a Deathcap to synergize with the massive AP from the rest of your build.

What about boots?

If I don't need CDR boots to reach the 45% cap I usually don't upgrade my boots unless I really want the armor from Ninja Tabi's or the MR and Tenacity from Mercury's Treads.
Merc's are actually a really great item in some games. for example if you are against a Syndra, Varus, Leona, Ekko, etc. and are scared of them killing you then they are really useful.

Items that I really don't like and that you probably should not build

Full build examples

For some examples of full builds with this setup you can look at my main accounts and my smurf account.

A comparison of Guardian and Aery

I will first list some benefits of both pages and then sum them up.
Guardian is much better against the level 1 engage from a support like Rakan, Nautilus or Thresh. With the big shield on both you and your ADC you will probably win the trade and the movespeed also helps you with running away.
Aery is a lot better against sustained poke, both with its low cooldown shield and the mana from Manaflow Band which allows you to use W more frequently after your first back.
Aery allows you to play a lot more aggressively after your first back with the mana from Manaflow Band and it also adds a marginal amount of damage to your trades. This mana also helps you complete your Archangel's stacking a bit faster.
Aery has Transcendence, meaning that you reach your Archangel's + Athene's + 45% CDR powerspike 600 gold sooner.
Guardian's shield and Conditioning's resistances (or Bone Plating) increase your survivability massively which is especially important in the later stages of the game, where the enemy's win condition increasingly becomes "kill the Sona".
Guardian has Revitalize, which increases your healing and shielding by a lot more than the AP from Gathering Storm, especially if the targets are below 40% hp. This is true even with the 48 AP from Gathering Storm at 30 minutes.
To summarize: Guardian is better level 1, then Aery is better in the mid game, and finally Guardian hard outscales Aery once you get Archangel's + Athene's + 45% CDR. Aery is more aggressive while Guardian is more passive and scaling oriented.

Playstyle advice

With Archangel's as your first item you are very weak until you complete the Seraph's transformation. This means two things: You will want to stack it as much as possible and avoid forcing fights before you get your Seraph's. Make sure to always tag an ally with your spells to get the mana refund.
You have a gigantic powerspike once you reach level 11, Seraph's transformation, Athene's and 45% CDR. At this point you can straight up ARAM with your team and you should win most fights unless you get flanked or your team splits up so your auras dont get value. Try to play fights slowly to utilize your heavy sustain in extended fights.

Why Archangel's rush now?

In patch 10.4 they added a mechanic to disincentivize Sona from being played in a solo lane. They increased the mana costs of her basic abilities by 25 but made them restore 30 mana if they tagged at least one ally, so it would have no impact on the support role where you tag your lane partner most of the time. With the respective 10% / 25% mana refund of Tear and Archangel's Staff however this change gives you a huge net positive of mana, reducing spell costs by a total of 7.5 mana or 11.25 mana respectively if you have Tear or Archangel's and tag an ally. With this extra mana pool it becomes a lot easier to stack Tear and it also is not as punishing when you have to use some spells without an ally nearby.

What about the Dark Harvest Lich Bane rush build?

I'm not a big fan of Dark Harvest anymore and would much rather go Guardian + Archangel's rush in the matchups where I would previously have opted for the Dark Harvest build. It's a lot more consistent of a build and better overall I think.


I think that's it! Thanks for reading and I wish you the best of luck and success with this build. If you have any questions that were not answered in this post please ask.
submitted by Schuhbart to sonamains [link] [comments]

Friend Selling him League of Legends Account

Hello everyone.

My friend used to play League of Legends but decided to stop playing (from last year, plays at most 3 games now a days and only with friends on ARAM)
So, I suggested for him to sell his account since he has 193 skins telling him it may actually net him something.

Some of his notiable skins:
- Pulsefire Ezreal
- Elementaliest Lux
- DJ Sona
- Annie-versary
- Annie in wonderland
- Ice Toboggan Corki
- Urfrider Corki
- Hot Rod Corki
- Badger Teemo
- Happy Elf Teemo
- Recon Teemo
- Glaive Warrior Pantheon
- Nightmare Cho`Gath
- Pharoah Amumu
- Re-gifted Amumu
- Draven Draven
- Fiddle me Timbers
- Angler Jax
- The Mighty Jax
- Leopard Nidalee
- Riot Kayle
- Transcended Kayle
- Championship Riven 2016

This is a link to all of his skins / Icons / Emotes :

The account is on EUW

When you want to get the account, he will charge some RP to change the name to whatever name you want.

The champions Mastry level:
Annie: 7
Zed, TF, Zoe: 6
Ezreal, GP, Blitz, LB, Talon, Varus, Morgana, Galio, Xerath, Rengar, Zilean, Ahri, J4: 5

Thank you very much for sharing the post, really appreciate it
submitted by AkashiVGC to Kuwait [link] [comments]

Jhin is not fun to play against in ARAM

I have literally never played with a jhin who had less than 30 kills or less than 75k damage in ARAM. I know riot doesn't care about balancing champs for aram but seriously does anyone have any pointers on how to beat him? He's done most damage and most kills in every single ARAM game I've played with him.
Edit: why are people downvoting? Just an observation people are mean on this sub :(
submitted by MiIeyVirus to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Over 151 bugs on a single champion: Mordekaiser's final and complete buglist

"Gotta catch 'em all", I told myself two months ago as I published my previous bug list. But I apparently even caught 14 bugs in the second generation (and even more so, as that generation only has 10 bug-types), because Mordekaiser has 173 bugs just for himself.
You might have already heard my name because of similar topics. I am Nightwind42 on EUW, or Naerlyn here, and I started playing Mordekaiser in March, after reading the guide written by Tastypotatox. This champion turned out to be really funny to play (you should try him out to!), and he quickly became one of my mains. But after a dozen games, I thought that something was wrong. Sometimes an ability wouldn’t do damage. Sometimes a slow wouldn’t work. Sometimes a ghost wouldn’t do something right. This quickly lead me to make a first list of about 30 bugs while procrastinating for my finals. And then I found more. Posted another link, and other bug report threads – and I decided to try and find every single bug on him. Which I think I just did. Some of these bugs are minor, or even irrelevant (unless there are some people here rushing Essence Reaver on Mordekaiser, in which case the issue might come from the person and not from the bugs), but some others are really impactful if not game-changing.
Warning! This is going to be a very long post. By very long, I mean that it reaches the size limit that Reddit allows. But I tried to make the read at least a little entertaining to make up for it, so you might want to keep going even without being interested in the Numero Uno at all! Some bugs are quite funny too, and I tagged them as such.
Now… Longer than the last buglist… Longer than the first generation of Pokémon… Longer than the description of Mordekaiser’s W… Longer than a CLG.EU vs Moscow 5 Bo5… Here’s the list!
1) A Q-enhanced auto-attack used right after the second cast of W can do the damage of a standard basic attack (but will still consume the buff of the Mace of Spades). Video
2) The first Q-enhanced auto-attack used right after the second cast of W can be a bit too slow to come.
3) When a minion has less current health than the magic damage dealt by this ability, the physical damage won't be applied. This also means no life steal, no on-hit effects, no Titanic Hydra, etc.
4) Liqu… I mean, if you activate the Titanic Hydra active while your Mace of Spades is enabled, it won't reset your auto-attack timer.
5) If Mordekaiser uses his Q while he has a Statikk Shiv charged, the Shiv's damage will be dealt before the damage of the attack. This doesn't apply when the attack with Q is the one that brings the Shiv to 100 stacks. Video proof (It also happens with some other champions having a modified auto-attack, like Garen or Ekko, so there is some (demacian) justice after all, but not to all of them. For example, Illaoi doesn’t have that on her Harsh Lesson). It also applies to Rapidfire Cannon and to Kircheis Shard.
6) If Mordekaiser has a RFC fully charged, activates his Q and right-clicks an enemy minion, he will just use the RFC (without casting the attack afterwards) and will cancel his attack order (The difference between this bug and the previous one being in that attack being cancelled against the player’s will). This bug doesn’t have a 100% reproduction rate.
7) If an enemy flashes one of your Qs, the animation will complete (Animation, sound effect) but the ability won't do anything. It's a bug, as the animation will continue after the flash.
8) Similarly, if Mordekaiser attacks someone with his Q, if the said someone dies even at the very beginning of the animation, at its first tenth, the animation as well as the sound effects will complete, even though nine tenth of it didn't have a target.
9) Mordekaiser's Q lost its 1! / 2!! / 3!!! thing.
10) Pix doesn't attack alongside Mordekaiser's Q-empowered autos when Lulu uses Help, Pix on him.
11) Mordekaiser's Q is counted as a multi-hit spell for the purposes of the spellvamp/omnivamp or Rylai's, but as an AoE spell for the Deathfire touch (20% slow for Rylai's / 2 second DoT for DFT). Technically, the first part doesn’t matter anymore, since spellvamp/omnivamp has a 33% effectiveness in either case, and Rylai’s puts a 20% slow in all cases now. However, it should be counted as a multi-hit spell for all purposes, since it has nothing of an AoE spell.
12) If used on a very low life minion, it can deal absurd damage. For example, I once had a minion with 5 health taking 4543 damage from the 4th hit. Or 1200 when I should have dealt 400. This bug seems very rare and it doesn’t look like it impacts the shield generation.
Note: The bugs 13-14-15 happen only when the spell is cast on an allied minion. That spell has a huge amount of ways in which it can malfunction. You could basically create video called “We are Numero Uno but every Uno is replaced by a different W bug and the net is a decoy net”, and you’d have enough material for it.
13) Most common, major and extremely, extremely annoying bug: The Harvest will sometimes only damage two enemies. I'd estimate its reproduction rate to be around 70%.
14) The Harvest (second activation) damage and heal will sometimes fail to apply. Video
15) The Harvest damage will sometimes fail to apply, with the heal remaining.
16) The Harvest will sometimes deal damage without healing. Video
17) The heal can arrive one second after the ability is used. Video
18) The Harvesters of Sorrow will not grant an assist unless they actually damage the enemy. This means: If your bound ally turned back towards you and got 75 bonus movements speed, you won't get an assist. If you activated the second effect of the W when he had minions around, thus healing him, you won't get an assist.
19) If you self-cast a W when there's no ally around, and an ally champion enters the range afterwards, he will be bound by the spell. This does not work for minions that enter the range after the cast.
20) This spell has no passive in aram. It used to have one, and nothing in any patch notes mentions any kind of change. Additionally, if you argue that he shouldn't have this passive for balance reasons, don't forget that this is a nerfed version of the passive (Mordekaiser only gets 50% of the experience that the group penalty makes him miss), that it only works on the minions that Mordekaiser manages to last-hit by himself (which both teams will try to deny him, his allies because they want some $$$ and his enemies because he's melee), and that Mordekaiser overall has been toned down as a counterpart for his Dragon Force ability, the passive of his ultimate allowing him to have that huge advantage of having a dragon ghost. Well, in ARAM, he's been toned down as a counterpart for nothing, since the closest dragon is as far from the Howling Abyss as the Western teams from the Summoner's Cup (I had hope too).
21) Mordekaiser's first basic attack after the explosion of his W can fail to deal damage.
22) Casting E and W (explosion) at the same time can cause the E to deal no damage. Before / After / Zooming on the health. Credits to Inori for making me discover it for the first time while I was inspecting his LCS game on Mordekaiser!
23) Somewhat funny: If Mordekaiser casts W and Smite in a quick succession, the Smight might fail to deal damage. Video. At least, you have an excuse for being stolen the Nashor when you don’t smite in time. Pretend that this bug happened, and hope that they won’t notice that your smite is off cooldown during the next fifteen seconds.
24) This spell causes FPS issues to some people.
25) The sound effects of the second cast of Mordekaiser's W can be heard through fog of war, if the enemy Mordekaiser is in the fog that's in your screen. Yes, I get that a juggernauty metal suit shouting things while making metal crash on the ground is noisy and that it could be realistic, but go tell that to Super Galaxy Rumble first, and then we can talk, okay?
26) Mordekaiser can't W a Wukong clone, while it's considered a champion for the purposes of targeting. Video
27) Funny: However, Mordekaiser can use his W on... Jayce's Acceleration Gate. He can actually use his W on all the things Gnar can bounce off (Thanks Vandirilol!). However, if he uses the W on the Acceleration Gate, it will be invisible yet still deal damage. Video
28) Mordekaiser can stop trying to attack targets when his W pops at the end of the 4s of the effect (despite having auto-attack enabled). It might also have something to do with the Q, it happened to me before the third strike of the Mace of Spades.
29) Funny: Casting Mordekaiser's W on a Blood Lord Vladimir, then reactivating the spell near minions will cause Blood Lord Vladimir to glitch as if he were wearing a (little oversized) black coat. Thanks DaddyTaric for the report :) Video
30) W won't be used if cast outside of range with smartcast + selfcast enabled.
31) Mordekaiser doesn't shout upon casting the spell.
32) Mordekaiser's E can be delayed by a full second without a reason. I only got that once and it was quite weird, but I know that my ping didn't change the slightest. What happened was: I cast my E, while having my W on, keep walking up to the target I was aiming for, hit him once, and finally my E goes off. I only pressed E once and my other keys were pressed after it. The delay was about one second, if not more.
33) Mordekaiser's E can fail to generate any shield. Video
34) This spell has a passive in ARAM. Curse the Dragon... But the Dragon doesn't exist, in ARAM.
I count this as a bug because it's just something that feels very wrong. Something left where it shouldn't be. In the Howling Abyss, the Twisted Treeline, the Crystal Scar, there is no such thing as a dragon. Having an effect referring to it isn't logical.
35) When Mordekaiser has a ghost, his ultimate icon often remains normal instead of being highlighted as it should. Screenshot
36) If you use your ult on somebody and then die, the Rylai will momentarily stop applying, usually during the next 2-6 seconds, and then start working again. Video
37) Now (? - has perhaps always been the case and I would have been wrong before), Zac's passive doesn't cleanse him off of the Children of the Grave. However, Zac takes no damage from it while in passive form, despite being intended to lose a part of his health every second.
38) If an ulted target dies by the fountain turret, it will not generate a ghost.
39) If Mordekaiser attempts to ult Elise the moment she turns back into human form, the ultimate's animation and sound effect will play, but the spell won't be cast.
40) That is a new bug (Mid-december 2016) - If you try to R-click to control the ghost, it will move... both you and the ghost. Video How it works: - Using alt (unbugged version): Your commands will be affected to the ghost so long as the key is pressed. As soon as the key is released, you're back to controlling yourself. - Using R (bugged version): Holding R doesn't make you control the ghost anymore. Your R key gets ignored after the first instants. That means that the first command you press goes both on your ghost and on you, and then you have to press R again to input one command to the ghost, otherwise they'll be for you instead.
41) The dragon ghost will sometimes cancel his orders. Without a reason, even if the enemy doesn't leave sight range. Example: You command the dragon ghost to attack a turret. One second later, he starts coming back to you – while you didn't press alt/r, and didn't misclick either. Makes it quite hard to use (especially since his attacks cannot be cancelled and he has a 0.5 AS). The dragon can literally spend 10 seconds in a row without trying to listen to any of your orders while you're actively trying to command it. And even if How To Train Your Dragon 2 has told us that baby dragons never listen to anyone, and even if the dragons that are on Summoner’s Rift have only been there for 5 to 30 minutes (if it’s 30, please, consider readjusting your objective priorities), but my contract reads that I should be able to control them either way! This bug also affects the champion ghosts, but doesn't feel as bad for them.
42) Ghosts cannot target wards or special units such as Illaoi's tentacles. This is not a Mordekaiser-specific bug, but Mordekaiser is greatly impacted by it, hence its presence in the buglist. Now I do consider it as a bug, because it is very unhealthy when you're engaged in a fight around Shaco's boxes or the likes of these, because alt-clicking them will cause the ghost to... stop attacking at all and behave weirdly for a couple of moments.
43) Ghosts have an inaccurate targeting. This means that if you alt-click less than 100 units away from an enemy, the ghost will acquire the enemy as its target instead of moving where you clicked. Video
44) This bug is very weird. If you have a ghost, champion or dragon, and tell it to attack an enemy inhibitor by using alt-click, it works fine. If, however, you use R-click instead, the ghost will either refuse to move, or go in melee range before attacking the inhibitor, or even go in melee range without doing anything. If you R-click the inhibitor while being in melee range, it works fine. The same bug happens on the Nexus, but everything is fine against turrets. (crosses fingers)
45) See that indicator on the Scuttle Crab? It's from Mordekaiser's champion page and should be a ghost-targeting icon. I had to take the screenshot from there, because I never saw this indicator ingame.
46) A ghost can have little blue particles for an instant around him, upon dying from time. Might be related to the ghost having a Tear of the Goddess.
47) I don't know if that should be considered as a bug, but there is no alt-s or r-s command for the ghost, rendering it impossible to make it stop attacking. And bug or not, this is a very big inconvenience.
48) Spectate client: The ghosts are displayed as having a mana bar, but have no resource bar when you click on them. Screen
Outdated bug 1: Funny: If a ghost is surrounded by two allies, one having an Aegis of the Legion and the other having a Locket of the Iron Solari, instead of having +15 MR (Solari's aura), the ghost will alternate between both auras and receive eiteher 10, or 15 MR. The change of aura received occurs twice per second. Video. This bug is now outdated since there is no more magic resist aura.
49) The dragon ghost only has half the drake's health. It used to be different and nothing in any patch notes mentions a change.
50) An Elder Drake ghost with over 10000 hp isn't gonna give as much health as it should. I have no video because I prefered to disable everything on my computer while playing a ranked that lasted up to 66 mn, but while having 2800 hp normally, I didn't even reach 4k with the ghost up.
51) The dragon ghost gives Mordekaiser a weird amount of health. Video / Maths going with it
52) The dragon ghost loses 100 movement speed when ahead of Mordekaiser. Video
53) The ghost of the drake doesn't gain Mordekaiser's bonus AD. There, the ghost has 142 AD at 35 mn, while Mordekaiser has at least 65 bonus damage from the Mercurial Scimitar (I don't remember whether I had any infernal drake or if I had AD in the masteries). Anyhow, a drake wouldn't only have 77 AD 35 mn into the game.
54) The ghost of the drake, like the other ghosts, can't attack wards. However, it can decide to attack a ward by itself if you attack it too. Video
55) The ghost of the drake doesn't have his buff bar anymore (showing that he has armor pen and buffs against teams with Dragonslayer stacks).
56) There's an issue with the drake generating less shield than it should. Screenshots and maths
57) Related to #54: the drake ghost has a way to cancel his attacks. Video
58) And another way: A drake's attack cancels if the target goes too far from it.
59) A drake's attack won't deal any damage if you level up ult while the attack casts.
60) The drake doesn't do the damage it should do. More, less, I don't know, but I've tried many another way to calculate, and anyway, something's off. I even tried counting the Nashor's Tooth passive being added to the Drake's attacks.
61) The dragon ghost (Elder drake only perhaps?) has additional resistances.
62) Mordekaiser's opponents can see the drake glitching. Staying still when it moves, apparently. It happened numerous times, but I couldn't get a video because I am rarely on the far side of the mace. “Fun” fact: I forgot to move this bug in the right category and only realized it after putting all the numbers up to the hundredth bug. Welp, time to change all the numbers now.
63) Ghosts lose their runes and masteries, keystones included. Video
64) Ghosts can crit, but the crit damage will be displayed as standard damage.
There's a plethora of bugs about the on-hit effects. Most of these bugs are recent and didn't exist before the summer (That’s not so recent anymore, but the point stands: these bugs have been added by something months after Mordekaiser’s reworks). And no, it's not even one general bug being “Ghosts don't apply on-hit effects anymore”. Jarvan's and Miss Fortune's ghosts proc their respective passives. The passive of the Recurve Bow works. And there are other examples. But now let's dive into it, like a Vayne into a five enemies:
65) Ghosts can't use lifesteal anymore, even off of physical components of their damage. However, Death's Dance functions properly on a ghost.
66) Ghosts can apply on-hit effects to turrets (or at least some of them, for example the damage from Recurve Bow).
67) The attacks from ghosts can't deal the bonus true damage on the Rift Herald if they attack him on his eye, even if it's champion-ghosts. Video
I’ll come back to these on-hit issues in the next part. Now have some more:
68) Upon dashing to an enslaved champion, Lee Sin won't receive a shield, or give one.
Another bug that's not Mordekaiser-specific. Lee Sin's W doesn't see champion clones as champions. But they are considered as champions for the purposes of most abilities, so that does not make any real sense – especially since, for example, Shaco's, Wukong's and Leblanc's clones have been updated to be more deceiving. Well they're not really deceiving when a spell clearly indicates that “this, there, is not a champion”.
69) The ghosts don't have Dragon buffs. Note: Shaco's clone does.
70) I’ll put this one as a funny one because I’m proud of the clip: Spectate client: If you go back in the replay while having a ghost on, the ghost will appear as a regular champion. Video
71) Ghosts can't taunt characters when the normal champion would (Example: A Yasuo ghost won't say anything in front of an enemy Riven using her Q, even when it's the first time she uses her Q during the game. Yes, I tested that interaction in a custom game).
72) Capturing Skarner's shrines should give 15g if one person was standing on it, and two times 15g if two people were standing on it. Capturing one with both Mordekaiser and a ghost only gives 15g, instead of 30.
73) If Mordekaiser has an Essence Reaver (don't ask me why he would), every single attack of the ghost will give him 3% of his missing mana back. Okay, that bug is as useful as Caitlyn during her mid game powerhole (and I think most people here know Cyanide’s wise words about it), but anyway, Mordekaiser is gonna have that little shiny particle for every attack of the Child of the Grave.
74) If an ally has targon's and shares the gold with your ghost, you don't get any money. Video
75) Ghosts can appear as not having items. Screen. Unless it’s just that Nocturne decided to become spookier.
76) How can ghosts have 1% crit chance when they don't even have runes/masteries? Screen.
77) Ghost have very weird base armor and magic resist stats. Like this: Ghost's armor / Normal armor Ghost's magic resist (A level 5 melee champion has 36 magic resistance… certainly not 5).
78) The armor number should be yellow if it's increased by something. Not gray.
79) Ghosts will automatically target and attack enemies even from a bush the opponents don't have vision of.
80) Ghosts' attacks can... lag? Video
81) Attempting to get a champion ghost to attack a unit near a turret will cause it to attack the turret instead. It doesn't really affect the drake ghosts because they're way too buggy for that to be noticeable anyway.
82) Looks like champion ghosts also give less shield than they should. But it might be in different proportions than the drake.
83) The attacks of ghosts against inhibitors or Nexuses will deal physical damage to these structures, instead of magic.
84) If a ranged ghost throws a basic attack and dies during its travel time, the attack will deal physical damage.
85) Lulu's E doesn't shield ghosts.
86) Pix doesn't attack alongside ghosts when Lulu casts her "Help, Pix!" on them.
87) If you have a gunblade, basic attacks from champion ghosts heal you for a full 15% of the damage of the attacks, while they're pet attacks.
You know what that means? More on-hit bugs! … Hype? No? Anyway.
88) If a ghost has a Statikk/RFC/Kircheis Shard, they won't gain stacks off of attacking. Video for the bugs 82, 83, 84. I don’t know if you realize how hard it is for me not to try to rick roll you with at least one of these links.
89) If a ghost has a Statikk/RFC/Kircheis Shard, they won't proc the Energized buff upon attacking. This is why a ghost with RFC will have a constantly increased range.
90) Funny because it doesn’t make any sense: If a Caitlyn ghost has a Statikk/RFC/Kircheis Shard, she will only be able to proc it by using her Headshot-empowered attack. Her Headshot-empowered auto won't make her gains Energized stacks for an unstacked Statikk/RFC/Kircheis Shard, though.
91) Ghosts can't stack or use Guinsoo's Rageblade. However, Black Cleaver works fine (In spite of the ghost dealing magic damage).
92) Ghosts don't apply botrk's bonus damage. Or don't always. Special Caitlyn case: Once Caitlyn's ghost gets her first Headshot off, she then starts applying botrk's damage, as physical damage, on every auto-attack. Video. (Are you careful while clicking the youtube links now? ;) )
93) The Executionner's Calling of a ghost doesn't do anything... whereas Black Cleaver works.
94) Ghosts can't use their Runaan's Hurricane.
95) The damage dealt by a ghosts' Tiamat doesn't generate any shield for Mordekaiser.
96) If a ghost has an Essence Reaver, both his and your crits will make you “regen mana” (as in, have the particles showing that you gained mana).
97) If Mordekaiser has a Death's Dance and the ghost has any way to deal physical damage (Jarvan's passive, Recurve Bow, for example), this physical damage won't heal Mordekaiser.
98) Ghosts can't even use a Relic Shield anymore. They have or don't have (I've seen both the same day) the icon of the Relic Shield, but no little blue orb floating around them, and they don't share gold. This used to work fine until a few weeks ago. Screenshot
99) When a ghost has an Ancient Coin / Nomad's Medallion / Shurelya's Reverie (!) / Eye of the Oasis and a nearby minion is slain, regardless of the killer (be it Mordekaiser, the ghost, or neither of them), the ghost will gain 5/10 health, but will not provide any additional gold.
100) A ghost's Spellthief's Edge doesn't do anything. No gold, no additional damage. Video. Conclusion of these last three bugs: You probably shouldn’t use your ult on supports, now.
101) If champion had a Cull, regardless of its stacks, their ghost will gain 1 gold per minion slain. Yep. The ghost. And the ghost won't give that money to Mordekaiser. Video. (Don’t worry… I promise I can keep resisting the temptation to rick roll…)
102) The fact that a ghost can gain 1 gold from the Cull if Mordekaiser last-hit a minion and shared the gold with them is a bug. Or something else is a bug. Either way, something's wrong there. Because normally, a minion shares counts as a creep in the creep score, and nothing else (it doesn't give any on-kill effect, like the passive of Mordekaiser's W or or Sion's W).
103) Ghosts' attacks apply the Rylai's effect, but not the Liandry's to their targets. Video. (For how long though?)
104) If Mordekaiser has an Elixir of Sorcery, the ghost's attacks won't deal its true damage despite applying Rylai's slow.
105) A ghost's sunfire will not deal damage. Video. I assume it'd be the same with Cinderhulk, Bami's Cinder and Lord Van Damm's Pillager. It used to deal damage.
106) The passive of the Chalice of Harmony / Athene's Unholy Grail doesn't give any bonus health regeneration to the ghost, even when the mana bar is greater than the health bar.
107) If a ghost has a Raptor Cloak (or Talisman of Ascension / Ohmwrecker / ZZ'Rot Portal), they will constantly get the movement speed bonus, not only near turrets.
108) If a ghost has a Banshee's Veil, the veil will only activate one or two seconds after the ghost is spawned, regardless of the cooldown on the veil for the original champion.
109) Ghosts lose the Tear stacks.
110) Ghosts lose their Jaurim's Fist stacks.
Outdated bug 2: When a ghost kills a unit, they don't gain the passive of a Serrated Dirk if they had one.
Outdated bug 3: If a ghost has an Aegis of the Legion, he doesn't give any magic resist to his allies (he does give it to himself though).
I don’t have as many videos as I’d have wanted for that last part, because my recording software doesn’t save games that aren’t finished anymore. And since I found the last 50 bugs within two days (chronologically, not in this order), all of those are affected by that. Sometimes, at least, screenshots would be enough.
111) Four bugs about Aatrox’s ghost, which means as many as the number of Aatrox “mains” in Korean high elo. And by “mains”, read traitors, since they gave up on him, unlike the European Aatrox god 214 also known as sweeeeetdreams. An Aatrox ghost can switch his W. Don't ask me how. Video
112) An Aatrox ghost has the buff icon for his passive, reading that he'll be brought back to life upon dying. Well it's a lie. Video
113) Somewhat funny because it makes no sense: If a ghost has a black cleaver, their attacks will put cleave stacks on the enemy champions. If Mordekaiser has a black cleaver, only his attacks will add a cleave stack on the enemy champions, his ghost's won't (unless both have one). So far, everything's alright... or is it? If Aatrox and Mordekaiser both have a black cleaver and if Aatrox's ghost attacks an enemy champion, his attacks will put one cleave stack on him. Except the attack empowered with Blood Price (his W). With further tests, it appeared that if a standard Aatrox attacked an enemy, his W-empowered attack would only put one stack on him, not two. What does that mean? The ghost's empowered attack, despite dealing purely magical damage, put one cleave stack for his cleaver, and one for Mordekaiser's cleaver. Don't ask, I stopped trying to find any kind of logic long ago. Video
114) And this bug right above actually contains another one. Aatrox's W gives additional physical damage. The blood price of a ghost of Aatrox will instead give him additional magic damage. Yet Jarvan's Martial Cadence and the Recurve Bow both add physical damage as they should.
115) A Bard ghost can't use his meeps. Video
116) A Bard ghost doesn't spawn chimes, either. Video. Yes, Krepo, consider Bard as a Mordekaiser counter if you want.
117) If a Braum ghost has 3 stacks on an enemy and kills the enemy with the 4th attack, if the damage of the passive is enough to kill the unit alone, the base damage of his attack won't be applied (nor will the on-hit effects).
118) A Cho'gath ghost doesn't have a passive.
119) A Cho'gath ghost doesn't have his E either.
120) Draven's ghost doesn't have a passive.
121° Ekko's ghost has the sound of some of his attacks played a bit before the attack applies (damage, passive proc). It did it for the first 3 attacks, then every third one.
122) Elise's ghost is always in human form. Additionally, if Elise dies and gives a ghost to Mordekaiser, she will also respawn in human form.
123) Literally most gamebreaking of all these bugs: The Scarecrow passive of a Fiddlesticks ghost doesn't always work. Video
124) Fiora's ghost doesn't generate vitals around her enemies (anymore?). Video
125) When the ghost of a Gnar has his rage bar filled, Mordekaiser's screen turns dark red.
126) The attacks of a Graves ghost will do both physical and magic damage, to champions and turrets. And the ghost doesn’t have a cigar.
127) The ghost of a Heimerdinger doesn't have a passive.
128) The passive of Irelia's ghost gives her 10% tenacity even with no enemy around.
129) An Ivern ghost can use his passive. However, he will use it through clicking, not alt-clicking.
130) When an Ivern ghost frees a blue/red buff, Mordekaiser can pick up both the normal buff and the buff granted by Ivern's "crystal" left on the ground.
131) Jax's ghost doesn't have his passive (the passive of his ultimate works fine though).
132) Jayce's ghost will always use his hammer no matter which weapon he was using upon dying.
133) A Jayce ghost doesn't have his ult-empowered attack despite automatically changing his weapon to the hammer.
134) A Jayce ghost doesn't use his passive either.
135) A Jhin ghost doesn't lose bullets upon attacking (always staying on the same bullet even if it's the 4th), but a Graves ghost does, and needs to reload every 2 attacks.
136) When a Jhin ghost is locked on his 4th shot, he doesn't get sped up upon attacking.
137) A Jhin ghost doesn't have the passive from the Deadly Flourish.
138) A Jinx ghost always uses the minigun.
139) Kalista's ghost can't dash, regardless of how I try to do the command. All the other parts of the passive work fine.
140) When a Kassadin's ghost kills an enemy without needing the bonus damage from his W, he doesn't deal that bonus damage (thus generates less shield for Mordekaiser). The normal Kassadin always deals this damage.
141) Kha'Zix's ghost doesn't keep the evolutions, thus losing the ability to become stealthed in bushes.
142) A Kindred ghost loses the stacks of the champion. However, they can mark camps... and killing them doesn't give a stack.
143) A Kled ghost doesn't apply his W. Vayne's does. Video
144) A Kled ghost can't gain Courage either. Video
145) Kog'Maw's ghost has more attack speed than the normal Kog... even when the latter has one more point in Q. This is perhaps due to the ghost counting too many points in Q.
146) Lulu's ghost comes without Pix. Don't tell me it's because you only take one soul, Sejuani is still on her pig, and Nunu comes with Willump. And by the way, why do you get both their souls? Okay, the ability is called Children of the grave, but the ghost is called Child of the grave. Anyway, Lulu's ghost doesn't have a passive.
147) Lissandra's ghost has the visual effects for her passive, without having it listed among her buffs.
148) Malzahar's ghost doesn't have a passive. It doesn't active, and isn't shown as being on cooldown either. Video
149) Nasus' ghost will have the life steal particles for every of his attacks, but won't be healed. Video
150) Nidalee's ghost doesn't have her "On the Prowl" hidden passive, giving experience to lower-leveled allied nearby champions.
151) Nocturne's ghost has a higher attack speed than the normal Nocturne. Same explanation as for Kog'maw. (Note: There is no problem with Rek'sai)
152) A Quinn's ghost won't mark nearby enemies as vulnerable. Video
153) Shaco's ghost has his passive, but not the passive from his E.
154) Funny: Shaco has a chance of turning into an invisible ghost if he ults right as the DoT is about to kill him. http://plays.tv/video/585f824c6d8f4c3f72 courtesy of vitorhugods
155) A Sivir ghost doesn't use her passive.
156) Sion's ghost loses the stacks on his W.
157) Swain's ghost doesn't have a passive.
158) Teemo's ghost doesn't poison its targets. The other passives from abilities work fine, and are supposed to work. (Example: Vayne's W). Screenshot (Look at the minion with the purple cloud over his head: he has no poison icon.)
159) The ghost of Teemo won't turn invisible, nor will it gain the attack speed boost. Even if both Teemo and Mordekaiser stand still without being damaged.
160) Thresh's ghost loses the souls of the "living" champion (quotation marks because... well... he isn't that much alive to begin with. What does using the revenant of an undead resemble?).
161) A Trundle ghost doesn't have a passive.
162) A Tryndamere ghost can stack Fury, but he does not seem to be able to crit off of that fury. Either that, or I am really, really unlucky, but since it happened two days before Critmas, I’ll go with the first option.
163) Twisted Fate's ghost has no passive. E works fine.
164) The ghost of a Udyr will use his Bear Stance whichever stance he was using upon his death. The revenant will get the movement speed upon appearing.
165) The passive of the ghost of a Varus doesn't work. You could argue that it's because the ghost doesn't actually kill things by himself since the kill credit is given to Mordekaiser... but a Tristana ghost can use the passive of her E without any problem.
166) Vayne's ghost doesn't have her movement speed passive (the Silver bolts work though). Video
167) The ghost of a Veigar loses the AP from the passive.
168) When the ghost of a Wukong activates his passive, he gains bonus armor and magic resist... and loses base armor and magic resist.
169) The passive of Xin Zhao's W doesn't work for the ghost.
170) Yorick's ghost doesn't have a passive.
171) Zed's ghost doesn't have the AD granted by the ultimate's passive.
172) Zilean's ghost doesn't have his passive.
Outdated bug 4: Leblanc's ghost didn't have a passive, no matter how I tried. Obviously, the passive probably wouldn't have been able to be controlled anyway (Or who knows, at this point), but having these two ghosts would have been interesting.
173) Some values are missing on Mordekaiser's champion page
174) Searching for the Iron Revenant in the client shop doesn't bring up anything. However, typing "Master of Metal" will display Mordekaiser.
Side note for this thing that looks more like a Brand bug than a Mordekaiser bug, but is funny: http://plays.tv/s/L8t-Reoew-V- from Ask_Me_For_A_Song.
That’s it! Congratulations if you managed to read all of this.
This list is supposed to contain all of Mordekaiser’s bugs, without an exception. I tested every single possible champion and item interaction for it. It is of course possible that I missed something, or that I forgot something, since the list is already quite long… now you know why the title of the post doesn’t contain an exact number – I’m still free to correct anything :D
One last thing before considering the post finished: Every single time one of these posts pop up, many people say “Better just rework him again” or “This rework was just a disaster”. I disagree. Mordekaiser is harder to master than before, you probably indeed won’t like him unless you take the time to learn him (refer to the aforementioned guide!), but I’m really having a blast playing him. And never has the old Mordekaiser been as strong as this one now is in 3v3 (well, in Europe at least). This post has two purposes, first, showing all the bugs on the champion because I wish, I wish so much to be able to one day be able to play this champion without having to worry about my W not working, my ghosts being denied half of their normal strength, my drake behaving like a sulking child (or a Vayne player, you choose). And second, warning you all about these bugs, if you ever wish to try out the Iron Revenant, or if you are already a Mordekaiser player.
The post was also supposed to contain a few more things, but was over Reddit's limit of 40k characters!
Thanks for your attention!
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Most games played on each champion - Season 8

Source(s) Used: lolskill | op.gg
Champion #Games Server Division LoLSkill Ranked W/R Overall KDA Summoner
Aatrox 1256 NA P2 727 52% (632/589) 5.0/5.3/5.5 God King Aatrox
Ahri 2701 NA D4 50 52% (1403/1290) 5.4/5.0/7.5 AwesomePrussia34
Akali 1810 KR D5 51 51% (770/735) 7.1/5.1/4.0 miracle akali
Alistar 1453 NA G5 - 53% (656/578) 2.7/5.4/13.0 Anubis The Otter
Amumu 1414 BR D3 3 53% (736/665) 4.3/5.5/9.8 Infermaipe
Anivia 2303 EUNE D5 178 52% (1045/956) 5.6/4.6/7.3 PowerOfAnivia
Annie 3541 NA Masters 7 51% (1813/1725) 5.8/4.2/6.4 Annie Bot
Ashe 3266 KR S2 - 50% (1632/1634) 6.2/4.6/7.7 샤넬애쉬
Aurelion Sol 1138 EUW D5 42 57% (589/437) 6.5/3.4/9.0 DN Light
Azir 1955 NA D3 7 52% (979/910) 5.3/5.3/5.1 TwTv Full Sand
Bard 1791 NA G2 - 51% (908/875) 4.1/7.0/13.5 asdfghy
Blitzcrank 1889 KR D4 2 52% (987/902) 1.9/3.9/8.5 LUALU
Brand 2204 BR D5 77 52% (1146/1057) 6.6/6.4/8.0 Ferkz
Braum 932 EUNE P1 904 50% (466/466) 1.6/4.1/14.5 zelmerPL
Caitlyn 1614 EUW D5 147 52% (841/771) 6.0/5.0/6.8 Kalleiyf
Camile 2073 NA S3 - 57% (1185/888) 7.6/5.1/4.8 Tesleuton
Cassiopeia 1343 EUW S3 526 52% (693/633) 6.7/6.7/5.5 snake on drugs
Cho'Gath 1827 LAS P1 65 53% (859/766) 5.7/4.5/5.6 Machinek
Corki 1584 OCE S4 - 50% (787/794) 6.7/6.1/8.4 CH6666
Darius 1728 NA D1 1 54% (904/780) 6.9/4.4/3.8 JordanTheBoss
Diana 1376 EUW Masters 4 54% (739/637) 7.6/6.2/4.8 ffaka
Dr. Mundo 2202 NA S5 - 50% (1108/1094) 5.8/6.8/5.8 SHERIFF BUFORD
Draven 1742 NA G5 - 54% (897/763) 8.3/6.2/6.0 Mindblast3r
Ekko 2044 KR D2 7 52% (1056/988) 5.7/3.4/4.8 DouglasKiller
Elise 1033 TR D5 52 53% (517/467) 9.2/7.1/7.4 Elize
Evelynn 1949 KR Masters 9 54% (1054/881) 7.1/4.5/5.2 강블린
Ezreal 1112 EUW G5 - 51% (567/538) 7.3/5.6/9.0 mooJaedong
Fiddlesticks 3023 OCE P5 - 51% (1541/1482) 4.0/9.5/9.5 SofaKingGood
Fiora 1602 BR D4 27 51% (666/581) 6.7/4.4/4.7 Finduilas
Fizz 2024 BR D3 71 55% (1095/911) 9.8/7.3/5.3 Dynost
Galio 928 TR P4 215 53% (457/404) 7.5/4.3/9.3 fatihinizim
Gangplank 1353 NA Masters 1 54% (725/621) 5.2/4.0/7.4 Solarbacca
Garen 2045 NA D3 12 51% (1021/999) 5.0/3.0/3.9 riste
Gnar 2017 EUW B1 - 50% (1001/1016) 5.8/6.8/7.3 Scht0nk
Gragas 2542 NA D1 1 51% (1292/1250) 4.3/4.8/8.5 GragAlbert
Graves 1878 EUW P5 - 52% (837/774) 6.7/6.5/6.2 CARLOS FENIX
Hecarim 1288 BR D3 12 53% (514/464) 7.9/4.7/8.1 Hëcarim
Heimerdinger 3085 EUW B4 - 48% (261/287) 2.2/2.6/5.5 GeT CoN TRollED
Illaoi 2671 KR Masters 4 55% (1459/1212) 3.4/3.8/4.0 Gipsy Danger
Irelia 2018 EUW S2 - 49% (988/1025) 7.0/5.9/4.7 The Fightclub
Ivern 1374 KR Masters 1 54% (700/599) 2.7/2.8/10.4 소미라
Janna 1701 EUW S4 - 49% (839/857) 3.0/9.0/12.6 Siegkrieg
Jarvan IV 1796 KR G1 - 50% (891/905) 5.0/6.7/9.9 라오피
Jax 2344 KR D2 8 53% (1235/1106) 5.1/3.2/3.3 김눌엉
Jayce 2109 EUW D5 105 52% (1084/1017) 7.6/7.1/6.9 H O L D E M
Jhin 1954 EUW D5 - 50% (971/968) 6.4/6.8/5.7 JhinTopNoTroll
Jinx 1904 EUNE G5 - 51% (697/671) 7.0/6.2/9.4 camymata
Kai'Sa 1131 EUW D2 103 51% (550/528) 7.4/5.2/6.2 Warlord
Kalista 1751 EUW G5 - 52% (706/661) 10.5/8.9/6.3 Akaruin
Karma 1174 EUW P2 790 51% (596/578) 2.4/5.4/14.3 Demin0r
Karthus 1929 EUW D5 468 50% (866/854) 5.0/7.7/8.9 Lehzina
Kassadin 1653 EUW P5 - 53% (868/785) 7.6/6.0/5.0 OTP Kássádin
Katarina 1388 EUW D4 126 51% (708/670) 8.9/5.7/5.3 MACIX katgod
Kayle 2099 BR P2 158 51% (1060/1039) 5.2/6.0/4.1 lx KrUs xl
Kayn 1108 TR D5 195 54% (247/213) 8.4/7.0/8.1 Bruce Kayn
Kennen 1812 EUNE D5 93 55% (1001/809) 9.2/7.3/7.2 TerrestrialBeing
Kha'Zix 1389 NA P4 - 52% (718/666) 8.5/7.1/5.9 Zazul
Kindred 1489 EUW P4 - 53% (788/698) 6.7/5.6/7.1 Funky1
Kled 2657 EUW P5 605 51% (1346/1311) 6.4/5.1/6.0 WHMDragonXStorm
Kog'Maw 1159 EUW S5 - 50% (496/493) 7.0/7.3/7.7 super monchi
Le Blanc 1203 TR P4 - 50% (591/587) 9.1/4.7/5.9 Mihrez êL Blanc
Lee Sin 1563 EUW G4 - 49% (770/793) 8.4/5.3/7.5 Snosmumriken
Leona 1497 EUNE P5 - 51% (625/591) 2.1/5.4/13.5 Mazfer
Lissandra 1489 KR Masters 1 54% (800/679) 4.3/4.3/6.7 Iissandra
Lucian 851 BR G2 - 54% (293/248) 11.2/9.1/6.3 Playzon
Lulu 1577 KR D5 291 51% (617/591) 2.2/4.3/12.1 K도기
Lux 2730 NA S3 - 49% (1258/1289) 6.8/4.5/8.5 tomrabbittt
Malphite 1476 NA B3 - 49% (723/753) 3.0/7.3/8.1 BCBG
Malzahar 1232 RU S5 - 46% (563/669) 3.9/4.6/7.4 Хеймердингeр
Maokai 1298 EUW D4 8 52% (662/609) 4.0/6.1/8.5 Fütak
Master Yi 1694 BR P1 304 54% (864/739) 8.2/7.9/4.3 Mono Master Yi
Miss Fortune 2151 KR D2 15 53% (1112/989) 6.0/5.6/7.2 카우걸 미스포츈
Mordekaiser 1842 NA P5 599 52% (905/849) 4.8/4.5/7.1 MikeLawry
Morgana 1582 EUNE P5 - 52% (819/763) 3.1/5.4/13.4 Kreaveen
Nami 1879 OCE S5 - 53% (984/887) 2.4/3.0/13.0 Krull1973
Nasus 1313 BR G1 - 52% (681/631) 4.8/5.8/5.4 PRESTEZEUS
Nautilus 1348 NA P2 482 49% (479/503) 2.4/5.3/11.9 DANGExRUSS
Nidalee 2114 NA D3 75 52% (1087/1022) 5.1/4.7/6.7 Eshyn
Nocturne 2065 EUW S2 75 52% (1052/959) 7.7/5.2/6.3 Tommahawk1
Nunu 1111 BR D5 75 55% (526/434) 2.3/4.7/10.7 Garoto do ARAM
Olaf 2767 KR D5 225 52% (1451/1316) 5.3/5.1/5.5 라프만
Orianna 899 EUW D3 4 57% (507/380) 4.8/4.3/8.0 KruzerZ
Ornn 994 TR G3 - 51% (502/485) 5.0/5.9/9.2 Gudubet
Pantheon 1758 NA P5 - 51% (884/865) 6.5/5.3/6.1 ILLIUM ETERNAE
Poppy 1431 EUW P5 - 50% (711/720) 9.5/8.1/4.8 The Smiling Hero
Pyke 901 NA D3 32 52% (469/432) 5.3/5.0/9.1 Twtv Hanjarolol
Quinn 1839 LAN D5 94 57% (1051/783) 7.3/6.3/6.4 PWNER CRASH
Rakan 2161 EUW P5 - 50% (995/982) 2.8/7.5/13.6 Krasz4EverRakan
Rammus 2212 KR D4 34 53% (1171/1039) 4.1/4.2/8.8 응 모
Rek'Sai 1126 EUNE P1 71 53% (597/528) 7.4/6.5/7.0 Successful Gank
Renekton 1126 KR Masters 1 52% (959/886) 4.5/4.2/5.4 금똥왁왁
Rengar 1126 KR D1 27 54% (790/683) 5.9/4.9/4.5 렝가 명인
Riven 2534 NA D5 619 53% (1332/1202) 6.7/5.9/4.5 Secillia
Rumble 1565 EUW B4 - 49% (754/792) 4.4/3.0/4.0 Sijtatrapjtemanj
Ryze 2256 EUW S3 - 50% (1132/1114) 6.7/4.9/5.9 NickStrife22
Sejuani 976 TR G5 - 51% (73/69) 5.8/5.5/12.9 Senior Sejuani
Shaco 2225 NA P4 - 55% (1216/1007) 7.5/5.6/7.5 Will Carry Solo
Shen 1601 KR D1 1 53% (779/687) 3.6/2.7/7.6 쉔글벙글
Shyvana 1197 LAN D3 7 55% (604/502) 5.3/4.5/6.4 Look My Shyvana
Singed 2427 NA S3 - 53% (1262/1139) 4.1/5.6/6.6 AdellaideSkyhart
Sion 1745 BR P3 - 51% (782/741) 4.9/5.6/9.7 Mirari Kamahl
Sivir 930 EUW P1 476 50% (468/462) 5.5/5.4/8.7 Newdi91
Skarner 959 TR P3 - 52% (378/345) 4.4/5.5/10.8 FaKeSkaRNeR
Sona 2528 EUW S4 905 50% (1243/1253) 3.4/5.3/13.4 VeniVidiPerdidi
Soraka 1893 LAS D3 57 50% (951/941) 1.1/4.2/12.6 XElektro
Swain 905 BR G2 - 50% (437/437) 5.1/4.6/7.3 www linkedln
Syndra 1072 EUW D3 13 52% (557/515) 6.3/4.5/5.3 Syndera
Tahm Kench 1669 EUW S3 - 48% (805/860) 3.8/9.0/13.1 TKT180
Taliyah 3611 JP S3 - 52% (1867/1720) 5.8/5.7/6.5 kz0tr
Talon 2566 EUNE D5 320 52% (1324/1242) 10.0/7.1/6.3 Masieh
Taric 2157 NA P5 - 49% (1042/1089) 1.7/4.3/12.7 Abletun
Teemo 1712 TR G4 - 49% (843/869) 6.8/7.2/8.9 crownadiamond
Thresh 1764 EUW D5 14 52% (908/853) 1.8/5.5/13.7 MadReyy
Tristana 1338 EUNE G3 - 52% (688/638) 7.7/5.8/5.9 20 ninjas
Trundle 2079 EUNE G5 - 50% (1006/999) 3.9/6.6/4.1 Loxias17
Tryndamere 1862 NA D2 6 52% (971/891) 5.0/5.1/3.6 Vondill
Twisted Fate 2168 EUW S2 - 51% (1098/1058) 7.0/6.9/7.9 Peggasus
Twitch 1515 EUW D5 - 56% (837/660) 8.1/7.2/7.6 SoNiKoRz
Udyr 1750 NA D1 5 53% (921/829) 5.2/4.3/5.7 MetaSolaray
Urgot 1748 NA G5 5 51% (890/857) 6.3/4.2/5.4 samyliberman
Varus 1470 NA D5 27 51% (682/657) 7.9/5.5/6.6 Eisuke
Vayne 1498 OCE S5 - 51% (762/736) 6.7/6.4/5.6 K of Vayne
Veigar 2085 EUW P5 - 51% (863/839) 6.7/4.3/5.9 ÇuöRèÑèRö
Vel'Koz 1283 BR B5 - 49% (619/649) 5.7/5.9/9.5 zikko
Vi 1490 EUNE G5 - 50% (735/721) 7.7/5.0/6.8 toughguy72
Viktor 1070 BR D5 107 51% (549/521) 6.9/5.7/5.7 Viktor1v9 ISBACK
Vladimr 1179 NA Masters 1 56% (654/522) 6.3/3.4/5.2 Not2Clean
Volibear 1998 NA S4 - 50% (966/975) 5.4/5.2/7.9 HatesU
Warwick 1645 EUNE P5 - 54% (893/751) 7.1/5.1/8.5 Pontifex1
Wukong 1387 EUNE P2 178 52% (726/661) 7.3/8.4/7.4 Perascool
Xayah 691 TR S4 - 51% (149/141) 8.5/7.8/8.9 Lády Xayah
Xerath 1561 EUW D3 3 53% (830/722) 6.6/3.8/7.4 Kìng Xerath
Xin Zhao 1917 NA P3 - 52% (975/916) 6.1/6.2/7.1 PlayMakerJones
Yasuo 1882 BR D2 25 53% (876/786) 6.8/6.2/4.5 Malignus
Yorick 1637 NA G3 - 50% (713/706) 4.4/4.3/5.9 MisterWolfe
Zac 1043 EUNE G5 - 50% (297/296) 6.7/6.4/10.2 Parzych
Zed 1902 KR D2 35 52% (994/900) 8.1/5.5/3.7 써렌페티쉬
Ziggs 1306 KR Masters 1 52% (629/588) 4.2/3.0/6.4 미친 과학자 직스
Zilean 2653 OCE P3 803 50% (1314/1309) 3.9/3.8/9.8 Kilrax
Zoe 1211 TR P3 733 58% (195/141) 9.5/5.6/7.9 KO Think
Zyra 2334 EUW S3 733 51% (1094/1068) 4.7/6.5/10.5 My Zyra Dragon
submitted by enuzi to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

I kept a spreadsheet for my last 2000 aram games AMA

Said spreedsheet

Hello, I am EUW's FrightenedRabbit, previously AstronautKittens, previously Signal Thanos. I've been playing League since 2013 but as i've gotten older, I sort of got tired of teens calling my mum fat in ranked and couldn't devote enough time to it. As a result, I fell for aram.

After about 2k games I decided, because I'm a nerd who loves cumulative data, what if I kept an easy to update spreadsheet when I play aram games. 2 years and 2000 games later, here it is. The spreadsheet keeps track of everytime I play a champion, my kda from each game added up, my wins and losses added up, whether I did the most damage on my team or not, whether there was an afk on my team or not, whether i got a quadra or penta kill, or an S rating. It's kind of fun updating it to be honest. It takes two seconds after a game.

Below the initial table just keeping track of stuff is a table sorted by win rate, and a table sorted by KDA.

My top 5 win rates (more than 5 games)
  1. Kog'maw
  2. Lux
  3. Swain
  4. Varus
  5. Brand
My worst 5 win rates (more than 5 games)
  1. **Fizz (**i think he's really strong in aram if you aren't a mechanically impaired moron
  2. Vayne (too short range, too long to scale, vulnerable to dive and poke, for me anyway)
  3. Karthus (yeah idk i think he's insanely OP but when I have him, we lose)
  4. Zed (see Fizz)
  5. Yasuo (see Zed)

My top 5 KDA (more than 5 games)
  1. Lux (obviously, though I trade her all the time because yawn)
  2. Zilean (probs one of my fave ARAM champs, so dumb)
  3. Nami (noticing a trend yet?)
  4. Swain
  5. Soraka
My worst 5 KDA (more than 5 games)
  1. Yasuo
  2. Fizz
  3. LeBlanc
  4. Wukong (who I actually do okay with but I spammed dark harvest lethality ignite wukong where you 100-0 someone but blow up instantly so lots of 1 kill = 1 death games.
  5. Jax

One of my favourite things to note from this data is the AFKs. In 2016 games, I have had 49 AFKs on my team. That means, what, 97.5% of my games no one on my team has AFK'd. That seems really impressive to me considering how much people talk about AFKs.

About me, with regards to League
I do not have an aram account. I hate the idea of one, though don't blame those who do have them. However, I main bot lane, or did main bot lane, predominantly support. So I do own all ADCs and supports. My top 5 favourite champions to play ON SUMMONERS RIFT are Zyra, Morgana, Alistar, Rakan, Shen. I am SILVER, I KNOW, SHAME. However, my aram games I'm decent MMR and often in games with diamonds and plats.

I trade everytime it's offered. I do reroll but it's never with the intention of getting an op champ, more one that I enjoy playing. I'll happily swap Veigar for Shen for example because I have more fun playing Shen.

TL;DR here is a spreadsheet wot I made after 2000 games of ARAM. Hopefully some other nerds find it vaguely interesting. Or maybe you guys just want to pick my brain on what I build, or how I play certain champs even tho I am a Silver clown. Ok great thank you
submitted by Pym-Particles to ARAM [link] [comments]

(S4) Champions with the most dedicated Summoner

Here are the stats for Champions with Most Dedicated Summoners for Season 4.
Summoners of Note
  1. Emporer Imperial: 3025 games on Urgot
  2. Just Bring It: 2642 games on Karthus
  3. Babydim: 2619 games on Gangplank
Edit: While I don't know that I have the motivation to add Korean summoners via op.gg, this guy stood out in my browsing
Season 4 List
Champion Summoner Division Server # of Games
Aatrox xandao2015 Silver 5 BR 1519
Ahri Ahri Senpai Gold 2 LAN 1051
Akali athanatos1979 Silver 1 EUNE 1505
Alistar Kebren Platinum 4 NA 1313
Amumu N3ST4D3 Diamond 4 EUW 858
Anivia PopTart510 Diamond 4 NA 1421
Annie Annie Bot Master 1 NA 2370
Ashe drewisgreat Silver 2 EUW 1320
Azir xXmastuerzoXx Bronze 1 EUW 314
Blitzcrank CanIPikachu Diamond 1 EUW 1584
Brand DKangN3 Diamond 3 NA 1144
Braum Ric Patrese Gar Silver 5 BR 557
Caitlyn Persev4l Silver 3 NA 1351
Cassiopeia Caedíte eos Platinum 3 EUW 1188
Cho'Gath fedemacco Silver 4 EUW 1548
Corki Shozy Silver 5 EUW 1575
Darius GGUOCHANG Bronze 5 EUW 1313
Diana JoeSchmoey Silver 4 NA 1467
Dr. Mundo Mundo Platinum 4 NA 917
Draven Ferris Bueller Gold 3 EUW 1365
Elise ASAP Amir Platinum 5 NA 1297
Evelynn VuaTroChoi Diamond 4 NA 1318
Ezreal tagundala Silver 3 NA 967
Fiddlesticks Fiddles Fera Gold 5 BR 2224
Fiora kikori5656 Silver 5 NA 1801
Fizz Unconquerable007 Platinum 3 NA 1508
Galio Benjore Bronze 2 EUW 1934
Gangplank Babydim Silver 3 EUNE 2619
Garen WuManChu Gold 4 EUW 1662
Gnar RaiCiC Bronze 4 EUNE 513
Gragas SummoningJew Gold 3 NA 1315
Graves Sifaw Gold 2 EUW 2306
Hecarim Soy Loco Diamond 3 EUW 1254
Heimerdinger TestTickle Silver 3 NA 2000
Irelia EggMen Diamond 2 NA 1987
Janna kH Kkerr Diamond 2 LAS 1485
Jarvan IV Unward49 Platinum 4 NA 1726
Jax XDDD Diamond 5 NA 1255
Jayce maldito1r8 Silver 3 LAN 1311
Jinx SKT T1 Jinx Gold 3 NA 1236
Karma Critter87 Platinum 3 EUW 1093
Karthus Just Bring It Platinum 5 NA 2642
Kassadin Gotrall Diamond 5 EUW 923
Katarina kilef3 Gold 5 NA 1538
Kayle Phonite Platinum 4 EUW 1355
Kennen TheOn3 Platinum 5 NA 1672
Kha'Zix Angel of Fate Master 1 EUW 1000
Kog'Maw MÌDNÌGHT Diamond 5 NA 885
LeBlanc Kiss the Chaos Platinum 2 NA 947
Lee Sin GUNEYTURK7 Diamond 3 EUW 1143
Leona The Leona Master Platinum 2 EUW 1560
Lissandra Proscar2 Gold 5 NA 745
Lucian jeretmid Silver 4 LAN 1029
Lulu SkyWalker0510 Silver 4 EUNE 1386
Lux DevilMAyCrYll Diamond 4 LAN 1715
Malphite panemos Bronze 5 OCE 937
Malzahar 4o4o83 Silver 4 EUNE 1387
Maokai hugetrousers Gold 5 NA 1245
Master Yi BrueFox Diamond 5 NA 1597
Miss Fortune RUBIN OJOLOCO Bronze 3 EUW 2172
Mordekaiser Murderkaiser Platinum 4 NA 1621
Morgana 7 souls Silver 3 BR 1162
Nasus Best Nasus in TR Platinum 4 EUW 1243
Nautilus N1nn Bronze 2 EUW 1030
Nidalee Bestial Huntress Diamond 5 TR 1472
Nocturne GDragon J Gold 5 TR 1450
Nunu goofyV10 Silver 4 NA 1036
Orianna KaiserGL Silver 3 NA 764
Pantheon Sephero Diamond 3 NA 2205
Poppy PROppy Gold 3 NA 1607
Quinn the best quinn Platinum 5 EUW 2412
Rammus Dani boon Platinum 2 EUW 1712
Renekton USPEX501 Silver 4 EUW 975
Rengar Pridéstalkerr Master 1 EUNE 1678
Riven Smashbash Exile Platinum 3 EUW 1495
Rumble Ahreman Platinum 3 EUW 1555
Ryze BIOSkunky Silver 4 EUW 1621
Sejuani Thanhbui714 Bronze 5 NA 1495
Shaco Shaclone Diamond 2 EUW 1711
Shen Gosu Shen Diamond 5 EUW 865
Shyvana cacoyuta Bronze 5 BR 1323
Singed Professor SINGED Gold 3 NA 2379
Sion Lastmavel Platinum 4 BR 2460
Sivir BarbaricGString Platinum 5 EUW 972
Skarner SkarnerOnly Diamond 3 EUW 938
Sona mp4f0s Gold 5 EUNE 1712
Soraka Amilu Gold 2 EUW 1254
Swain Arrrghz Diamond 5 EUW 1151
Syndra CC Myrmidon Master 1 EUNE 1121
Talon Ézek Platinum 3 EUNE 1283
Taric VirusOzee Silver 3 EUW 1424
Teemo rouxIas Platinum 4 EUNE 1530
Thresh Sir Shmaizer Gold 5 EUNE 1186
Tristana x Vesperia x Silver 4 EUW 1207
Trundle Yibon Platinum 4 NA 755
Tryndamere sp1 Platinum 4 EUW 1717
Twisted Fate Dark Oswald Platinum 5 EUW 1265
Twitch Bleblacz1 Bronze 4 EUNE 1702
Udyr s7An1 Platinum 4 EUW 1550
Urgot Emperor Imperial Silver 4 NA 3025
Varus SkorpionGn Platinum 5 EUW 1561
Vayne Prototype White Master 1 NA 1427
Veigar CodMarkS Gold 5 EUNE 1917
Vel'Koz crzycrnk Silver 5 EUW 1102
Vi toughguy72 Silver 3 EUNE 1919
Viktor XoXXoX Diamond 2 NA 1237
Vladimir b1k0 Diamond 5 NA 1720
Volibear zorkman2000 Bronze 3 NA 1692
Warwick mesmorf Platinum 5 EUNE 1532
Wukong mangeurdemoulee Platinum 4 EUW 1526
Xerath Unknown Xerath Gold 2 EUW 1451
Xin Zhao rowIanD Diamond 5 NA 2080
Yasuo Banana Baileys Challenger 1 LAN 951
Yorick YoChoseNkileRick Platinum 5 TR 1068
Zac Maxirus Diamond 2 EUW 1577
Zed AGE Fanatiq Platinum 1 NA 1195
Ziggs Best Ziggs World Platinum 4 EUNE 1185
Zilean A big fat clock Platinum 2 EUW 1143
Zyra Blood Mule Platinum 3 NA 1509
Please keep in mind these are only ranked games that are played in the regions that LoLKing tracks, so no Korea/China/Taiwan/Normals/ARAMs/etc
submitted by Alaendil to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

varus aram euw video

I Keep It Taco - YouTube EUW Challenger Match #764  LOL SoloQ Highlights EUW Challenger Match #782  LOL SoloQ Highlights EUW Challenger Match #727  LOL SoloQ Highlights ARUF IS BACK 2019 - New URF on PBE  League of Legends ... Be Challenger - YouTube KR Challenger Match #2990  LOL SoloQ Highlights 20 SETTINGS and HOTKEYS you NEED for SEASON 10 - YouTube

METAsrc LoL 11.3 Varus EUW ARAM Build Guide, best items, mythic items, runes, build order, starting items, summoner spells, boots, trinkets, counters Top builds, runes, skill orders for Varus based on the millions of matches we analyze daily. Also includes as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, rankings for this champion Find the best and most unique League of Legends 10.25 ARAM Varus Builds and Guides on MurderBridge: Runes, Summoner Spells, Items, Skill Builds, Stats, Win Rate and More! Varus build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in C0R0NA Varus / Platinum 4 1LP / 25W 27L Win Ratio 48% / Kai'Sa - 8W 6L Win Ratio 57%, Ezreal - 4W 4L Win Ratio 50%, Jhin - 3W 5L Win Ratio 38%, Jinx - 2W 5L Win Ratio 29%, Xayah - 5W 0L Win Ratio 100% Varus Build Guide for League of Legends. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Varus.Find the best Varus build guides for S11 Patch 11.3. Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Varus, and of course, win the game! Varus build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Patch 11.3 Season 9 Varus ARAM Build & Runes. Varus build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Varus Strategy Builds and Tools. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. METAsrc LoL 11.3 Varus NA ARAM Build Guide, best items, mythic items, runes, build order, starting items, summoner spells, boots, trinkets, counters

varus aram euw top

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I Keep It Taco - YouTube

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varus aram euw

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