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Tom hanks and Corona, a Synchromystic map.

HANX. Or Thanks or Tom Hanks has been Infecting just about just about every “fringe” event of sub-series of conspiracy communities. With all the hoopla surrounding him currently I wanted do dive back a couple years to some of the down right ODD things in connection with Mr Hanks.
From the top I will mention the various point where Tom or connected parties showed up in the particular research I was doing.
First big series of hanks sync weaving was to do when I was researching the Mandela effect and the prominent position Hanks has as a Nexus of effects.
If you are unfamiliar with the Mandela effect then essentially is a a series of pop culture points that have been altered or a wide collection of people have noticed a change from their memory of a particular specific point.
Weather or not it is faulty human memory or something else is up for debate but what is not up for debate is the rampant and creative ways the Mandela effects connect to Tom Hanks.
I made this post as a way of explaining how to play with words and symbolism, ways of looking at things as a puzzle.
Here is a bit of what that looks like.
Mandel means Almond, An almond is the Mandorla, Mandelas prisoner number is 46664 but used to be 4664 according to some. Cern is said to be responsible or at least involved in some way and their video “Happy” Has Both Nelson Mandela and 4664 (the occluded Prisoner number) Cerns logo has the 666 theme as well as being Mandela effected as well and the effect added a mandorla. Cern built the WWW or 666 vav vav vav 777/ which is also the Monster energy drink logo. LOGOS changing LOGOS is the WORD and the thing that was with God during creation. The levels of fractal metaphor are stunning to me. Staggeringly beautiful not just in their existence but the fact that conscious minds can behold it.
Isnt it funny that Jaws (villian) and Jaws(shark) are both to do with The mouth and teeth and the ME involves braces... And that the dolly/jaws scene had them mirror each others smiles, like in snow whites mirror mirror. and that the actress who plays dolly is Blanche Ravelec. Blanche means White/pure. As does Clarice In the Silence of the lions/lamb.... loins fruit of the womb. froot looms loony looms..... the double 00 thing oo like eyes that see.
Sally fields name is effected, her famous Oscar speech is effected, she costars in forest gump which has curious George as a key element and sally field being the one Tom hanks is quoting, he would then be involved in another ME later on. And sally fields brother works at cern... Tom hank is also Woody and Says “Theirs a Snake in my Boots” which contextually makes no sense and reminds us of the Fields not having a plural.. Another way to look at that is “Boots” could be interpreted as a word.. and the Snake is S s is a snake a snake hissessssss los of ssess lol The s on the end can also denote possession (again more S'es) possession is ownership and ownership is shackling and oppressive. You may also be reminded of Field of Dreams “If you build it THEY/HE will come (who is he?) HE is right in the middle of THEY TY thank you... and back to the start with the fact sally fields acceptance speech was her saying thank you to the academy.
This may appear to be nonsense or gibberish but if you had the time and knew the things I was referencing then you would be able to see the connections.
Of Course this is just nothing as it is. But then the universe nods to us this genuine morsel.
Why is Tom Hanks turning the Large Hardron Collider at CERN back on? What is the movie that he is promoting?
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown the continuation of Robert Langdons Symbologist tour all around the world to uncover exotic secrets and truths.
The next in the series is.

Langdon and Brooks figure out that Zobrist, who was obsessed with Dante, has created a viral superweapon he has dubbed "Inferno", with the potential of annihilating half the world's population. In the meantime, they have been traced by both Vayentha and agents from the World Health Organization (WHO),

The craziest part about the LHC CERN connection is that I didn't see it back when I was deeply diving into Tom hanks and the Mandela effect. That fact came later along with this particular nugget I have seen no one reference.
The MANDEL effect is the precursor to quantum computing.
My wife comes in and mentions that she got an ad for the movie Splash with Tom hanks, while I am Knee deep in looking into “Red Shoes”
I started looking into this movie because of the notable Calling Card that Hanx has developed on twitter. He has posted pictures of lone gloves, shoes and other discarded or lost objects. Its kind of his “Thing”
I first had this brought to my attention due too my research into the Death of Issac Kappy. Which is another completely bonkers rabbithole that covers Epstein and leads to the death of researcher Tracey Twymin.
Kappy had called out some folks in his various videos before his death.
ANNNNDD HOLY FUCK what is this!?
Whelp this is new too me. Damn strange , The way hes propped up and the fact the time stamp in the video is 2 mins before he is noted as jumping off the bridge as there was supposedly a group of 6 or 7 teenagers on the bridge attempting to stop him.
Did anyone notice the song playing in the background.”When Im gone” by 3 doors down....
Why is this anything pertaining to Tom Hanks?
Tom hanks posted a picture of a discarded glove with the caption “Historic Route 66. Roadkill? I hope not! Hanx. “
This was on 4-4-2018 and 40 days(5 weeks 5 days) before Kappys death on Route 66.
2 posts later on the day that Kappy died Hanks posts
Look up the significance of handkerchiefs.
That wasn't what I expected but it fits in.
It looks like Hanx twitter is where a lot the juicy conspiratorial coincidences lie.
Make not of all of the posts made from 3-13-20 and beyond and you will see that there is a pattern to the posting style not present before.
Before 3-11-20 he posted inside the ap using the twitter posting ap, and writing the post and attatching a picture.
After 3-11-20 all of his posts where he writes a blurb are pictures of text with pictures embedded With this seeming like the post he had been destined to post this whole time. The lone glove in bio-hazard waste bin.
And then drops this gem of a post.
Haha oh my, so ironic that I brought my CORONA typewriter all the way to Australia only to get the CORONAvirus.
“My wife has won 6 straight hands of gin rummy and leads by 201 points.”
This first thing that jumped out is 201.
Taking place in NYC on Oct 18-19 by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. (who are also involved with Vaccines and ID2020, and global management systems.)
Nov-17-19 was the first traced case of the Corona-virus Covid-19
This simulation was based on the Coronavirus from Pigs in 2019
Now we are in the year of the RAT. Which is quite heavily intoned with the black plague
The phrase "black death" (mors nigra) was used in 1350 by Simon de Covino or Couvin, a Belgian astronomer, who wrote the poem "On the Judgment of the Sun at a Feast of Saturn" (De judicio Solis in convivio Saturni), which attributes the plague to a conjunction) of Jupiter and Saturn. Hmm that is indeed interesting as I am aware that there is a Great Conjunction this very year, the year of the Rat. And the Year of the Coronavirus.
This conjunction is taking place on the solstice which is quite significant.
May-31-2000 was our last great conjunction and can you see how the world is so much different from that point in time. And we can suspect that this point in 2020 is yet another turning point into a “New Normal”
Note that Dante Alighieri was very involved with astrology and had a penchant for the Great conjunctions in particular. And He was the inspiration of the movie INFERNO with Tom hanks trying to prevent a global outbreak intended to reduce the population to save the planet. …......................................................................................................................... Here is a point of note. I am browsing this wiki for the first time and I am seeing this nugget.
Pope Boniface quickly dismissed the other delegates and asked Dante alone to remain in Rome. At the same time (November 1, 1301), Charles of Valois entered Florence with the Black Guelphs, who in the next six days destroyed much of the city and killed many of their enemies. A new Black Guelph government was installed, and Cante dei Gabrielli da Gubbi was appointed podestà of the city.
Podesta really..... I had no idea this name meant anything, really never looked into it, even though I have an obsession with names and the meanings of said names, I had not sought this.
Ok I seem to be diving into other trails in this Warren of rabbit holes.
Back too Event 201 and Tom hanks game with Rita Wilson where 6 games in is ahead 201 points.
What is this? 6201.................... 6 games 201 points...... bill signed into law the day you and Rita Wilson tested positive for corona virus in Australia with your CORONA typewriter?
So we have a grand convergence of coincidence. 1 with event 201 coming before HR 6201 is passed and 2 with the rummy game hanks played with his wife referencing said bill.
MADAME X is Madonnas alter ego that she created these past couple years. And she had an interesting back to her album cover that came out last year.
The album releasing in June of 2019 has a picture of Madame wearing gloves and typing on a Corona Typewriter, the same typewriter that hanks brought with him too Australia.
Too add more synchromystic stuff too the mix we have this
I searched for Tom hanks and found this post from Typewriters and its simply an autographed Typewriter but altogether a nod that Im on the right path.
OH fuckin Kay I guess this means something
You may mention above I said my wife came In in and mentioned the Tom hanks Movie splash.
Directed by
Babaloo Mandel? Baloo and Mandel, for real? Mandel like the Mandel effect and the Mandela effect. And Baloo like the character from the jungle book who is not wearing coconuts as a bra anymore?
Look up “Baloo Mandela effect” and you'll see what I mean.
This stood out too me because of course Tom hanks connection too the Mandela effect through notably the Most Mandela effects attributed to his name and works. But I didn't think it was 'Enough” to share here.
So after seeing Madonna and Tom hanks connected via the Corona Typewriter I googled . “Tom Hanks and Madonna”
OK so the other film by Babaloo Mandel that stood out as another Tom hanks flick was this movie .
Im getting long winded and as always there is more left out then I have presented it too you as their really is no way of condensing this so that you acquire the full picture.
I end with a question?!!!
What was Madonnas name before she changed it too MADONNA for the purposes of being a star?
Well that's not actually the end because we need to wrap this baby up in swaddling clothes.
Tom hanks wife is Rita Wilson...................... Wilson you say?! Hmmm well the vollyball in CAST AWAY must have been named after her... right????
In the film, Wilson the volleyball) serves as Chuck Noland's personified friend and only companion during the four years that Noland spends alone on a deserted island. Named after the volleyball's manufacturer, Wilson Sporting Goods, the character was created by screenwriter William Broyles, Jr While researching for the film, he consulted with professional survival experts, and then chose to deliberately strand himself for one week on an isolated beach in the Gulf of California, to force himself to search for water and food, and obtain his own shelter. During this time, a volleyball washed up on shore. This was the inspiration for the film's inanimate companion. From a screenwriting point of view, Wilson also serves to realistically allow dialogue in a one-person-only situation
Here is a prime example of synchronicity that when brought up to someone not exposed to these ideas they would come back at you with “Well its prolly because his wife was named Wilson” and then the door is shut for them they don't have to take on any new ideas or modify there existing foundation of reality. If you tell anyone a small peculiar fact then they inevitably try and “Solve” what you just told them. They have to organize the new information in a way that doesn't cause uncomfortability or stress. The human brain seems to have an Autonomic response to new information that doesn't jive with the world view that person has built up over the years.
Mention any Mandela effect and someone will try and come up with a reason to ignore what you are presenting to them. The effects themselves are in such mundane places that it doesn't seem to have much weight to the average Joe.
It seems like many people fall into the logical fallacy of the “Wisdom of the Crowd” Even if they have no concept of what this is they may still fall into its tenants.
Take any of the biggest conspiracies out there. The moon landing, 9-11, flat earth. The bigger and more wide spanning the conspiracy then the more “Well, if this is real then people would have said something about it” “You couldn't keep a secret that big” “Somebody in my life would have told me if X was True/False.” Have you seen the meme from xfiles with the poster Mulder has saying “I want to believe” with a flying saucer on it. Thats what this is like. But the train goes both ways. “I want” and “I dont want. “
Both of these Mantras play out in our heads unbeknownst to our recognition. A duel play on what we wish reality to be and what we wish it not to be. As want and unwant are dualistic sides of the same coin. For someone that believes 9-11 was an inside job. “I want to believe” that I among all these other people on this planet found out that this large sector of society has been duped and I am one of the few people smart enough to have figured it out.
For someone who thinks 9-11 conspiracy theorists are insane. “ I dont want to believe I have been duped by the establishment and that everything I have been taught and all the people that I love have been duped into believing an untruth.”
I think this is mainly something that stems from our human need for others to identify with and a tribe to call home. And to have our beliefs echoed by another group. To be acknowledged as a contributor to the paradigm and to feel validated by others that feel the same way.
Its like we are innately narcissistic creatures who love our own images. We find those most similar to us and we just stare at each other reflecting the same ideas and producing a greater dived between US and THEM.What it comes down to is life's great mystery. Which takes shape in questions we ask ourselves: ” Why do I exist?” “Why is reality a thing instead of a non-thing?” “What is my purpose?”
Instead of “what is my purpose?” it becomes “Is there even a purpose?”
Mainstream elements give us Relativity, The Big Bang, and Evolution.
If a human delves into and absorbs these tenants of culture, then one may come to the conclusion that reality is the result of a freak accident of random number of infinite forces coming together and creating everything you know and love and think and do. That it is all a fluke and you are just lucky..... but luck doesn't exist because this is a random universe and nothing lies deeper than surface exploration.
To identify Self you must also have the Other. The contrast creates the existence of a thing.Imagine 2 worlds, one of infinite shadow and one of infinite light. The one of infinite shadow would be a black slate and the world of light a white slate. Without contrast everything is nothing. Sense without the lack of sense is Nonsense. A world of pure sound or silence is a world where sound isn't a thing that exists. If you ask the question. “What is a thing” the answer would be the inverse of its opposite. What is an exhale. It is the inverse of an inhale. But what is that? It is a see saw..... seeing and after seeing sawing. SAW because it WAS. Its like pIng pOng In and Out IO overlapped is the symbol for power. On/Off. Imagine a hero without a villain. The story of Batman is a prime example of the balancing force of the universe. Without the Joker he would have never experienced the trauma to become the batman, its very possible that if the joker had not killed his parents that he would not have had fear in the cave with the bats. Joker was the primeval creation force alchemizing the batman into existence.
And then you ask would the Joker have done what he did if he didn't have a nemesis to combat against... a force to emphasize his existence
This reality/ game seems like a puzzle of disCERNment. That the presence of so many untruths shows us the massive amounts of truths that can be yielded. The shadows can show us where the light lies.
I see this when I go to CNN today to see that Tom and Rite are at home safe and sound.
Why does she make a video holding a book that she is not reading and making sure to show the title in the scene.
Enders Game, Or is it the End Game of the end times ala Thanos Snap reducing the worlds population.
I read this book in high-school.
Im sure more people are saying whats dat book she readin in dere.
The book is a story of a dystopian future where children are raised on video games and are chosen based on their aptitude to be brought into the military and as a part of their training they do a series of “Wargames” via simulations systems and Haptic feedback suits for realism. SPOILER ALERT! The simulations they were performing were actual drone battle missions where they were killing actual sentient creatures.
The psychology of getting kids to perform against actual foes with the knowledge that it was all a game made them more proficient in their duty to kill.
Ok lets reel it back for a
Tom hanks is involved or a focal point in the Mandela effect phenomenon present in Forrest Gump Life is/.was like a box of chocolates, Apollo 13 Houston we have/we've had a problem, Woody from toy story says “There's a snake in my boot/s ,Momma from Forrest Gump is played by sally field/s whose name is considered a Mandela effect and has a famous Oscar speech that is commonly attributed to the Mandela effect and Sally Fields brother in real life is a scientist at CERN. CERN makes a video set too Pharrells Happy that is filmed at Cern and a scientist holds up signs saying Bond# (Barry Nelson) and Mandela underneath, also showing the number 4664
Tom hanks then turns CERN back on after a failure that had occurred. He did this in honor of a movie Angels and Demons whos sequel INFERNO has Hanks catch a virus set to be a worldwide pandemic for the purposes of population control for the greater good. In Nov of 2019 one month before the first documented case of Novel Coronavirus Event 201 is hosted in NYC by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. And on 3-11-2020 the same day Hanks and Rita announce they are infected with Corona virus, after bringing a Corona typewriter all the way to Australia. Then Hanks announces his wife's score of 6 games 201 points. When 6201 if you google it will get you one thing.
Hanks is called out in a video also calling out Epstein and others involved in the underground trafficking of children, This person is then killed/died/epstiened on route 66 which Tom hanks Tweets about.
There is some funky stuff going on in the world and to be blunt there are 3 options. And then variations between those 3 options.
The extremes are
  1. This is all orchestrated and everything presented through the public is controlled/filtered and dispensed with one purpose. All news media and things that people talk about are intricately put together to share some underlying puzzle.
Ways this could be feasible: this is a simulation and everything is preordained and put in place with no free will to the occupants in the simulation.
Ways it couldn't be feasible. Barring a simulation it just would not cut it to have any sort of person or group in charge of such a thing, its too well orchestrated for human hands.
I suppose a god of the realm in control of such things could perform such a feat..... but why?
  1. This is all the universe playing a coincidence game, a red herring game of sorts to keep some busy and others asleep. Like if Tom hanks really got the itch to bring his Corona typewriter and he and his wife did actually play games of Gin Rummy that resulted in the 6 games 201 points with Event 201 being finished and HR 6201 just passing the same day they are infected with coronavirus.
This is just one facet of the coincidental underlying tapestry that paints itself underneath human activity.
Within this post I detail some stellar findings/coincidences that bear repeating here.
And here Is one of the most incredible coincidence blocks ive ever seen.
What are the odds that is is 666.6 nautical miles between the Kaaba and The Temple Mount of Jerusalem?
What are the odds that 666. Nautical miles =1234.56432 Kilometers ? You have the sequential united with the repetitive number sequences married by a relationship between the size of the earth and the speed of light.
What are the odds of Stanley Kubrick writing a movie that feature 2001 as a key plot point and in this film show a man “Dave Bowman” play chess against HAL which is 1 letter transliterated from IBM and that 666 days before Stanley Kubrick's death IBM's Deep Blue beats Gary Kasparov at chess and that 666 days after Stanley Kubrick's death is the Dawn of the 21st Century 2001. To tie all that up Kubrick References 666 through the occulted wink of the number that is missing. as Officer # 665 and 667 are apprehending the main droog of the story.
What are the odds that Wilson the volleyball is not named after Rita Wilson, his wife who kept her last name. But is instead named because the Writer stranded himself on an island and a Wilson Volleyball washed up onshore. This is the type of coincidence that bars any human forethought or knowledge to arranging. One of those universal winks in the form of syncs.
Look for my post history and you will find hundreds of WTF how is this a coincidence facts that could be both coincidence/divine providence/ or the will of man.
Oh yeah and the 3rd Extreme way of looking at this data I have presented here and in the past is to just shut the door and say.
“Nothing” none of this means anything at all and you are just thinking too much or looking too deep.
The most likely is a synergy of these 3 points. There maybe a controlling organization or AI program controlling the media and news, film and music. But there is most likely a clever universal side of things projecting the ironic in these peculiar times. And im sure some of this is just digging to deep as everything is intrinsically connected .
What cant be stated is the data presented is incorrect(unless it is,im not perfect) it is our interpretation of the data that differs, im not making any conclusions, im only discussing options and possibilities.
submitted by qwertycoder to conspiracy [link] [comments]

To those agents still wanting to protect DC and NYC but are struggling with TU8...

While this is a very unpopular opinion, you can't play Division 2, TU8 like you played Division 2, pre-TU8 and expect to have the same level of success.
I posted a reply to another thread that kind of got away from me so I decided to expand upon it in it's own separate thread. I am a veteran of The Division (around 500 hours) and Division 2 (700 hours) and Looter-Shooter games in general like Path of Exile and the Borderlands series (over 1000 hours in each of those). I am also a full-time embedded engineer and Dad of 4 kids (3 of whom love to sit and watch me play said looter-shooters) so I have a lot of other responsibilities and can't "no-life" games.
I come here to this subreddit every day, multiple times a day - sometimes commenting and sometimes just lurking - and it's hard not to notice all the salt and vinegar from the many bugs to most recently the Ban Hammer for those who allegedly used one of several glitches over the last few weeks. Before I get into the meat of the post, I want to acknowledge some things that are wrong with the game that should probably be fixed (none of this is new):
I fully recognize that there are way more issues and bugs but these are the ones that I think really detract from what the game could be. Having said that, I am respectfully asking that people not comment about any of the above issues or really any other gripe related to the game unless it's related to how you had to change how you played the Division 2 after TU8 dropped. Like the title of the post, I am interested in hearing from two groups of agents who are continuing to enjoy TU8 while recognizing there are serious issues:
  1. Agents who have had to change how they play the Division 2 from how they played pre-TU8 to be successful
  2. Agents who are struggling with gear, enemy AI, or the new mechanics in TU8 but want to continue playing
There are plenty of other posts to choose from if you want to complain about everything that is wrong with the game; this is not one of them.
If I haven't lost you yet, this post is broken up into two sections: one section that deals with how I had to change how I played and another that goes over a couple builds that I'm currently using solo to be successful.
TU8 brought a drastic change in not only the gear and RPG system, but to enemy AI, enemy health and armor, and enemy damage. Prior to TU8, a well-geared Agent could face-tank most enemies and come out with most of their armor in-tact as long as it was effectively, a 1v1 scenario. With the combinations of gear and weapon talents, it was fairly easy to put a build together that had fantastic sustain and output high amounts of damage. Skill builds were also a thing. You could sit back and spam Cluster Seekers and Stinger Hive and wait for them to completely clear a room; rinse and repeat. There were a number of skilled agents who could solo the Heroic Invaded missions and many who didn't really have a problem with CP4's.
The release of TU8 changed that. Enemies were tankier and did more damage in addition to being more aggressive. There were new enemy types, specifically the new war dog variants, that were constantly forcing you out of cover. When I first started playing WoNY, it was a bit jarring. I wasn't used to getting completely rekt on Hard mode. I realized though that I was still trying to play TU8 like I was used to playing prior to the update and I needed to change. Below are some of the many lessons I learned to be more successful in The Division 2, TU8.

I don't necessarily agree with the sentiments that there is no build diversity. Yes - there are builds that are essentially Best-in-Slot but that doesn't mean that you can't put a well-rolled build together that is more than capable of clearing solo Heroic content. The 3 builds I'm sharing are ones that I've used successfully in-game to complete Heroic content solo; none of them are completely optimized. While I can get through a lot of Heroic activities / missions without dying, there are some that are way more difficult than others and will take multiple deaths before I finish them.
Build #1: LMG + Shotgun with Sustain for Days
I made a post about this the other day; you can find it here.
Build #2: MMR, Death from Afar
Mask: D&H Punch Drunk with God-rolled MMR Dmg, HSD, and Armor Regen with a 9% HSD mod
Chest: Airaldi Pristine Example with God-rolled WD, 6.7% Status Effects, 7.6% HZP, Perfect Focus, and a 9.5% HSD mod. This is by far, the weakest piece in this build.
Backpack: Ceska Vyroba with God-rolled WD, CHD, CHC, and a 12% Protection from Elites mod with Concussion
Gloves: Airaldi with God-rolled WD, HSD, and 7.8% HZP
Holster: Providence with God-rolled WD, CHD, and Armor Regen
Knees: Providence with God-rolled WD, Armor Regen, and 9.1%CHD
Primary: Paratrooper SVD with God-rolled MMR Dmg, HSD, Health Dmg, and Ranger
Secondary: Artist's Tool with 10% WD and God-rolled CHD and CHC with Perfect Rifleman or Diamondback
Sidearm: Mozambique Special with God-rolled Pistol Dmg and 7.5%CHC with Perfect Breadbasket
Skills: Blinder Firefly and Defender Drone
Specialization: Sharpshooter
This is a straight-forward damage build that has some sustain due to the 15K / sec regen. Yeah - it doesn't seem like a lot but every little bit helps. There are some CP4's / missions that this build excels with, pretty much anything that gives you room to kill from distance, others that it performs very, very poorly. I spend a lot of time repositioning to avoid melee mobs and grenadiers.
Build #3: 6-Skill-Tier Explosive Sticky + Assault Turret non-HW build
Mask: Hanu-U with +1 Skill Tier and God-rolled SH and SD with a 9% HSD mod (ideally I'd like to replace the Red Mod)
Chest: System Corruption with 150K armor and God-rolled SD with a 12% Protection from Elites mod (2-pc System Corruption gives 15% AoK)
Backpack: Acosta's with +1 Skill Tier, 8.2%SH, 7.8%SD, with a 10.8%SH mod. The rolls on this backpack aren't great but I'm not going to complain since a kind soul dropped it for me during Federal Emergency Bunker.
Gloves: System Corruption with +1 Skill Tier and 8.2%SH
Holster: China Light with +1 Skill Tier and God-rolled Status Effects and SD
Knees: Hanu-U with +1 Skill Tier and God-rolled SH and Armor Regen
Primary: Surge with 12% Rifle Dmg, 13%CHD, and God-rolled DtH
Secondary: The Send-Off with God-rolled Shotgun Dmg, 10%DtA, and 7% CHD with Perfect Distance and Perfectly Rooted
Sidearm: Liberty with God-rolled Pistol Dmg and 4% Damage to Targets Out-of-Cover
Skills: Assault Turret and Sticky Bomb
Specialization: Technician
This build is far from optimized but it does get the job done. Playstyle is deploy turret, throw grenade (proc Acosta's), shoot with Surge to get HS (proc Perfect Spike) go to cover (proc Perfectly Rooted), and then let loose with the Explosive Sticky Bomb. You should see the turret's damage increase as you start to stack more of the proc's. I've seen the turret hitting for around 130K / shot. With all three proc'd, the Explosive Sticky is hitting for around 5 million. Before I got Acosta's, I was using an Alps with Combined Arms. If I could replace the System Corruption with two skill-based pieces that both had God-rolled Armor Regen, I would. Over time, that would be stronger than the AoK.
The goal of this post is in no way meant to diminish any of the problems or issues the game has had or currently has; some of them are quite egregious. It is also in no way meant to "call-out" those players who are struggling with the content by telling them to "Get Gud". The changes to TU8 dramatically affected how Agents need to approach the content and be successful. I hope some of you found this helpful. If I missed anything, please feel free to post your tips and suggestions.
submitted by jjones8170 to thedivision [link] [comments]

Tom hanks and Corona, Kappy, and the mandela effect.

HANX. Or Thanks or Tom Hanks has been Infecting just about just about every “fringe” event of sub-series of conspiracy communities. With all the hoopla surrounding him currently I wanted do dive back a couple years to some of the down right ODD things in connection with Mr Hanks.
From the top I will mention the various point where Tom or connected parties showed up in the particular research I was doing.
First big series of hanks sync weaving was to do when I was researching the Mandela effect and the prominent position Hanks has as a Nexus of effects.
If you are unfamiliar with the Mandela effect then essentially is a a series of pop culture points that have been altered or a wide collection of people have noticed a change from their memory of a particular specific point.
Weather or not it is faulty human memory or something else is up for debate but what is not up for debate is the rampant and creative ways the Mandela effects connect to Tom Hanks.
I made this post as a way of explaining how to play with words and symbolism, ways of looking at things as a puzzle.
Here is a bit of what that looks like.
Mandel means Almond, An almond is the Mandorla, Mandelas prisoner number is 46664 but used to be 4664 according to some. Cern is said to be responsible or at least involved in some way and their video “Happy” Has Both Nelson Mandela and 4664 (the occluded Prisoner number) Cerns logo has the 666 theme as well as being Mandela effected as well and the effect added a mandorla. Cern built the WWW or 666 vav vav vav 777/ which is also the Monster energy drink logo. LOGOS changing LOGOS is the WORD and the thing that was with God during creation. The levels of fractal metaphor are stunning to me. Staggeringly beautiful not just in their existence but the fact that conscious minds can behold it.
Isnt it funny that Jaws (villian) and Jaws(shark) are both to do with The mouth and teeth and the ME involves braces... And that the dolly/jaws scene had them mirror each others smiles, like in snow whites mirror mirror. and that the actress who plays dolly is Blanche Ravelec. Blanche means White/pure. As does Clarice In the Silence of the lions/lamb.... loins fruit of the womb. froot looms loony looms..... the double 00 thing oo like eyes that see.
Sally fields name is effected, her famous Oscar speech is effected, she costars in forest gump which has curious George as a key element and sally field being the one Tom hanks is quoting, he would then be involved in another ME later on. And sally fields brother works at cern... Tom hank is also Woody and Says “Theirs a Snake in my Boots” which contextually makes no sense and reminds us of the Fields not having a plural.. Another way to look at that is “Boots” could be interpreted as a word.. and the Snake is S s is a snake a snake hissessssss los of ssess lol The s on the end can also denote possession (again more S'es) possession is ownership and ownership is shackling and oppressive. You may also be reminded of Field of Dreams “If you build it THEY/HE will come (who is he?) HE is right in the middle of THEY TY thank you... and back to the start with the fact sally fields acceptance speech was her saying thank you to the academy.
This may appear to be nonsense or gibberish but if you had the time and knew the things I was referencing then you would be able to see the connections.
Of Course this is just nothing as it is. But then the universe nods to us this genuine morsel.
Why is Tom Hanks turning the Large Hardron Collider at CERN back on? What is the movie that he is promoting?
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown the continuation of Robert Langdons Symbologist tour all around the world to uncover exotic secrets and truths.
The next in the series is.

Langdon and Brooks figure out that Zobrist, who was obsessed with Dante, has created a viral superweapon he has dubbed "Inferno", with the potential of annihilating half the world's population. In the meantime, they have been traced by both Vayentha and agents from the World Health Organization (WHO),

The craziest part about the LHC CERN connection is that I didn't see it back when I was deeply diving into Tom hanks and the Mandela effect. That fact came later along with this particular nugget I have seen no one reference.
The MANDEL effect is the precursor to quantum computing.
My wife comes in and mentions that she got an ad for the movie Splash with Tom hanks, while I am Knee deep in looking into “Red Shoes”
I started looking into this movie because of the notable Calling Card that Hanx has developed on twitter. He has posted pictures of lone gloves, shoes and other discarded or lost objects. Its kind of his “Thing”
I first had this brought to my attention due too my research into the Death of Issac Kappy. Which is another completely bonkers rabbithole that covers Epstein and leads to the death of researcher Tracey Twymin.
Kappy had called out some folks in his various videos before his death.
ANNNNDD HOLY FUCK what is this!?
Whelp this is new too me. Damn strange , The way hes propped up and the fact the time stamp in the video is 2 mins before he is noted as jumping off the bridge as there was supposedly a group of 6 or 7 teenagers on the bridge attempting to stop him.
Did anyone notice the song playing in the background.”When Im gone” by 3 doors down....
Why is this anything pertaining to Tom Hanks?
Tom hanks posted a picture of a discarded glove with the caption “Historic Route 66. Roadkill? I hope not! Hanx. “
This was on 4-4-2018 and 40 days(5 weeks 5 days) before Kappys death on Route 66.
2 posts later on the day that Kappy died Hanks posts
Look up the significance of handkerchiefs.
That wasn't what I expected but it fits in.
It looks like Hanx twitter is where a lot the juicy conspiratorial coincidences lie.
Make not of all of the posts made from 3-13-20 and beyond and you will see that there is a pattern to the posting style not present before.
Before 3-11-20 he posted inside the ap using the twitter posting ap, and writing the post and attatching a picture.
After 3-11-20 all of his posts where he writes a blurb are pictures of text with pictures embedded With this seeming like the post he had been destined to post this whole time. The lone glove in bio-hazard waste bin.
And then drops this gem of a post.
Haha oh my, so ironic that I brought my CORONA typewriter all the way to Australia only to get the CORONAvirus.
“My wife has won 6 straight hands of gin rummy and leads by 201 points.”
This first thing that jumped out is 201.
Taking place in NYC on Oct 18-19 by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. (who are also involved with Vaccines and ID2020, and global management systems.)
Nov-17-19 was the first traced case of the Corona-virus Covid-19
This simulation was based on the Coronavirus from Pigs in 2019
Now we are in the year of the RAT. Which is quite heavily intoned with the black plague
The phrase "black death" (mors nigra) was used in 1350 by Simon de Covino or Couvin, a Belgian astronomer, who wrote the poem "On the Judgment of the Sun at a Feast of Saturn" (De judicio Solis in convivio Saturni), which attributes the plague to a conjunction) of Jupiter and Saturn. Hmm that is indeed interesting as I am aware that there is a Great Conjunction this very year, the year of the Rat. And the Year of the Coronavirus.
This conjunction is taking place on the solstice which is quite significant.
May-31-2000 was our last great conjunction and can you see how the world is so much different from that point in time. And we can suspect that this point in 2020 is yet another turning point into a “New Normal”
Note that Dante Alighieri was very involved with astrology and had a penchant for the Great conjunctions in particular. And He was the inspiration of the movie INFERNO with Tom hanks trying to prevent a global outbreak intended to reduce the population to save the planet. …......................................................................................................................... Here is a point of note. I am browsing this wiki for the first time and I am seeing this nugget.
Pope Boniface quickly dismissed the other delegates and asked Dante alone to remain in Rome. At the same time (November 1, 1301), Charles of Valois entered Florence with the Black Guelphs, who in the next six days destroyed much of the city and killed many of their enemies. A new Black Guelph government was installed, and Cante dei Gabrielli da Gubbi was appointed podestà of the city.
Podesta really..... I had no idea this name meant anything, really never looked into it, even though I have an obsession with names and the meanings of said names, I had not sought this.
Ok I seem to be diving into other trails in this Warren of rabbit holes.
Back too Event 201 and Tom hanks game with Rita Wilson where 6 games in is ahead 201 points.
What is this? 6201.................... 6 games 201 points...... bill signed into law the day you and Rita Wilson tested positive for corona virus in Australia with your CORONA typewriter?
So we have a grand convergence of coincidence. 1 with event 201 coming before HR 6201 is passed and 2 with the rummy game hanks played with his wife referencing said bill.
MADAME X is Madonnas alter ego that she created these past couple years. And she had an interesting back to her album cover that came out last year.
The album releasing in June of 2019 has a picture of Madame wearing gloves and typing on a Corona Typewriter, the same typewriter that hanks brought with him too Australia.
Too add more synchromystic stuff too the mix we have this
I searched for Tom hanks and found this post from Typewriters and its simply an autographed Typewriter but altogether a nod that Im on the right path.
OH fuckin Kay I guess this means something
You may mention above I said my wife came In in and mentioned the Tom hanks Movie splash.
Directed by
Babaloo Mandel? Baloo and Mandel, for real? Mandel like the Mandel effect and the Mandela effect. And Baloo like the character from the jungle book who is not wearing coconuts as a bra anymore?
Look up “Baloo Mandela effect” and you'll see what I mean.
This stood out too me because of course Tom hanks connection too the Mandela effect through notably the Most Mandela effects attributed to his name and works. But I didn't think it was 'Enough” to share here.
So after seeing Madonna and Tom hanks connected via the Corona Typewriter I googled . “Tom Hanks and Madonna”
OK so the other film by Babaloo Mandel that stood out as another Tom hanks flick was this movie .
Im getting long winded and as always there is more left out then I have presented it too you as their really is no way of condensing this so that you acquire the full picture.
I end with a question?!!!
What was Madonnas name before she changed it too MADONNA for the purposes of being a star?
Well that's not actually the end because we need to wrap this baby up in swaddling clothes.
Tom hanks wife is Rita Wilson...................... Wilson you say?! Hmmm well the vollyball in CAST AWAY must have been named after her... right????
In the film, Wilson the volleyball) serves as Chuck Noland's personified friend and only companion during the four years that Noland spends alone on a deserted island. Named after the volleyball's manufacturer, Wilson Sporting Goods, the character was created by screenwriter William Broyles, Jr While researching for the film, he consulted with professional survival experts, and then chose to deliberately strand himself for one week on an isolated beach in the Gulf of California, to force himself to search for water and food, and obtain his own shelter. During this time, a volleyball washed up on shore. This was the inspiration for the film's inanimate companion. From a screenwriting point of view, Wilson also serves to realistically allow dialogue in a one-person-only situation
Here is a prime example of synchronicity that when brought up to someone not exposed to these ideas they would come back at you with “Well its prolly because his wife was named Wilson” and then the door is shut for them they don't have to take on any new ideas or modify there existing foundation of reality. If you tell anyone a small peculiar fact then they inevitably try and “Solve” what you just told them. They have to organize the new information in a way that doesn't cause uncomfortability or stress. The human brain seems to have an Autonomic response to new information that doesn't jive with the world view that person has built up over the years.
Mention any Mandela effect and someone will try and come up with a reason to ignore what you are presenting to them. The effects themselves are in such mundane places that it doesn't seem to have much weight to the average Joe.
It seems like many people fall into the logical fallacy of the “Wisdom of the Crowd” Even if they have no concept of what this is they may still fall into its tenants.
Take any of the biggest conspiracies out there. The moon landing, 9-11, flat earth. The bigger and more wide spanning the conspiracy then the more “Well, if this is real then people would have said something about it” “You couldn't keep a secret that big” “Somebody in my life would have told me if X was True/False.” Have you seen the meme from xfiles with the poster Mulder has saying “I want to believe” with a flying saucer on it. Thats what this is like. But the train goes both ways. “I want” and “I dont want. “
Both of these Mantras play out in our heads unbeknownst to our recognition. A duel play on what we wish reality to be and what we wish it not to be. As want and unwant are dualistic sides of the same coin. For someone that believes 9-11 was an inside job. “I want to believe” that I among all these other people on this planet found out that this large sector of society has been duped and I am one of the few people smart enough to have figured it out.
For someone who thinks 9-11 conspiracy theorists are insane. “ I dont want to believe I have been duped by the establishment and that everything I have been taught and all the people that I love have been duped into believing an untruth.”
I think this is mainly something that stems from our human need for others to identify with and a tribe to call home. And to have our beliefs echoed by another group. To be acknowledged as a contributor to the paradigm and to feel validated by others that feel the same way.
Its like we are innately narcissistic creatures who love our own images. We find those most similar to us and we just stare at each other reflecting the same ideas and producing a greater dived between US and THEM.What it comes down to is life's great mystery. Which takes shape in questions we ask ourselves: ” Why do I exist?” “Why is reality a thing instead of a non-thing?” “What is my purpose?”
Instead of “what is my purpose?” it becomes “Is there even a purpose?”
Mainstream elements give us Relativity, The Big Bang, and Evolution.
If a human delves into and absorbs these tenants of culture, then one may come to the conclusion that reality is the result of a freak accident of random number of infinite forces coming together and creating everything you know and love and think and do. That it is all a fluke and you are just lucky..... but luck doesn't exist because this is a random universe and nothing lies deeper than surface exploration.
To identify Self you must also have the Other. The contrast creates the existence of a thing.Imagine 2 worlds, one of infinite shadow and one of infinite light. The one of infinite shadow would be a black slate and the world of light a white slate. Without contrast everything is nothing. Sense without the lack of sense is Nonsense. A world of pure sound or silence is a world where sound isn't a thing that exists. If you ask the question. “What is a thing” the answer would be the inverse of its opposite. What is an exhale. It is the inverse of an inhale. But what is that? It is a see saw..... seeing and after seeing sawing. SAW because it WAS. Its like pIng pOng In and Out IO overlapped is the symbol for power. On/Off. Imagine a hero without a villain. The story of Batman is a prime example of the balancing force of the universe. Without the Joker he would have never experienced the trauma to become the batman, its very possible that if the joker had not killed his parents that he would not have had fear in the cave with the bats. Joker was the primeval creation force alchemizing the batman into existence.
And then you ask would the Joker have done what he did if he didn't have a nemesis to combat against... a force to emphasize his existence
This reality/ game seems like a puzzle of disCERNment. That the presence of so many untruths shows us the massive amounts of truths that can be yielded. The shadows can show us where the light lies.
I see this when I go to CNN today to see that Tom and Rite are at home safe and sound.
Why does she make a video holding a book that she is not reading and making sure to show the title in the scene.
Enders Game, Or is it the End Game of the end times ala Thanos Snap reducing the worlds population.
I read this book in high-school.
Im sure more people are saying whats dat book she readin in dere.
The book is a story of a dystopian future where children are raised on video games and are chosen based on their aptitude to be brought into the military and as a part of their training they do a series of “Wargames” via simulations systems and Haptic feedback suits for realism. SPOILER ALERT! The simulations they were performing were actual drone battle missions where they were killing actual sentient creatures.
The psychology of getting kids to perform against actual foes with the knowledge that it was all a game made them more proficient in their duty to kill.
Ok lets reel it back for a
Tom hanks is involved or a focal point in the Mandela effect phenomenon present in Forrest Gump Life is/.was like a box of chocolates, Apollo 13 Houston we have/we've had a problem, Woody from toy story says “There's a snake in my boot/s ,Momma from Forrest Gump is played by sally field/s whose name is considered a Mandela effect and has a famous Oscar speech that is commonly attributed to the Mandela effect and Sally Fields brother in real life is a scientist at CERN. CERN makes a video set too Pharrells Happy that is filmed at Cern and a scientist holds up signs saying Bond# (Barry Nelson) and Mandela underneath, also showing the number 4664
Tom hanks then turns CERN back on after a failure that had occurred. He did this in honor of a movie Angels and Demons whos sequel INFERNO has Hanks catch a virus set to be a worldwide pandemic for the purposes of population control for the greater good. In Nov of 2019 one month before the first documented case of Novel Coronavirus Event 201 is hosted in NYC by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. And on 3-11-2020 the same day Hanks and Rita announce they are infected with Corona virus, after bringing a Corona typewriter all the way to Australia. Then Hanks announces his wife's score of 6 games 201 points. When 6201 if you google it will get you one thing.
Hanks is called out in a video also calling out Epstein and others involved in the underground trafficking of children, This person is then killed/died/epstiened on route 66 which Tom hanks Tweets about.
There is some funky stuff going on in the world and to be blunt there are 3 options. And then variations between those 3 options.
The extremes are
  1. This is all orchestrated and everything presented through the public is controlled/filtered and dispensed with one purpose. All news media and things that people talk about are intricately put together to share some underlying puzzle.
Ways this could be feasible: this is a simulation and everything is preordained and put in place with no free will to the occupants in the simulation.
Ways it couldn't be feasible. Barring a simulation it just would not cut it to have any sort of person or group in charge of such a thing, its too well orchestrated for human hands.
I suppose a god of the realm in control of such things could perform such a feat..... but why?
  1. This is all the universe playing a coincidence game, a red herring game of sorts to keep some busy and others asleep. Like if Tom hanks really got the itch to bring his Corona typewriter and he and his wife did actually play games of Gin Rummy that resulted in the 6 games 201 points with Event 201 being finished and HR 6201 just passing the same day they are infected with coronavirus.
This is just one facet of the coincidental underlying tapestry that paints itself underneath human activity.
Within this post I detail some stellar findings/coincidences that bear repeating here.
And here Is one of the most incredible coincidence blocks ive ever seen.
What are the odds that is is 666.6 nautical miles between the Kaaba and The Temple Mount of Jerusalem?
What are the odds that 666. Nautical miles =1234.56432 Kilometers ? You have the sequential united with the repetitive number sequences married by a relationship between the size of the earth and the speed of light.
What are the odds of Stanley Kubrick writing a movie that feature 2001 as a key plot point and in this film show a man “Dave Bowman” play chess against HAL which is 1 letter transliterated from IBM and that 666 days before Stanley Kubrick's death IBM's Deep Blue beats Gary Kasparov at chess and that 666 days after Stanley Kubrick's death is the Dawn of the 21st Century 2001. To tie all that up Kubrick References 666 through the occulted wink of the number that is missing. as Officer # 665 and 667 are apprehending the main droog of the story.
What are the odds that Wilson the volleyball is not named after Rita Wilson, his wife who kept her last name. But is instead named because the Writer stranded himself on an island and a Wilson Volleyball washed up onshore. This is the type of coincidence that bars any human forethought or knowledge to arranging. One of those universal winks in the form of syncs.
Look for my post history and you will find hundreds of WTF how is this a coincidence facts that could be both coincidence/divine providence/ or the will of man.
Oh yeah and the 3rd Extreme way of looking at this data I have presented here and in the past is to just shut the door and say.
“Nothing” none of this means anything at all and you are just thinking too much or looking too deep.
The most likely is a synergy of these 3 points. There maybe a controlling organization or AI program controlling the media and news, film and music. But there is most likely a clever universal side of things projecting the ironic in these peculiar times. And im sure some of this is just digging to deep as everything is intrinsically connected .
What cant be stated is the data presented is incorrect(unless it is,im not perfect) it is our interpretation of the data that differs, im not making any conclusions, im only discussing options and possibilities.
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how to identify whs hazards video

Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard identification). Analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis, and risk evaluation). Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk when the hazard cannot be eliminated (risk control). Some hazards will be easier to identify than others because they are well known in a particular industry, while others may be more difficult to identify, according to Safe Work Australia. The safety body encourages consulting workers and systematically analysing all tasks to help identify any potential hazards. Identify hazards in risk assessment. The first thing to do when carrying out a risk assessment is identify potential hazards in your workplace. Think of what could go wrong and how people could get hurt or made ill. You should. speak to your employees - they may be aware of hazards that aren't so obvious to you; physical hazards – the most common workplace hazards, including vibration, noise and slips, trips and falls; ergonomic hazards – physical factors that harm the musculoskeletal system, such as repetitive movement, manual handling and poor body positioning; Identify Hazards. Identifying hazards in the workplace involves finding things and situations that could potentially cause harm to people. Hazards generally arise from the following aspects of work and their interaction, including: physical work environment; equipment, materials and substances used; work tasks and how they are performed Identifying hazards is the first step in managing WHS risk: Step 1 - Identify hazards - Identify and find things which have the potential to cause harm, these can include: Biological hazards - Bacteria, viruses, animals, other humans; Chemical hazards - Hazards stemming from any hazardous chemical Generally, the more expertise an employee has with WHS, the less likely the risk of injury, and the more likely it is that the employee will identify and report possible hazards in the workplace. Along with this, officers should also provide employees with in-house training programs or outsourced WHS training and keep employees up to date on • Chemical Hazards from liquids and powders found in cleaning products or used in manufacture. • Manual Handling risks where employees are performing tasks that involve lifting or repetitive strain. • Non-physical Hazards like bullying or inappropriate working hours that create stress or psychological distress. How to identify hazards. The third way we identify hazards is by some form of experience and/or training. Usually, we have either witnessed or experienced a near miss or injury and develop a feeling for the risk associated with engaging with a particular hazard eg. driving, speed, electricity, fuel. The fourth way we identify hazards is through imagination, visualization and experimentation. Often with a new object, event or activity we simply do not know what hazards are associated with it or, can’t imagine the The four steps for managing WHS risks are: Step 1 - Identify hazards. Find out what could cause harm. Detailed information is in Chapter 2 how to identify hazards. Step 2 - Assess risks. If necessary – understand the nature of the harm that could be caused by the hazard, how serious the harm could be and the likelihood of it happening.

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