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$MP mega-DD -- MP Materials: The Money Printer --EV/Renewable Infrastructure and REEEEEEEEEE's

$MP mega-DD -- MP Materials: The Money Printer --EV/Renewable Infrastructure and REEEEEEEEEE's


yeah its long as fuck, but read for tendies. If its too long suck a bear dick and move on. This is real analysis of the business model, not just a bunch of emojis. It is so long because of the niche field it is operating in and how a lot of key points are not understood well by the WSB community. This company really is a diamond in the rough and a great way to play future trends with less risk as you're not picking winners. Its the "picks and shovels" play of electrification and renewable energies. I'll explain the realistic case for how this company is soon going to be running the best tendie mine for decades to come.
This is my second DD post on now $MP, formerly $FVAC, and i'm back to discuss the developments of the company since my pre-merger post and add some further analysis about the valuation of the company and its future. There has been too much really shitty DD from both bulls and bears on this companywhere very few people on here have a real understanding of this company, their business model, and the future.
First - read my original DD post in order to have a decent understanding of the backstory cause I'm not about to type out all that shit again or explain what I've already written. Read that first then come back:
That post discusses mainly international tensions and the role REE's but this one i'll speak more on the business case of this company and how even without geopolitical tensions it is a true tendie mine.
Second - no I'm not a bag holder Ive been in since it was a pre-merged SPAC my average on my shares is about $14 and my LEAP is far far ITM and no I'm not selling any of them. Also, as i referenced in the post I work in a very similar field and interned in college at a mineral mine in the refining aspect as a chemical engineer, so while I'm not an expert at this I have more insight than the average retard and I am trying to give out tendies before the boomers take them from us. I will try my best to explain the business model of a mining company and why this company is the most unique and interesting way to get tech company level growth with the associated free cash flow while not having to be anywhere near as innovative. Ill discuss a lot of the bear arguments for this company as well and try to de-bunk them as most don't really hold water once you look into them the slightest bit.

Background of NdPr

While the company produces as basket of Rare Earth, the plant is aiming to focus on NdPr and other permanent magnet materials in order to play the trend of EV's and electrification. These magnets are extremely important for so many technologies due to how Electric motors work. To put it simply, at current technology the only way to convert electricity to motion or the only way to convert motion to electricity relies on permanent magnets. Im not gonna try to explain more than that because I too am retarded but if you don't believe me or want to learn how watch this video:
yeah i know you didn't watch that video, but just imagine you did and now believe me.
However, because it works both ways BOTH electric motors AND electric generators rely on this technology. This is key for understanding how NdPr is the best way to play both the trends of electrification AND renewables. First, electrification is most embodied by the rise in EV's in the future, and while that is predicted to be the fastest growing segment of NdPr demand it is foolish to not to account for other evolving technologies reliant on electric motors as well. Robotics will be a huge growth market and electrification of other industries will rely on NdPr permanent magnets. The other massive growth opportunity for permanent magnets is through renewable energies. Wind energy (and possible future motion based energy harvesting tech like tidal energy) work through harvesting mechanical motion and turning a generator to create electricity. Wind power doesn't work without electric generators which don't work without magnets. In addition, wind tech is advancing down a path to require even more magnets due to improvements is Permanent Magnet Direct-Drive (PMDD) technology from the current Gearbox doubly-fed induction Generator (DFIG). Essentially what that means is the new technology will take out the gearbox currently used in wind mills and replacing them with more efficient direct driving technology allowing more mechanical motion into electricity. These new generators require stronger magnets, thus more magnetic material. Read more about that here:
TLDR: They mine mainly permanent magnet materials that at current scientific understanding CANNOT be replaced due to their unique electromagnetic properties.
TLDR on the TLDR: Special Rocks no replacing. Need special rocks.

$MP's expansion plans

A lot of bears like to bring up the fact that $MP is still reliant on China to do their refining and they're correct... for now. Currently they mine on site and refine to REE concentrates which they then send to china to refine into Rare Earth Oxides (REO's), which then get send to become metal alloys and then finally to magnets. Currently is the only location in the world to refine past concentrate material so $MP is forced to send their material there, but that is why the went public. The intent of them going public was to raise funds in order build an on-site REO facitility, which is scheduled for completion in 2022 and is already started. They already have enough cash on hand to furnish this upgrade as they had over $500M on hand at the end of Q3, and they also are a cash flow positive company already before even moving downstream. There are EV infrastructure plays with much worse valuations and years away from breaking even on cash flow, yes I'm talking to you $QS bagholders... that tech is unproven and there are so many battery competitors in a field where there WILL be a winner
Why would they want to move downstream when they're already profitable??? Because the further downstream they go the higher margins they earn and the more tendies they can mine for us. Refining raw materials to useful materials is a value adding process and thus creates more value for the company that does it. Once they complete this expansion they plan on going to stage 3 of their business model, the ability to build magnets and other final products of REE's in America. They have not decided/disclosed their plans for this, whether it is through construction of an onsite facility, an acquisition, or a joint venture, but it is in the plans. This is expected to come online around 2025 and when the insane cash flow can begin for the company. I don't have any reason to doubt the validity of their intention as its just a continuation of the business model they are currently implementing and the majority of the corporate rhetoric is related to "mine-to-magnet" and "restoring the REE supply chain to America."
What does this mean for the company? as they move further and further downstream they will increase their margins from this action alone, but it gets even better. This can be shown in their in-house calculations of their 2023 adj. EBITDA target of $252M
it is important to note that those numbers are from the current step they are taking right now in building the REO refining facility. Adding further downstream capabilities will only cause that EBITDA value to grow as margins improve, but next I'll discuss where their margins will improve from EVEN MORE.
TLDR: downstream expansion is a way to increase margins and therefore free cash flow for the company.
TLDR of TLDR: Special rock get more special. Get more tendies for special rock.

Business model of mining companies and why $MP has insane growth potential

\**This is the most important part of this long ass post, if you read one section, then read this***
A big disconnect on a lot of DD in this sub and analysis elsewhere is the economics of how a mining company works. A mine is by definition a COMMODITY PLAY, which I know is not as exciting as a tech company, BUT it will experience tech sector growth for a period of time and then experience a period of time in which develop into a cash cow business reaping huge dividends for shareholders.
What i mean by a commodity play is through the economics of how a mine operates. Given a mine at a fixed production volume, the costs on a year in year out basis are relatively similar. What i mean by this is the cost $MP to mine and refine into concentrate will be the same no matter the price of their product. However, the revenue they receive is dependent on the market price of their product, which is what varies the most. An easy way to describe this is through taking a look at their Q3 2020 financial results presentation:
That value of Production cost (at the current stage of just creating REE concentrates) will realistically stay the same as that value is from the cost of labor, energy for machinery, administrative costs, etc. While these numbers will vary from quarter to quarter these are costs not predicted to experience rapid growth and this is what is important to realize. It costs roughly the same amount of money to pay someone to blast ore, dig it into dump trucks, pay operators to refine into ore, etc. Don't trust me, look into how steel companies operate, like this sub's favorite $MT. The revenue they receive is dependent on the price of REE's, which is NOT PREDICTED TO BE FLAT. Here is the historic graph of Neodymium from 2011-current:
**If you are an investor in $MP (which you should be) this is an important website to pay attention to because understanding the market dynamics of their product is important to understanding the valuation of this company. **
Allow me to disect that graph a little bit:
1st Peak: From the aftermath of the supply shock from 2010/2011 from the Japanese Navy and Chinese fisherman story i discusses in my previous $FVAC post i linked above. China lowered exports by 40% and the price shot up drastically as industries across the world tried to gobble up as much NdPr as fast as possible in order to ensure their production lines. That was then followed by china flooding the market and selling back that backlog. that caused prices to fall off a cliff and ended up taking molyorp out of business. I'll discuss the Molycorp saga later more in depth and the differences of them and $MP.
2nd Peak: This peak (late 2017) is from the Trade war trump caused with china and is another good explanation of the correlation between REE's and geopolitics i discussed in my last DD post. The middle 2019 peak is again the trade war heating up again.
3rd peak: where we are now. This is from the increased tailwind of EV adoption, more from asia and Europe than the US and because china has been threatening to use REE's as a political tool again, which again i referenced more in my last DD post.
However going forward if you want to predict the amount of revenue MP will earn its important to understand the market dynamic and I'd like to discuss why the price is geopolitics aside predicted to steadily increase at a very fast rate. MP, like any other commodity play, relies on the supply-demand dynamic of the sector, and REE demand growth is on track to far outstrip the supply growth. This will result increased prices per ton, but MP's costs stay the same. This is the beauty of the company, as the price goes up their margins go up too! MP and market analysts predicted over a 100% growth in NdPr magnets in the next 10 years:
Don't believe that metric? check this more in depth one:
This graph shows most important metric as it shows that the world at current rate is not scaling up to meet demand. THIS GRAPH INCLUDES CURRENT PLANNED EXPANSIONS INCLUDING INCREASED RECYCLING. What does this mean?? There is a huge mismatch in projected demand and supply and if you don't know what that will mean then ask your wife's boyfriend about supply-demand graphs from their economics class. The result will be massively increased prices of permanent magnet materials because the world will not be able to mine and refine enough to satisfy demand, so they will be able to increase their prices. BUT AS I SAID EARLIER, MP'S COSTS PER TON WILL REMAIN THE SAME. So what is the gist of this coupled with MP moving toward downstream expansion? MP's margins will increase incredibly from a double whammy of moving downstream AND supply-demand imbalance. Now what does that mean for you?? that means $MP has a very realistic and conservative path toward becoming a company with RIDICULOUS free cash flow.
What does that mean for MP? That means that the company will be raking in cash and will be extremely flexible due to their balance sheet. They will be able to expand operations or acquire competitors in order to increase their market share and production volumes OR they will be able to transition into a boomer dividend company that will pay you tendies each year. They could do either of those very easily because the company HAS NO DEBT. In fact, $MP ended Q3 2020 with $507M CASH on hand to finance their future expansions. Okay, i know dividends are boring but the market will begin to price in that future dividend potential and give your calls many tendies along the path to pricing in their dividend power.
TLDR: Supply demand imbalance (with geopolitical tensions as a wild card) will result in insane free cash flow in the future for this company.
TLDR of the TLDR: People want more special rock more than can make special rock. People give you more tendies for special rocks.

Why Supply won't be able to scale up as fast

A very important assumption in my analysis is the inability for supply to scale up as fast as demand and I'd like to explain this more in depth as it is the crux of this DD. This is where my experience in mineral refining is valuable as I can weigh in on this aspect. Over time there will be more suppliers that come into the business and we are seeing that already, however this is where the timetables of that come into play. Simply put supply can't go up because companies will be slowed greatly due to the time it will take to get up and running and the incredible amount of upfront capital needed before even starting up the mine. If a company is interested in getting into the field there isn't a fast path in because the companies can't just decide to go into the business and then go to the "REE refining machinery store" and buy the equipment and have them get set up. All the machinery in chemical manufacturing plants (REE refining counts as chemical engineering so hear me out) has a long path in order to reach the optimum design. Ill outline the gist of this here:
  1. Lab Scale Testing: This is laboratory scale testing in which very small batches are prepared testing different procedures and methods in order to find the optimum refining process for the goals of the operation. This is when the deciding of the catalysts, solvents, additive chemicals, etc is done in order to decide what to do to the ore to get the best product.
  2. Pilot Plant Design and Testing: This step in the design process is designing and building a small scale model of machinery to run the process decided upon in lab scale testing in order to determine different operating conditions, determine control points, etc. This is when different tests and procedures are determined and also a proof of concept to begin economic calculations for designing the next step.
  3. Full scale design and building: This is when the full size, real-deal machinery is designed and constructed. But again, there is not "REE refining manufacturing store" to get much of this machinery. Refining plants are custom designed (minus certain machinery like pumps and basic ass shit like that) and custom built. These are custom designed, custom fabricated large scale machinery designed in every aspect from material, area, volume, and depth in order to lower manufacturing costs while also allowing for 24/7 continuous operation. The 24/7 operation aspect is important because it is why the machinery is designed so meticulously. The most economic operations are ones that require little down time and little maintenance and a lot of work is put in to optimize this aspect. That means it takes even more time to produce.
  4. Permitting and Certification: Now at this point the company is years into the development of REE refining, but they still can't start operating despite the entire operation up and running. In the US, now the lovely and very fast government gets to come in. Mining and refining operations don't operate under OSHA rules and procedures, they get to operate under OSHA's much meaner, expensive, and safety prone brother, the Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). Government inspectors have to come in and permit and certify EVERY PIECE OF MACHINERY, inspect every single moving part and permit them, and do a shit ton of other stuff for the government to allow you to begin operations. Now due to the stimulus bill's provisions toward stimulating REE capabilities in the United states I assume that MSHA will be (or already has been) told to prioritize REE companies and they will probably be fast tracked, but even fast tracking them will take a lot of time. In addition EPA has to come in and sign off on the environmental plans of the company and probably even more government entities will have to come in to sign off on stuff that was past my exposure when I interned in the field.
Now you've seen how long it would take to get up and running, but another constraint worth mentioning is who does these? Larger Chemical or mining companies (Dow, DuPont, Chemours, BASF, etc) looking to enter the field probably have their own design teams that would be able to do it in house. Smaller, non-conglomerate entities would have to hire a chemical engineering design/consulting firm to come in and do the designing, write the procedures, and train the production engineers and operators. That means there is some decent intellectual constraints as to how many people have the know-how to design at the rate needed to scale up.
Here is what is important, any entity trying to enter the sector will have enormous upfront costs in buying the land, designing the plant, buying the machinery like excavators, dump trucks, pipelines, pay employees well before starting due to training on the machinery. Im not sure the exact amounts of money needed but it would easily be in the 100s of millions at least. Then once all that upfront capital is sourced, plant designed, people trained, etc the operation would take YEARS to get out of all that debt and achieve meaningful positive cash flow. It is only a matter of time for $MP to have significant domestic competition, but by the time these operations could begin operating $MP will be so far ahead in production and have a significantly stronger balance sheet than these companies could have. $MP will remain years ahead of any other domestic competitors, even though competition will come.
TLDR: At current outlook supply growth won't match demand growth and even if more competitors pop up to compete it'll take years to start operating and even more years to match $MP's ability.
TLDR on the TLDR: Not enough people finding special rock. More people want special rock than can get special rock. They pay more for special rock.

$MP's competitors, both domestic and international

A large argument that bears like to make is that competition is coming in the US, and they are 100% correct.... but it won't matter because AGAIN this is a commodity play, not a tech company. They make magnets, their revenue will depend on the price of their product. Buyers from this are not looking at $MP like you would look at $TSLA vs. $NIO or apple vs android where you could argue one is better than the other or consumers will adopt one over the other. There isn't brand recognition, increased utility, or consumer favorites in magnets, they're fucking magnets. Think about it like another commodity, lumber. If you go to $HD to buy some wood you aren't staring at two different planks of the same type of tree and picking one because of which timber company felled it or which milling company milled it. You just buy lumber and go home because it is wood. A timber company isn't outright threatened by another timber company popping up, as long as the demand-supply dynamic in the market stays the same the first timber company is unaffected. That is why it won't matter WHEN more domestic and international competitors pop up. As long as demand outstrips supply then commodity companies will make more and more money. Now I am not trying to bullshit people so I'll discuss the international and domestic competition, but Ill explain more in depth why i don't give a shit about them.
Domestic: The ticker that cannot be named due to it being banned. If you take a look at that company it is a Uranium producer that is going to re-purpose machinery onsite from uranium production to REE production and they have successfully done pilot plant level processing. However if you analyze their production numbers you'll see that the scale they plan on producing is not quite at the level $MP will. They plan on refining 15,000 tons of ore per year with an estimated 55% REE concentration, which leaves an estimated 8,250 tons of REE per year, of which 22% is NdP (all their numbers not mine), which leaves annual production of 1,815 tons/yr. These numbers are pretty good and I do own a stake in this company because I like the potential, but its scale is not quite the scale of $MP. $MP is predicting a run rate of 6,075 tons/yr of NdPr, so yes the banned ticker is a decent competitor but its only predicting to be 1/3 the size of $MP annual production volume. A downside of the banned ticker is that they still are focusing on Uranium production so its not a pure REE play, but Uranium has a pretty decent bull case for the future so i don't want to slander that ticker too much. However, again, these are commodity plays, $MP having competition, even domestic, doest really affect their business plans or bull case. Additionally, the banned ticker is sourcing its ore rom Chemours' location in GA, but getting milled in Utah, so this is a long term inefficiency to consider as well that $MP won't have to worry about once their stage 2 REO mill is complete. the banned tickers financial health is pretty decent, but its market cap is $516M at close 1/4 which is just slightly above amount of cash on hand $MP had at the end of Q3 2020, $502M. That company is more of an investment opportunity than a competitor, if its even worth investing in.
Other emerging domestic competitors: link to article explaining them all Im not going to go deep into each one but you can see that many are slowed down to the process I explained above about how expensive and time consuming it is to reach operational status. These companies will be coming online, but won't be profitable for a while and won't be able to provide the same returns to investors for even longer.
International competitors: Lynas Corp. This is an Australian mining company that has also received pentagon funds to improve the non-China production capacity. They trade over the counter and are a real deal competitor and also worth investing in but their growth potential isn't as clear or easy as in the US. They have pentagon funding more so out of desperation by the pentagon to get more production in the western world than loving to invest in an Australian company. In the future I would imagine a lot of this government support will go toward US based companies.
International competitors: all the china ones. yes they produce the largest amount of material in the world and do it the cheapest but this is the result of none to very little environmental protection. Once the supply chain can go "mine to magnet" many companies will look to diminish their exposure to chinese companies to ensure their supply chains are not at the whims of the Chinese government. In addition, $MP is the cleanest REE mine in the world and a lot of environmentally conscious companies will want to support clean mined REE's and once domestic production is high enough there could be regulations passed to further incentivize purchasing domestically produced REE's.
All these companies were included in the forecast of supply in 2030. Even with these companies coming online $MP is still positioned for incredible returns.
TLDR: Yes competition is coming, but there is already competition. Its also a commodity play so its not facing replacement or redundancy like many other growth markets
TLDR on the TLDR: Others find special rock. Your special rock still worth many tendies. You still get many tendies.

Why this is NOT molycorp 2.0

The most common point of argument against this company is that people bring up the fact that the mine $MP operates used to be run by Molycorp, which went bankrupt. However if you read into that transaction it really isn't that scary. Molycorp did go under but this was in a period of price instability and they were not running as good of an operation. Molycorp operated during the 2010-2011 peak of REE's when china restricted supply. Molycorp stock went up a ton in addition to their revenue and thus they decided to invest in milling capabilities to create REO's (I know this is $MP's plan but don't get scared yet). Because of US EPA restrictions it was wildly expensive and at bankruptcy they had $1.7B in investments into capital projects to improve their refining capability, but the subsequent REE price collapse when china "turned the taps back on" to the world supply caused them to not afford operation. The site then changed hands back and forth until it was bought by $MP's current management for $40M. They then invested in it after literally buying for less than pennies on the dollar and got it up and running more efficiently than before. Last quarter Q3 2020 they ran 3.2x the REE concentrate production volume than Molycorp ever did:
They got to buy over $1.7B worth of investments for $40M and have proven they have turned those investments into operating profit. In addition, previous operations prioritized Cerium production for FCC catalysts. $MP has transitioned the goal product to be NdPr as it has much better growth potential to give it long term possibility. In addition, the market climate Molycorp operated under was not as forgiving as now. Back then there wasn't the tailwind of increasing EV adoption, or the rise of other high tech growth sector reliant on REE's. Molycorp was too early and inefficient to win in the market and didn't have anywhere close to the amount of governmental support for the industry. There is bipartisan support on all levels, i mentioned this a bit in my last DD post, but since then - and this is big and shows the scale of gov support- THE LAST STIMULUS BILL HAD $800M IN SUPPORT OF INCREASING DOMESTIC REE PRODUCTION! Molycorp didn't have anywhere close to this level of government support. And again, the pentagon invested $9M into $MP to help fund their REO mill because the pentagon views the ability to refine REO's as a matter of national security.

Discussing Concerns about Biden Presidency

People who say this shit clearly have no idea what they are talking about. Biden (or his puppet masters but who cares money is all green) has said he supports REE mining multiple times source. His team knows their big environmental initiatives rely on REE production and that domestic production is important to keep American industry at the whims of China. Yeah Trump was more hawkish with china but lets not act like a democratic presidency is going to let china walk all over the US or that Biden and other democrats will stop their push for EV's and clean energy. REE's are a cornerstone piece to so many of Biden's plans there is no way he turns his back on this company.

Discussion of Shenghe Resources and China and their relationships with $MP

The one real concern that people have is their partnership with Shenghe Resources where Shenghe has agreed to buy all $MP concentrate through 2021 and shenghe is a stakeholder in $MP. Many view this as a negative, but i think it should be seen as a good way to ensure survival in the gap between now and the final magnet production. A big issue would be if China chose to stop importing the MP concentrate, which would give MP no customers. Since this would adversely affect Shenge it makes it less likely and also the fact that MP produces 15% of the world's REE concentrate it would hurt the supply in china, which is huge. In fact, China removed their 25% tariff on importing REE material, read this source as it also shows how china is buying up all the concentrate they can. Japan has the capability to go from REO to NdPr magnet as well so if china ends up fucking MP, starting in 2022 when their REO site is in operation then they will be able to sell their REO to Japanese companies to bridge the gap before they have their own magnet making capability.
China is not likely to fuck MP and stop buying their concentrate as it will hurt china's wallet and ability to produce goods while only increasing the US government support for going mine to magnet domestically. China realistically views their dominance as ending at some point now, but they know they will still be able to control the market because of their scale regardless of whether they buy MP concentrates or not.
Also, if Shenghe doesn't buy their concentrates then they forfeit their stake in MP. they wouldn't be allowed to sell them on the market, the shares would just disappear, so it would effectively be a massive stock buyback and as long as the REO mill is complete then they just sell to Japanese magnet makers.

Mine Life discussion

Their S-1 states that at current proven reserves they have about 47 years of mine life left. That can be grown from drilling and exploration of more mineable material, which they stated they plan on doing. in addition, if they for some reason don't find more mineable ore on their land and don't buy more land with ore, then they could simply refine ore from other mines as the real cost barrier isn't the digging out of the ground, it is the milling.


$MP will to the moon over the next few years.
Postions: shares for virgins and LEAPs for chads.
Edit: addressing $QS collapse today (1/4 after a -40% on $QS) and the associated EV infrastructure. I think $QS hitting the shitter, well, predictable. People flooded to it as a result of attempting to find a parallel way to play the rise of EV's without understanding the company. $QS is a solid state battery technology, but I have never held a stake in it because, well, all it is is an idea or concept. It fell today as a result of a report criticizing the basis of its technology and I have to agree, the tech is not proven and even if it works as advertised there is a question of whether it could ever solidify its valuation, even after its collapse today. Solid state batteries MAY be the future, but for now their real place is in university and R&D laboratories as the tech is not proven to work as advertised. They are in the same situation as liquid metal batteries, cool ideas without the proof they will be successful in the market. HOWEVER, $MP is a way to play EV's & Renewable energy without the risk because $MP is not relying on scientific breakthroughs, it is a commodity producer. They don't care who wins the EV race, the battery tech or company that wins the battery race, or the wind energy companies that win contracts, all they care about is the mass adoption fo those technologies. It is a unique way to play these trends without having to bet on winners or losers in the field as you're betting solely on the industry. The company is positioned to benefit greatly regardless of who wins and lets be real, the market is incredibly saturated with companies that won't win. Look at all the different EV makers big and small, the different battery companies, etc. I have a tough believing that all the small EV makers will have a shot when the large auto companies get more involved. I believe the best way to see profit without that risk is through symmetrical bets with no breakthroughs needed, just the market to develop
EDIT 2: Further DD/ another take. Yeah maybe 1 person will actually read it but it’s a lot shorter than mine, really won’t take long to read the thread. It is not my DD but rather an obscure Twitter account I have no connection to but they bring up further interesting bull arguments and address current valuation better than I can. I have no finance background so I didn’t try to pin a price or movement. https://twitter.com/dawn_capital/status/1346134740659818496?s=21
Edit 3: Research report from brand essence research estimates that REE market size is expected to reach $20.6 Billion by 2025, significantly higher the the 11 billion size from 2019 with a CAGR of 8.2%. MP currently produces 15% of the ore in the world and in 2022 is expected to be milling REO. Let’s say global production does increase and $MP doesn’t expand out and falls to 10% of global supply. That’s still about $2 Billion in revenue with higher margins than they operate on right now because of REO production.... it’s a tendie mine🚀🚀🚀
Disclaimer: this is my thoughts on the company and market, yet I am on this site and also retarded. I am long via shares and call and am a true believer in them but best in mind my confirmation bias. Not investment advice, do your own DD, buying and selling $MP is your own decision
submitted by poopbutt6942069 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Korean labor law: The Relationship between the Fatal Accidents Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (written by Bongsoo Jung, Korean labor attorney)

Korean labor law: The Relationship between the Fatal Accidents Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (written by Bongsoo Jung, Korean labor attorney)

The Relationship between the Fatal Accidents Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Act

I. Introduction
The Act on the Penalty of Fatal Accidents (hereinafter referred to as the “Fatal Accidents Act” or “FAA”) was enacted on January 8, 2021. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (hereinafter referred to as the “OSH Act” or “OSHA”) was also completely revised from January 2020 to reduce fatal industrial accidents. However, as fatal accidents have not decreased, a fatal accident penalty law was introduced that is much stronger than the existing penal provisions of the OSH Act.[1] The Fatal Accidents Act covers both major industrial accidents occurring on company premises as well as major fatal accidents/incidents out in society at large, such as the Sewol ferry accident and the air purifier disinfectant fatalities. The legislative purpose of this law is to punish employers, managers, and corporations for fatal accidents from actions in violation of the obligation to follow the mandatory measures to protect safety and health, so that companies can ① secure the workers’ (and the general populations’) right to safety, and ② prevent fatalities from negligent practices or a deficient safety management system.[2] This aims to protect workers and the general population from injury or death (Article 1 of the FAA).
However, the current OSH Act requires that employers establish a management system for occupational safety and health, to take steps to prevent incidents with harmful/dangerous equipment, facilities, materials, working environment, etc., and at the same time to periodically provide workers with the necessary safety and health education to further work to reduce industrial accidents. In cases where an employer is found to have violated the Fatal Accidents Act, the employer will be punished immediately, to further incentivize other employers to make it a habit to protect occupational safety and health and work to avoid accidents. The Fatal Accidents Act is a punitive law that imposes strong penalties on business owners whose workplaces have been the site of a fatal incident, while the OSH Act is a preventative law against industrial accidents.
The purpose of the Fatal Accidents Act will be better understood through comparison with the Occupational Safety and Health Act. I will also look at the relationship between the two laws in detail.

II. The Concept of Fatal Accident and Duties of the Employer

  1. Concept of fatal accident
Fatal accidents as stipulated in the Fatal Accidents Act, are accidents where ① one or more deaths have occurred, ② two or more persons are injured and require treatment for six months or more due to the same accident, or ③ three persons contract an occupational illness (such as acute poisoning) due to the same hazard within one year (Article 2 of the FAA).[3] The OSH Act specifies fatal industrial accidents as the following: ① one or more deaths have occurred, ② two or more people are injured at the same time and require at least 3 months of medical care, or ③ 10 or more people are injured or contract an occupational illness at the same time (Article 2 of the OSH Act, Article 3 of the Enforcement Regulations). Therefore, it can be seen that the FAA and the OSHA have similar definitions of “fatal accident.”
  1. The scope of application and responsibilities of employers
The Fatal Accidents Act does not apply to workplaces with fewer than five regular workers (Article 3 of the FAA). However, the OSH Act applies to all workplaces. All or part of the law may not apply in consideration of the degree of harm or risk, business type and size, and business location. In general, some provisions are excluded for ① pure administrative work, educational service work, foreign institutions, ② workplaces using only white-collar workers, and ③ workplaces employing fewer than five regular workers (Article 3 of the OSH Act, Article 2-2 of its Enforcement Decree, Appendix 1). The difference in scope of application is that the OSH Act describes all required occupational safety and health measures for the entire workplace, while the Fatal Accidents Act is limited to fatal and other serious accidents.
In both the Fatal Accidents Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Act, persons protected goes beyond only workers as defined in the Labor Standards Act, to include all those who provide work. This includes ① workers as defined in the Labor Standards Act, ② those who provide labor for the purpose of income for the execution of business, regardless of type of employment relationship, such as contract, service-based, or consignment, and ③ all contractors at each level in a multi-contract project (Article 2 (7) of the FAA).
In the Fatal Accidents Act, the person responsible for reducing the risk of fatal accidents is specified as the employer and head of operations (Articles 3 and 4 of the FAA). “Employer” refers to a person who runs his or her own business or a person who conducts business by receiving the labor of others (Article 2 (8) of the FAA). The head of operations refers to a person who has the authority and responsibility to represent the business and is in charge of it, or a person who is in charge of safety and health related to work (Article 2 (9) of the FAA).
However, while the OSH Act places on employers the duty to maintain and promote worker safety and health, the implementation of specific safety and health management responsibilities can be delegated to a person (the safety and health manager) who substantially supervises site offices, factories and etc. (Articles 5, 15, 38, 39 of the OSHA). Accordingly, when an accident occurs at an actual workplace, legal sanctions are imposed mainly on the general manager in charge of safety and health, such as the site manager and the plant manager, rather than the representative director.

  1. Employer's obligations
The Fatal Accidents Act stipulates the obligation of the employer to take actions to protect safety and health, and provides for severe penalties for fatal accidents due to the employer violating his or her obligations. In the event that a fatal accident occurs because of a violation of the obligation to protect safety, penalties will be imposed. Conversely, if the employer fulfills his or her duty to put safety and health measures in place, penalties can be avoided.
Employers and heads of operations must establish a safety and health management system to reduce risk and hazards to safety and health in workplaces that are substantially controlled, operated, and managed, and take measures to prevent recurrence in the event a fatal accident occurs (Article 4 of the FAA). Actions to protect safety and health shall also be taken when subcontracting, servicing, or entrusting a third party to engage in the required work, to prevent fatal industrial accidents from occurring among third party employees. However, this is limited to cases where the employer, corporation, or institution is substantially responsible for controlling, operating, and managing the facility, equipment, and place where the third party employees are working (Article 5 of the FAA).
Under the OSH Act, when a fatal accident occurs, the employer must immediately stop the related work and take steps necessary to protect the safety and health of other workers, such as evacuating the workplace. In addition, the employer must immediately report to the Minister of Employment and Labor when he/she becomes aware that a fatal accident has occurred (Article 54 of the OSHA). When a fatal accident occurs, the Minister of Employment and Labor can order all work to stop in relation to ① the job in which the fatal accident occurred, ② the job(s) corresponding to the job in which the fatal accident occurred, if it is determined that there is an imminent risk of recurrence at that workplace. Upon request of the employer whose work has been suspended, the Minister of Employment and Labor shall lift the suspension of work after decision by a deliberation committee composed of experts on cancellations of work suspensions (Article 55 of the OSH Act). In accordance with the revised OSH Act (January 2020), the Minister of Employment and Labor shall issue an order to suspend work to a workplace where a fatal accident has occurred. Work can be resumed at the workplace only after a considerable period of time has elapsed, which places a significant burden on the company.

III. Penalties and Employer's Responsibilities

  1. Penalties for employer and head of operations
The Fatal Accidents Act applies stronger penalties for fatal accidents than the OSH Act, with fines up to 10 times higher. If at least one person dies due to a violation of the safety and health measures by the employer or head of operations, the employer or head of operations will be sentenced to imprisonment for at least one year or a fine of not more than KRW 1 billion. Penalties are also imposed for injuries or occupational illness. If two or more persons are injured and require treatment for at least six months due to the same accident, or if three or more persons contract an occupational illness within one year due to the same hazards, the employer and/or head of operations shall be sentenced to imprisonment for no more than 7 years or a fine imposed of not more than KRW 100 million won. (Article 6 (2) of the FAA). If the same type of fatal accident recurs within five years, the penalties are levied again but increase by half (Article 6 (3) of the FAA). In addition, the person in charge of corporate management at that workplace must attend and complete safety and health education. If the education is not completed without justifiable reason, a fine of not more than KRW 50 million is imposed (Article 8 of the FAA).
A person who causes the death of a worker for violating the obligation to take measures for occupational safety and health under the OSH Act shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 7 years or a fine not exceeding KRW 100 million. If the same type of fatal accident recurs, the punishment is levied again, but also increased by half (Article 167 of the OSH Act).
  1. Joint penal provisions
The Fatal Accidents Act imposes a fine of not more than KRW 5 billion won for corporations and up to KRW 1 billion won for injuries or occupational illness. However, if a corporation has taken considerable care and supervision to prevent violation but a fatal accident still occurred, no fine will be imposed (Article 7 of the FAA). The OSH Act imposes a fine of not more than KRW 1 billion on corporations for the same case where one person or more has died due in a fatal accident (Article 173 of the OSHA). The Fatal Accidents Act has strengthened penalties at least fivefold over the existing OSH Act.
  1. Punitive damage compensation
The Fatal Accidents Act introduces a punitive damage compensation system that is not found in the OSH Act. In the event that an employer or head of operations intentionally or by gross negligence violates the obligation to take measures to protect safety and health and this results in a fatal accident, the relevant employer or corporation shall be held liable for compensation not exceeding 5 times the damage suffered by the injured person, or the survivors. However, this does not apply if the accident occurs despite the corporation having given considerable attention and supervision of the relevant risks and hazards (Article 15 of the FAA). The courts shall decide the amount of punitive damage compensation in consideration of the following seven items: ① the severity of intentional or unintentional negligence, ② the type and details of the violation of the obligation to protect, ③ the scale of the damage caused by violation of the obligation to protect, ④ the economic benefit obtained by the employer or the corporation due to violation of the obligation to protect, ⑤ the duration and number of violations, ⑥ the corporation’s property holdings, and ⑦ the extent of the corporation's efforts to mitigate the damage and prevent recurrence.
As there has been no punitive damage compensation system so far, damages have been based only on calculations of the amount of compensation for industrial accidents and civil damages. According to this method, when a worker dies from an industrial accident, the company handles it through industrial accident compensation insurance and is not held liable for compensation. However, if the company is liable for negligence in the event of a worker's death, such as due to a lack of safety measures, the company shall be liable for damages under the Civil Act in addition to compensation from the workers' industrial accident compensation insurance to the survivors. The scope of compensation provided under he Civil Act refers to all damages to the injured person/survivors in relation to the company's negligence and considerable causality, with the range of damage recognized by court rulings divided into active, passive, and mental damage. In general, when a worker dies, the scope of passive loss include income (lost income from the time of death to what would have been the time of retirement) and retirement allowance (loss of severance pay due to early termination of employment). Funeral expenses are active damage, while any alimony is included in mental damage.
In the future, it will be possible to request up to 5 times the amount of compensation for existing damages available under he Civil Act when industrial accidents result in death. As a result, the bereaved family and the company will need to engage in a prolonged period of determination of compensation for the bereaved due to disputes over whether an employer was negligent or not, which will act as a considerable burden on the company’s ability to quickly handle the aftermath of fatal accidents.[4]

IV. Implementation Date and Application

The Fatal Accidents Act has a grace period of one year and comes into effect on January 1, 2022. For workplaces with fewer than 50 regularly hired workers (or construction companies engaged in an average project value of less than KRW 5 billion), there is a three-year grace period, meaning the Act comes into effect on January 1, 2024.
Fatal accidents are classified in the FAA as fatal industrial accidents and fatal civil accidents. Major industrial accidents are handled by Ministry of Employment and Labor inspectors, who investigate the situation for workers and contractors who are directed and supervised by the employer concerned. Since a fatal civil accident involves members of the public who are using a facility or public mode of transportation, the Ministry of Justice, through police officers, has jurisdiction. Therefore, since the two different ministries have jurisdiction over fatal accidents separately, differences in interpretation and disposition of the law are expected in its enforcement, leading to some confusion.[5]
V. Conclusion
The Fatal Accidents Act was designed to raise awareness about the need to prevent accidents through strong penalties for employers found to be at fault (through failure to fulfill OSHA requirements) for fatal and other serious accidents. On the other hand, the OSH Act requires that employers have an occupational safety and health system in place to reduce the chance of industrial accidents occurring, take actions against incidents involving hazardous work or substances, and continuously provide education for the purpose of preventing industrial accidents. Therefore, the law should be enforced not expecting that these two laws are compatible with each other, but that they complement each other to reduce the occurrence of fatal accidents and other serious incidents. In addition, with enactment of the Fatal Accidents Act, employers and heads of operations in each workplace should strengthen the safety and health protections in place for workers in advance, and faithfully fulfill their duty of care and supervision, to avoid criminal liability in the event of a fatal accident.
[1] Safety Journal, “The obligation to secure safety and health of employers has been further strengthened”, Jan. 15, 2021; Daily Labor News, “[The total amended Occupational Safety and Health Act is insufficient] The number of deaths from industrial accidents increased in 2020”, Jan. 5, 2021: Industrial accident fatalities did not decrease between 2018 and 2020 (971, 855 and 860, respectively).

[2] Proposer: Chairman of the Legal Affairs and Judicial Council of the National Assembly, Reasons for the legislative proposal in “Draft of a Fatal Accidents Act”, Jan. 2021.
[3] The Fatal Accidents Act is divided into fatal industrial accidents and fatal civil accidents. A fatal civil accident is an accident ① caused by defects in design, manufacture, installation, or management of specific raw materials or products, public facilities or public transportation means, ② in which 10 or more people are injured and require medical care, or ③ 10 or people become sick and need treatment for at least 3 months due to the same cause (Article 2 of the FAA, section 2).

[4] Chung, Daewon. “Major Details and Topics in the Fatal Accidents Act,” HR Insight, Jan. 11, 2021.

[5] FKI press release, “Concerns about side effects of the Fatal Accidents Act,” Jan. 1, 2021.
submitted by labor-attorney to Korean_Law [link] [comments]

Epic COVID-19 Response Megathread

Late on 8/12, the CEO updated Epic's policy, so that staff may continue to work from home until at least the end of the year. This is a great victory for now, but we should continue encouraging leadership to be transparent and do the right thing. We had to count lots of deception and reach out to the media to get to this point.
A large economic and healthcare IT power was recklessly requiring its staff to return to work, which would have endangered the community. They are deceiving the public by sending false messages to the media while enacting a plan that disobeys the emergency health order. You can help fight this.

Table of contents
  1. What's going on
  2. Why you should care
  3. How you (anyone) can help
  4. How you (healthcare/customer) can help
  5. Example emails
  6. Return to work plan
  7. How you (Epic staff) can help
  8. Knowledge
  9. News
  10. History of communication

What's going on
Epic Systems Corporation is forcing over 9,500 U.S. staff (over 1.7% of the population of Dane County, WI) back into the office. Epic is a large organization that develops and maintains electronic medical records (EMR), and it's likely that you or someone you know has a medical chart in an Epic system.
Why you should care
As Epic staff are ostracized or quit, the quality of care for healthcare organizations around the country will suffer. Your hospital likely depends on Epic support.
During a world pandemic, forcing people to congregatee away from home endangers staff, family, friends, strangers, anyone in Wisconsin, and beyond. This is a communicable disease that knows no borders.

Caution for Epic staff and family: To avoid retribution, use personal devices (not work computer) that are off of the Epic network (VPN & Wi-Fi). If you respond to this post or share on social media, consider using a new username to remain anonymous. Consider an alternative email. Remaining anonymous is especially important if you send messages to PHMDC or your governmental representative, due to the Wisconsin Public Records Law.
How you (anyone) can help
Anyone who is concerned can follow any or all of the steps below. We've tried to arrange this generally from easier to more-difficult.

How you (healthcare/customer) can help
Thank you for your concern. Please consider any or all of the following.

Example emails
Example #1: bottom of petition on change.org
Example #2: https://www.reddit.com/epicsystems/comments/i4jm4j/a_concerned_epic_citizen/
Example #3: Feel free to use this as a starting point. If you are impacted in a specific way (at risk, healthcare worker, other essential worker), please include that in your email too!
To whom it may concern,
I am deeply worried about Epic System Corporation's requirement that its staff return to the office, before the pandemic has subsided. This is endangering Dane County. Please collaborate with public health officials and make staff continue working from home, as required by Public Health Madison & Dane County Emergency Order 8, Section 4:
"Limit staff and customers in offices, facilities, and stores. All businesses should, to the greatest extent possible, facilitate remote work and other measures that limit the number of individuals present at an office, facility, or store."
Example #4: This can be added after example #3 if you feel strongly.
I believe that Epic exhibited willful ignorance by intending to violate the public order. In the public health (PHMDC) letter on August 6th to Epic, PHMDC outlined a discussion they had with Epic on July 28th "As we explained on that call, Epic's interpretation is incorrect. Remote work does not include working in the office under the language of the Order." Had Epic not received that letter reminding them of the conversation, they would have continued with the August 10th.
I believe that Epic purposefully continues to violate the emergency order. For staff who are able to do remote work, Epic continued to allow or require staff to go into the office. Also, they kept their return phase 1, such that around a quarter of staff would return to the office on August 10th: They made it an opt-in program to work remotely, rather than assuming and promoting continued remote work by default as is the spirit of the emergency order.
Return to work plan
Epic had over 9,500 staff set to work in the Verona, WI, campus. You may be interested in knowing how many people will be back and when. As of early August, around 1/3 of staff* are going to the office. The remaining staff were forced to return to campus in roughly 4 equal phases, and this was overturned. The staff may be required to return in 2021. Here are the phases before they were removed on 8/12.
Parents with childcare needs and staff at risk as defined by CDC may be forced to return on 11/2.
\ For the staff going into the office before phase 1, some are voluntary and some are forced to. See Knowledge section below for details.)
‡ Because Epic got caught and is under review by PHMDC, staff in phase 1 may continue to wfh but must call HR by 8/12.
† Because Epic got caught and is under review by PHMDC, dates for phases 2-4 are subject to change.

How you (Epic staff) can help
These are steps that Epic staff can follow. Remember to use non-Epic devices on non-Epic networks.

Riskier work-related
Epic candidates

Epic retaliates against staff who speak up, even for safety concerns. Employees face punishment in the form of demotion or being told to quit.

If you have any suggestions or additional information, please reply here or send a DM. We'll keep this post updated.
If you have good karma on healthIT or other subreddits, please crosspost this by going to the old.reddit.com version, scrolling to the bottom of the post (before the comments), and clicking crosspost at the bottom-right.
If anyone is skilled in writing (or perhaps video production) and would like to dedicate some time, we could use help with the following.

8/6 - initial post, added OSHA, added gaslighting feedback
8/7 - customer steps, history of communication, petitions
8/8 - petition updates, PHMDC letter, Epic email, news
8/9 - news, recording conversations, why staff need help
8/10 - split posts; op ed; contacts for DA's office & lawyer regulation; SR details; IWW press release
8/12 - wfw requirement suspended
submitted by VitaminBark to epicsystems [link] [comments]

Keep Out: How to Stop Drugs and Alcohol from Entering in the Workplace

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, drugs and alcohol remain a significant occupational safety issue for employers across the country. The legal environment is rapidly changing for many drugs, and additional drug use and/or drug impairments has found its way into the workplace. While the height of the opioid epidemic has receded, media reports high levels of overdoses due to synthetic opioids (e.g. fentanyl). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) overdose deaths at work from non-medical use of drugs or alcohol increased by at least 25% annually between 2013 and 2017. The 272 workplace overdose deaths reported in 2017 accounted for 5.3% of occupational injury deaths.
Marijuana remains a Schedule I Controlled Substance under the federal Controlled Substances Act, meaning that its possession is unlawful under federal law. Yet on January 1, 2020, Illinois became the eleventh state to legalize adult use of recreational cannabis. Twenty-eight states, the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico permit residents to use medical marijuana, while at least 17 other states allow the use of products of certain products with lower levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive chemical in marijuana.
Employment-based drug testing services have reported wide-spread increases in positivity rates for marijuana in those states that have legalized marijuana. Additional legalizations of recreational marijuana likely will create additional workplace impairments across the county.
Challenges Posed by Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace Drug and alcohol impairments can hinder employee judgment and motor skills. These effects can result in near misses, accidents, injuries, and property damage. Accidents may injure employees, coworkers, contractors, and members of the public. In our practice, we have seen significant employee injuries where impaired employees have errantly turned a powered industrial truck, removed a guard on an operational machine, detached a personal fall arrest system while working on a platform 80 feet in the air, and walked in front of a piece of heavy machinery.
Safety hazards are just the tip of the iceberg. Drug and alcohol impairments can result in poor performance, workplace mistakes, reduced output, and poor morale. Employees may be more likely to engage in theft or shift workloads to other employees. Impairment increases the likelihood of sexual harassments in the workplace, in all of its forms, including sexual assault. Impairments are correlated with workplace violence incidents, including physical assaults on employees.
Employers would be wise to recognize the risks posed by drugs and alcohol to the workplace, and take action to address the hazard through a comprehensive program and testing regime.
Prevalence of Drug Addiction As you know, many Americans use drugs and alcohol in a casual, recreational setting. However, it is well understood that individuals can form physical, chemical addictions to virtually all forms of drugs, legal and illegal. After nicotine, alcoholism is the most common chemical addiction among Americans. According to the National Safety Council, approximately 1 in 13 working adults has an alcohol use disorder. Among working adults, nearly 2% were addicted to marijuana. Workers in construction and extraction experience the highest rates of substance use disorders, with 15.6% of employees on average living with a substance use disorder. The highest rate of prescription pain medication disorders were among people in the services sector.
Under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5), the criteria for drug addiction emphasizes continued use of the drug despite the user’s knowledge of adverse consequences. Perhaps on account of this phenomena, physical addiction is the major driver of workplace drug use and impairment. Yet one of the least understood components of workplace drug and alcohol programs is how to deal with employee addiction.
Crafting Drug and Alcohol Policies Safety sensitive employees are those individuals for whom a drug or alcohol impairment could significantly endanger their safety or the safety of others. Safety sensitive employees typically perform functions like driving trucks, operating heavy equipment, or mixing caustic chemicals (this list is non-exhaustive). Safety professionals recommend zero tolerance policies for impairing drugs for those in safety sensitive positions. Zero tolerance means that employers would not tolerate drug use or impairment at any level for those employees. Employers may lawfully implement zero tolerance policies and prohibit possession, use, impairment, or distribution in the workplace.
Zero tolerance policies will have numerous components. One of the most overlooked components of a policy is the definition of prohibited drugs -- we recommend that clients proscribe controlled substances, synthetic drugs, analogs, and popular non-psychoactive cannabinoids like CBD. Managers should be trained on how to spot someone impaired by drugs and alcohol. Impairment can be assessed or confirmed through drug testing. Drug testing can also be a helpful tool in a post-incident context, to help determine the root cause of an incident.
Alleged violations of a drug and alcohol policy should be subject to comprehensive investigation. We recommend appropriate disciplinary policies, to be applied consistently across the workforce. As explained above, safety professionals recommend that employers use zero tolerance policies to reduce the likelihood of accidents or injuries. However, zero tolerance does not mean that every employee who violates the policy must be immediately discharged. Rather, many employers may use Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and other resources to help employees with addiction issues take a break from the workplace, treat their addiction, and return to work.
Employees are valuable in terms of human capital, knowledge, experience, and training; substance abuse can be a temporary condition overcome with treatment and/or psychological counseling. Accordingly, as mental health issues have been increasingly destigmatized, many employers are using EAP as a lawful and helpful solution to addiction and substance abuse.
Disability Protections Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifically permits employers to ensure that the workplace is free from the illegal use of drugs and the use of alcohol. Generally speaking, the ADA does not prevent employers from prohibiting the use, impairment, and possession of alcohol and drugs, as well as paraphernalia in the workplace under federal and state law. An employer may discharge or deny employment to persons who currently engaged in the illegal use of drugs, or are under the influence of alcohol.
However, the ADA protects employees with mental and physical disabilities -- including mental health disabilities, depression, alcoholism, and drug addiction. Current users of illegal drugs are not protected under the ADA. Casual users of illegal drugs and alcohol are not protected under the ADA, as they are not “substantially limited” in a major life activity from drug use. The ADA creates a limited protection from discrimination for (1) employees who are recovering drug abusers and for alcoholics, (2) employees who have been successfully rehabilitated and who are no longer engaged in the illegal use of drugs or inappropriate use of legal drugs or alcohol, (3) employees who are currently participating in a rehabilitation program and are no longer engaging in the illegal use of drugs or the inappropriate use of legal drugs or alcohol, and (4) employees who are erroneously regarded as illegally using drugs or abusing alcohol.
These employees are protected from discrimination by their employer on the basis of a history of drug addiction, attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings, or similar. Employers may not hold drug addicts or alcoholics to a higher standard of performance or attendance. Employers cannot subject employees to medical inquiries (unless they are “job related and consistent with business necessity”) such as inquiries about a personal history of mental illness or alcoholism. However, an employer does not violate the ADA when it engages in reasonable suspicion, post-accident, or return-to-duty drug testing.
The ADA creates a duty to engage in an “interactive process” with employees who raise a disability and find a “reasonable accommodation” where possible accommodate their disability. If a recovering drug addict is not currently illegally using drugs (or abusing legal drugs or alcohol), then he or she may be entitled to reasonable accommodation. Reasonable accommodations may include a modified work schedule so the employee could attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings or a leave of absence so the employee could seek treatment. However, it goes without saying that there is no duty to accommodate an employee by permitting drug or alcohol impairment at work. Nor does the employer have to forgive misconduct because the misconduct resulted from alcoholism or drug addiction.
Takeaways Drugs and alcohol create unique challenges in the work environment. In the post-COVID pandemic world with many employees working from home, it may be harder to ensure that employees comply and do not engage in drug use or impairment while at work. To minimize liabilities, employers should develop robust drug and alcohol policies. Many employers work with outside counsel to create lawful policies and drug testing programs. If faced with drug-related accidents, employers should consider promptly contacting counsel to prepare a response and properly assert their defenses.
NOTE: If you wish to receive complimentary copies of this article and future articles on OSHA and employment law related topics, please contact Mark A. Lies, II at [email protected] or Adam R. Young at [email protected] to be added to the address list.
Mark A. Lies, II is a Labor and Employment Law attorney and Partner with Seyfarth Shaw LLP. Mr. Lies can be contacted at 312-460-5877 or [email protected].
Adam R. Young is an attorney in the Workplace Safety and Environmental Group in the Chicago office of Seyfarth Shaw LLP. Mr. Young can be contacted at [email protected] or 312-460-5538.
submitted by NATE_CONNECT to u/NATE_CONNECT [link] [comments]

iM nOtCInG tHis ON the SUb[40 Trenta Shaker Drinks Drive Thru Order Rant]

I'm all for being positive, hopeful, optimistic and looking towards a bright future. But I aim and tend to be realistic. This shouldn't occur without some praise to some decisions Starbuck's has made such as giving partners the option to stay home and receive catastrophe pay regardless of 'high risk' status, and again further extending this to May 3rd.
But thats honestly as far as I can speak on positive things I've observed personally and through anecdotes via this forum & facebook. And the corporate booty eating needs to stop. Not that we should trash and outright defame our employer but accountability needs to be present in conjunction with the facts.
The Shareholder Meeting March 18th 2020 Starbucks held its annual shareholder meeting in which they announced a stock buy back of 40 million shares at approximately $60 usd per share which equals out to 2 billion USD($).
The Text On Friday March 20th I received the text about the 30 day catastrophe pay, information about this wasn't clarified until the following week in most accounts including my own.
Cat Pay Made available weeks after corporate employees were instructed to work from home while partners in the Seatlle/King County area were still working, with open cafes and no safety precautions.
The Mask Oh boy these fudging mask. Literally thin slices of cloth. Aesthetic value only. I've seen several people claim it prevents "you" as an individual from spreading it; however this is completely false. The logic given in these comments made by some people on this sub state that "even if they don’t protect one from catching the virus. The masks stop the spread of the virus from you to anyone else" That logic is ass backwards excuse my French. If this doesn't protect me from catching it how exactly does science and critical thinking dictate this is going to prevent an infected individual from spreading it?
Ultimately over the last several months an observation of a complete breakdown in upper management from corporate america to the white house has left many of us in a state of scrutiny and confusing. The government has gone back on several statements it has previously made regarding transmission, PPE among other information that was blatantly inaccurate. Our dear Starbucks has been trying to spoon feed us this information and comfort us into thinking this is under control and has been. The reality of the situation is that no one knows what they're doing, what exactly to do or what is going to happen next. They are all taking shots in the dark and we as working class individuals are the ammo for their cause, to keep their economy afloat at the cost of our health and safety as well as our loved ones that we may live with or have to care for.
I'm not pretending to have all the answers but this whole thing has been a hot mess from the start.
My own personal anecdotes *
Back in March when the petition was making its rounds I was very vocal about it and starting dialogue with many partners in my store. I was told I am not allowed to do this and if I continued I could face disciplinary action. This is a direct violation of workers rights under definition of "Concerted Activity".
I might come back and add to this but I have a headache and need to take a shower because I smell like frap roast.
"you can wear your own mask"
Employers are required(by OSHA & federal guidelines) to provide PPE.
submitted by unwovnd to starbucks [link] [comments]

Is it Time to have a General Strike?

The 2020 Mix Tape is —les Miserables
I AM CALLING FOR A GENERAL STRIKE(google the Definition ) and I will now explain why.
They devour widows’ houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.” Mark 12:40
And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. ~ Exodus 32:4 For more info about the coronavirus, see cdc.gov
The individual's rights are only as strong as the collective will, Just as the collectives rights is only as strong as the individuals will. #occupyacouch. As of now, there are a total of 438,749 “confirmed” cases World Wide. In the USA according to the White House Task Force, there are OVER 55,243 COVID-19 CASES WITHIN U.S.virus cases, with 802 "confirmed” dead in the United States as of today. As I said before there are 7.7 Billion People in the world. if everyone got the virus, at a 1% death rate we are looking at 77,000,000. The World Health Organization just said we are the Epicenters of the Corvid19 (cnn video)
I was raised to always “have an open mind” and “do not judge a book by its cover,” I am not religious but I am spiritual, I believe in a creator and creator of creators. But in the end, I rather believe in me and you, I believe in peace and kindness. I struggle with my faith But I will never struggle in my belief of love/kindness and what it can do for others. For we would not be here if it was not for the kind acts of another. The Children of Tomorrow Will Always Remember your actions of today no matter the present. You are what you perceived as to be perceived in lifes masquerade ball. Right now the “The Emperor’s New Clothes” should be a best seller. the leaders make minor changes to protect themselves and their own aka the Privileged and Capitalistic. Greed out of Fear or Gluttony.
GENERAL STRIKE I say, for all Non-essential workers till the science, prevails a vaccine (4–18 months) , For the Safety all, if there was ever a time TO do a General Strike for the betterment of all now would be the time. ONLY “essential” jobs should be permitted(hospitals, childcare, dentists, Shipping and receiving, Construction, grocery stores, tobacco, hardware, pharmacies, gas stations, Waste Management, Vehicle repair, Pet Stores, Police Dept, Fire Dept, Maybe continue to take out at Restaurants, If liqueur stores and then also state marijuana dispensary open, both recreational and medical, and any other jobs working-class essential jobs may have missed) remain open for the greater good. Schools should remain closed for the rest of the year. More Local Health codes Inspections and Osha Inspections paired with medical personal should make random drop-by visits and tests, monthly randomly. All Essential travel for the public to those locations should be permitted, along with to their family, and friends only who understand social distancing. Public transportation should be restricted to certain hours. The elderly and those with immune deficiencies should be isolated for health-related reasons, except out of emergencies/hospice but have contact with the outside world through technology communication provided by the state or federal government so that way doesn’t die alone. If there was ever a time to stop working, and by doing so save the world from the couch and comfort of your home, now is the time, seize it, don’t fuck it up. In turn, save a life, and stop the spread of this Corvid-19 by all of doing so it could end up saving yours and those that you love. It is negligent for any governing body or company to encourage their workforce to continue, it is class base genocide. Not just through pending Economic means because of the recession we are in, but Health means from the lack of ventilators and who will be able to afford a 50k ventilator when they run out of them? Let the entitled, privileged elite Eat the metaphorical cake of debt for the failure of leadership this time let them bend the knee to the people again.. During this time All Sanitation Service Nationwide should come with hazard pay, benefits, and a living wage guaranteed by the federal government, whether private or public you’re risking your life. my gf cleans warehouses, houses to get buy and her 6 yr old daughter has a compromised immune system (higher death rate) because of her diabetes type 1. Every day she and others like her, risk their lives cleaning so others don't get sick. We owe them a debt. We owe all those Essential workers making that sacrifice a debt. Hazard pay, a rise (A living wage), Benefits (medicare for all), and (maybe tuition-free college) more social programs will be the only way we pay them and the children of tomorrow back?
“The rich man is always sold to the institution which makes him rich.” ― Henry David Thoreau
If your job is considered “#essential” during this pandemic and you must work, firstly thank you for what you’re doing, also I believe then your position deserves a living wage/raise and health benefits along with hazard pay. If corporate says no, then unionize, or strike. Strike for your mother, Strike for your father, Strike for your Grandparents and Children. Strike to save lives of those you know and those you don’t, for your neighbor, and the safety of this country GENERAL STRIKE and #occupyacouch.
Its time to reflect and revaluate what is important to consider what we value, and what is value, and our own value. Each Perspective petal of infinite colors, to the flower that endlessly wilts and blooms. The working poor and the middle class are in this mess together; it doesn’t matter what political affiliation And we’ll pick it up together. For the wealthy, entitled, and privileged coffers. Can you get a test? can you get the medication to fight this? do you have enough money to cover the cost cuz sure as shit the wealthy, the entitled, the privileged, the (insert party) politicians, corporations can, and they can’t wait to pick at you like a vulture after a kill with taxes and inflation? Do what you can now to help your State, County, Town, and community and help those in need. I say stand together, they want to divide narratives/ideologies for greater control of the people till they are isolated in their anxious echo chamber of thoughts, forget the binary perspectives for now. We face a defining moment and only together can we conquer such and those in power obviously care more about markets then lives. If you can’t find kindness be a kindness if you can’t find love, be love, and if you cant find peace, make and be peace, and most importantly always help those in need around you with logic, intelligence thoughtfulness, and empathy. As long as we stand together collectively with logic and love there is hope, call it a fools hope.
Firstly President Donald J Trump says he wants the country ‘opened up and just raring to go by Easter,’ despite health experts’ warnings during this outbreak according to CNN (article) aka its dangerous you face planting into a bag of Cheetos like Scarface Al Pacino style fool. Right now Local EMS are Struggling for example — Lee County EMS officials continue to search for ways to stay afloat after receiving news the agency could soon face bankruptcy. The county recently approved $36,000 to fund the private service for the rest of the month but that's it (article). More then likely that is the same in other areas of the country. According to the Independent Bill Gates says businesses should stay closed during coronavirus pandemic: ‘US has passed the opportunity to control this(Article) In Regards to Politics, The stimulus deal reached in the Senate includes far less financial assistance for states Election Security to prepare for 2020 elections amid the risk of disruption by the pandemic. What was taken off the table for this bill was offering all voters mail-in ballots and, if an election is held during a national emergency, sending a mail-in ballot to every registered voter (article) unemployment insurance benefits has expanded eligibility and offering workers an additional $600 a week for four months, on top of what state unemployment programs pay. Millions of Americans have filed for unemployment benefits in the past few weeks, flooding a system that isn’t designed to cope with a sudden wave of applicants and has shut down in some states. Older people would rather die than let Covid-19 harm US economy — Texas official, basically a narrative of suicide for the greatest generation all for a broken market? shame(link).
There is always a war for your mind, your heart, and your wallet. Your Life, your Liberty, and your Property. In a consumer nation, the altar of worship is things. And you are but a tool to a machine that values no life. Perhaps the Stoicism of the culture and greed of old money in the area that inhibits companies and governing body's ability to grow through cultural expression. Maybe its because the narrative art and culture that was “anti-establishment”, “anti bubble gum”, “anti-baby birded bs narrative and norms.”My generation will understand this meaning, those at the top will always be “possers” aka fake, as Holden Caufield would say “phony” at heart with words not matching action aka word service, with a dash of wag the dog, disconnected from the struggle of the average person, therefore, unknowing of the dreams of peace, the dream of love, the pursuit of happiness, the yearning for a nonhostile, anxiety-free, zero fearing mongering and harassment, the yearning for a better job, a better standard of living, care, and pursuit of knowledge. Maybe it’s a generational thing, parents generation spiting the youth aka boomers and millennials. Maybe its greed. Maybe the Music was anti-establishment and self-reflective, rock lived on, past 1989. The music was too real, and that was the problem, the corporate machine couldn’t control the anti-establishment trend or be part of it without being called out for what they were, only posers to social trends, haves pretending they have not. Imposters to cultural relevance or impact and envious to both. Like i said before, Stoicism of the culture and greed of old money in the area inhibit expression. My gut tells me 80–90’s yuppies or maybe 60–70 traditionalists, with their traditional fears of the poor, with a sweater over shoulders. Part of me thinks its happening across the country for a reason, to better control the youth through their voice, is the arts(music, animation, film, etc). Expressionism has always been dangerous to the powerful. Whoever can control the questions and the flow/amounts of them can control the narrative of the answer. The individual’s rights are only as strong as the collective will, Just as the collectives rights is only as strong as the individuals will. People that labor must stand together, for the value and pay for all, profits right now are the unpaid wages of the worker.This is why I believe in bottom-up #workplacedemocracy . If a bottom-up Democracy(future E-Democracy my opinion)is good enough for a Governing Bodys, it is then good enough for its Companys’s workers also. May Day(International Workers’ Day) Should be Interesting this year. #Solidarity; People should always come before profit. short-term gains are not worth lives. Whatever happens, we all will be facing it together. Only the working poor and the middle class together as a collective can we overcome the challenges ahead and save lives so Strike Let this give us purpose to be kinder gentle logical but empathetic over apathetic. We are what we feel, don’t be afraid of being afraid, but don’t become that fear for we are together, and we are strong. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and to feel, the fear is natural, our leaders failed us in acting, this feeling is natural and this moment and feeling too shall pass, but how you act and what you do will be the footprint and will be burned not just the minds you love, but also into the pages of history, along with all the data collected.
In a finite resource-based society facing viruses, climate change, and economic uncertainty have a major impact should those companies/individuals/government that leave impacts from lack of oversight and safety standards/workers/human rights, should they then pay/work off a continuous cost/face punishment for their length/damaging negligence depending on the action politician, CEO, governing body? Further more Should a Person or a few people, Business, Religion, or Government own/control/profits/people/rights of the many? Or should those profits/natural resources/rights/etc belong to everyone equally in an egalitarian manner unowned or owned collectively? Greater men then have pondered and continue to ponder such.
I say people over profit, empathy over apathy, Knowlege, and fact over Ignorance and Fear-Mongering narratives General Strike for the Safety of all. I say this now to the privileged class, those with the illusion of power, and hubris of ego; If you do nothing, you get nothing. If you do a little you get a little. IF you do a lot you will get a lot. We the people are not fools. What of those who are less fortunate, the single parent, the homeless. Thanks to you we are now self domesticated and workshop boxes and things, and value nothing but nature and life, valuing opinions(emotional logic) over fact-based(mental) logic. You have Twisted the natural way of things. We were met to be caretakers, and from this point on you will reap the cullings avalanche of reality. I know the president is nothing but a mouthpiece for you set there to reassure with the illusion of words and act like the mayor from Jaws reassuring the general public that there are no sharks, or others could argue Like Jim Jones screaming subtly “die with Dignity” all for his ego for we know what he values, things and ego over people and lives. There are people considering Coffee Filters for Toilet paper.
Be considerate. Take only what you need, and help those that cannot help themselves. If you cannot find kindness, be kindness. There must Be Senior Only Times Essential BusinessBut According to some big Banking Financial Institutions those that are Privileged, Capitalistic worship, that the worst (financial projections) will happen in the second quarter of the business cycle April 1st through June 30th That’s when we’ll see the peak of this virus…I’m just saying that because I’m going with the financial institutions and their projection rates and not this Broken Administration because I feel that a bank, the people that maintain value, projections and forecasts, are more then what some countries and companies have. hopefully, I’m wrong in my speculation, (Article Here). I'm sure some Economics Historians are having Flashback to The Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic (don't know what that is, click here)
As I said before One has to wonder if the stimulus packages would be better served to be Medicare for all American Healthcare Systems would insulate and be an improvement over the current affair during a Pandemic. Expansion and creation of new social programs like higher education and medicare for all will provide a safeguard for those weaker economic country’s in regards to restructuring its economy would speed up the cost and length of self-repair to its economic system. Social programs that provide food, healthcare, and education to allow it to rebuild the workforce. This is not counting for possible climate change effects creating massive migration(lack of habitable environments and the coastline pushing further because of the poles melting causing a lot of coastal species to die) human climate refugees and diseases(melting permafrost now 28 new viruses (link)along with diseases ticks, parasites, and mosquitoes breeding more because of hotter climates (link).
Furthermore, why not invest into the children of tomorrow by Expanding and creating more social programs will only grow with the growth of current technology and its impact on the workforce, Income Inequality platform and those that stand behind it will also grow with it. Automation plus capitalism will only lead to a darker employment future. Industry Experts have spoken at this to length saying that 25–40% of the workforce will be replaced by automation and AI within the next 5–15 yrs world wide. Here are three links to further my argument Here, Here and Here. Those in positions of Economic Power will accept this innovation because it doesn’t sleep, eat, get sick, take holidays off, it will cut costs and promote growth, meaning the rich will get richer. Those with enough capital to buy these machines, or will supply each person with an AI assistant for better efficiency from lawyers (AI listen to cases finds relating case arguments) to retail (insert efficiency, etc) etc job, they will only grow faster small business and the worker will not be able to compete. Those at the top will not weigh the costs to society nor to their humanity. For they value things, and when the value of things outweighs the value of people you lose the value of everything. With up to 40% of the working population jobs becoming obsolete, major changes will be needed and the only way to counter it is with job creation from innovation and society or nation will yield more with reeducation(free technical and college education).Who will profit from this tragedy other than the Pharmaceutical Companys, Corporate Hospitals, Health Insurence companies, news outlets who get ad money per click of fear, will their profits go finding a vaccine? Who is going to be able to afford/receive those tests/vaccines first other than federal workers and government officials along with their friends? There are questions then answers and those with the answers seem to dodge, fudge, and avoid the questions or put out incongruent paralleling data. According to the Washington Post the President has told 16,241 false or misleading claims. FACT
“I ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government.” ― Henry David Thorea
I fear some of us will live to see the trauma and horror in our grandchildren’s eyes and the fear, anger, sadness’s that we can not imagine emotionally at all because of our collective inaction.As time has gone on the more careless, regarding to the value of our labor, our morals, principles, dignity’ for all have been exploited, dehumanized, overworked to the point of exhaustion to not collectively paying attention or pursue truth, instead we are accepting half-truths which are full lies, and tolerating opinions are more important then facts by baby birded generational systems narrative of fear and control out greed/ego. Both are chains, a slow poison for them want to divide and conquer by feeding fear, ego, vanity, insecurity, for it is easier to control by consistently by masking all of this as normal and ok.Why do I say that? well, right now we only value, insulated, and protect a system that values things. A system where the value of the things outweigh the value of life and the labors of the living(reinforced by collective belief/desperation or inaction) Right now we are on the edge of losing the value of everything. Right now the individual's greed(ego/fear) is worth more than the collective’s values and values; labor, or natural cycles of this one planet that sustain us, and our inaction has led to complacency, and complacency has led to tolerance of what is in my view a collective assisted suicide a reaction from ignorant inaction. society’s economic structure is based on the nativity of the instant; fear-mongering vanity and gluttony. But now we MUST be patient no longer in tolerating these behaviors or feeding it with inaction. Forgive me for I am tired, tired of collective systematic lie we believe, that another way is not possible. That we can not rise to meet the tides of change and progress together, overcome our difference Because I believe we can together in #solidarity, Protest Peacefully through your wallets and labor. Strike for better standards and the safety of all.
“Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice.” ― Henry David Thoreau,
Question Time- Will the Pollin of the spring Making this worse for people with Allergies? What will Grocers do for People Facing Deadly Food Allegerys? Why aren't their Hazard pay/health benefits for many in Sanitation? What is being done to help the Homeless, the downtraut and forgotten? Why is Debt never canceled and only loans are always given to small businesses during recent times of economic crisis? With the stay at home ban going on, do you think there will be a baby boom in 9 months? Could the Stimulus’s been better served to by College Debt, Protections for Corporate Apartment Tenants from eviction and landlords who might get hit with foreclosure? Medicare for all and Tuition-free College instead of bailing out Wall st again, Hotel Industry’s, Cruise, Insert Hospitality? Will you shop at “non-essential” retail places that stayed open this risking the public and risked their workers let alone without hazard pay, a living wage, and health benefits? Do you think the powers that be, want us to be more empathetic or, apathetic? Lastly, Truth is like Poetry no one likes to hear it, yep, a Poetic posed Question.
Why in Markets is it Always, Have and Have nots. Why in Famine is it Always, Poor Eat Poor Why in War, Is it Always, Poor vs Poor. Why in Dreams is it always, Poor Vs Rich.
Let us all Occupy the Couch. Save a Life. #GeneralStrike Still he Privileged incompetent cannot come out and say hey sorry I’m incompetent so they conspire to cover up their incompetence, with excuses, and too little to late action. SO wash your hands, social distance(6 feet apart), don’t go to nursing homes, stay away from hospitals, stay away from people who have immune issues like cancer diabetes HIV, etc patients.. If you’re over 60 don’t fly. Try to do your shopping early morning or right before closing where there’s the least amount of people. Use the pharmacy drive-thru. Wash your hands before and after you smoke, eat, use the toilet, hell after you touch anything, etc. Picture it like a snowstorm. But it’s worldwide and we are 12- 18 months before we have a shovel aka vaccine according to a recent USA Today Article. They haven’t even released accurate numbers because there isn’t enough tests to give it So nobody knows how many people are infected there’s no official count because not everybody’s been screened. if we have only 100k tests. for the United State a country with a population of 300- 400 million.. But no way to test the sick. they will never be an accurate count because we weren’t prepared, not enough tests, and not enough time to backtrace to stop the spread that’s the Bottom line correct? maybe the people in power weren’t ready or didn’t care. They had the privilege to be apathetic. Based on the current recent actions, it seems they cared more about markets than they did about lives.
After everything is read I pose my question again to you my reader, “Could an argument be made, that the rich, who dress nicely, who can afford to travel, entitled and privileged that spread/create it? Was the spread of this Pandemic Caused by Privilege and Capitalism?


stay healthy, and what to do, the information they have could save your life and the life others for knowledge is power, and it can save lives. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/ https://www.who.int
submitted by universaltruthx13 to Unions [link] [comments]

(Spoilers Extended) The Problem of Bran’s Return

I think we can safely say that Bran’s return from the cave is confirmed at this point. Apart from a body snatcher scenario, which everybody should hate, Bran has to leave that cave somehow and return to the story. Bran will not be plugged to a tree in that cave forever, which has always been a fringe idea.
In this thread, I want to discuss possible ways to solve the problem of Bran’s return. Given the limited page space in TWoW vs. so much stuff that needs to happen, GRRM must be very efficient in TWoW. He must kill two birds with one stone, and he must do it over and over again. By this, I mean that he does not have the luxury of writing single, isolated subplots anymore. While solving a subplot, he must also solve another standing problem and tie as many loose ends as he can. The story should start contracting. Isolated characters should start coming together and their timelines should be synchronized. With this approach, I think GRRM can and will use Bran’s return as one of the major objectives that will interact with and drive the larger northern arc.
Why should Bran leave the cave?
I think the answer will be similar to the show. The ward that guards the cave will be breached and the Others will storm the cave. This was a logical theory on the forums long before the show did it. I don’t want to blow the OP with too much quotation and textual analysis but Bloodraven said “And now you are come to me at last, Brandon Stark, though the hour is late.”, which I always interpreted as he knows that his days are numbered. With all the Bloodraven-Odin connotations and Odin foreseeing his death, I think Bloodraven foresaw his own death and it will be soon; too soon in fact to teach Bran enough about greenseeing and the Others.
GRRM is free to figure out how exactly the ward will wear off. I will provide a theory for that. But it will happen somehow and Bloodraven will be slain. Afterwards, Bran will have his “Fly, you fools” moment.
Where to next?
After the Others start storming the cave, there are only two ways ahead: up or down. They might either get out of the caves and try to reach the Wall through the frozen wilderness; or they might dive deeper into the caves and try to find a subterranean way that can bring them to the Wall or maybe even beyond.
The show did the first one, and I think the books will differ by doing the second. The books provide even a name for this subterranean way, i.e. Gorne’s Way. GRRM laid enough foundation for Gorne’s Way to play a key part in the story (which I won’t delve into because as I said, I don’t want to dive too much into quotation and textual analysis). Escape through Gorne’s Way makes a wonderful horror story as befits Bran’s characterization and the general dark spirit of TWoW. GRRM should not be able to resist this. Furthermore, since Gorne’s Way is an uncharted and timeless place, GRRM can make Bran resurface anywhere and any time according to the needs of the story. This should also be very appealing to GRRM because it allows him to avoid problems associated with logistics, travel times and intersecting timelines.
Two birds with one stone
So far, I presented a single and isolated scenario for Bran’s return. I don’t think we can have large disagreements over the Others storming the cave and Bran returning through Gorne’s Way. Since we take Bran’s return as a given in this thread, there really aren’t many options. However, Bran simply coming back without having anything to do with the rest of the story/cast would not be interesting. Worse, that would mean waste of valuable page space. Bran’s return offers a huge potential to tie many loose ends in a climactic way and this requires GRRM play Bran’s return into the larger northern arc.
Manderly’s promise
Bran’s endgame was revealed to be a political one in the show. People rightfully complained about the lack of setup for King Bran. Long before the show, one of the ideas that I used in my outlines was to thrust Bran into northern politics. This was not well received back then. But now perhaps people will be more accepting of a Bran being part of northern politics. There is already a solid foundation for this to happen in the books.
Manderly promised to lend his support to Stannis only if Davos brings his “liege lord” back. But Rickon is not the liege lord as long as Bran lives. In a scenario where Rickon survives the Sack of Winterfell, the first thing people should have thought is that Bran must have survived as well. This never occurred to Davos (and to a lot of readers for that matter). Therefore, by formulating his condition like this, Manderly made a calculated move and tricked Davos. Even if Davos manages to bring Rickon back, Manderly can always point that Bran is the rightful liege lord in order to delay or deny his support to Stannis. The northmen (at least some of them) are willing to defeat the Boltons and restore Starks. But beyond that, nothing suggests that they are willing to fight Stannis’ wars for him or seat him on the Iron Throne. Not after losing so much in the wars before and not during this winter.
If Davos brings Rickon back, the boy will surely tell them that his brother survived the sack as well. But even before that, the news of the survival of Bran will be spreading. First of all, Theon will confess. When he is brought before the weirwood tree for execution, he will confess the truth and ask to take the black. The northmen believe that no one can lie before the heart trees. This is the only logical way to spare Theon from death and it is the only reasonable explanation for the facts stated in the Pink Letter, according to which Reek is fled and destined to the Wall. Bran met a Liddle on the way to the Wall (who is suspiciously missing from the story since then). But Morgan Liddle is in the camp of Stannis. Upon hearing Theon’s confession, he might reveal his secret, which shouldn’t be much of a secret anymore.
In the short term, there is decent setup for Stannis and the northern public to learn that Bran survived, at least the sack of Winterfell. But that does not confirm that he is alive now and it does not say anything about where to find him.
Therefore, in a post-Bolton north, even with Rickon at hand, Stannis might still not find the support he seeks if Manderly plays the technicality card. And I think it will happen exactly like that. Manderly does not seem like he will survive Winterfell but his heir and henchmen should know the deal no less than Robett Glover. They will require Stannis to bring Bran back or confirm his death before he can be ruled out of succession. Not only them but other northmen should also require a clarification for Bran’s condition. Furthermore, if Stannis tries to push Rickon as the rightful lord despite his elder brother possibly being alive somewhere, he might be revealed as a hypocrite for passing over Bran’s rights. This can only mean that when the northmen ask Stannis to confirm Bran’s state, he will grind his teeth and grudgingly accept to send a party to look for him.
The Not-So-Great Ranging
I think a ranging party will be sent to bring Bran back or confirm his death. The participants are up to speculation. I think Jon is a natural choice in this party. How exactly they will know where to look for Bran is also up to speculation (which I will discuss later). But the ranging will happen and I think this ranging is the nugget of truth in that stupid wight-hunt scenario of the show. No, they will not go ranging in order to capture a wight “alive”. They will go to find Bran. This will be dictated by the tense political situation.
After the liberation of the north, Stannis will want to use the northmen to gain territories in the south. The northmen will not be willing to go to a pointless war for the Iron Throne again. They will use the excuse of Bran’s survival. Under these circumstancesc the ranging party will be formed and sent, and with a deadline at that. If they do not return within a prescribed time, they will all be assumed dead and Rickon will be declared the Lord of Winterfell, leaving no excuse to the northmen but to follow Stannis into war. But how will they know where to go? I will be discussing it in the later sections.
Bran’s survival by Sam’s testimony
Only Sam knows that Bran survived up until the Nightfort and after that, no one knows anything. I think it is possible that Sam’s story will be cut short in the south and he will find his way to the north “at the right moment” (i.e. while Stannis and northmen are discussing what to do after defeating the Boltons) to declare that he helped Bran pass beyond the Wall. By Sam’s testimony, they can be certain that Bran is beyond the Wall, possibly hiding somewhere safe. And the northmen will tell Stannis that they need to send rangers looking out for Bran, to bring him back or confirm his death.
However, using Sam like this involves a painful synchronization process. Sam’s timeline is being synced with all the subplots in the south. Taking him out of there and bringing him to the north means his timeline will need to be calibrated for the northern subplots as well. I think Sam will still find his way to the north, rather sooner than later. But if this synchronization becomes too unwieldy, GRRM does not have to use Sam’s testimony for proving Bran’s survival up until the Wall. What I mean is that before Sam returns north, the proof of Bran’s survival and his possible whereabouts might already be revealed and the ranging party might already be sent. GRRM has other, relatively simpler options.
Bran’s survival by Meera and the boys
This was an idea Elio & Linda briefly discussed in their video about the show’s endgame. Linda suggested that for some reason, Bran might send Meera-Hodor-Summer south to tell certain people to come to the cave and bring him back. Bran might be in Hodor for most part of this journey and the Hodor thing might happen at the Black Gate of Nightfort. I think this is a logistically sound idea that can kill a lot of birds in a single shot. But there are questions like why Bran will want to leave the cave in the first place, whom he will send word to and how he can expect them to agree to help them. Also assuming that Bran sends people, is south the only way?
Now, Bran will definitely want to leave the cave when the Others breach the ward. We agreed on the attack of the Others at the beginning. But sending people for help means that Bran will want to leave the cave long before the Others break into the cave. Will GRRM reveal a vision from the future about the exact timing of the attack? Well, above I speculated that Bloodraven foresaw his death and he knows that he does not have much time, which means he should have a general idea of when to expect the attack. But will he tell Bran and the rest about this? I don’t think so.
Imagine Bran sending people who will be asking for help by saying “We saw the future and the Others will soon attack. Therefore, we need your help ASAP.” That does not seem like a bright idea for storytelling. There should be a more organic reason for sending people out of the cave. It seems that we can again make use of two birds with one stone approach here.
Two direwolves with one stone
One thing Manderly specifically required from Davos is that he also needs to bring the direwolf as proof of the boy’s legitimacy. Now, if Jon confirms the boy’s identity, the direwolf might be redundant. But maybe not. Deniers can still deny Jon on the grounds of conflict of interest (or because of Jon’s supposed oathbreaking). Or more simply, the story may not allow Jon to be reunited with Rickon for a long time but the Skagosi should make a decision soon. I think neither the Skagosi nor Osha will find Davos convincing and they will simply put him into jail as soon as he arrives, as it is starting to be a pattern with Davos.
I previously made a theory that Shaggydog will be slain at Skagos. If Shaggydog takes a mortal wound while hunting down a unicorn (he got wounded when he brought down a huge one in ADwD), Bran can see that and also understand that the imprisoned Davos has an even bigger problem in his mission. As a result, Bran might decide to send his direwolf along with Hodor and Meera so that no one can deny the legitimacy of their claims when they vouch for Davos. This provides the organic reason to send people out of the cave. Davos will stay in the dungeon until Meera arrives and tells them that he is a good man and legit.
Hardhome gorefest
It is possible to kill even more birds with the stone from the previous section, if GRRM decides to tie the Hardhome horror into this knot. To summarize our position at this point:
  1. Davos is in a Skagosi dungeon.
  2. Shaggydog is dead.
  3. Bran sent Meera/Jojen/HodoSummer to free Davos from prison and take Rickon to White Harbor.
A possible way to squeeze Hardhome gorefest into this knot is to send Meera and the boys to Hardhome first. They will try to warn the wildlings to trust Cotter Pyke and get on his ships ASAP or they will all soon get rekt. As for the situation at Hardhome, the time is not yet ripe for the Others to make the final assault, the one Mel saw in her vision. It is an established pattern that the Others proceed with minimum risk, especially to the Others that serve as generals. Wights are expendable but not the Others. Even the wights are a limited resource that should not be spent in vain. Therefore, the Others never attack in huge numbers, never take unnecessary risks but rather prefer sickness, hunger and infighting do the job of killing humans, after which they can easily raise the dead and send them against the survivors.
When Meera and the boys arrive to Hardhome and make some progress in convincing the wildlings, the Others will have to launch a premature attack or lose the chance of adding so many grunts to their ranks. This premature attack, the one that Mel saw, will kill many as the vision suggests but at the same time allow some to escape, including Meera and the boys. However, I am not certain about Jojen and Hodor. Jojen’s death which he dreads might take place at Hardhome and I think that would be a good chance to reduce the cast already. The Hodor moment might also take place here. The survivors including Meera and Summer will try to reach Eastwatch either through the coastline or on the remaining ships. From there, Meera will find a boat destined to Skagos. Once that is done, she will turn back to Eastwatch with Davos and Rickon.
The council of Grindlord
After the north is liberated from the Boltons, there will be a council at Winterfell. Davos, Osha, Rickon, Meera and Shaggydog will be present. Sam may or may not be present, depending on the speed of different parts of the story. Having Meera and Shaggydog, Sam is not essential in this council. It is in this council Bran’s survival and whereabouts will be revealed beyond a doubt. Stannis will be forced to send the not-so-great ranging party to bring Bran back.
Jon should be the first one to volunteer in this mission. Meera will tell them the location as best as she can recall but I think she will stay with Rickon at Winterfell. Summer will go with the ranger to direct them on way back. The group will be well provisioned and well prepared against the Others. They will know what to expect. I expect Val to go with Jon but more importantly, Mel will ask Stannis to be sent along. GRRM will have the POV of Davos, Jon and Mel (even Sam if he arrives in time) to narrate this council. Depending on where we get Mel’s POV (my preference would be during the journey), we will see that Mel has a secret agenda.
The Fellowship of the Wrong
I expect this ranging to be told from Mel’s POV. In ADwD, Mel saw a boy with the wolf’s head and a corpse with a wooden face, which she mistook for the enemy. GRRM is setting up an antagonism between Mel and Bloodraven/Bran by this. The aforementioned secret agenda is Mel’s suspicion that Bran might be serving the Great Other’s champion. That is why she wanted to come along.
I think this will be a good opportunity to wrap up the mystery of Benjen. As soon as the group passes beyond the Wall, Benjen will join the group a la Coldhands, with the scarf and the cold aura and whatnot. Seeing a wight brazenly serving Bran and his tutor will further flame Mel’s suspicions that Bran is indeed serving the Great Other and his champion.
Once in the cave, Mel will see Bloodraven and use her magic to burn him. She will start a fire that will quickly grow out of control and burn weirwood roots. My guess is that the burning of the weirwood roots will cause the magic ward to wear off. The Others will instantly sense it and send the wights to storm the cave. This is when the survivors will flee deep into the caves to find Gorne’s Way.
As for Mel, I have a long standing theory that Val will slay her with the Dark Sister that is in the cave. This will be the last POV of Mel. They will leave her body behind when they flee into the darkness. Unbeknownst to them, I expect the Others to revive Mel in full capacity and make her their own thrall. She will have bright blue eyes, which is why GRRM wanted a blue Mel figurine in addition to the red one.
The survivors will have to endure a literal nightmare through Gorne’s Way. They will lose the track of time. They will lose their way a lot. No doubt, GRRM will make their trip a true horror story. But in the end, they will resurface. When they do, they will learn that they have spent far too much time in the darkness of the caves. In their absence, they were all declared dead, Rickon was installed as the Lord of Winterfell and Stannis took the Northmen with the Manderly fleet to war against Dany.
I think this is a plausible scenario that does not require impossible things or stuff that was not established in the text while tying many loose ends.
Stannis will lose badly against Dany as foreshadowed in HotU. The northmen will abandon him after the defeat and declare Bran as their king. Defeated and abandoned, Stannis will retreat to Nightfort where he will be psychologically ready for the sacrifice of Shireen. At the Epilogue of TWoW, one night the blue Mel will appear at the Wall and convince Stannis to make the sacrifice. Stannis will wish for a dragon to give him power so that he can take what is his by rights and punish all those who defied him. I think Mel will indeed give him a dragon, which will be a creature of shadowbinding like the shadow assassin. Since Mel is a thrall of the Others at this point, she will make sure to have the sacrifice also cause the breaking of the Wall’s magic warding. This is much better than someone blowing a horn to bring down the Wall from the other side of the continent; or a wight dragon blowtorching the Wall.
submitted by Mithras_Stoneborn to asoiaf [link] [comments]

Workplace ordered employees out of the office due to corona spike, but still expect them to do site visits that can expose them to 1000+ people in a week. Now they're subtly applying pressure and trying to manipulate. (Chicago, Illinois)

Posting on behalf of my partner, this is not my workplace.
My partner is working at a company (she is fairly new, started in October) that partners with local food banks and one of her job duties includes going to distributions at food banks. Depending on the distribution center, there isn't always a safe way to stay socially distanced and many visitors often don't have access to PPE.
Illinois recently issued a new stay-at-home order after a spike in cases. The company ordered employees to stay out of the office until March 1st in response, but haven't cancelled these distributions where they are constantly at risk of exposure and becoming super-spreaders themselves.
My partner expressed to her company that she would not be going to these distributions as long as the virus is a concern. While there was some hesitation, the company agreed and my partner is working on many other tasks. She has been asked constantly whether she will be going to the next distribution despite her being clear every time that she would not be going to any distributions in the near future. They told her she was an essential worker, which is the first time my partner heard that term in relation to her position, but they still haven't told her directly to go to these distributions.
Today, they held their weekly zoom meeting, but the VP made a surprise visit. One colleague who covered for my partner laid it on thick that she covered for my partner and had a great time, and that volunteers were working for free. A manager announced for the first time that they prepared "Covid Kits" for them with KN-95 masks (not as effective as N95s and unclear how many), and that they were behind her desk (at the office where none of the relevant staff can go).
My partner's coworker reached out to her after the meeting to point out that he noticed how performative it seemed. He mentioned that they focused way too heavily on distributions when they usually cover more topics, and that he felt my partner was being targeted by that colleague and management. My partner is definitely being made to feel like a major inconvenience, even though the distributions have been going fine without her and she is getting a lot of work done at home.
Lastly, new distributions have her name listed on the calendar, so my partner suspects they were hoping this meeting would pressure her to give in and go. They never outright order her to go and have always said it's fine that she's not going, but they continue to pull little stunts like this every day. It's to the point that my partner is ready to leave if this continues.
Is the company violating laws here, particularly concerning them telling employees to stay home to avoid Covid but still expecting some employees to expose themselves at distributions? Does this look like harassment/retaliation? Is this worth an OSHA (or other) complaint?
submitted by getaloadofthesebeans to legaladvice [link] [comments]

Why Sex Work Isn’t Work

this is an archive of an article that is down

Why Sex Work Isn’t Work

by Lori Watson
Many in favor of the legalization of prostitution refer to it as “sex work” and employ concepts such as “consent,” “agency,” “sexual freedom,” “the right to work,” and even “human rights” in the course of making their defense.[1] Consider some of the common claims defenders of legalization advance: sex work is work just like any other form of work, only the social shame and stigma around sex prevent people from seeing it as such;[2] many (most) women[3] who sell sex chose to be there, so we should respect their choice and agency, after all they are in no different a position than someone who chooses a minimum wage job without better alternatives;[4] women choosing to sell sex is an example of sexual freedom and rejecting repressive norms that limit women’s sexuality,[5] so we should respect their sexually autonomous choices to sell sex for a living. Other defenders are more circumspect in their defense of legalization, arguing that prostitution is “the oldest profession,” isn’t going away, and so we are better off adopting a “harm reduction model.” That is, they argue that many of the harms associated with the buying and selling of sex are harms that are either a product of its illegality or can be reduced by a program of regulation that would be required if prostitution were legalized.[6] For example, they claim that legalization will reduce trafficking for purposes of sexual exploitation; they claim that legalization will increase the health and safety of women (the workers); they claim that legalization will reduce death, violence, and other abuses.[7] 📷
There is an abundance of literature rebutting these claims. Study after study shows that the primary reason that women begin selling sex for money is out of economic desperation.[8] Moreover, many women in prostitution began before the age of 18;[9] many feel trapped and feel they have no other realistic opportunities for economic survival.[10] Legalization does not come with many of the benefits its proponents suggest: it does not reduce trafficking (assuming a distinction can be made)[11]; “indoor prostitution” is not necessarily safer than “outdoor” prostitution or streetwalking, as it is called;[12] it does not provide a solution to the most vulnerable women in prostitution—immigrants—who are often excluded from regulatory procedures and licensing; it does not necessarily increase the health and safety of women—buyer’s health and STD status is not tested under legalization; legalization does not remove social stigma for the women in prostitution.[13] However, legalization does likely remove some of the social stigma for the buyers in addition to making access to women easier and less dangerous (for the buyer). Moreover, despite the common refrain calling prostitution “sex work,” many of the women in prostitution, both actively and exited, refer to it as “the life” or “a lifestyle”—the emphasis on “the life” as describing a way of being in the world, a description of the whole of one’s existence, not as something one leaves at “the office.”[14] Finally, the violence—the potential for assault, rape, and even death–endemic to prostitution exceeds the level of danger accompanying even those most dangerous of other forms of work.[15]
Many of these arguments have been made and are gaining more and more traction against the legalization (regulatory) position. More and more nation-states and international bodies are recognizing that the options for addressing prostitution aren’t simply legalization or criminalization[16]—neither of which does anything for the women in prostitution.[17] The Nordic model, in which the selling of sex is decriminalized and the buying of sex criminalized, along side social services for increasing the exit options of the women, is being increasingly adopted and considered as the best approach to combating the harms of prostitution, empowering persons in prostitution, all the while affirming a commitment to sex equality.
However, in this paper, rather than defend the Nordic Model further, as eloquent defenses are already made,[18] I wish to take seriously the claim that selling sex is “work like any other kind of work” and examine what taking this claim on its face as true would entail in the United States. In my view, there are serious problems with the regulatory approach that aims to treat women selling sex (“sex work” in their lingo) as simply a form of work like any other. To take the claim that “sex work” should be treated/regulated like any other form of work seriously, the following, at minimum, would have to be addressed:
  1. Worker Safety
  2. Sexual harassment
  3. Civil rights
In what follows, I draw on the laws of the United States regarding workers safety, sexual harassment, and civil rights to show that the claim that selling sex is work just like any other form of work is indefensible. It’s indefensible because if we apply the regulations currently applied to other forms of work to the selling and buying of sex, the acts intrinsic to the “job” can’t be permitted; they are simply inconsistent with regulations governing worker safety, sexual harassment laws, and civil rights.
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is responsible for overseeing worker safety and health in the U.S. They specify the standards for worker safety regarding in employment contexts that include exposure to blood borne pathogens and other potentially infectious materials (of which sperm counts)[19], as they are concerned with the potential transmission of HIV or Hepatitis, or other infectious diseases. The sexual acts that form the necessary working conditions for (persons) women selling sex means that routine “Occupational Exposure” is intrinsic to the “job”. Occupational exposure “means reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee’s duties.”[20] Employers must “list … all tasks and procedures or groups of closely related task and procedures in which occupational exposure occurs…” and [t]his exposure determination shall be made without regard to the use of personal protective equipment.”[21] So, presumably, every potential sex act would need to be on the list, as “tasks”, in which occupational exposure occurs, and the list needs to be made without reference to condom use because the list is required list exposure threat without reference to personal protective equipment.
Condom use certainly would be a minimum requirement for compliance with OSHA standards. However, condom use will not be sufficient to meet OSHA regulations, for: “All procedures involving blood or other potentially infectious materials shall be performed in such a manner as to minimize splashing, spraying, spattering, and generation of droplets of these substances.”[22] Condoms break, they are not foolproof. Moreover, condoms break more frequently in anal sex. The CDC states that receptive anal sex with an HIV positive person, even with a condom, represents a 100X greater risk for contracting HIV than oral sex with a condom.[23] Anal sex, with an HIV positive partner, without a condom puts the “recipient” at a 2000X greater risk for contracting HIV than oral sex with a condom.[24] Condoms, while reducing risk, does not eliminate it, nor arguably does it “minimize risk” per the OSHA standard; Condoms also don’t protect against all sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The CDC makes clear that, though condoms can reduce some STIs, they are not effective for all STIs, HPV and genital ulcers occur in places that condoms don’t cover, and hence condom use is not necessarily an effective prophylactic in all cases.[25] Moreover, we know that even where condoms are required by law, “clients” often prefer not to use them.[26] We also know that the most vulnerable among persons selling sex are the least likely to use condoms (to have the power to require purchasers of sex to use them), for example, transgendered persons and “migrant sex-workers.”[27]
Other relevant OSHA regulations that clearly would govern worker safety in a “sex work” environment:
  1. “Mouth pipetting/suctioning of blood or other potentially infectious materials is prohibited.” Note this doesn’t say is permitted with protective gear. It says prohibited. So, oral sex seems to be inconsistent with OSHA worker safety standards as applied to every other form of work.[28] Will “sex work regulations” allow an exception? And if so, what could possibly be the rationale? Will we say that worker safety is less of a concern in this industry?
  2. “Gloves. Gloves shall be worn when it can be reasonably anticipated that the employee may have hand contact with blood, other potentially infectious materials, mucous membranes, and non-intact skin…” This regulation seems to entail that “sex workers” must wear latex gloves while performing any “work task” in which their hands may come in contact with potentially infectious materials (i.e., sperm). Should this sound ridiculous to some readers, consider that the St. James Infirmary Occupational Safety & Health Handbook makes a very similar recommendation, but only for some activities. The Handbook suggests: “use latex gloves (ideally, elbow length) and lots of lube for fisting.”[29] But, this is not the only “task” in which exposure is possible or even likely. Moreover, in other fields in which exposure is possible or likely, notably medical fields, glove wearing is mandatory. Small cuts or abrasions to the skin are potential transmission sites and “minimizing risks” surely seems to demand gloves be worn at all times for all “tasks” in which exposure is possible. Hence, St. James’s Handbook goes further and states: “Because body fluids such as blood, vomit, urine, feces, saliva and semen many contain infectious organisms, protective gloves must always be worn when dealing with body fluids.”[30]
  3. “Masks, Eye Protection, and Face Shields. Masks in combination with eye protection devices, such as goggles or glasses with solid side shields, or chin-length face shields, shall be worn whenever splashes, spray, spatter, or droplets of blood or other potentially infectious materials may be generated and eye, nose, or mouth contamination can be reasonably anticipated.”[31] Ejaculation on the face of women in pornography is routine. Data for how wide spread this practice is among men who buy sex is unknown. However, we can safely assume it’s not zero. However, this practice would either be prohibited (under the OSHA minimize risk standard) or if permitted worker protection demands masks, eye protection, and face shields. If this sounds absurd, consider that among porn performers gonorrhea and Chlamydia is frequent, including such infections in the eyes.[32]
  4. “Gowns, Aprons, and Other Protective Body Clothing. Appropriate protective clothing such as, but not limited to, gowns, aprons, lab coats, clinic jackets, or similar outer garments shall be worn in occupational exposure situations. The type and characteristics will depend upon the task and degree of exposure anticipated.” While this may indeed sound absurd in the context of “sex work”, it goes to the point that the kinds of worker protections deemed necessary in every other work context, in which exposure to infection materials is possible or likely, cannot be maintained in the context in which the work is sex. One can argue that an exception can be carved out for this type of “work”, but then what does that say about the relative value of these “workers” as opposed to every other worker who is entitled to such protection? Moreover, exceptions are permitted only in “rare and extraordinary circumstances” where it is judged that health and safety are put in jeopardy by the use of personal protective equipment.[33] Even further, as noted above not all STIs can be protected against by condom use, or even gloves. “Syphilis can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact and does not require exposure to semen or vaginal fluids.” The same is true of herpes, molluscum contagiosum, and HPV, among other infectious diseases.[34] Direct skin on skin contact puts “workers” at risk. Hence, direct skin-to-skin contact is not compatible with OSHA regulations governing exposure to potentially infectious materials.
  5. In the event of exposure OHSA requires: “The source individual’s blood shall be tested as soon as feasible and after consent is obtained in order to determine HBV and HIV infectivity. If consent is not obtained, the employer shall establish that legally required consent cannot be obtained. When the source individual’s consent is not required by law, the source individual’s blood, if available, shall be tested and the results documented.”[35] This means that if any employee is exposed to a potentially infectious material, despite using personal protective equipment, the source individual (the buyer in the case of “sex” work) needs to be tested for HIV and HBV. In all of the places in which prostitution is legal it is the sellers not the buyers that are mandated for testing, which of course protects the buyer to an extent, but does nothing to protect the selleworker.
Obviously the OSHA standards were not created with sex work in mind, however that is irrelevant to the key point being made here—namely, if these are the regulations deemed necessary to protect worker safety in every other work environment in which exposure to potentially infectious material is a risk of the job, why should they not apply in the context of “sex work”? If selling sex is work like any other form of work, then the safety of these workers is just as important to protect as the safety of workers in other contexts. The retort that condom use will be required by law and that is sufficient to protect the health and safety of “sex workers” is simply not true. Condoms may reduce risk in some cases, as noted above, however they do not “minimize” risk nor do they protect against all potentially infections transmissions (STIs) as noted above. Moreover, where the selling and buying of sex is currently legal and condoms required by law–New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, parts of Nevada, e.g.—there is ample evidence of clients preferring sex without condoms, offering to pay more for sex without condoms, and a lack of enforcement among “management.”[36]
The attempt to draw attention to worker safety in the sex industry is not new. In 2012, voters in Los Angeles voted for “Measure B”—a law requiring condom use in the pornography industry as a means of protecting worker health and safety. The result of the law was not, in fact, increased worker safety. The result was that applications for permits to film in L.A. County dropped 90%; porn production companies either stopped filming in L.A. County or stopped filing for permits and continued to film illegally.[37]
The fact is the buyers drive the market, as is true generally in commercial exchanges. If the buyers don’t want to use condoms or follow other “worker safety protocols” as would be necessary to protect the safety and health of workers, then we have little reason to be confident that legalization and regulation will effectively protect those who sell sex.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is defined as “unwelcome sexual conduct that is a term or condition of employment.”[38] Such harassment can take the form of a quid pro quo (when “submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual”) or in subjecting the employee to a hostile work environment.[39] The standard kinds of cases of sexual harassment involve a supervisor or co-worker harassing, in one form or another, a co-worker. Presumably, in the context of “sex work” a supervisor or co-worker demanding sex as a condition of employment or creating a hostile work environment could be adjudicated similarly to other work contexts. A more difficult kind of case to consider in the context of “sex work” is harassment by a client. Hence, it is important to note: “The harasser can be the victim’s supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer.”[40] So, “clients” or “customers”—purchasers of sex in this discussion—can also be found to have sexually harassed someone from whom they are purchasing sex, under the current legal standards.
It is a serious question as to how sexual harassment laws can possibly be enforced in a context in which sex is a commercial exchange. Where every “job task” potentially involves unwelcome sexual conduct as a condition of employment, because sex is the job, how can we possibly enforce sexual harassment law? Will we carve out an exception for commercial sex—sexual harassment laws don’t apply in this context? Or will we continue to stand by our judgments that sexual harassment is a form of sex inequality, from which employees deserve protection? In which case, legalization of prostitution is simply incompatible with sexual harassment legislation that protects “all workers.”
To see precisely how the legalization of the buying and selling of sex is inconsistent with the logic of sexual harassment law, consider the following. First, as noted above “unwelcomeness” is the legal standard for whether some act constitutes sexual harassment. Whether the victim of the harassment voluntarily complied is not a defense to sexual harassment. “[T]he fact that sex-related conduct was ‘voluntary,’ in the sense that the complainant was not forced to participate against her will, is not a defense to a sexual harassment suit brought under Title VII. . . . . The correct inquiry is whether [the victim] by her conduct indicated that the alleged sexual advances were unwelcome, not whether her actual participation in sexual intercourse was voluntary.”[41] “The Eleventh Circuit provided a general definition of “unwelcome conduct”: the challenged conduct must be unwelcome “in the sense that the employee did not solicit or incite it, and in the sense that the employee regarded the conduct as undesirable or offensive.”[42] In the context of commercial sex, what will count at “soliciting” or “inciting” sexual conduct? Will it be because she agreed to do acts x, y, and z, she will have been found to “inciting” the acts she finds objectionable, refuses, or declares unwelcome? In other words, suppose she does agree to oral sex, vaginal sex, but refuses anal sex. Suppose the client then demands anal sex and conditions payment upon agreement. Suppose she complies—she views the overture and the act as unwelcome, it was in fact a condition of employment (payment), whether it was voluntary is immaterial to whether she was sexually harassed. She was. But why should we exempt the first acts, the prior agreed upon acts, from sexual harassment? They were unwelcome in the sense that they were done for the money—and not for reciprocal sexual enjoyment—and they were a condition of getting the money (the employment). Submitting to unwelcome sexual acts as a condition of employment—getting paid for sex—is sexual harassment; submitting to sexual harassment is the job.
Moreover, there are legal grounds for thinking that the fact that she works in the sex industry and may have welcomed some acts but not others is irrelevant to whether some specific act was unwelcomed and so harassment. Legally, the fact that someone works in the sex industry is irrelevant as to whether any specific act of harassment was unwelcome. So, we can imagine an attempted defense along the lines that “well, she works as a prostitute. So, the behavior in question could not have been unwelcomed.” However, “any past conduct of the charging party that is offered to show “welcomeness” must relate to the alleged harasser.” In other words, the only past conduct of the charging party that is relevant is conduct related to the specific individual alleged to have harassed her.
The EEOC acknowledges “A more difficult situation occurs when an employee first willingly participates in conduct of a sexual nature but then ceases to participate and claims that any continued sexual conduct has created a hostile work environment. Here the employee has the burden of showing that any further sexual conduct is unwelcome, work-related harassment. The employee must clearly notify the alleged harasser that his conduct is no longer welcome.If the conduct still continues, her failure to bring the matter to the attention of higher management or the EEOC is evidence, though not dispositive, that any continued conduct is, in fact, welcome or unrelated to work… In any case, however, her refusal to submit to the sexual conduct cannot be the basis for denying her an employment benefit or opportunity; that would constituted a “quid pro quo” violation.”[43] Assume for the moment that in the context of “sex work” agreeing to accept money for specific sex acts constitutes welcomeness—insofar as doing so can be understood to “solicit” or “incite” the agreed to acts. Under this assumption, the employee has the burden of showing that any further—unwelcome acts—are, in fact, unwelcome. Moreover, the employee must clearly notify the harasser that the conduct is unwelcome, and notify management. If we adopt the language of some of those who defend legalization, and see sex workers as “consumer service agents” engaged in “customer relations,” how realistic is it to think that the sex worker is going to be in a position to make meaningful refusals?, to notify the customer that is conduct is unwelcome?, to report to management continued harassment? We know that economic survival is the reason that people do this “work.” We also know that in work environments that aren’t sexual, sexual harassment is underreported due to fear of sanction or loss of job. Moreover, what possible sense can it make to say that “refusal to submit to the sexual conduct cannot be a basis for denying her an employment benefit or opportunity” when sex is the condition of employment?
Consider further that Courts have found the presence of “pornographic magazines.” “vulgar sexual comments” “sexually oriented pictures in a company- sponsored movie and slide presentation,” “sexually oriented pictures and calendars in the workplace,” all relevant to hostile work environment claims.[44] In Barbetta, “the court held that the proliferation of pornography and demeaning comments, if sufficiently continuous and pervasive “may be found to create an atmosphere in which women are viewed as men’s sexual playthings rather than as their equal coworkers.”[45] How could such a ruling have effect in a brothel: where pornography is used as an accompaniment to sex? Where “vulgar sexual comments” are the eroticized language of clients? Where sex is the job?
Of course, these rulings and regulations are premised upon the fact that sex isn’t the job itself. If the sex is the job, what sense can we make of the claim that treating (unwelcome) sex as a condition of employment is an instance of sexual harassment, and so sex inequality? Legalizing prostitution is not compatible with the legal recognition of sexual harassment as a form of sex inequality. And, supposing advocates argue for a carve out, an exception, for this form of “work,” what message does that convey? Some women are deserving of protection from, or legal recourse in the event of, unwanted sexual harassment while some women are not? And those that aren’t are the least advantaged of all “workers”? This reeks of the all to common view that women that prostitute themselves are whores by nature and deserve whatever they get.
Civil Rights
Although those advocating for legalization (or decriminalization) often frame their arguments in terms of the civil or human rights of “sex workers,” once sex is a regulated commercial activity the civil rights of the “clients” are legally enforceable. Businesses may not refuse service to a person on the basis of race, color, national origin/ancestry, sex/gender, religion/creed and disability (physical and mental), as a matter of Federal Law. Some U.S. states have further legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. What this means is that businesses that provide “public accommodation” are not free to deny service to anyone who is a member of such a protected classes because they are member of the protected class. To do so is to infringe upon the civil rights of the relevant person. So far, so good. But, how are we to understand this in the context of providing sex, as a commercial service, and so “public accommodation”?
If sexual autonomy is to mean anything, it has to mean the right to refuse sex with anyone, at anytime, for any reason. We may think in one’s personal life refusing to entertain the possibility of dating or becoming sexually involved with someone solely on the basis of their race, religion or disability is an undesirable preference, especially if such preferences are rooted in prejudice or animus more broadly speaking. Nonetheless, everyone has the right to choose their sexual partners on whatever grounds they subjectively judge to be relevant, including the sex and gender of any potential partner. If someone thinks they absolutely don’t want to have sex with anyone over 65, it is absolutely their right to act (or refuse to act) on that preference. We are under no obligation to have sex with someone who might be interested in sex with us. The right to refusal for any reason, whether an “admirable” reason, or not is absolute.
However, where sex is a commercial activity, considered to be work just like any other form of work, its hard to see any rationale for defending the “rights of workers” to refuse service to someone based on their subjective preferences. Should “clients” have the right to sue brothels or particular women for “refusing service” based on their membership in a protected class? If this sounds absurd, consider the evidence New Zealand’s Prostitution Reform Act (PRA) offers: In a report following up on the PRA, five years after its passage, the Review Committee queries, among other things, the ability of “sex workers” to refuse sexual services to a particular client. They found that 60% of “sex workers” felt more able to refuse sex with a particular client than prior to the passage of the PRA, which, of course, means 40% did not feel more able to refuse sex with a particular client.[46] In interviewing both brothel owners and “sex workers”, the Committee reports that although “workers” have “right” to refuse a particular client both “workers” and owners held that refusal was acceptable “only with a good reason.” One brothel owner is quoted as saying, “We won’t allow nationality to be the reason—they [the women selling sex] don’t have a right to discriminate.”[47]
Hence, where sex is a “job like any other,” a regulated commercial exchange, the “providers” are cannot be legally free to refuse clients in protected classes on grounds of their membership in the protected class. Refusing to have sex with anyone over 65 is age discrimination, where sex is a job like any other. Similarly, refusing to have sex with someone because of their sex (or gender or transgender status, where protected) is also potentially a civil rights violation of the client. This argument, more than any other, I think exposes the fault lines of the “sex work is work like any other form of work” argument. Refusing sex is not like refusing to serve someone dinner, do their nails, cut their hair, or other forms of “personal service.” Refusing to give someone a manicure on grounds of their race, age, sex, etc. is a gross refusal to treat them as an equal person. It is, in fact, to treat them unequally and to deny their basic civil rights. Refusing to have sex with someone, on any grounds, is simply not parallel. Refusing to have sex with someone does not make them unequal, civilly or otherwise.
Beyond the arguments I have presented here there are further questions raised by a system of legalization. Where it is legal to include sex as a condition of employment (in sex work), other types of job descriptions may be redefined to include sex. How will we draw the line? Or is sex potentially legitimate part of any job description? Where welfare or unemployment benefits require recipients to accept available work, will sex work be required of people (women) in lieu of public assistance? Under current contract law, failure to perform agreed upon services is a violation of the terms of the contract and may demand compensation or penalties for the party refusing to fulfill the contract: will this extend to “sex work” contracts?[48] Simply extending the regulations that currently cover employment law, contracts, and other public benefits to “sex work” reveals the implausibility of the slogan “its work just like any other form of work.”
One of the primary motivations for the legalization argument is the desire to reduce harm among persons in prostitution, although as noted above many of the harms associated with the selling of sex will not be removed or reduced with legalization, and some, indeed may be exacerbated. However, the harms associated with the criminalization of the selling of sex—arrest, incarceration, inability to report the crimes of rape, assault, and other forms of violence—need to be addressed. Even worse, under systems of criminalization of the selling of sex, vulnerable persons (largely, women) are made more vulnerable to assault and coercion into sex by police officers, the very people charged with “protecting” them against such abuses.[49] The answer to these harms is not legalization. Rather, it is the full decriminalization of the selling of sex. However, a commitment to sex equality, to the full social, civil, and political equality of prostituted persons does not entail providing buyers full, unfettered legal access through a system of legalization. The buyers—the demand—fuel the system of inequality that keeps prostitution flourishing. Criminalization of the buying of sex is an essential element of addressing the harms of prostitution, and the harm that is prostitution. We need the kind of Copernican Revolution the Nordic Model embodies.
Lori Watson is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of San Diego. She works at the intersection of political philosophy, philosophy of law, and feminist theory. She is currently writing a monograph with Dr. Christie Hartley tentatively titled Feminist Political Liberalism.
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risk management definition osha video

RiskX: The risk management process - YouTube Hazard Identification - The Safety Inspection - YouTube Hazard and Risk -- What's the difference? - YouTube Workplace Safety - OSHA - Safety at Work - YouTube What are the Risk Management Process Steps - YouTube Introduction to Risk Management - YouTube Hazard vs Risk - YouTube Risk Assessment  Planning to Use Fall Protection ...

Risk assessment is a step in the OSH risk management process. Important concepts. Important concepts in risk management are the concepts of hazard and risk. A hazard is a source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, or a combination of these. Therefore, a hazard can be anything present in the workplace that has the potential to cause an injury to workers, either a work accident or an occupational disease. The objective of a risk management policy is to formalize a common sense approach to risk management and safety risk analysis/assessment. An organization should use a formal, disciplined, and documented decisionmaking process to address safety risks in relation to high-consequence decisions impacting the complete product life cycle. When resources are limited, implement measures on a "worst-first" basis, according to the hazard ranking priorities (risk) established during hazard identification and assessment. (Note, however, that regardless of limited resources, employers have an obligation to protect workers from recognized, serious hazards.) Risk assessments are very important as they form an integral part of an occupational health and safety management plan. They help to: Create awareness of hazards and risk. Identify who may be at risk (e.g., employees, cleaners, visitors, contractors, the public, etc.). Determine whether a control program is required for a particular hazard. Risk is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience an adverse health effect if exposed to a hazard. It may also apply to situations with property or equipment loss, or harmful effects on the environment. For example: the risk of developing cancer from smoking cigarettes could be expressed as: A common definition of risk is an uncertain event that if it occurs, can have a positive or negative effect on a project’s goals. The potential for a risk to have a positive or negative effect is an important concept. Risk Assessment Learning Objective Upon completion of this unit you will understand how to identify hazards and assess risks for your dairy operation. Learner Outcomes: 1. there are thousands of at 2. Understand that behind each fatality or serious injury -risk behaviors and unidentified hazards that contributed to the incident. Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling threats to an organization's capital and earnings. These threats, or risks, could stem from a wide variety of sources, including financial uncertainty, legal liabilities, strategic management errors, accidents and natural disasters. IT security threats and data-related risks, Risk Management. First, let’s start with Risk Management. According to the Marquette University Risk Unit, risk management is the continuing process to identify, analyze, evaluate, and treat loss exposures and monitor risk control and financial resources to mitigate the adverse effects of loss. Definition - What does Risk Management mean? Risk management is a systematic approach to manage workplace hazards. It is a key component in any organizational management that identifies, evaluates and determines the means of reducing risks to an acceptable level to protect employees, visitors, third party contractors, casual laborers, people who remain physically present at workplace and the environment.

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RiskX: The risk management process - YouTube

Every business, organization, group, or community faces both hazards and risks. Oftentimes the words ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ are interchanged. However a hazard a... Online Course:https://osha.oregon.gov/edu/courses/Pages/hazard-identification-online-course.aspxHazard Identification Topic page: https://osha.oregon.gov/Pag... Learn the steps to effectively creating a risk management plan. Click the link to view our free online training course: https://osha.oregon.gov/edu/courses/Pages/fall-protection-online-course.aspx🔴 Subscribe for more fr... Full Course ..... https://www.qualitygurus.com/link/riskmanagement/Here are timestamps for you below for your convenience:0:56 - Topics covered1:10 - Defini... RiskX: Risk Management for Projects on edX by the University of AdelaideLearn how to manage risk in your organization by using the best processes and procedu... What is risk, and what's the difference between hazard and risk? It's pretty important when it comes to decisions that affect your health and safety.An upda... Workplace Place Safety: Safety at Work. This educational video focuses on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The video explains the pu...

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