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GME - EndGame part 4: The Saga Continues

GME - EndGame part 4: The Saga Continues
This is an extension of my DD series on GME. If you haven’t read them and have time, they will provide some background on my previous predictions, some of which have already come true. In this post, I’ll share my thoughts on what I think is going on, plus some tips to manage your positions and exits.
TL;DR: Shorts are in but likely want to get out. And they want to get out at the best price possible. See tips for managing positions.

Previous Important Posts

  • EndGame Part 1 (DTC Infinity) covered the short positions, the float, and potential snowball impacts of increasing prices, and argued that part of the reason that shorts haven’t closed was that it was pretty much impossible for shorts to close
  • EndGame Part 2 covered Cohen, fair market cap analysis, and potential investors, in which I talked about the amazing mid-to-long term potential for GME.
  • HEY SEC, if you’re reading please read this one - After the Citron tweet, I shared this fan fiction on what looked like blatant market manipulation by shorts on the day of the tweet, and offered some education on strengthening your position. This one got buried and is worth reading.
  • EndGame Part 3 covered the gamma squeeze, potential shady tactics by MMs, and some tips for staying safe.

What’s happening with the price?

We’re still gamma squeezing

Many media outlets are reporting this as a “short squeeze”. They’re only partially right, as if Melvin isn’t lying they’ve already been squeezed out.
However, the reality is so far we’ve been Gamma squeezing - repeatedly - and some shorts have been casualties along the way.
See this post for a deeper explanation, but the essence of it is that market-makers have to buy shares to hedge the calls they sell. The more calls people buy, the more shares they MMs have to hedge with. As I explained in part 1, GME has ultra low liquidity, i.e. there’s waaaay fewer actively traded shares than what shorts need to buy to cover with, and then when you get lots of people buying calls and shares in the hot new stock it just removes more availability from the market.
As a result, when MMs buy shares to hedge, it moves the price of the underlying up. Combine that with the buying pressure of people piling into a stock climbing 100% a day, shorts getting liquidated, and it’s a perfect storm.
Today, GME closed at $347 (before the after market selloff, but i’ll get to that soon).
320 calls were added yesterday. Similarly, when 115cs were added we squeezed to >115 in two days. Same story with 60c’s etc.
Remember this commentary from EndGame part 3 on Friday’s price action:
Notice how the stock dropped from a high of $75 on Friday to below 60 - the highest expiring SP for the 1/22 options, and stayed tight in range for the rest of the day. Now, for compliance reasons, MM are required to be neutral by EOD, so 20 minutes before close, MMs had to buy back all their short positions, which led to the strong close above 60.
All this led me to believe that the real fair market price for GME was above $65. Without the market makers interference, GME would have closed higher.
Now, what happened today? We opened at $351, more than double the previous close of $145 and after the morning profit taking, we squeezed to a high of $372 as MMs furiously tried to hedge the 320 calls they sold you the day before for peanuts.
See, the thing is, Kenny G doesn’t like to lose money. The magical method Citadel’s market makers make money, is that they sell you call giving you the right to buy shares at a certain price, say $320, for the nice price of $10/share (for example). Now, as long as Citadel’s MMs can buy all the shares they have to give to you for less than $320, that $10 is free money. However, when the underlying moves too fast, the MMs have to buy shares for more than $320, and Kenny G does not like that.
Today was a shock to the MMs that sold all the 320cs yesterday. A six-sigma event after a six-sigma event after a six-sigma event. Yet again, within days (a day?) of offering new, higher strikes - every call option ever sold was in the money, before they had a chance to adequately hedge.
So, just as on Friday, if the price got too high above $320, market makers dug into their bag of tricks to start selling it off. (People taking profits here helped too.) However, multiple times, when GME went below $300, MMs took their opportunity to hedge the 1/29 calls. So, just as before, we traded in a tight range around the highest strike.
My conclusion from this action the first time was that GME’s fair price was being actively suppressed, and it proceeded to 5x in the next few days. There’s a possibility we’re in a replay and will see more upward movement on delta hedging alone.
The point of this is: I think shorts are feeling the squeeze, for sure, reporting massive mark-to-market losses. But I believe the shorts are still in.

Shorts are still in

As of Wednesday morning, Ortex was estimating a short interest of 65M shares, down from 71M shares the day before.
If you’ve read my Part 1 (DTC Infinity), you’ll hopefully recall my thesis that there are actually less than 24M shares available, and therefore that it would be nigh impossible for shorts to close. Since then a slew of new investors have piled in to buy and hold GME, from little guys like us to big-ass-whales like Blackrock increasing their holdings to 13% of GME.
So what? I think the available shares for shorts to buy are down to under 20M, and they have to buy 65M shares to close. Shorts have barely begun to cover. We’ve only been increasing the cost of their exits!
Now, let’s talk about Melvin Capital. I loved watching Chamath defend retail investors and argue against the institutional leveraged shorting that got us here in the first place, but I also learned something interesting that helped me understand how the 140% short interest had in the first place, and how the unwinding may go.
At 2:10 Chamath saysGabe Plotkin is one of the giants of our era, but at the end of the day, what happens is that his trades are copied by umpteen other hedge funds that follow along
This tells me 2 things:
  • A lot of hedge funds (likely Maplelane, D1, Viking, Point72, and more) followed each other into this short. Much like retards like us get behind good DD shared in the open, these institutional retards got together with their cigars and golf clubs behind closed doors and decided together to go in together against GME.
  • If Melvin is really out, it’s unlikely the other funds are going to want to stay in, lest they be compared poorly to Melvin if GME continues to go against them. The other shorts want out.
Chamath also tells us that prime brokers (the brokers that hedge funds use) are seeing “the biggest 4-day degrossing from hedge funds they’ve ever seen”.
Again, the problem is - there just aren’t enough shares. Shorts have dug themselves a massive grave by shorting more shares in existence and continuing to short while Cohen grabbed up 9M shares, institutions added to their positions, and retail traders piled in.
For boomers like this tard that can’t understand why the price is so high - go back to Econ 101, supply and demand bitch.

It’s costing shorts incredible $ to hold their positions

Here’s all the ways shorts are losing money.
  • They pay borrow fees to loan the stock. At one point today, the GME stock borrow fee hit 250% for new borrows. At $300/share that’s $2/day. That doesn’t sound like much right? What if you shorted at $50?
  • The short position on GME has ballooned to $25BN from a low of $1B. The borrow fees are applied to the latest closing price, not the price you shorted at.
  • Funds are paying interest fees on the margin they are using for the short
  • And oh yeah, GME’s up like 800% in 5 days.

Dirty tactics continue

At this point, I think “THEY” have figured out that gamma squeezes are absolutely destroying hedge funds. So what do they do?
    • This is insane. Funds, prime brokerages, and market makers all stood to lose money so they disabled trading of GME due to "volatility". Citadel invests in Melvin capital. Then brokerages shut down buying!
  • Brokerages down
  • Options not loading
  • Restrict retail trading on GME
    • I’m seeing reports that retail buyers not allowed to hold more than 100 GME options now
  • This is a direct defense against more gamma squeezes and an attack on retail investors, giving institutions a distinct advantage.
  • HEY Shortsellers Enrichment Corporation - how is it ok for Citron to buy thousands of puts minutes before their tweet and how is it ok for prime brokers to give hedge funds 10-100x leverage, but the little guys can’t have more than 100 options total?
    • Personally, I don’t really do 100s of options all at once but now I really want to. Fuck this.
  • More short ladder attacks. Look at after-hours trading on GME - a rapid short ladder attack during low-volume trading in order to bring the price down.
  • If you use stop losses on GME and leave them on, you will get stop-loss hunted.

Ripple effects of the squeeze
  • These hedge funds that are short GME, are also short other equities like BBBY, AMC, etc.
  • These hedge funds are also long other shares with leverage, so the ONLY way they’re staying alive and not covering their shorts, is that they’re reducing their long leverage. This means selloffs in the broader market as they have to shore up their margin requirements against the massive short squeezes in their portfolios.

I believe we’re at a tipping point

  • I don’t believe shorts have really covered yet. They have defended by getting capital infusions and reducing their long leverage. I.e. they have begun liquidating long positions.
  • If GME climbs more, they will be forced to cover and liquidate.

Things to be careful about

As you can see, this is no easy win. In addition to the suggestions I wrote about in this post, here’s some things to be careful about.
  • There are threats to halt trading. Shares are safe, they do not expire. Calls can be destroyed by tactics like buying halts.
  • Be careful about swapping ITM calls for OTM calls: it can be tempting to trade-up your options for higher return, but be mindful of the delta impact. You may actually be driving the sale of shares by MMs when you don’t mean to. For example, if you sell a .5 delta call for 2 .2 delta calls, that’s net reduction of 10 shares that MMs have to hold long as leverage.
  • Be careful about being short any calls this week: Not only do you limit your upside (which is dumb in the prospect of a squeeze), you could end up in a nightmare scenario. A call that ends OTM on Friday could end up ITM after hours if you didn’t sell it, and you may get assigned while the underlying continues to go up. Close spreads if your short legs are deep ITM unless you want to risk early assignment and high hard-to-borrow fees.
  • There are a few other dirty tactics shorts can play. I’m not specifically going to share them here because I don’t want to give the ideas circulation, but
    • Choose your own limit sells based on personal sell points. Don’t copy others and don’t try to be memey. Make your own decisions.
    • Stop sharing your positions publicly. I know this is anti-wsb, and I think sharing them is great for this community, but in the case of GME it’s an attack vector for you.
  • Be careful of holding weeklies until expiration. Remember the multiple trading halts? What if trading gets halted on Friday at 2pm and doesn’t resume for the rest of the day? All your 1/29 calls would expire worthless. Depending on your broker and your cash positions, maybe even your ITM ones. Roll (or sell, if you’re taking profits) your weeklies well before expiration.
  • Be careful about buying on margin. Brokers are rapidly increasing margins. If you bought on margin with 2:1 leverage, and the stock went up 100%, you’d be in margin call even without a margin change. If the broker moves margin against you, you’ll get to margin call faster.
  • Don’t bet more than you can afford to lose. I’ve been in GME long enough to know that just when you think going up is a sure thing (remember last Monday with the short sale restriction?), you can be surprised by a new trick. If you bet it all on weeklies all at once, you may not be able to recover from being wrong on the timing. Consider longer expiry or spreading your purchases out. I’ve held through multiple 30-40% drawdowns in the underlying; and held through a 50% drawdown today, so you need to be ready for the volatility.
  • Watch out for stop loss hunts. It’s common practice for shorts to hunt for stop losses for cheap shares. If you’ve set a stop loss, be really sure about it.
  • Don’t sell on dips. You’re only helping the shorts. If you need to sell to take profits, sell when it’s heading up. Sell high, not low retards.
  • Save dry powder to buy on dips. Dips manufactured by shorts are buying opportunities. Take advantage of folks with paper hands to capture shares at low points. GME has incredible daily volatility. Set a low limit buy and just wait for the order to fill. Have patience when buying.
This is not financial advice; do your own DD. I’m holding over $1M in shares and calls. I AM NOT SELLING WHEN THE BUYING MARKET HAS BEEN REMOVED. YOU ARE BOUND TO NOT GET A FAIR MARKET PRICE.
Update New ortex data shows 51M short interest. So the covering has begun.
Update 2: what you are seeing in the price drops is likely the gamma squeeze in reverse. People are rightly selling their short term calls, so MMs are selling shares they bought to hedge. That drives the price down, which then causes more de-hedging. This is all a manufactured selloff by elimination of ability of people to buy the equity and should absolutely be investigated. It's very likely the big boys knew the buying restriction was coming and started the selloff last night.
Update 3: getting angrier by the minute. Reviewing the volume and price action and shorts bought in volume at the absolute bottom. This mothefucker, Steve Cohen, who bailed out Melvin and previously accused of insider trading is now GLOATING after this blatant trick
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UFC 256 Fight Predictions

Ya'll must have been waiting till wednesday/thursday to see this. Nope, i'm a determined motherfucker to make you guys happy, and this is a service im more than happy to provide, ya'll stuck with me... alright i'll stop saying ya'll.
This does come with a heavy warning though.
With how volatile covid makes fights and match making, some of these fights will change... Just today two fights have changed this year so.. if there are indeed changes after me posting this, please let me know and depending on the date (in australia, when the date it the 10th of december, im unable to change anything, as im going to my mums once again for christmas) I can change it. It's all date dependent.
(c) - Champ
(D) - Debut
FLS - Fight Lose Streak
FWS - Fight Win Streak
NS - No Streak
(#x) - Rank in Division
Lets go!
Chase Hooper (9-1-1, NS) v Peter Barrett (11-4-0, NS) - An interesting fight between some fairly decent newcomers. Hooper has been in the spotlight for some time now, whether that is due to his extremely young age or his likeness to Ben Askren, but this kid has talent, unrefined talent. He is by no means a Jon Jones, his age is basically that and his experience reflects it. Hooper's unique size advantage over most of his opponents makes him seem like a formidable opponent, but really when it comes to the UFC, he’s a few steps behind. His striking is clumsy and slow, his grappling ability is perhaps his strongest skill, those long limbs allow him to lock in a body lock or sink in a submission, so really, for Hooper to have any hope of winning, he needs to grapple this time or else Barrett is going to blast him. Barrett may have started in the UFC a little late on the age spectrum but he’s incredibly well rounded. His work load when he fought on DWCS was great and he just didn’t slow down at all. He kept pushing the pace, combo’s, takedowns, aggression and a thirst for victory. His only setback was against Zalal and well, Zalal is an animal of a whole different nature. Barrett has faced some questionable opponents, some fighters being noticeably on a huge losing streak, like, huge, like, if Floyd Mayweather was 0-50, that huge. So, it makes me wonder how he’s going to handle Featherweight further down the line. I see Hooper getting this fight to the ground as soon as possible and working from there, he has a sizeable physical advantage so getting into positions where he can submit Barrett should be easy enough
Hooper via Sub R2
Dwight Grant (10-3-0, NS) v Jingliang Li (17-6-0, NS) - This is a banger! Grant is always up for an excellent fight. Grant has a very odd style, its explosive and sporadic and his long limbs allow him to deceptively cover large distances and his long legs allow him to just throw some very hard kicks. He does have a rather unorthodox style, he’s very hard to read and has exceptional power in everything he throws. He also has a strong wrestling base so grappling with him is only a good idea if you can chain wrestle, but this is Jingliang we’re talking about so I don’t think there will be that much wrestling. Li has a beautiful and dangerous striking game, and he’s just a straight savage. His right straight is a powerful tool and he will lunge and land with significant power. Li is very good on the feet, his pressure and ability to endure damage is incredible. He has significant wins over the likes of Zaleski dos Santos, Zak Ottow and my boy Camacho. Li is nothing but violence and pressure and if that right hand lands, then his opponents are in trouble. He also is a fairly decent wrestler but really, I feel like it’s going to be a striking heavy bout. I have Jingliang on this one. He’s just far more experienced and has tasted UFC competition many times before.
Li via KO R2
Karl Roberson (9-3-0, NS) v Dalcha Lungiambula (10-2-0, NS) - This is going to be a bit of a chess match. Roberson is a very good kickboxer who has adapted to the UFC quite well. As long as the fight stays on the feet, Roberson is incredibly comfortable and confident. He’s got excellent pressure and mixes his punches and kicks exceptionally well. His cardio holds up as well, able to keep similar pressure going into the last round, as he does in the first. He is a former Glory kickboxer so he has faced some excellent kickboxers so if this fight stays on the feet (it most likely will), Roberson will be able to handle this fight fairly easily. Lungiambula is a very powerful fighter, his explosiveness and aggression are his main weapons coming into this fight and if he clips Roberson then he is in trouble. But we did see some very big holes in his game, Lungiambula is a very… barebones fighter, power and explosiveness, that’s all, and Ankalaev saw through that and put him to sleep effortlessly. Roberson needs to utilise movement and methodical striking to slow down Lungiambula, leg kicks, touch and go, and a well timed counter or ten and it’ll slow down Lungiambulas momentum very quickly. I see Roberson winning this in the long run, if the fight lasts longer than 2 rounds, than we might see Lungiambula slow down a whole lot and that’s where Roberson will go off.
Roberson via KO R3
Sergei Spivak (11-2-0, NS) v Jared Vendaraa (D) (11-4-0, 2 FWS) - An interesting fight. Spivak was definitely a bear in his past life. The dude is strong, he might not have the most incredible striking but when he gets a hold of his opponents it's essentially game over for them, he ragdolls them, he clings onto them like an annoying spider web that you walk through when it's pitch black. His only weakness from what I can see, is the fact that he either needs to dominate, or he will be dominated, there’s no fine in between. Like, you know how fighters are losing but they’re still kinda fighting? When Spivak is losing, it's hopeless. He’s a very good fighter, don’t get me wrong, but adversity tells a story here and the adversity that he has faced over his career has been tough. The good news is, is that he’s fighting a debuting fighter who is yet to taste the competition in the UFC. Vendaraa is a big lad, he’s absolutely massive, solid, thick, tight, and he’s going to be trouble for Spivak if he lands a few heavy blows. There was an issue that I could see with Venderaa’s performance on DWCS though, and that’s his ability to get hit, he’s just so hittable, he’s slow, but strong, but if he is going to fight someone like Spivak he needs to avoid the quick jabs that Spivak has, and fire off first. There is a reach advantage there but I don’t think Venderaa uses it well. I got Spivak on this one, he’s very strong and has faced some crazy opponents in his time. Spivak is just going to wrestle with him for all three rounds. Maybe sink in a submission, I haven’t seen enough of Venderaa on the ground to know how good he is grappling wise. So, yeah, safe bet here would be Spivak.
Spivak via UD
Billy Quarantillo (15-2-0, 8 FWS) v Gavin Tucker (12-1-0, 2 FWS) - Billy is back! Quarantillo is a legitimately dangerous fighter at Featherweight, he is exceptionally well rounded, very fast with his striking, accurate and he just has an excellent pace. He’s almost the perfect prospect for Featherweight, amongst many insane prospects. His notable fights are when he shut down the game of Carlyle and absolutely overwhelmed Kyle Nelson with his insane workload. Nelson put it on him in the first round, crazy hard body punches and a relentless pace, but Quarantillo kept his cool, methodically planned out his movements and next attacks and eventually got the win. Keep an eye out for Quarantillo, he has incredible potential and can make it far. According to UFCstats, he has a 7 strikes landed per minute stat which is pretty nuts and if he keeps it up I can see him being a stat leader. Tucker is a brilliant submission artist who is insane on the ground. It was beautiful to watch him go for multiple submissions during his bout against Jaynes, he just was relentless with his attacks, kept Jaynes guessing and when he finally sunk it in, it was just another highlight added to his reel. Tucker's striking is fairly decent but it’s not on the level of Quarantillo, and he mostly uses his striking to set up takedowns, or to loosen up his opponents to open them up for a takedown. I see Quarantillo sticking to the feet as much as possible because I don’t think he’s that great on the ground, especially against a Black Belt. Bit of a tough fight to predict, but I like Quarantillo on this one, especially if he sticks to the feet and puts on a striking clinic, whilst avoiding any takedown attempts. Control the center and he can control the fight.
Quarantillo via KO R2
Women’s Strawweight
Mackenzie Dern (#12) (9-1-0, 2 FWS) v Virna Jandiroba (16-1-0, 2 FWS) - This is a great fight, mostly because i’m a fan of Dern. Dern is an absolute goddess on the ground, she’s one of the best to ever grapple on the ground and if she grappled against Rousey, i’d happily pay my left arm to see that. Dern has had a bit of a slip in the UFC but that aside she has always maintained a dominant ground game and almost every single one of her opponents never wants to be on the ground with her. That’s about it, that’s all the analysis you need, Dern = best ground game in the division. Jandiroba has been fighting for quite some time now and has racked up an impressive record, she has numerous submissions on her record, especially in the UFC, submitting the likes of Herrig and Martin in almost effortless fashion. This is going to be a scrappy fight. Most of the time when two submission geniuses are fighting, the fight stays on the feet, if we look at the striking capabilities of both fighters, I’d argue that Dern is maybe a little better and has more power, but Jandiroba has more speed. Overall, an interesting fight. If it goes to the ground though, I'm still very confident that Dern can win, so I'll be going with Dern on this one.
Dern via Sub R3
cub Swanson (26-11-0, NS) v Daniel Pineda (27-13-0, NS) - This is a fight between some incredibly experienced fighters. A total record of 53-24-0. Swanson has had it incredibly rough, losing 4 of his last 5, his last win was against a Gracie and it was a fucking war. A total of 521 strikes were thrown, 152 landed, both fighters absolutely left it all in the octagon that night and it made me respect Swanson so much more, to be able to come back from a horrible losing streak to get a win over a current generation Gracie… goddamn. Swanson has beautiful boxing, he’s highly proficient and a ruthless assassin when he wants to be. For the newcomers here who are like “why is Slayer talking so much about Swanson, he’s 1-4 in his last 5, he’s a scrub” bro you better shut the fuck up and watch his fight against Doo Ho Choi. Swanson is a violent, violent fighter and he always, always brings the fight to his opponents. Pineda’s return to the octagon has been a blessing for his career. His elbow knockout against Herbert Burns still blows me away, it was brutal. He had Burns in a crucifix position and just landed hell on him. If this is the new Pineda then consider me very, very intrigued. Pineda has always had a strong ground game, a controlling one where he either chases a submission or just lands some beautiful ground and pound. His top game is legit and if he can get Swanson to the ground then I don’t see it going very well for Swanson. This is a fight for the fans right here, and I feel like Swanson has this fight. He still has it in him, he still has the ability to bang and hang with the best of them, but what a fight this is, I’m not gonna be too analytical on this one, lets just enjoy the violence.
Swanson via KO R3
Main Card
Junior dos Santos (#8) (21-8-0, 3 FLS) v Cyril Gane (6-0-0, 6 FWS) - Holy fucking shit what a fight… There is going to be some serious bias here because i’m a huge fan of Gane. JDS has long been a legendary brawler in the UFC, he has insane power and speed, but recently with his losing streak he’s been caught on the negative side of the sport, doubters, talks of retirement, discussion of why he’s still around.. Well, rest assured, he’s going to bring it this fight, he needs to because a 4 fight losing streak looks bad at heavyweight. Junior has always had beautiful boxing and power, it was a perfect mix back in the day when power and boxing really shined in heavyweight, but now times have changed, and his losses to the likes of Ngannou, Blaydes, and Rozenstruik have proven to us that the next generation of fighters is here… and Gane is no different. Gane is a monster, a fucking elite monster that has been in the game for a very long time. Undefeated in kickboxing (13-0), undefeated in MMA and now has a few submission wins under his belt? It's very clear to me that his adjustment to MMA in all fields has been nothing but a wild success. Gane is going to be serious trouble for so many heavyweights and i’ll be keeping an eye on him very, very keenly. As i said, very biased, huge fan. War Gane.
Gane via KO R1
Kevin Holland (20-5-0, 4 FWS) v Jacare Souza (26-8-0, 2 FLS) - This fight makes me happy. You guys know how much I love Holland, I always speak highly of him, and now he’s fighting a huge fight, against former middleweight contender Souza? What a great fight to end the year for Holland. Holland is one of the most entertaining, yet dangerous middleweights in the UFC right this instant. He’s not izzy levels of great, but he’s at the very least top 7. One huge advantage that Holland has here is his ridiculous reach advantage (9 inches) and if you watched his fight against Buckley, you know for a fucking fact he’s a master of his range. Everything that you love about the UFC, the trash talk, the skill and style, the flair… it’s all Holland, its his whole thing and it fucking works. So… fucking hyped. Souza is no doubt a very dangerous submission artist, with a Black belt (4th degree) in BJJ and Judo, if he gets his arms around Holland than Holland will be in trouble, but Jacare is also very one dimensional and as he ages (he’s 40 now) his opponents know him better and better, know what to avoid (the fence and the grappling situations) and can defeat him easily by outstriking him. I do have a bit of a worry though, and thats Souza’s ability to make weight. He has never missed weight, but he’s coming down from Light Heavyweight, and it is Corona season so it might be wildly different this time. I got Holland on this one, I’m sure you all guessed that already, Hollands reach advantage is going to play the most vital role in this fight and we’re going to see some fucking beautiful striking from Holland.
Holland via KO R2
Renato Moicano (14-3-1, NS) v Rafael Fiziev (8-1-0, 2 FWS) - Welcome to a wild, wild matchup. Moicano made very quick work over Hadzovic earlier this year, winning in the first round, within the very first minute, it was an excellent execution of ground positioning and well timed submission. Everything that Moicano planned during the fight came to fruition. Moicano has a beautiful ground game and that’s most definitely where he will be planning to take this fight, but it will be incredibly difficult to do so especially since he’s fighting someone with a lengthy kickboxing background mixed in with top level muay thai skill. Moicano will need to keep Fiziev against the cage, add pressure, feint, then shoot… or something along those lines. If he can get Fiziev to the ground then I can see Moicano getting the upper hand, but Fiziev is a scrappy fighter who just doesn’t stand still. Fizievs striking is a thing of true fucking beauty. Looking at his stats during the Marc Diakiese fight, he landed to the head 35%, the body 42% and the legs 21%. His ability to keep his opponents guard guessing, not knowing where to block or when to check, especially against a high level (and I mean very high level) kickboxer in Fiziev, it’s going to be a very tricky nut to crack. I don’t know who is going to win this one, but i’m feeling extra nutty so let’s go with Fiziev on this one.
Fiziev via KO R3
Co-Main Event
Tony Ferguson (#3) (25-4-0, NS) v Charles Oliveira (#4) (29-8-0, 7 FWS) - This is a fucking insane fight. Ferguson will always remain one of the most entertaining fighters in the UFC, whether its his out-of-cage rants, or his in-the-cage destruction… he’s insane. But, I will repeat what I said in my predictions when he fought Gaethje. Ferguson is not a good fighter. He’s wild and hard to calculate and read, yes, but his striking capabilities are just that, wild. Gaethje has shown almost all lightweights the tools that are needed to defeat him, you need patience, well timed shots and the proclivity to keep up the pace throughout all rounds. In my honest opinion, Oliveira could very well do that. Oliveira has an interesting set of skills, he’s an excellent kickboxer and is very patient, he makes sure to land everything he throws, and if he times it well enough, he can land a takedown, get to a dominant position and sink in a beautiful choke. Oliveira has the most submission wins in the UFC and that's just proof of his ability to destroy his opponents on the ground. Now, people have said numerous times that Ferguson is great on the ground, but I don’t see him being better than Oliveira… It’s a tricky fight to talk about really because whenever Ferguson is in a fight, anything can happen. If you look at Fergusons submission wins, they’re against fighters who aren’t submission artists and thus don’t really know what to do to avoid submissions from someone like Ferguson.. Oliveira has numerous submission wins (also numerous submission losses) against the very best the UFC has had to offer… As I said, very hard fight to predict. The next big thing you need to remember is that Ferguson lost against Gaethje in horrible fashion… That can fuck someone up mentally and it might be detrimental to his performance against Oliveira. Fuck it, its the end of the year so what’s the worst that can happen.
Oliveira via UD
Main Event
Flyweight Championship Bout
Deiveson Figueiredo (c) (20-1-0, 5 FWS) v Brandom Moreno (#2) (18-5-1, 3 FWS) - Once again, Fig creates headlines. Figueiredo is one of the most dangerous fighters the UFC has at the moment and exactly what the Flyweight Division needs to be interesting. I feel like i should just copy and paste what I wrote on my predictions when he thought Perez but fuck it, you all know how insane he is, he has power, speed, athleticism, explosiveness and sneakiness. His last fight ended in some controversy, because there were some fence grabs, but otherwise, that leg take he did before the fight nearly ended was fucking slick and just made me trust him more in becoming one of the best. Figueiredo will be a champ for a long time and i’m sticking with that statement… However, he is cutting weight twice now, and he did have trouble on the scales when he first fought for the belt, so i hope there won’t be a repeat of that this time around. Moreno is what you get if you hose down a caged animal, starve it, then release it amongst the public. He is a wild, wild fighter, violent and just doesn’t give enough fucks when he takes damage, as long as he’s moving forward, creating pressure and landing his incredible shots, he’s winning… Unfortunately, Figueiredo is a different animal and I don’t think Moreno will be able to win this. He will need a flush knockout or something in order to win this one because the longer this fight goes on, the better Figueiredo will be. A fight of endurance will be a losing factor for Moreno, so he needs to be aware of the striking power of Figueiredo, and become wrestle heavy, wrestling really is the only chance he has when it comes to this fight. Fig is just too fast and too strong… And Still.
Figueiredo via KO R1
And that's it!
Once again, if changes do occur, ill try to change it, depending on the severity of the change and if i have time to do so, but typically what I write is set in stone, i can however comment on who i think will win (replacement bout of course).
If you wish to support me please message me and i can provide details on how you can do so.
If you would like to follow me on twitter, you can find me @Slayer_Tip or if you want, add me on discord and we can have a super friendly chat about all things MMA: Slayertip#7013
Lets have a fun discussion down below, let me know if you agree/disagree with my picks :)
But for now, have a beautiful week, take care of yourselves :)
submitted by Slayer_Tip to mmapredictions [link] [comments]

I've recently come across some Deleted Scenes which were removed from the books. (Satire)

Setting: Hogwarts castle, Gryffindor common room, Winter 1994.
“Who are you going with, then?” said Ron.
“Angelina,” said Fred promptly without a trace of embarrassment.
“What?” said Ron, taken aback. “You’ve already asked her?”
“Good point,” said Fred. He turned his head and called across the common room, “Oi, Angelina!”
Angelina, who had been chatting with Alicia Spinnett near the fire, looked over at him. “What?” she called back.
“Want to come to the ball with me?”
Angelina gave Fred an appraising sort of look. “All right then,” she said and turned back to Alicia and carried on with a bit of a grin on her face.
“There you go,” said Fred to Harry and Ron, “piece of cake.”
“Oi, Weasley!” Angelina shouted across the room.
“What?” replied Fred.
“Which one are you?”
The color drained from Fred’s face and he nervously looked around. “Umm, which one are you hoping I am?” He said meekly.
“Yeah!” said George eagerly “who do you want to go out with, Angelina?”
“Oh so you’d both like to take me to the ball?”
“Love to!” George.
“Get out of it!” said Fred. “I’m taking her!”
“Seems to me dear brother she’ll go with the one she likes more!” said George.
“Angelina, who do you like more? Fred or George?” said Fred, careful not to indicate which twin he was.
Angelina chuckled to herself. “If I were to say Fred-”
“I’m Fred!” both twins shouted.
“-was an arrogant shit and George was a sweetie by comparison...”
“I’m George!” both twins shouted.
Angelina looked at Alicia and said “well this will be fun, will you help me decide?”
“Love to!” said Alicia. “I think we should start with a few challenges.”
“Our own little bi-wizard tournament!” Angelina said.
Setting: The Burrow July 1996
Dear Harry,
I just wanted to see how you were doing and check in. I know Sirius was so important to you and I know your loss and grief must be so great. Sirius and James were my greatest friends and with my parents gone, and James and Lily gone as well, it often felt like Sirius was all the family I had left. I know you must have felt the same.
Please, let me know if there is any way at all I can help and please know that the feeling of loss you are feeling is just the depth of the love you have for Sirius and the love he showed you.
Dear Professor Lupin,
Thank you for the note. I do miss Sirius so much but I’m slowly coming around. I’m at the Burrow now with the Weasley family and Hermione is here, and being around them is helping me to get back to normal.
Professor Dumbledore came to get me from Privet Drive and told me I had inherited Sirius’s house and the rest of the Black family fortune. I’m not sure what to do with the house, I don’t want it and it’s not Headquarters anymore so it’s not much use. I just wish I wasn’t Kreacher’s master now.
Dear Harry,
Professor Lupin? Please Harry, call me Remus. It’s been a long time since I was your professor and of course I knew you before you were ever a student. You are not my blood but you are my nephew just the same!
You’ve inherited 12 Grimmauld Place then? From the sounds of the letter it sounds that you are Sirius's lone heir? Congrats! I’m happy that your future is secure. I would have thought perhaps Sirius would remember me and the years of friendship we shared, but alas
I suppose it must feel such an honor to know that's how strongly Sirius felt about you! An honor that you surely deserve! Why he’s put you on equal standing with James or Myself! Maybe even higher than us!
You must know the Black family is among the wealthiest of wizarding families, wealthier even than the Malfoys! I guess that means you’re that wealthy now, then. Wealthier than Draco Malfoy, with a mansion of a house you neither want nor need! How exciting for you. You will be well protected from the struggles of homelessness and the burdens of financial instability. I can tell you from personal experience that this is a big deal, bigger than you have likely ever considered.
But that of course is not why I’m writing to you. I’m glad you are managing your grief and surrounding yourself with family. Most of your family, I suppose. I would invite you out to visit me but I fear my recent accommodations are rather meager and may not be to your comfort. They’re not necessarily to my comfort, frankly, but I’ve been...well let’s just say I know how to keep my head above water. At least I've been able to so far.
Well Harry I trust your judgement and I know whatever you elect to do with the house and the sizable fortune will be the right and just thing to do.
Uncle Remus “Mooney” Lupin
Dear Professor Lupin
Thanks. I haven’t given any thought to how I’ll spend the money. After all, my parents left me a decent fortune too. I don’t even know how much money I have to be honest. It’s hard to think of anyone but Voldemort, you know what I mean?
Maybe if Voldemort is defeated one day I’ll buy a professional Quidditch team or something and me and Ron can run it. I don’t really think about it though, money is kind of a non-factor in my life.
Heck a few years ago I gave Fred and George Weasley 1,000 galleons that I won in the tri-wizard tournament. I didn’t really even think about it, it just kind of happened.. They’ve got a great business now. Hermione asked me once if I technically own a portion of their business and should be paid something called a “dividend” but I don’t know about all that. They’ll end up being richer than the Malfoy’s too I bet.
Hermione thinks I should invest in S-P-E-W or some charity thing.
Dearest Harry, my nephew and friend,
Well first of all I am so glad to hear that the Weasley family financial outlook has improved! I know they struggled for so long and this must be such a boon for Molly and Arthur. I’ve seen such struggle myself and I can tell you first-hand the toll poverty can take on your physical and mental health. What a relief this must be for them after all they’ve been through. I mean, they weren’t werewolves but still, must have been tough for them.
I must say the musings about owning a Quidditch team smack of youthful daydreams, and I’m glad despite the challenges ahead of you that you still retain some semblance of optimism. This is important, as you do have a long future ahead of you. But you are right, such things must wait until better days. A Quidditch team is more expensive than you’d think and purchasing one outright could deplete your funds more than you probably assume. Especially when you’re not exactly sure how much money you do have. You really should find out.
Hermione is wise beyond her years as you well know and I think she is right that you will find yourself fulfilled in helping the less fortunate. Those that walk among you that are marginalized in our magical world can be helped greatly with just a small bit of your fortune. There are those who are injured, cursed, or magically affected by all manner of terrible, lifelong ailments that go unsupported and unemployed. People who depend on incredibly expensive medicinal potions just to live a relatively normal life and can’t support themselves through nothing short of bigotry.
These may even be people you may have met, people who you may know personally, people who have directly and indirectly protected you their entire lives with little or no thanks! Returning the favor would surely give you more joy than any quidditch match ever could. A fifth, a tenth, even a twentieth of your fortune could set a person up for a life of comfort and stability after decades of struggle and borderline destitution.
Again Harry, you are a wise young man with a good heart and I trust your judgement. I know that your ideals align closely with your father and mother, who of course were such great friends to me that we were basically family. The Marauders, we were and are, and I consider you an honorary Marauder. (We’ll have to find you a nickname!)
Yours in Fraternal Brotherhood and always standing by to protect you, just as I was when I spent my free time teaching you the Patronus.
Uncle Remus “Mooney” Lupin
Groomsmen of James Potter at his wedding to Lily Potter née Evans
Founding member of “The Marauders”
Dear Professor Lupin,
Thanks! That means a lot. Take care of yourself.
Setting: Malfoy Manor, July 1992.
Draco,” Narcissa called. Draco came bounding down the stairs, still in his pajamas.
“Yes mother,” he said, “is it time for breakfast?”
“Draco, I’ve told you a thousand times, you can give Dobby orders. Just tell him what you want and he’ll get it for you. Be firm. No, your father wants to speak to you.”
“Where is father?” Draco asked nervously.
“He is out at the coop. Get dressed and go speak to him. Don’t dally, you know your father expects promptness.” Narcissa said. She was nervous for Draco. His father was so hard on him. Still, she was not happy with his marks either and agreed that he must do better next year.
Draco hurried up the stairs, falling and banging his knee halfway up. “Filthy mudbloods!” he shouted, wincing and rubbing his bruised shin. He shucked off his pajama’s and quickly pulled on his robes and carefully tied his shoes. Once his hair was thoroughly combed he knotted his tie and raced down to the peacock enclosure where he found his father.
“Father? You wanted to speak to me, sir?” he said hesitantly.
“I did, Draco. Sometime ago. I suppose I have all day to wait for you, just as your teachers have all the time in the world to wait for your late assignments and your even later comprehension,” Lucius said sharply. . As he spoke he carefully lifted the foot of a white peacock, and softly whispered, “Ah, Gepetto, you handsome lad, Careful, careful now, oh, you know it doesn’t hurt you silly boy. Here, yes, oh I know they’re your favorite. Tasty, yes? And diffindo! You see? Just a little trim of the talon, you charmer you. Come now, there’s no reason to act in such a way. We’re already half done! Four more on this foot and not a single one will hurt you. Diffindo, diffindo! You see, two at once? So easy when you cooperate!” He stroked the bird’s long, thin neck and cooed, the bird responding in kind. “Another diffindo, and yes, one more diffindo and look at you, you’re all done! Now another treat, oh yes of course you deserve it, you handsome boy. Run along now.”
Standing, he turned to Draco. “So. Astronomy. A. Acceptable. Hmpff. What is it about Astronomy that vexes you so? Surely it’s not the midnight lessons. How many detentions did you receive for being out after bed time?” he said bitterly.
“Father I,-” Draco began but Lucius cut him off.
“Astronomy! Of all things! You know the stars and planets have been doing the very same thing for millions of years? And you haven’t caught on yet? What could be more predictable than the movement of Jupiter? Nothing is more consistent, except your disappointing me.”
“Yes, Father,” Draco replied glumly.
“CHARMS! Another A. Another Acceptable!” he said, emphasizing the last word with a snide, mocking tone. “Acceptable. You keep bringing home ‘Acceptables’ and I'll determine that housing you in the coop is acceptable!” he shouted angrily.
He stooped again and scooted on the balls of his feet, his arms outstretched, cornering another peacock into the corner of the enclosure. Softly he whispered “Ambrosia, Ambrosia, none of your silly games today. Your talons need cutting more than anyone. Come now, be nice my striking boy. Yes, that’s it now. Precious, so precious. I know you hate this part but won’t you feel better when it’s done? Yes, yes of course you will. Here now,” he said as he deftly lifted the peacocks foot from the ground.
“Poor, in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Poor. As in what you’ll be when you continue to flounder about up at that school and I disinherit you! Diffindo! A failing grade, in your first year. Diffindo! Imagine. This Quirrell is lucky he’s already died, or I’d kill him for this insult on the Malfoy honor. Not that you have done anything to uphold it yourself! Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo!
“Your other foot, my dear. Yes, my sweet alabaster angel, so dainty. No, no, none of that,” he whispered, softly guiding the peacock back into the corner and turning her around. “Half done dear, and I’ve got a delectable little treat when you’re done. There now, Diffindo! Look, we’ve started already,” he said in a pleasant whisper.
“Herbology, Exceeds Expectation. Sprout is a notorious soft grader, don’t expect me to fan my tail for you. Diffindo! History of Magic, Exceeds expectation. Be still my heart, you’ve impressed a dead man. Diffindo!
“Potions. Draco, who is your Potions professor?”
“Umm?” Draco said.
“Don’t tell me you’re so daft you’ve forgotten! Diffindo!” Lucius barked.
“Potions is Snape,” Draco said. “Professor Snape,” he added quickly.
“Yes, indeed. And how long have you known Professor Snape?” he asked.
“Since I was a baby,” Draco said.
“Yes, because I knew him at school, we are old, old friends who know an awful lot about each other. And we have that respect. I wrote to Snape this morning when I saw your ‘A’ for ‘Acceptable’ and asked if he remembered we were such old friends. He wrote me back. Ahem.” said Lucius, pulling a scroll from his pocket.
“Dear Lucius,” Lucius read aloud.
“I do not offer favors in my classroom, nor exceptions. Coddling of students such as Draco would put them in significant danger at their own hand. You understand of course how quickly a pepper-up potion can become a poison?
As to your hope that I would grade Draco’s work generously:
I did.
I remind you that an ‘E’ grade is for Exceeding Expectations, not Exceeding Weasleys, and yet Draco failed to do either.
My best to you, Narcissa and Draco,
Professor Severus Snape.
The peacock whimpered. “Diffindo! Oh, there you are Ambrosia, I’m sorry. So very sorry. There you are, have a treat? Yes, that’s nice isn’t it? Oh, have another? Look at you, a pig or a peacock I sometimes wonder? Here, three today you silly bird, you shine like a diamond. Run along now.”
Standing again, Lucius said “And you’ve gotten an Acceptable in Transfiguration too! A squib could get better grades than you! What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I, well, it’s just… I’m sorry father,” Draco said, helplessly.
“Too right you are! You’ll do better next year or else! Now get out of my sight!” Lucius shouted.
Draco scurried from the pen, hastily wiping his eyes on his robes.
Lucius sighed, deeply and wiped his brow. Turning to his left he spotted another peacock, gleaming white.
“You turn, my majestic friend,” he called to the peacock. “Oh, you’re not going to come out? You want to stay in there with those garish talons? Come now, it’s trim time! You naughty boy, come out. Ahhh, I know what you want? You want your song, don’t you. Silly, silly lad. Anything for you, my darling boy,” Lucius said.
He took a deep breath and, dancing a little on the spot, began to sing.
There he comes, there he goes, strutting about on overgrown toes!
There he comes, there he goes, so much charm he overflows!
There he comes, there he goes, beautifully white like a winter rose!
There he comes, there he goes, my dear old Pistachios!
Setting: The Burrow, July 1996
“Would you pass the gravy, please?” said Ginny, gesturing at the chipped boat at the other end of the table.
“Send it to me when you’re done,” said Charlie, as the gravy boat floated over to Ginny, guided by Mr. Weasley. “Dinner is delicious, Mom, you’ve really out done yourself,” Charlie said through a mouthful of mashed potatoes, and Mrs. Weasley patted him affectionately on the arm. She poured herself a glass of wine and, finding the bottle empty, used her wand to move it to the counter where several empty bottles already sat.
At the foot of the table Bill stood, and holding his wine goblet aloft, tapped it three times with his wand. Gold and scarlet sparks fell to the table as the side conversations subsided and the family turned to face Bill. “I have an announcement!” he said, grinning broadly.
“You’re banned from Egypt!” Fred shouted.
“You’ve grown a tail!” George shouted.
“You found where Fred and George hide their porn!” Ginny shouted.
The laughter around the table subsided as Bill waved his arms in a downward motion, chuckling to himself. “I’ve asked Fleur to marry me! And she’s said yes!” Bill shouted as his cheeks flushed and his ears reddened.
Fleur jumped to her feet at Bill’s left and gleefully held a large diamond ring on her left hand, as the Weasley family dissolved into shouts of “Congratulations!” and “That’s so exciting!”
Mr. Weasley practically ran the length of the table and hugged Bill excitedly, jumping a little, before breaking away to hug Fleur with the same fervor. “Accio Champagne!” he called, pointing his wine at a cupboard. “Infrigido!” He gleefully shouted, pointing his wand at the bottle, which was instantly covered in frost and bits of ice. He caught the bottle and handed it to Bill, who swiftly opened it with his wand and took a drink before handing it to Fleur.
The Weasley’s passed the bottle around as they rushed to hug and congratulate Bill and Fleur, Mrs. Weasley sobbing into a handkerchief. “Oh, I’m so thrilled for you!” she shouted. “I must say I had some doubts but, well, Oh Bill! I’m so excited for you!” she exclaimed, hugging him again.
The family slowly trickled back to their seats, as Mr. Weasley pulled several bottles of wine from the cupboard and passed them around the table.
“So you’ll really be part of the family now, eh Fleur?” Fred said, grinning.
“That was inevitable though, wasn’t it Fred?” George called, grinning as well.
“I suppose it was, George? Unavoidable, really?” said Fred.
“It was all just a matter of which Weasley, wasn’t it?” George said.
Ron pushed his chair back and stood, moving toward the doorway as Bill said “What are you two on about?” to the twins.
“Not so fast!” Fred shouted, putting Ron in a full body-bind curse.
“Good heavens Fred! What are you doing?” Mrs. Weasley said, unfreezing Ron.
“Just a wee bit of storytelling Mum,” said Fred, as Ron gingerly returned to his seat.
"Love and loss, joy and despair!" said George, whimsically.
With a quick twitch of her wand, Ginny conjured muzzles which attached themselves to Fred and George’s faces. “Sorry, brothers, but this is not a story that should be told.”
Ginny rose from her chair and dramatically added a storytelling affectation to her voice before shouting, “By people who weren’t even there!” She waved her wands to dim the lights and began circling the dining room, speaking in a stage whisper.
“Oh no,” Ron whimpered.
“It was a dark and stormy night at Hogwarts castle, and the impending Yule Ball had ignited the hormones of witch and wizard alike! One particular witch had the eye of every boy in the building, and a few of the women as well.
Enter our hero! Tall, pale and something other than handsome, he carefully combed his hair with his fingers, drew himself up to the very tip of his egregious height and ran up to the girl, so strong was his passion. Employing the depth of his charm, he made to grab her shoulder, missed, stumbled, and as his face turned tomato red to counter his carrot hair, shouted “Will you Yule Ball with me?!?!”
“A pregnant pause came over the hall as the startled, bi-lingual beauty turned to see the broomstick of a boy, drowning in his own sweat. ‘Que voulez-vous dire?’ she said.” "What do you mean?" she said in French.
“For a second that lasted an eternity, he stared at her, before he turned heel and fled the room. Those who knew our hero would tell you neither brain, body or broom was ever known to be quick or speedy, but he hightailed the room with such a velocity that he took several paintings off the wall."
"And that is the tale of the French Rose and the the Irish Beanstalk also known as the time Ron asked your wife out," Ginny said, offering an exaggerated bow.
With another dramatic flourish she removed the spells from the mouths of Fred and George as the entire table howled with laughter. Bill and Mrs. Weasley fought to contain themselves as Fred, George and Charlie pounded the table with mirth. Mr. Weasley was on all fours, wheezing and shaking as he tried to suppress his laughter.
Finally, as the chaos subsided and the Weasley family returned to their seats, Ron resembling a red-haired plum, grunted “never happened. Never happened. Never happened,” as though it was a mantra.
Bill, breaking into a second fit of giggles, turned to his fiancée and asked “Well Fleur? Is that true?”
Fleur rolled her eyes and said “Oh Bill, you know how it vas. I vas asked out by dozens of boys for zis little dance. Even Ludo Bagman asked me! How am I to remember? How am I to notice zese silly little boys and zair overtures? Zair were so many, it was all so tiresome. Ze Davies boy offered me 20 galleons to go with heem, zat is all I remember. I do not zink Ronald asked me, but who knows?” Fleur said, taking a sip of her wine.
Ron looked relieved and said “see, told you,” his face still a pronounced shade of red.
Putting her glass down again and giving a small hiccup, Fleur said “But Ginny, you do forget, he stepped on my foot when he ran from the room! I thought my toes would break!”
submitted by dsjunior1388 to harrypotter [link] [comments]

What's in store for European tech and startups in 2021? Sifted EU's startup predictions

What's in store for European tech and startups in 2021? Sifted EU's startup predictions
This time last year, Sifted compiled at least some pretty accurate predictions for 2020. Our columnist Nicolas Colin said it was going to be the year of remote working, which he was definitely right about (albeit it not exactly for the reasons he said). Philippe Collombel, general partner at Partech, said it was going to be the “year of economic crisis” which hit the nail on the head.
Admittedly, not everyone was spot on. Jean de La Rochebrochard, partner at Kima Ventures, said it was going to be the year when travel tech beat fintech (the pandemic put a stop to that). Gabriela Hersham, cofounder and chief executive of coworking space Huckletree, said it was going to be the “year of community coworking”.
So after that mixed bag, and an uncertain 12 months ahead, what predictions can we make for 2021? Well, here is our effort from the Sifted team of reporters.

European startups will raise a record $50bn

Back in 2016 European tech startups raised just $16bn in funding from global venture capital firms. Last year European startups, in the midst of a global pandemic, raised a record $41bn. This is an annual growth rate of 30% over 5 years and confirms what we already know: the European startup ecosystem is booming in a way that has never been seen before.
So it’s not unreasonable to think that startup funding will hit $50bn next year for a few reasons. Firstly, global monetary policy remains super-lax and so there is heaps of money sloshing around, particularly from the US where startup valuations are much higher and investors are coming to Europe looking for a deal. Secondly, there is dry powder from 2020 waiting to be unleashed once the economy starts to recover.
Thirdly, and probably most importantly, the flywheel of European tech and startups is really spinning. More than ever, people young and old want to found or work in tech startups in a significant mindset shift from a decade ago. More than ever, early employees from one successful startup are leaving to do their own projects, taking money and expertise with them.
Michael Stothard

Europe will mint 25 more startup unicorns

In 2020 Europe created 18 new privately held startup “unicorns” worth more than $1bn, bringing the total number to nearly 60 (depending on how you count it).
I predict that this will increase to 25 tech companies raising money at a $1bn+ valuation for the first time in 2021 as momentum continues to build.
Why? Well, the fact is that Europe is now producing unicorn companies at the same rate as the US, with seed-funded companies in both regions having around a 1 in 100 chance of scaling to a $1bn+ valuation. That should lead to 25 easy.
Michael Stothard

90% of capital will go to all-male founding teams

Last year only 90.8% of VC money invested into European startups went to all-male teams, according to Atomico’s State of European Tech report. This was pretty much the same as in previous years, with little sign of improvement.
“The data is unbelievably grim from a gender perspective,” said Tom Wehmeier, the author of the report.
While there is some sign of more money being raised by female-led companies at the early stages, it is not much to cling to. And at the later stages, the data is very bad. Not one deal over $50M was closed by a women-only team in 2020.
I hope that this will start to shift in a meaningful way this year, but I fear that it will be the same kind of numbers all over again in 2021.
Michael Stothard

Klarna will claim to be the new Amazon

Remember when the cofounder of the fintech startup Klarna, Sebastian Siemiatkowski thanked CNBC “for making it official: Klarna is now the global innovation leader and Paypal the follower.”
At the time, many of us smiled at the somewhat attention-seeking tweet from the Swedish entrepreneur. Dragos Novac did a great analysis about it.
But perhaps Siemiatkowski has a point.
The Klarna app has moved away from being a payment app (you can still manage your payments there) to something bigger and shinier. It is now actually luring us to shop through the app.
Being eight months pregnant there is no point in me looking at sequin dresses, but still, I find myself browsing with an urge to spend money.
In comparison, Amazon, which I visited the other week, has the opposite effect on me.
Klarna just hired a fashion director as well. In terms of logistics and warehousing, it obviously has some way to go, but Amazon wasn’t built overnight either.
I’m not the first to think this, but I am pretty sure I am the first to bet a sequin dress that Siemiatkowski will tweet that Klarna has taken the first step becoming the 2020’s no 1 super-platform by the end of 2021. Amazon is so 90s.
Mimi Billing

The rise of the European SPAC — and the slump of the IPO

In Europe, SPACs is still a little known piece of jargon, but 2021 will change that.
SPACs (special-purpose acquisition companies) give startups an alternative to listing publicly. They are essentially public investment vehicles with a mandate to buy large stakes in startups.
Instead of listing on a public exchange then, startups can be bought by a SPAC — securing a large capital raise as well as allowing early shareholders to cash in.
The benefit of a SPAC exit is it avoids much of the regulation and red-tape that comes with going public normally. Meanwhile, SPACs often offer startups the same valuation they expected to get on the public market.
Moreover, SPACs are themselves publicly traded, so retail investors can still indirectly buy-in to the success of a startup.
SPACs are already all the rage in the US, and it’s only a matter of time before they begin to court large European startups — especially fintechs.
Indeed, the European startup ecosystem is maturing and expected to soon produce a wave of public exits.
Isabel Woodford

Climate tech will become the hottest investment topic

Greta Thunberg and her fellow environmental activists have done their thing. Governments are responding (albeit too slowly). Big companies are outbidding each other in their efforts to look green. VC investors are increasingly investing in climate tech startups in anticipation of big policy shifts.
In February, Bill Gates will publish a much-anticipated book on how to avoid a climate disaster, sparking a global conversation about what practical steps we all need to take. 2021 will be the year when green investment goes mainstream. European entrepreneurs have plenty of smart ideas about how to tackle climate change. Now they need to scale.
To date, climate tech investments have accounted for a relatively small, if very fast-growing, sliver of VC funds (about 6% of the total capital invested in 2019 according to Dealroom).
But they are ramping up quickly, increasing from $418m in 2013 to $16.3bn in 2019. Expect them to grow even faster in 2021 as citizens, consumers, employees, companies and investors all demand that more be done to respond to the climate emergency.
John Thornhill

Bosses will want us back in the office ASAP

Many of us feel ambivalent about the new normal of working from home. While answering emails from bed in pajamas might be fun from time to time, it’s easy to feel isolated, less active, and less connected to the world around us without the routine of going into the office.
As countries have oscillated between tougher and looser restrictions in response to infection rates, many companies have adopted hybrid models, with employees coming into the office for a few days a week. Many workers will be pushing for a similarly flexible model to become a long-term policy from their bosses.
But don’t expect all employers to give up without a fight.
Following the initial lockdown, we’ve already seen stories of workers being summoned back to the workplace against their will, and Facebook has been accused of “risking lives” by bringing employees back to the office prematurely.
Workers who’d rather have some flexibility certainly have a case to make, with research showing that remote work can increase productivity. However, rising unemployment in a post-pandemic economic slowdown could weaken workers’ negotiating hand, as we enter a “buyers’ market,” particularly at a junior level.
More senior employees will likely have more say over the terms of their work, and it will be down to them to secure a more flexible approach for others.
Tim Smith

Europe’s tech ecosystem will become more unequal as Covid begins to bite

The last global financial crash was not an easy time for southern European nations. Unemployment skyrocketed as fragile economies buckled, and many in the region fear we could be in for more of the same this time around.
Signs of a widening gap between northern and southern European startups are already showing. While Europe as a whole looks set this year to exceed funding levels compared to 2019, investment in Spanish startups has fallen by more than half.
Government support programmes for the tech sector also paint a worrying picture for the south. As countries like Germany and France rolled out €2bn and €4bn support schemes respectively, the tech sector in Portugal was treated to €25m in aid measures.
There is hope that the European Recovery Fund will go some way to prevent the gap widening further. Back in August, the EU agreed to a €750bn relief package that will disproportionately benefit smaller European economies, but veterans of the last financial crash believe it will be inadequate to create a truly integrated Europe.
The gathering storm of recession and unemployment will hit Europe hard when furlough schemes come to an end. When it does, the continent’s smaller economies will be far less equipped to weather it.
Tim Smith

Your dog will eat insects

Possibly Rover is already hoovering up the occasional spider or beetle in the garden, but we mean eating insects on a more regular basis as insect-based protein becomes a more mainstream pet food option.
Insect protein much more eco-friendly than meat, as producing a kilo of insect-protein takes just 2% of the land area 4% of the water that producing a kilo of beef produces. With pets estimated to be consuming 20% of the world’s meat, many owners are becoming concerned about the carbon pawprint. Insect protein may also be healthier for pets — a surprisingly high percentage of dogs, for example, have an allergy to beef.
Ynsect, the French mealworm farming company which raised an eye-popping $372m funding round this autumn, already sells its insect protein to makers of hypoallergenic doga and cat food, but now says it is in talks with several large pet food brands too. Ynsect is building a huge production plant in Amiens that will allow it to produce 1,000 times more mealworm protein than it does today.
Signs of insect-based pet food’s popularity are around at the grassroots level too. Aardvark, the UK-based startup selling insect-based dry pet food, ended up raising some £300,000 in its recent crowdfunding campaign, six times more than the £50,000 it had initially sought. The Aardvark team planning to start selling direct to consumers in early 2021.
Maija Palmer

Cities will say yes to flying taxis

We’re not going to be riding in flying taxis yet in 2021 — the first services aren’t likely to begin until 2023 at the earliest. But cities will start to make preparations for networks of flying taxis.
Volocopter, the German flying taxi startup, will start test flights near Paris next year, and has said it would begin services in Singapore by 2023. Dubai is also carrying out tests with Volocopter and China’s EHang, and says it could begin services in 2022.
EHang is also working with the Austrian city of Linz on a pilot project.
Meanwhile, Lilium, the German flying taxi company, has announced a series of hubs this autumn. Germany it has deals with Cologne and Dusseldorf airports, and in the US it has a deal with Lake Nona, the futuristic smart city just outside Orlando, to operate flights from there. Expect a lot more announcements in 2021 for take-off and landing spots in other cities.
There are at least 50 cities worldwide evaluating the viability of urban air mobility, according to a report by Frost and Sullivan, the consultancy, mainly because they need to ease congestion and find cheaper alternatives to road- and rail-building.
Maija Palmer

We will figure out what to do with quantum computers

Quantum computers are the answer to everything — and nothing. The number of qubits in a quantum machine is still relatively low — 65 for an IBM machine — and so far it has been a little unclear just what we will be doing with quantum machines even when they do have a usable amount of qubit power.
Cambridge Quantum Computing are working out some ideas. A first project is to sell certifiably random numbers to companies that need them, which sounds a bit underwhelming unless you understand just how difficult it is to get true randomness. An idea with more wow-factor is revamping the way computers handle language — moving away from just pattern recognition around sets of words to machines that could understand grammar and the meaning of words. The first corporate customers can start buying these services next year.
Experts believe optimisation problems — the classic example is the traveling salesman trying to work out the shortest route that connects multiple cities — could be one of the areas where there is a benefit to going quantum. Once you factor in a large number of cities, there are so many different variations that classical computers struggle to handle them. In finance, there are potential uses of quantum to optimise investment portfolios.
Return on investment still looks uncertain when it comes to quantum computing, but expect companies to start figuring it out next year.
Maija Palmer

TikTok will announce a fintech product of some sort

The boom in banking infrastructure means that today, ‘everyone can be a fintech.’
Users can now spend with Apple or Google, Uber operates mobile wallets for its drivers, and Facebook is helping build a cryptocurrency.
So it’s only a matter of time before TikTok — the most downloaded app of 2020 — follows suit.
TikTok allows millions of users worldwide to curate short-form videos. and is particularly popular among teenagers (Gen Z).
No surprise then that Chinese-based TikTok is already reportedly looking at securing a banking license, according to the Financial Times.
This is consistent with reports by the Wall Street Journal that TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, wants to build out a franchise far beyond video-streaming.
TikTok’s financial play might take the form of peer-to-peer payments or even mobile wallets to allow users to buy products advertised immediately in the app curators.
Mobile wallets could also be utilised by influencers who partner with large brands on the app.
Gen Z has over $143 billion in spending power, making them a lucrative audience to onboard for financial services.
Isabel Woodford

Everything will get gamified

It’s likely to be a few months before vaccines make their way and the “new normal” gives way to parts of the “old normal” that we all miss: seeing colleagues, going for drinks and a nice meal with friends, or catching a concert or an art exhibit.
As we try to do those things while we’re still stuck at home, and sitting in front of a screen takes up an increasingly substantial part of our days, my bet is that our entire existence will become gamified in 2021.
By that, I mean that applications of all sorts are likely to borrow more and more from the world of video games — because if they’re going to keep us interested, they’re going to have to keep us active behind our screens.
One thing 2020 proved is that screen fatigue is very much a real thing, the worst of which tends to manifest itself during Zoom video calls. Keeping students interested has prompted school teachers to experiment with creative edtech, from the likes of Norway’s educational games app Kahoot!.
And games (small simple games, not Playstation blockbusters) are catching on as a social facilitator for after-school interactions too. European teen social app Yubo has wooed more than 40m users in 40 countries with online interactions that focus on just having a nice time with peers, including by playing small games like “would you rather” or “let them guess”.
As concert halls and opera houses stay forced shut in cities across Europe, they’re also exploring alternatives for what steps to take after launching classic streaming services. Rolling Stone magazine wrote recently about how animated concerts could well become the next craze, bringing music and video games together: full with virtual reality headsets, virtual avatars that interact — and digital “pills” that create the online equivalent of taking drugs.
Marie Mawad

European cities will solve the scooter littering problem

Whilst some European cities such as London have not yet approved the use of electric scooters on the streets others have more or less banned them already for being too messy.
The city council in Copenhagen decided earlier this year that electric scooters are allowed on the streets – they just need to be hired from a physical shop and then be returned to it as well. This obviously is not in line with the business model of Voi, Tier and Dott.
The move was akin to Copenhagen’s decision to ban Uber for a few years back – stating that they could do better themselves. They couldn’t but that doesn’t mean that they would budge under the pressure this time.
Many cities, like Lisbon, Paris, Berlin have introduced fines for electric scooters wrongly parked. In Sweden, there is now an app for angry pedestrians to send a note to the local government departments, tipping them off about wrongly parked scooters.
The problem of scooters lying across the pavements seems to continue though. Perhaps next year we will see a new way of dealing with the scooters without the drastic measures of Copenhagen.
Mimi Billing

Devices will train your brain

Managing your health has become a mantra for many. You are in control of your sleep, your vitamin deficiencies through blood tests and your weekly exercise, right?
If you have all those things in check, then you should check out the next bright thing – brain training. We aren’t speaking of sudoku or juggling but actually improving your brain through neurofeedback.
Neurofeedback is a therapeutic intervention that helps the brain to learn by giving it feedback. It works similarly to a computer game giving you points when you are winning. With a headband stuck on your head and your eyes locked on a screen, it actually assesses your brainwave activity.
Neurofeedback has been used to address problems of anxiety-depression, attention deficits, behavior disorders, sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, PMS and emotional disturbances. But who said it has to stop here?
Research has shown that people without known issues also can improve their brains by using the same technology. So, will the year of 2021 be the year we all become smarter, nicer and more focussed? No, but the trend of trying is definitely about to take off.
Mimi Billing

The year of Dr Data

If 2020 was the year when video consultations with doctors finally became a generalized reality, 2021 is gearing up to be the year of data sharing between patients and their doctors.
There’s increasing demand from practitioners and patients for ways to easily monitor their health at a distance in between appointments.
French startup Withings, which makes connected everythings from smart watches that measure your heart rate to blood pressure monitors, raised money recently to pursue just that.
The coronavirus has helped attract interest of course, but it’s not just that. In the US, regulatory changes are also acting as accelerators: insurance companies are subsidising doctors to do more patient tracking using connected devices from scales to blood pressure and sleep monitors.
Chronic diseases in particular, like diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea, call for this kind of monitoring. They’re typically conditions that both patients and doctors need to keep an eye on, although booking frequent appointments just to check in if nothing is wrong doesn’t necessarily make sense.
Remote monitoring is the second category behind teleconsultations on CB Insights’ annual ranking of the 150 most promising digital health startups in the world.
Marie Mawad

The year big tech gets a big dressing down from governments

Public opinion around the big tech giants – Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple – has been turning for some time, but recent events have coalesced to shine a more urgent spotlight on some of their more questionable practices.
Examples include Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal, antitrust charges brought against Google, growing protests against workers’ rights in Amazon warehouses, and Apple’s obligation to pay out $113m for slowing down phones.
The European Union has released its own plans to regulate big tech, with threats to break up companies that don’t comply with new rules on data usage and competition. Meanwhile, the US government has said Facebook must sell Whatsapp and Instagram, claiming it has used illegal monopolies to choke off competition. Mark Zuckerberg has said that Facebook will fight this in court, but the ground is being paved to give smaller startups and competitors more of an even footing.
While some still view these companies as impressive and innovative organisations, policy makers are now responding to growing concerns over whether technology is really working for society’s benefit.
Tim Smith
Originally published bySifted Reporters | January 4, 2021
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10 ways you can MAKE, SAVE and INVEST money ASAP

If you want to make money right now you should read this as I am going to share with you 10 of the best tips that can make you money starting right and be sure to read everything as I have a bonus tip
Hey everyone and Welcome, my name is Cristian and today I will share with you 10 of the best tips that can start making you money right now
  1. Start saving money and INVEST IT
The most important thing is START SAVING MONEY RIGHT NOW AND INVEST IT, don’t spend it on useless things that don’t add value to you. Either knowledge value, net worth value or future prospect value. This is one of the things that I learned the hard way, as I was spending all my money and never saving and investing it, this has cost me a lot of real money and potential money as I have missed out on a lot of things so be sure and learn from other people’s mistakes
  1. Number two has a lot to do with number one TRACK YOUR SPENDING AND IMPROVE IT BY REDUCING EXPENSES
You think you are doing everything you can to start saving money? Well you probably aren’t if you are looking at this post. Start tracking all of your expenses by using your credit or debit card for almost every purchase you do and at the end of every month take your time and look over your statements. Are you satisfied with what you see? Are all your expenses really worth it? Are they adding value for you or future value? Probably not… Are you enjoying 10$ coffees when you can make our own at home for 50 cents? Is that brand name clothing or perfume adding value to you? You can easily get really nice clothes and great smelling perfumes for a lot less when not buying brand names. Another good idea is not to do groceries while you are hungry as you are tempted to buy much more food that you don’t actually need and end up wasting it. Do you really need to pay 5$ to play candy crush? I don’t believe so, you can find tons of games for free but wait a minute, why play games when you should try and do something that adds value to your life? Are you buying lottery tickets? Stop that right now, take that money and invest it. This are just a few examples that can improve your spending habits. Take your time every month and track your expense, cut out the stuff you don’t need and you will start feeling a difference very soon.
  1. The number 3 tip is Don’t rush just HAVE PATIENCE. I know, you want Lamborghini money in a week with nothing to start from, Yeah, me too but that is not gonna happen. You must learn to have patience and grow your net worth steadily over time, don’t go on Wall street bets and trade options thinking you’ll get rich by next month, that is a recipe for disaster. You might get lucky 1 in 10 thousand times but there are far better ways of making money. So be patient and take your time. SCREENSHOT
Moving up to number 4, INVEST IN STOCKS
Here you can see that if you had invested 30 years ago in 1 share of the SP that money would be worth 10 times that amount right now and even adjusted for inflation you would still be up huge 30 years SP. With the annualized Average Return of investment being more than 6% AVG RETURNS. Here you can see that you should not try to time the market as it is really hard to predict what is the best time to buy, you should just get into the stock market, you shouldn’t probably dump all your money in one day. But you should be buying into the stock market every time you get paid would be a great thing to do. As being fully invested in the stock market in the past 30 years has return more than 7% annually, while missing just the 3 best days of the stock market every year could see you end up losing money. BEING FULLY INVESTED
Don’t know how the stock market goes? No worries number 5 will help you. INVEST IN ETF’s. What are ETFs? ETFs are exchanged traded funds that you can buy just like stocks. They are very similar to index funds but have lower fees usually and you can find ETFs that track pretty much everything. What are Index funds? Index funds are mutual fonds that are managed by professional money managers and represent a theoretical segment of the stock market with the most important ones being the SP500 that tracks the 500 biggest companies listed on the US stock exchange, the Nasdaq Composite which includes almost all the companies that are listed on the Nasdaq stock market or the Nasdaq 100 which includes 100 of the largest non-financial companies in the NASDAQ COMPOSITE and the DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE that tracks the stock performance of the 30 larges companies listed in the United States. They all have ETFs that track them, QQQ tracks the Nasdaq and also has a dividend yield of 0,56%, SPY tracks the SP500 and has a dividend yield of 1,6% while DIA tracks the Dow Jones and has a dividend yield just over 2%. but you can also invest in ETFs that track sectors like SMH which tracks the semiconductor sector and still has a dividend yield of more than 1% more than almost any bank is giving right now on savings account and also offer growth. Or if you like the airlines and think that they will return to the value they once have there is a ETF for that also under the ticker JETS or if you like banks XLF is a good ETF for those and you can also invest in real estate with tracking a real estate ETF, one for example is XLRE , there are many ETFs that you can choose from not only these one. And as long as you consistently invest money over time, it is almost guaranteed that your money will increase they’re value.
Number 6. Don’t try and reinvent the wheel, it’s really hard to come up with something new in this era, you should just try and emulate and improve what you see other people are doing that make a lot of money. A great example is just creating YouTube videos, there are a lot of people making YouTube videos out there and earning money they couldn’t have imagined. Or you can simply learn great skills that have high paying jobs, like coding or if that is to hard you should try and run Facebook or Google ads for companies or people, start small, get your local business to hire you, a lot of small business don’t know how to get noticed on social media and may pay a lot of money to get more customers
Let’s move to number 7 on the list guys and that is: Don’t buy new things. Guys I now we all want that brand new Lamborghini but let’s face is… THE WORST, ABSOLUTELTY THE WORST MONEY YOU CAN EVENER Spend is on a brand new car. The value of that drops like a rock the second you drive it off the dealers lot. You should only buy used cars, you can get a lot more value for your money with a car that is just a few years old and even might get lucky and don’t lose that much money if you buy curs that don’t depreciate that quickly. Other things you shouldn’t buy new that also demand a huge premium over they’re value is jewelry but be aware you should still get the things appraised by a certified expert before you spend money on jewelry to avoid getting scammed. You can usually find pretty good deals on luxury jewelry at reputable pawn shop or eBay items that offered guarantees. Also one last thing you should never buy are pets… This will do two great things, one you save a lot of money when adopting a pet and two you will do a great thing for a pet that is looking for a nice welcoming home.
Number 8 on my first 10 tips on how you can make money right now is PAY OFF THAT HIGH INTEREST DEBT
So, one thing that can start making you money right now is paying high interest debt, I know I told you earlier to invest your money into the stock market ASAP but guys… that interest rate is killing you believe me. You should try and pay off that debt as fast as you can especially the Credit Card DEBT. Try to never, but never have debt on your credit card, as they have the highest interest rates on any kind of loans with even EXCELLENT CREDIT the lowest annual percentage rate is still 15% while it does depend from bank to bank with the Discover credit card having the lowest interest and Capital One having the highest at over 25%. After you pay this debt you should then focus on personal loans which have the second highest interest rate at about 10% followed by student loans and auto loans. The one debt you shouldn’t necessarily try and pay of as fast as you can are long term fixed mortgages with interest rates being at all time low rates you should probably take advantage right now and refinance your old mortgage at a much lower APR. So my opinion is that if you have high interest rate loans like credit cards, and personal loans you should get rid of that ASAP I would pay off that debt with 80% of the money I can save every month and the rest of 20% I would invest in the stock market but in the case of lower interest rates you should take advantage by the leverage mortgages offer you and you should invest more in the stock market as the annual average return is much higher than your interest rate. AVG LOAN RATES / CREDIT CARD RATES / LONG TERM LOANS RATES
Number 9 on the list is TRY NEW THINGS, if you haven’t already found your niche, you should probably try as many new things as possible until you find the one that works for you. You should find that thing that you really enjoy and can also add a significant amount to your net worth, you shouldn’t waste your time with jobs or businesses that you don’t enjoy or don’t have the potential to add big to your net worth
And finally number 10. Invest in real estate and rent out.
You should go out and find good real estate deals, you should seek out houses that are undervalued in a nice neighbourhood. Don’t seek houses that require a lot of work to restore, because if you don’t know what you should really do you might end up overspending on the house. You should get leverage on the real estate with mortgage rates being so low right now. Also go out and find good renters as this will bring up a good steady cash flow as a passive income, this also gives you great tax advantages and is a hedge against inflation especially now with all this money being pumped in the world there is a risk of inflation in the future. There are a few cons for real estate investing the main one being that they require more work than just owning stocks but this is a great way to diversify your asset allocation. So, I believe that you should do both as your income allows you, you should try and buy more and more real estate and rent it out as this will make you control a lot of money with really small upfront costs but you should also keep investing in the stock market. You should try and find your own balance as this is highly depended from person to person REAL ESTATE PRO/CONS / STOCKS vs REAL ESTATE
Hey guys, thank you for sticking this far and as a reward for sticking this far here is a bonus tip for you
As soon as you turn 18 you should try and get a credit card to build up your credit history. But be very careful don’t go and spend all the money on the credit card and don’t pay it off as this will negatively impact your history. You should try and own at least a couple of great credit cards that offer great benefits use them but as soon as you can pay that thing off every month so you can enjoy getting a great credit history that will help you later in life when you apply for bigger loans like mortgages.
Thank you everyone for reading! Hope you enjoyed the contente!
Be sure to leave a comment down below with your expectations on the stock market!
Have a great day and see you next time!
submitted by 0toHeroInvesting to StockMarket [link] [comments]

10 ways you can MAKE, SAVE and INVEST money ASAP

If you want to make money right now you should read this as I am going to share with you 10 of the best tips that can make you money starting right and be sure to read everything as I have a bonus tip
Hey everyone and Welcome, my name is Cristian and today I will share with you 10 of the best tips that can start making you money right now
  1. Start saving money and INVEST IT
The most important thing is START SAVING MONEY RIGHT NOW AND INVEST IT, don’t spend it on useless things that don’t add value to you. Either knowledge value, net worth value or future prospect value. This is one of the things that I learned the hard way, as I was spending all my money and never saving and investing it, this has cost me a lot of real money and potential money as I have missed out on a lot of things so be sure and learn from other people’s mistakes
  1. Number two has a lot to do with number one TRACK YOUR SPENDING AND IMPROVE IT BY REDUCING EXPENSES
You think you are doing everything you can to start saving money? Well you probably aren’t if you are looking at this post. Start tracking all of your expenses by using your credit or debit card for almost every purchase you do and at the end of every month take your time and look over your statements. Are you satisfied with what you see? Are all your expenses really worth it? Are they adding value for you or future value? Probably not… Are you enjoying 10$ coffees when you can make our own at home for 50 cents? Is that brand name clothing or perfume adding value to you? You can easily get really nice clothes and great smelling perfumes for a lot less when not buying brand names. Another good idea is not to do groceries while you are hungry as you are tempted to buy much more food that you don’t actually need and end up wasting it. Do you really need to pay 5$ to play candy crush? I don’t believe so, you can find tons of games for free but wait a minute, why play games when you should try and do something that adds value to your life? Are you buying lottery tickets? Stop that right now, take that money and invest it. This are just a few examples that can improve your spending habits. Take your time every month and track your expense, cut out the stuff you don’t need and you will start feeling a difference very soon.
  1. The number 3 tip is Don’t rush just HAVE PATIENCE. I know, you want Lamborghini money in a week with nothing to start from, Yeah, me too but that is not gonna happen. You must learn to have patience and grow your net worth steadily over time, don’t go on Wall street bets and trade options thinking you’ll get rich by next month, that is a recipe for disaster. You might get lucky 1 in 10 thousand times but there are far better ways of making money. So be patient and take your time. SCREENSHOT
Moving up to number 4, INVEST IN STOCKS
Here you can see that if you had invested 30 years ago in 1 share of the SP that money would be worth 10 times that amount right now and even adjusted for inflation you would still be up huge 30 years SP. With the annualized Average Return of investment being more than 6% AVG RETURNS. Here you can see that you should not try to time the market as it is really hard to predict what is the best time to buy, you should just get into the stock market, you shouldn’t probably dump all your money in one day. But you should be buying into the stock market every time you get paid would be a great thing to do. As being fully invested in the stock market in the past 30 years has return more than 7% annually, while missing just the 3 best days of the stock market every year could see you end up losing money. BEING FULLY INVESTED
Don’t know how the stock market goes? No worries number 5 will help you. INVEST IN ETF’s. What are ETFs? ETFs are exchanged traded funds that you can buy just like stocks. They are very similar to index funds but have lower fees usually and you can find ETFs that track pretty much everything. What are Index funds? Index funds are mutual fonds that are managed by professional money managers and represent a theoretical segment of the stock market with the most important ones being the SP500 that tracks the 500 biggest companies listed on the US stock exchange, the Nasdaq Composite which includes almost all the companies that are listed on the Nasdaq stock market or the Nasdaq 100 which includes 100 of the largest non-financial companies in the NASDAQ COMPOSITE and the DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE that tracks the stock performance of the 30 larges companies listed in the United States. They all have ETFs that track them, QQQ tracks the Nasdaq and also has a dividend yield of 0,56%, SPY tracks the SP500 and has a dividend yield of 1,6% while DIA tracks the Dow Jones and has a dividend yield just over 2%. but you can also invest in ETFs that track sectors like SMH which tracks the semiconductor sector and still has a dividend yield of more than 1% more than almost any bank is giving right now on savings account and also offer growth. Or if you like the airlines and think that they will return to the value they once have there is a ETF for that also under the ticker JETS or if you like banks XLF is a good ETF for those and you can also invest in real estate with tracking a real estate ETF, one for example is XLRE , there are many ETFs that you can choose from not only these one. And as long as you consistently invest money over time, it is almost guaranteed that your money will increase they’re value.
Number 6. Don’t try and reinvent the wheel, it’s really hard to come up with something new in this era, you should just try and emulate and improve what you see other people are doing that make a lot of money. A great example is just creating YouTube videos, there are a lot of people making YouTube videos out there and earning money they couldn’t have imagined. Or you can simply learn great skills that have high paying jobs, like coding or if that is to hard you should try and run Facebook or Google ads for companies or people, start small, get your local business to hire you, a lot of small business don’t know how to get noticed on social media and may pay a lot of money to get more customers
Let’s move to number 7 on the list guys and that is: Don’t buy new things. Guys I now we all want that brand new Lamborghini but let’s face is… THE WORST, ABSOLUTELTY THE WORST MONEY YOU CAN EVENER Spend is on a brand new car. The value of that drops like a rock the second you drive it off the dealers lot. You should only buy used cars, you can get a lot more value for your money with a car that is just a few years old and even might get lucky and don’t lose that much money if you buy curs that don’t depreciate that quickly. Other things you shouldn’t buy new that also demand a huge premium over they’re value is jewelry but be aware you should still get the things appraised by a certified expert before you spend money on jewelry to avoid getting scammed. You can usually find pretty good deals on luxury jewelry at reputable pawn shop or eBay items that offered guarantees. Also one last thing you should never buy are pets… This will do two great things, one you save a lot of money when adopting a pet and two you will do a great thing for a pet that is looking for a nice welcoming home.
Number 8 on my first 10 tips on how you can make money right now is PAY OFF THAT HIGH INTEREST DEBT
So, one thing that can start making you money right now is paying high interest debt, I know I told you earlier to invest your money into the stock market ASAP but guys… that interest rate is killing you believe me. You should try and pay off that debt as fast as you can especially the Credit Card DEBT. Try to never, but never have debt on your credit card, as they have the highest interest rates on any kind of loans with even EXCELLENT CREDIT the lowest annual percentage rate is still 15% while it does depend from bank to bank with the Discover credit card having the lowest interest and Capital One having the highest at over 25%. After you pay this debt you should then focus on personal loans which have the second highest interest rate at about 10% followed by student loans and auto loans. The one debt you shouldn’t necessarily try and pay of as fast as you can are long term fixed mortgages with interest rates being at all time low rates you should probably take advantage right now and refinance your old mortgage at a much lower APR. So my opinion is that if you have high interest rate loans like credit cards, and personal loans you should get rid of that ASAP I would pay off that debt with 80% of the money I can save every month and the rest of 20% I would invest in the stock market but in the case of lower interest rates you should take advantage by the leverage mortgages offer you and you should invest more in the stock market as the annual average return is much higher than your interest rate. AVG LOAN RATES / CREDIT CARD RATES / LONG TERM LOANS RATES
Number 9 on the list is TRY NEW THINGS, if you haven’t already found your niche, you should probably try as many new things as possible until you find the one that works for you. You should find that thing that you really enjoy and can also add a significant amount to your net worth, you shouldn’t waste your time with jobs or businesses that you don’t enjoy or don’t have the potential to add big to your net worth
And finally number 10. Invest in real estate and rent out.
You should go out and find good real estate deals, you should seek out houses that are undervalued in a nice neighbourhood. Don’t seek houses that require a lot of work to restore, because if you don’t know what you should really do you might end up overspending on the house. You should get leverage on the real estate with mortgage rates being so low right now. Also go out and find good renters as this will bring up a good steady cash flow as a passive income, this also gives you great tax advantages and is a hedge against inflation especially now with all this money being pumped in the world there is a risk of inflation in the future. There are a few cons for real estate investing the main one being that they require more work than just owning stocks but this is a great way to diversify your asset allocation. So, I believe that you should do both as your income allows you, you should try and buy more and more real estate and rent it out as this will make you control a lot of money with really small upfront costs but you should also keep investing in the stock market. You should try and find your own balance as this is highly depended from person to person REAL ESTATE PRO/CONS / STOCKS vs REAL ESTATE
Hey guys, thank you for sticking this far and as a reward for sticking this far here is a bonus tip for you
As soon as you turn 18 you should try and get a credit card to build up your credit history. But be very careful don’t go and spend all the money on the credit card and don’t pay it off as this will negatively impact your history. You should try and own at least a couple of great credit cards that offer great benefits use them but as soon as you can pay that thing off every month so you can enjoy getting a great credit history that will help you later in life when you apply for bigger loans like mortgages.
Thank you everyone for reading! Hope you enjoyed the contente!
Be sure to leave a comment down below with your expectations on the stock market!
Have a great day and see you next time!
submitted by 0toHeroInvesting to stocks [link] [comments]

Reikai_'s Guide to Grand Champion 3v3

Hello, I'm Reikai_, Grand Champion in Rocket League (3v3) and a previous mid-Master League player in Starcraft 2. This guide contains is the most comprehensive approach to get you to Grand Champion in 3v3 quickly on the subreddit to date.
I used mental models (in particular, frequency, detailed later) as well as previous comprehensive posts to rank myself up. Now, I'd like to give back and help others rank up, especially with Rocket League now going free-to-play.

Goal setting

I imagine since you're reading this post, you'd like to make it to Grand Champion. I think that's a great goal at 0.77% of the player base. However, I've noticed that when people try to get better at anything (RL included), there tends to be a gap in goals and practice.
Do you want to be the flashiest, fanciest player possible? Then practice Air Dribble and it's variants (Flip Reset, Musty Flick, Double Tap) the whole time, and then head to 1v1. You can't even get to GC in 3v3 doing this, I think. Your skillset would be too lopsided and/or unbalanced.
Do you want to be the best player you can be? Then practice becoming skilled and comfortable in all phases of the 3v3 game. Currently, the best players for 3v3 are the pros playing 3v3. They're the ones pushing the boundaries and showing the best possible way to play 3v3 at any given moment.
By trying to be as good as possible, you'll improve much faster than saying, 'What can a player do that's 1 rank above mine?' You'll skip over lots of stop-gap, waste-of-time skills and go straight to what the pros are doing. The essential skills that is, not the flashy ones. More below on that when I explain Frequency.

Watching Pro Games

Speaking of pros, watch the best current pros you can possibly find. Replays, Youtube, and past stream videos are all excellent sources of material. Old replays actually aren't that good because this game has evolved so much. For example, going back too far in RLCS (the Rocket League pro scene) and you get pros that aren't even as good as some 'average joes' today. You also want RLCS matches, or 'tryhard' games, where a streamer isn't necessarily just screwing around. If there's money on the line or the pro is playing with their team, you can almost bet that the pro will be trying his/her hardest and showing you the best stuff.
Another reason you want to watch pros: Their gameplay is -packed- with 2 lists. The first list is full of things you MUST do (score goals, pressure the other team, be in position, etc.). The second list is full of things you should NEVER do (concede goals, play slow, be out of position, etc.). Watching pros constantly and picking up those patterns of what to do and where is crucial, and there's no place that happens faster than going straight to the source. For example, watching a content creator's Rocket League youtube will give you a new concept, but seeing that concept implemented (close to) perfectly really only happens in pro matches. Here's a link to the replays from the latest RLCS season (#9): RLCS Season 9 Both NA and EU are good, but I'd say NA is ahead right now. Start with them.
Bottom line, find your favorite RLCS pro who's style inspires you and try copying what they do (decisions they make, mainly).

Improvement Mindset

This, along with dedication to spend time improving are the big, overarching themes that need to be in place for you to make it Grand Champion. If you embark on this path, you need to know that you will -not- be the same player at the end that you are at the start. You need to embrace that and be willing to destroy/remove your old ideas of how to play the game. This will make room for the new (Grand Champion-level) ones.
Aspects of this mindset:
* I will learn the best way to perform the skill in question. * If there is a better way, I'll use my old method while practicing using the new method in training. * Once I feel confident to perform the new skill in ranked, I will use only the new method and completely abandon the old method. * I take my information from the best sources available, and critically think about any secondary sources (non-pros, content creators). * I will take no excuses from myself as to why I 'can't' perform a certain skill. Someone else did it, so therefore I can too. 
Common mistakes that stop you from improving:
* Being tilted or upset at something, whether that's in the game or outside of it. * Thinking you're trying to improve, but actually staying in your comfort zone and simply pushing your current skills to current limits * Not pushing yourself beyond current limits and getting uncomfortable * Letting your brain quietly switch out goals when you get impatient * Gunning for the next rank NOW instead of just trying to improve, even if that means losing as you try a new skill * Getting convinced somehow improvement isn't worth it because of some external factor * Bad teammates, matchmaking 'errors', other excuses * Not dedicating enough time/energy/effort to this. * Not a total showstopper, but will slow you down. * If you don't have a lot of time with the game, simply make sure you focus and actually improve. You'll still see results. 

Frequency, or what ideas at the Grand Champion level are actually the most important?

Frequency means, what gets used the most at the level you're trying to achieve? What concepts are game breakingly advantageous, and which ones don't really matter at all? Which skills are a total must-learn, and which ones can you let slide for now, and come back for later? In order to improve quickly, pick the most important skills to learn first and spend most of your time on.

2 quick definitions:

Jumpshot means some combination of jumping, boosting, and dodging into the ball. It doesn't always mean as hard as you can, but rather making the ball do what you want. In a lot of places, it's known as 'power shot', but Jumpshot includes the less powerful, more accurate version. This Kevpert tutorial has the shooting version, but you should play around with it. See how long you can hold the jump, how fast you can do it, try it off the wall, combine it with air roll, etc.
Fast Aerial is the fastest possible double jump aerial variant with regards to gaining altitude quickly. If you're wondering, there are 3 total double jump aerial variants, and all 3 are good. See this Kevpert Tutorial. I'm mainly referring to the 3rd variant, but all 3 are good for different scenarios. You'd use this to beat your opponent to a ball that's higher up than a Jumpshot could reach. Make no mistake, a Jumpshot can reach a ball slightly higher than the crossbar (with dodge!).
* A (Essential) * Jumpshot * Fast Aerial * Reading the bounce from any and all walls, and being able to play it * This is a great use of freeplay, if you were wondering what you should do in there. * Use the D-pad with BakkesMod installed to practice random scenarios. * Powerslide (correct powerslide, not the incorrect tutorial version.) * B (Good to add in, but not at the expense of above) * Recovery (not landing on your head, not landing sideways and stopping) * Expert boost management * You need less than you think; 33 + 1 pad (12) = 45 boost can almost reach the ceiling with Fast Aerial! * Dribbling or flicking * C (Extra stuff) * Air Dribble * Flip Reset * Musty Flick * Etc. 
* A (Essential) * Prediction * What's probably going to happen next? * Is there a shot opportunity for us? For them? * Remember, unless the ball is on target already, only an opponent car can score your goal. Look for the shooter. * Who's car is closest to the ball? * What team has better position right now? What should I prepare for? * Positioning * Understand rotation, especially back post rotations (See the guide below in Training Material) * Knowing to make saves by starting on the back post and not in the middle * Know where to be to score easily/find shooting opportunities easily * Use the camera to see where your teammates are to know what to do/where to go * Understanding when to challenge and when not to challenge * Be aware of what each position should be primarily and secondarily concerned with * I may write up a guide on this too if there's enough interest, it's somewhat deep * B (Good to add in, but not at the expense of above) * Adapting to the game you're playing * Did your teammate cut rotation? Fill the last position. * Is the other team too aggressive? Punish them with power clears (Jumpshots aimed deep into your opponents half, preferably on target to the goal). * Is your team too aggressive? Play third man and babysit the match on defense to win. * Is there a weak player in the match? Can you gamble and make a challenge on that player? It might be a goal. * Playing to the scoreboard/time remaining * Don't challenge as 3rd man if you're up 1-0 and there's 30 seconds left, stall and delay and let your teammates help. Only make a save if necessary. * If you're down by 2, start getting aggressive now. Don't forget to actually try the skill you were working on! * C (Extra stuff) * Boost stealing/demoing/bumping (Only do this stuff opportunistically. The other points above are so much more important.) 
* A (Essential) * Focus/Effort/Trying as hard as you can * Avoiding at all costs being mentally lazy for the duration of the match. * Actively trying to win the game and improve in the same match. * More on balancing these two mindsets below in Competitive Mindset. * Thinking of the right thing at the right time * Think of the next ball in the match, and watch the replay after. * Don't think of the ball you just missed now! You'll miss the next one. * B (Good to add in, but not at the expense of above) * Never giving up/always doing something with the current match * Sometimes, at 1-5, there's a reason to forfeit, but you don't have to. You can use the rest of the match to practice. * However, at 1-3, go for it and try to win. * C (Extra stuff) * Keeping your teammates pumped up with compliments/jokes 

Mechanics Explanation

Why are Jumpshot and Fast Aerial listed first in mechanics? Because they are the 2 most used mechanics in the game when it comes to playing the ball. Most goals in GC aren't great goals. Most are mistake punishing or loose ball opportunity recognition. Usually you don't pick up the ball, grab 100 boost and clip on your opponent. At the same time, the save is usually also made using these two skills. Either the ball is reachable with Jumpshot, or it's high up and you Fast Aerial.
The target is different, but each mechanic is about the same: reach the ball before you opponent and hit it where you want. To the goal for offense, into the corners (which makes the ball temporarily unshootable due to angle) or ceiling in the opponent's half on defense. Same with 50/50s; you generally Jumpshot the other car as hard as you can (there are exceptions to this). Same with power clears used to build up your team's attack or relieve pressure; it's generally a Jumpshot focused on power.
Still not convinced?
If you're still not sure that most goals in Grand Champion are boring goals, consider this evidence. I went back and rewatched the last 10 games that I played to get GC. I counted the goals that were scored (both mine and opponents).
 * Total of 54 goals scored. 66.7% of goals scored were Jumpshots, usually from the ground, usually front bumper (it's an easier version than the air roll shot). * 25.9% of goals scored were Fast Aerial, and usually resulted from a ball off the backboard or a floating midfield ball. * Only 7.4% of the goals used another mechanic other than Jumpshot or Fast Aerial. * On top of that, only 4 out of 54 goals scored had 'quality' to them, or made me go, 'wow, that was a great goal.' * The rest? 92.6%, or 50 out of 54 goals were some type of tap in, long shot, or defensive mistake. Something preventable. 
Given the above, we can make a few takeaways.
 * Jumpshot and Fast Aerial are the 2 most frequently used mechanics in Rocket League. * Thus, we should practice those the most given we'd get the most mileage out of them. * Other things can and should be practiced, and even along side the above, but the majority of practice time should go to those 2 until mastered. * Practice fun shots if it keeps you inspired (I practiced flip resets and double taps when I started feeling bored or stuck) * The number of 'lame' or 'non-wow' goals means that defense is -sorely- lacking at ALL levels. * Focus on your defensive predictions and backpost rotations and you should see a jump in your win rate. * Getting the ball up on your opponents backboard is an easy way to score goals. It causes all sorts of havoc to their formation. * Grand Champion is mainly speed and consistency: Being able to shoot the ball hard and on target will get you goals, period. * Predicting these hits from opponents is the defensive flipside of this. 

Strategy Explanation

Why is Prediction and Positioning #1 and #2 on the list above? That's because 87.0% or 47/54 goals scored had some type of prediction/positioning element to help the goalscorer. The player who scored was either predicting that a loose ball might pop up or sitting in a position to score while another car covered the goal.
Bottom line, you want to be constantly thinking about all the possibilities of what could happen in a current situation. Cover first the ones that are risky to your team (losing a 50/50), but also position to take advantage of that same 50/50 going your way.
Data/spreadsheet: Reikai_'s GC Goal Histogram
10 GC Reward games: Reikai_'s 10 GC Reward Replays (Once downloaded, put them in this folder (your equivalent) to watch them: C:\Users\reikai!\Documents\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Demos)

Learn new concepts for fun

Here's a exhaustive list of most mechanics in the game from milesAKAkilometers. Most are more flashy or showy. Use this list to learn something fun when you get stuck or get bored (but don't shirk your real practice, lest you lose progress). Real practice defined here as the A and B list items detailed above.

Training + Practice + Implementation

Download BakkesMod. This allows you to skip around training packs, mirror shots left to right, and have free play ball commands. This allows you to practice custom training shots from different angles and quickly practice what you want to practice without wasting time.
Implementing a skill basically follows this cycle:
* Discovery of that skill * Training/workshop attempts, then success * Freeplay or Unranked game attempts, then success * Ranked attempts, then success 
Most importantly, you should be pushing to do that skill in the most pro form possible. Shots are taken as hard and fast as possible. Aerials are done as quickly as possible. Saves are as shooting-angle-deleting as possible, and as far from your goal as possible.
Once you can do something in freeplay or training to a consistent level, go try it in ranked. For Jumpshot and Fast Aerial, I practiced shooting consistency by making 3 shots in a row before moving to the next shot. You'll probably start off by just making one, and not making it full speed. That's OK. Just keep pushing for better every time.
I list 3-shot consistency for my training because that's what it took for me to make Grand Champion. Even if you can't do that, stressing yourself to do that will make every ball you deal with at your rank feel and look easy. If you don't want to be too stressed, feel free to choose a lesser consistency (2-shot or something). Just know you'll have to probably up it later.

Training Material

I sifted through tons of training packs and Workshop maps looking for the ones that would make a big difference in my game. After looking through all of those, here is a short list of the ones that were most impactful for me. Practice these exhaustively and you'll see a significant difference in your game as well.

Custom Training (Main menu, go to training, custom training, then copy these codes in):

* Shooting #1, WayProtein: 4912-A5C9-9A56-555D (3 shot consistency) * Shooting #2, Biddles: 27FE-E3D7-7FB5-7F43 (3 shot consistency) * Shooting #3, Sebbl: 7656-D60E-ED55-FF20 (even higher level pack, did not finish) * Goalkeeping, WayProtein: 776F-E2BB-2993-78D7 (3 save consistency) * Backboard reads, Rizzo (G2 pro): 07E1-81BC-DD2E-BF8C (3 save consistency, 1 exception) * Wall shots, Poquito: 9F6D-4387-4C57-2E4B (3 shot or pass consistency) 

Workshop (PC only) (Click these links and subscribe with your steam account. Then, main menu, extras, workshop.):

Miscellaneous links:

Watch your replays, reflect and learn

Right after a ranked match, open the replay while the match is still fresh in your mind. I used to think that my teammates were often to blame when I lost, but here is where I found I usually made just as many mistakes as they did. You don't have to watch the whole match, but make sure to pick out mistakes you made, and think of a plan right then and there of what you'll do next time to fix this. Otherwise, you'll tend to end up in next match's replay, going, 'yep, there's the same mistake...'.
Reflecting like this is key; your decision making actually may never improve without looking at what you're doing wrong and changing that decision.
Something strange you may find: doing the right thing feels weird, but doing the wrong thing feels 'right' since it's habit. Thus, most improvements will feel strange at first.

Competitive Mindset + Improvement Mindset

This is the mentality you need to play ranked when you want to improve, and is basically it's own skill. It's the drive to win and fight as hard as you possibly can. To give you an idea of what it's all about:
* Play games with the mindset of turning the game into a 5-0 blowout. * Salivate at the chance to score or pass to a teammate so they score. * Sweat blood saving goals for your team. * A 50/50 is a chance to hit your opponent so hard they feel scared the next time you approach them. * You want to make them scared to ever play against you again. * You want them to be relieved when you're on their team and not against them. 
Ok, what's wrong with the above? The improvement portion is missing. The majority of the time, this Competitive Mindset is where you are probably about 75% of the game. The remainder is where you implement the mechanics you learned and trained above, for about 25% of the game.
Change the percentages to what you feel is right. Just know that too much Competitive Mindset means no improvement, and too much Improvement Mindset means frustration and losses.
A bit more on this; this is only how you're playing. Never be toxic to anyone, teammates or opponents. That only makes your opponents play harder and your teammates play worse. Even worse than that, you're basically tilting yourself. Admit fault when it's your fault and try harder next match. Praise teammates when they do well, and say Sorry! when you mess up. It happens.
Alternatively, you can just turn off quick chat entirely (it's in the pause menu settings). This helped me a lot, as it didn't do much for me to see 'Nice shot!' when I scored as much as it hurt to see 'What a save!' when I missed.

General Tip Log

This is an accumulation of random things that dramatically helped me once I implemented each tip. Try your best to implement all of these one at a time. The closer you get to Grand Champion, the more people adhere to these ideas (and their exceptions). This list is intended for you to get instant value out of reading this post.
* If your opponent is closer to the ball than you, don't challenge him. You'll get beat. * If you're the first car in rotation, you can be more aggressive and consider (fake) challenging. * If you're the last car in rotation, and you know you have no help coming, you can either challenge or wait. * The lower rank you're in, the more you want to wait, as people's consistency just isn't there yet. * Higher ranks you just want to challenge because more time and space means a more likely good shot on your goal. * Try not to jump unless you have to; you have much more control on the ground. That being said, don't avoid jumping if that's easier. * For 50/50s, you basically always have to jump and dodge into them. *As you get better, you want to be doing the skills as fast, hard, and accurately as humanly possible 100% of the time. * Strive for that, but know that literal 100% is impossible. Even pros are probably 95% or so. * Further refinement of an old skill (particularly a key skill) can be more important than learning a new one. * If your teammate is cutting rotation/not following it, it's up to you to adapt and play to HIS game. * No way you can force him to play better by taking his ball and making him mad. * You have a higher winrate if your teammates are playing their A-game rather than you taking them out of their A-game, even if their A-game is subpar. * Stay in prediction/positioning mode until it's your turn to hit the ball, and then switch all of your focus over to nailing that mechanic. Then switch back. * Being adamant here will prevent silly mistakes like looking at other cars when you have a free ball to score. * Never, never, never give up on your own improvement. You can and will improve, but it will take time, and in the short run you can lose rank. * If you remove a bad habit or crutch from your play, it's possible you DERANK instead of improve. That's because the crutch is gone. * As you stick to the new skill, you'll re-rank up, and probably beyond that as the new skill is better for a reason. * It takes a while to integrate new skills into your play, even if you can nail them in training. * You're just not used to using your new, shiny, butt-kicking skill yet. * Dealing with tilt: avoid getting tilted as much as possible * Tilt is a mindset where the emotional part of you is currently stronger than the logical/improvement part. * If you're tilted, chances are no improvement is happening. * Take a break or distract yourself to make the negative emotions subside, then come back once you're positive (or at least neutral) and focused. * Zoning out: don't do it * While grinding mechanics, you may find that you're hitting the same shot 1,000 times and it never goes in. * You've zoned out, and need to refocus/reflect on what's going on. What is your car currently doing? What needs to happen instead? * Sitting there and thinking about what went wrong is much more helpful than doing the shot wrong another 1,000 times * Not to mention building bad habits/wrong muscle memory * Reflection is key; no improvement can happen without it. 

A comprehensive improvement plan so you can put all of this together

* Spend 30%-50% of the time training the A and B list mechanics above (75%/25% split), and do this at the beginning when you're fresh. * Don't do more than an hour of mechanics at a time. * Ranked: Play 5 games, reviewing the replay immediately after each one. * This will decrease chances of tilting and improve odds of reflection/adjustment/improving. * Once that 5 is finished, take some kind of break for 5-10 minutes. * If you're concentrating on improving, 25 minutes of ranked + replay analysis should wear you out. * Do as many 5 game sets as time allows or you have patience for, and don't be afraid to call it quits and go back to mechanics. 

Reasoning for a training plan like this:

* Mechanics are something that have to be improved over time. Never skip mechanics, as you can't make up the muscle memory later like you can decision making. * If you'd like to watch pros or think about/review your training plan, take time out of ranked, not mechanics. * Ranked is basically for implementing what you already know. You're converting the mechanics training you did previously into a higher rank. * Consider drastically changing any previous training plans you had, including this one. * If it's not working for you, switch, but only after giving it a good shot (at least 5-10 sessions to see if you don't see improvement). 


Older GC Post by inthedark72 How to Improve by Ver


I spent about 1,100 hours getting to Diamond and just having fun. I spent another 1,000 hours intentionally improving to Grand Champion. If you take your improvement seriously, I believe you too can make Grand Champion and join the top 0.77% of the player base. Learn from this post and take your improvement seriously and it shouldn't take you as long as it did me. Why? That's because you're using the best drills and most frequently used mechanics, guided by the pro scene from the start.
* Building a learning road map from this post, taking insight from your favorite pro * Objectively looking at what you should work on (what are you bad at?) * Doing difficult things constantly and repeatedly exiting your comfort zone * Implementing the new mechanic in Ranked and not falling back to old habits and mistakes * Reflect every chance you get (ranked replays, pro matches, in training). * Only when you change your thinking do you ever improve. 
Please let me know any questions/comments/concerns you have on this document; I'd be happy to answer in the comments below. Is there interest in a Completely New Player's Guide? What about that question on your mind right now? :D

Road to Grand Champion, 2v2?

While making Grand Champion in 3v3, I thought some people might be interested in watching a Road to Grand Champion for 2v2. I decided to stream to answer in depth questions about this post and 3v3 in general and see if I can't repeat it for 2v2. I currently plan on streaming Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 2PM-5PM Central Time, putting these concepts into action.
If you click the stream link below, it has my schedule in YOUR time zone so you don't have to convert. Hope to see you there!
Reikai_'s Stream Link
Note: I did get mod permission before posting my link, so please ask them if you're thinking about posting. Thanks for reading!
submitted by reikai to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

The Chaos Report - Harvest Week 1: Harvest Crafting || [TEXT VERSION RELEASE]

Please do be aware that these text-based posts will always be slightly late, compared to the video versions and as such might feature topics that aren't quite time-sensitive anymore. Values and advice will be updated, as well as tips and recommendations, to fit with the DAY OF THE TEXT RELEASE, so don't fret, this will still serve as a good guideline.
Creating the Chaos Report, as a video, takes about 10 hours of work from research, script writing to editing and releasing it.
These text posts take another 2-3 hours of time, as I need to pack all the information into equally as understandable bits as the video, which means I cannot release them simultaneously, as my schedule simply doesn't allow this amount of work in 1-2 days and any further increase in the development schedule would make the information be more outdated than I'm willing to risk.
I sincerely apologize for this inconvenience, but I hope that this will still provide the desired information for everyone!
Links to various stuff:
Hello everyone, LunaWolve here.
Welcome to the Week 1 TEXT VERSION episode of The Chaos Report for 3.11 and the Harvest challenge league!
Do keep in mind that these are educated guesses or predictions and as such they might not be entirely accurate.
Exalted Orbs are first, as always.
The OG Exalted orb has seen an absolute explosion in price this first week.
I mentioned how the exalted orbs could see a bit of a turbulent league with harvest, but I was not expecting them to absolutely smash every record they've previously had.
They are currently sitting at around 190c, but has already seen a peak of 200+c, at the end of the first week. It's on a small decline for the moment, but I wouldn't expect this decline to be extremely substantial, as the league mechanic itself does not provide a lot of additional exalted orb drops, but heavily devalues chaos as a whole, due to the free "REFORGE" crafts, that players would normally use hundreds of chaos orbs to achieve.
I'd imagine the patch from today is going to heavily effect the prices for exalted orbs, so keep a close eye on the market for the next few days.
If access to the exalted and annul+exalt crafts in harvest league increases, you can expect them to drop accordingly. They'll likely remain above 140c for a vast majority, if not all of the league, simply due to chaos being so heavily disvalued due to the crafting mechanic as a whole, that exalts will not really be able to drop into more managable areas.
Additionally, exalted orbs are also used for a lot of meta-crafting mods and slams that cannot be done by the current league mechanic. So with a lowered supply, due to no extra drop quantity in every map, chaos being heavily devalued and a comperatively increased demand compared to previous leagues, exalts are at an all-time high.
I'd advise care when trying to invest into exalted orbs, as the market for them is extremely unpredictable in the current economic climate.
The Hunter's Exalted Orb followed our predictions fairly closely, rising up quickly to a high plateau that it currently still resides on. A small fluctuation is to be expected, around 50c or so, for the next little while, as more players start crafting and start getting into the higher tier mapping process.
They're currently sitting at an absurdly high 570c, as they're frequently used to create perfect Tailwind boots at the current moment, by using the harvest crafting mechanic. As the tailwind mod is the only "Critical"-tag modifier on Hunter-influenced boots, it's a guaranteed slam with the harvest craft and as a result, the exalted orb has seen a huge price increase.
Similarly affected by the chaos orbs low value, it further increased the prices overall. I would expect these orbs to stay extremely expensive throughout the league, barring any changes to the crafting mechanic as a whole. As a result, if you get one of these, check the weekly prices for hunter exalts and consider if it's worth selling or using it to make your own tailwind boots.
The Awakener Orb has followed the predictions from last week's episode to the letter.
It is currently sitting at around 570c, which is pretty much the exact value predicted based on last league's value and the slight increase in demand due to the need for additional double-influenced bases. This orb is also part of the current tailwind-boots craze, as you can ALSO guarantee an "Elusive"-slam, by using the same "critical"-tag slam craft from harvest, that you'd use for the Tailwind mod as well. As a result, simply having a RedeemeHunter boot and slamming the "crit" mod twice, will ALWAYS result in a Tailwind + Elusive boot, that can then be improved upon or finished up, through whatever other crafts you'd want.
They are likely going to stay fairly pricey as well, similar to the hunter's exalted orb, so expect the prices to fluctuate, but stick around the current pricepoint of 550+c for a while. Once more players get their awakening level 8 atlas setup, I'd expect the prices to potentially slowly dip, as more and more supply will become available for these. However, as more and more exalt/remove options become available as a result of the 3.11.1 patch, we will also likely see a further increase in demand for double-influenced items, further increasing the demand.
Whether or not the supply outstrips the demand or vice versa, will remain to be seen. My bet would be on the prices rising.
The Crusader's Exalted Orb has been sitting at around 380c~ for a while now and seems to simply stick around this area with a few dips and drops here or there.
The mods provided by it are very popular for a variety of builds, so I'd imagine the demand to not drastically decline any time soon. With many players also picking up physical-based abilities, the always popular explosion-mod has also been in fairly high demand.
The harvest crafting also affects this pricing a bit, as it's quite easy to acquire a lot of the desired mods of this influence in specific, using very common crafting options provided by the seeds.
Expect the prices for this one to stick around this area for a while, as long as any future patches don't touch influence crafting or makes the influence-craft seeds more common, of course.
The Warlord's Exalted Orb has seen a fairly rocky time in this league overall. It started off fairly high, like all the other exalted orbs, but has slowly but surely rocked it's way towards the 380c pricepoint.
It currently sits at that 380c pricepoint, but it is expected to reach the below-350c mark in the following few days.
We are likely going to see it dip further and further, as the league goes on, due to many starter builds being large fans of the modpool, while more advanced builds that are created later down the line in any given league, are normally a bit less reliant on the mods from this particular influence type.
Lastly, the Redeemer's Exalted Orb. As always, this orb is the least popular of all the exalts. It is currently sharing it's price with the OG Exalt, at around 190c, after a DRASTIC decline from the previous few days.
While the elusive mod for boots is very popular, the rest of the influence's portfolio of different mods is not exactly something that most players look for in their high-investment items. The new mods and skills added by GGG have also not changed this dynamic a great deal, which lead to the redeemer's orb being the least popular one in this league as well.
As a result, these orbs are likely not going to see a major change in their usual league-cycle, meaning they'll stay roughly around the OG Exalted orb prices, with a slightly higher average price per orb.
I'd imagine these orbs to be about 10-20% more expensive than OG Exalts, once the market stabilises itself a bit more.
As always, if you intend on buying any of these orbs just covered, make sure to keep an eye on this EXTREMELY volatile market.
Alteration Orbs have completely skirted my predictions and done the complete opposite. They were sitting at a comfortable 1:10 chaos ratio for the majority of the first weeks, which is a better ratio than any league I've previously covered on the chaos report.
However, due to the released patch that changed cluster jewels and the frequency of add/remove and add+remove crafts, alterations have skyrocketed and are likely going to hit a high-mark of about 4 or 3:1 soon. Due to a generally low supply of alteration orbs available at the moment, this rapid rise could lead to a major shortage and thus a huge pricepoint for the next coming days.
I'd heavily recommend avoiding alteration crafting for now, until the supply/demand stabilises and the prices return to a normal stage, which I'd expect to be around 4:1 or 5:1 for this league.
The reason for my mis-reading of the original alteration predictions is fairly simple:
I have mis-read the announcements from GGG and the teasers we got regarding the harvest league, as a more target-crafting oriented one, than a chaos-spammy one. I was expecting to see a LOT less chaos re-roll crafts than we have gotten in the actual league mechanic, which tainted my predictions for the alteration orbs.
Since everyone can basically chaos-spam their items and indefinite amount of times with no effort whatsoever, the alteration orbs, which are used to guarantee SPECIFIC high-rolled mods, just aren't as useful anymore to the common player that just wants to craft a bit of their gear every once in a while.
Alteration orbs have, of course, lost none of their value in terms of being the best crafting method to guarantee one or two specific rolls, but they definitely have taken a hit in their overall demand.
Additionally, chaos orbs being devalued as a whole, means that the alteration:chaos ratio is also a bit more skewed than you'd normally expect.
The less chaos-spam is available and needed, the more alteration-crafting will be done and as such, the more alterations will be used.
The Ancient Orbs are last on our list, as always.
I don't want to toot my own horn here, but we were bang on with our predictions for this league.
As a result of the headhunter nerfs and the overall league mechanic scaling very little with the item in particular, the prices of ancient orbs have seen about a 25% dip from the usual league prices.
They are sitting at around 40c which is slightly above what we had predicted for the entirety of this league and will likely continue to stick around this point at average. The prices are currently on a slight rise, at around 40-45c, but they are extremely unlikely to hit the 50+c areas throughout this league, barring any unforseen circumstances like bugs or other abuses.
We will check back with this one next week, but if it stays around the area we predicted again, we'll likely drop it from the list.
I'll quickly give my predictions for the different maps and fragments for the overall league.
Shaper Fragments have, for the first time EVER, dropped below the prices of their elder-style brothers.
As we predicted, the heavy-handed nerfs to everything shaper-related over the past couple of leagues and especially the starforge nerfs for this particular one, have broken the loot-tables back. This resulted in a VASTLY lowered interest in people wanting to fight the Shaper as a whole.
The fragments are currently going for about 19-23c, averaging out to around 20c a piece, for a whole set going for just around 80c. Currently, every uber-elder fragment dropped by the shaper is worth more than the entry-price to the fight itself, but there's still very little demand for the shaper uniques as a whole, resulting in a very weird scenarion, where you can gain guaranteed profit by running shaper, but still not wanting to, simply because the time investment is likely not going to be worth it.
The jackpot drop here is still the Starforge, which is currently sitting at around 1ex, but is rapidly falling lower and lower. With it being an extremely rare drop however, many players are simply following more profitable endeavours.
My recommendation: Sell your fragments, unless you have absolutely no other choice or feel extremely lucky. The time invested into the shaper fight is simply not worth it, compared to even just running maps. Dropping one or two T15+ maps will make you twice as much money as the entire shaper droptable will likely do.
The Uber Elder Fragments are also at a fairly low price, as a direct result of the shaper fragments being so cheap to acquire.
The elder fragments cost about 30-33c and the shaper ones go for about 100-115c each. Thus, a whole set will run you about 270-285c, which is one of the lowest entry prices we've had for Uber Elder bossfights.
The loot-table is fairly decent for this league, as the eternity shroud of a very popular chest-piece at the moment. Additionally, 3-mod watcher's eyes are always worth multiple exalted orbs if sold unidentified and make up a large bulk of the profit you can make with each Uber Elder fight.
With exalted orbs being so expensive, chaos-orb wise, it could be highly profitable to simply buy up Uber Elder sets in chaos and then hoping for some decent drops to sell in exalted orbs, as a singular exalted orb will nearly pay for the entire run.
3-mod watcher's eyes are currently going for about 6-7 exalted orbs, or an equivalent of about 1100-1300~ chaos. For boss-killers, this is definitely a worthwhile endeavour, I'd argue.
We're likely going to see the prices slowly increase for the sets and drop for the loot, as more and more players will get access to elder and shaper as a whole, as they progress their atlas, making the fight itself more accessible across the board.
The Elder Fragments have seen their best league ever, comperatively to the shaper ones, as mentioned earlier. They're currently sitting at around 20-29c, making an entire set cost about 100c total.
The main drop from elder is still the 2-mod watcher's eye, as the other uniques provided don't really offer the current meta-builds much. However, the Chaos version of the Impresence, as well as the Physical version are still fairly alright, in terms of value, so you're not entirely bound to a singular item's worth, if you intend on farming this one.
I'd recommend running them, to be entirely honest, simply for the chance to gain that watcher's eye drop, which could kickstart a lot of your currency gains. About 100c per set is really not that much to lose, if you naturally acrue them over time. I would advise against buying sets tho, for obvious reasons.
The Synthesis Unique Maps have fallen by about 30c since it's last league pricepoint. They're currently sitting at around 40-45c and seem fairly steady here.
Due to a nerf to the unique rings they drop, which was their primary purpose and interest for players, the overall demand for them has decreased drastically.
They are still extremely worthwhile to run, in my personal opinion, as the synthesis map-modifiers can provide a large amount of value if you get lucky with the right ones and the rings usually DO still make back the money you spend on the map or would gain from selling it.
There are also still jackpot rings that you can get filthy rich with, but the chance to acquire one has drastically been lowered as a result of the 3.11 nerfs.
The Cortex on the other hand is as expensive as always, currently sitting at around 1.6 exalted orbs, or about 300c. It still provides one of the best boss-loot tables in the game, with the Maloney's Mechanism and the Bottled Faith, as they are still extremely popular and expensive uniques.
Akin to the synthesis maps, this one will likely see a rise in prices as the league goes on, similar to previous leagues.
Simulacrum Splinters and the Fragment itself represent our newest addition to this segment.
Currently, the splinters are sticking around a 1.1-1.5c ratio per splinter, resulting in a bought fragment price of about 405c. The fragment iself is sitting at around 470c for the convenience of not having to buy 300 individual splinters.
Overall, this is an extremely expensive fragment and should be handled with great care, as you don't want to start a Simulacrum you can't finish, at a pricepoint of about 2-3exalts each.
That said, the simulacrum itself is currently likely to be the most profitable endeavor in the entire game, when it comes to raw currency drops or wealth acquisition as a whole.
As we've shown last league with our Simulacrum episode, the drop-rate on high-value items, currency and fragments inside of the Simulacrum is unrivaled by any other league mechanic.
If you can afford it and manage to beat it reliably, I'd imagine running the Simulacrum could be extremely profitable at the current moment.
For most players however, selling the splinters in moderately large stack sizes, such as 30+, would result in a better option.
One last tip, for aquiring these, build up a HUGE amount of seeds in your garden as T1 plots, to then pop them all at once during a delirium encounter. While you're inside of your garden, the delirium timer is stopped, so you can spend as much time as needed to kill every single last mob. Usually this will result in A: a 6-reward delirium encounter, as well as B: about 30-40 simulacrum splinters as a result of the sheer amount of monsters killed.
The Kintsugi first up on our list.
As predicted, it has seen a rather large increase in popularity, resulting in a 6-linked version of it running at about 3exalted orbs at the current moment. This is likely an inflated price, as I'd imagine the prices to be more around the 400-500c range, but we will see how it continues onwards in the next episode.
The increase in popularity is due to the addition of the Winddancer keystone on the passive tree, which allowed many builds to easily and effortlessly pickup the very popular combination of the keystone and the chest armour, without having to sacrifice much at all in terms of passive points or keystones.
We will likely see an increased decline on the prices however, as there is nothing stopping an influx of them to flood the market, as they're not exactly the rarest unique in the game.
The Surrender unique shield is up next on the list, and has followed our prediction as well.
It is currently among the most popular unique items in the entire game, resulting in an extremely high price of about 5.5 exalted orbs, or a little over 1.0k chaos. You can acquire this one by way of the Uul-Netol breachstone boss encounter. The breachstones themselves are currently costing about 45c, which is actually fairly cheap, considering a singular one of those shield drops will net you around 21x the cost of entry.
Might be worth considering, while the prices for the shield are still high.
They are likely going to fall in the next little while, as more and more players start providing the supply for the shield on the market, as the breachstones themselves are not extremely hard to acquire.
One with Nothing is last on our current list.
As we had covered in the previous episode, this one has seen an extreme rise in popularity throughout much of last league. With the addition of the new slam skills and making more skills available to be used with it, as well as the nerfs to the fracebeaker gloves, this jewel has seen an absolute explosion in terms of prices early on.
It reached a peak of about 906c at the start of the league, but has seen a rather steady decline over the past following days, which is likely going to continue until the 500-550c pricepoint, at which point we can expect a short plateau.
The best way to farm this one is still the Simulacrum encounter. Simply buy up splinters or the finished fragments and go ham. This adds to the entire "Great loot-table" situation I mentioned earlier with the simulacrum. It's REALLY profitable at the moment, for people that can run it.
We predicted that the newly announced melee league, was going to be the usual spiel from GGG in our last episode.
Announce melee buffs, actually end up nerfing a large portion of melee builds in the process, buff a few other parts to make them remotely viable and also, of course we can't forget that, buff the hell out of spell casters and summoners, because they clearly need it.
As a result, Melee character seem to be around the 5th to 6th most popular archetype in the current league,, as I predicted in the last episode.
Necromancers are, as always, leading the pack with a staggering 28% playrate, as they're still the easiest and most brain-dead (haha get it, cause zombies eat brains) build to play in the game and especially powerful at the beginning of a league, due to the extremely low equipment requirements.
Directly following are ED/Contagion tricksters and the myriad of differnet mining builds, with Ball Lightning being the skill of choice for about 80% of them. Tricksters are sitting at 11% and the Saboteurs are sitting happily at their 10% for the moment.
One last thing I want to point out is that the 8% Gladiator representation here is not actually a melee-heavy one. Gladiators are mostly used for bleed-bow builds at this point, which is why they're so high in the rankings in this league, as getting bleed-based items is fairly trivial with the harvest league mechanic.
I expect more and more melees to drop of the ladder as the ladder progresses into the higher level areas, due to the slow playstyle of 2-handed weapons leading to more deaths and GGG ALSO nerfing a large amount of defensive abilities for melees in the process of the 3.11 patch, such as Vaal Molten Shell, which was one of the only real defense options to stay alive with when you had to get in close and personal.
As a result, expect more and more casters and summoners to show up over the course of the league and more melee archetypes to disappear from the ladder entirely.
As for the Atlas Predctions, I currently don't have a lot to report here.
I'd advise focusing on maps that are quick to run, to get a lot of seeds, or simply go with the usual great-maps-to-run list.
A few maps in particular that look extra juicy with the exalt prices right now, are alleyways, arcade and precinct.
I had to do a LOT of research and experimentation on the harvest crafting for the following strategy segment, so I did not have enough time to really invest myself into researching the atlas and what maps are the absolute best. This is just my personal opinion on the matter as of right now.
I'll update you in the next episode with, hopefully, a more complete rundown.
With the Meta and Atlas predictions finished, let's move onto the strategy and discussion segment. I'll be covering the basics of harvest crafting here, providing a useful spreadsheet and showing some examples of more advanced crafts.
By this point, everyone should have set up a basic garden with a few plots, some storage tanks and potentially a Horticrafting Station or two. Which particular setup you chose is not really important, as long as you're able to grow everything you intend on growing.
In the background you'll see a quick runthrough of my garden. I will not be providing a layout for it, as the specific layout doesn't really matter, it's more about giving you a general idea of where things COULD be placed, so that you might be able to adjust whatever layout you ALREADY have towards a more efficient version.
That said, however, I'd recommend a garden layout that emphasizes storage space and T1 seed plots, as many as possible, over a layout that favours aesthetics or higher-tier plots. With the 3.11.1f changes, higher tier maps and especially T16s are dropping an absolute TON of seeds. From my own experience, you will require about 4-5 T1 plots of each color, to not end up sitting on seeds before the first ones are fully grown. You won't fill up all 15 plots, but if you run into a bad RNG streak and end up getting the same colored seeds multiple times in a row, you will require at least 4-5 of the same colored plots.
As such, have them at least in your seed storage, to switch out colors whenever needed, so you aren't wasting any growth cycles, if you aren't willing to re-do your garden with about 15 T1 plots in mind.
The colors of each seed correspond to their crafts and are divided into 3 categories for each tier, representing their appearance rate.
First are, of course, the "common" seeds. These will be what you will find most of the time, when planting any colored seeds. Then are the "uncommon" seeds, out of which you'll usually find a few in each full plot that you harvest of any given color. Lastly, there's the "rare" seeds. These will only show up every once in a while and you should do your best to use the crafts they provide to their absolute best potential or save them for later, as you won't get them very often.
  • Yellow seeds come with the following crafting options: -- Life and Attack related crafts as the "common" options. -- Socket changes related crafts as the "uncommon" options. -- Cold and Speed related crafts as the "rare" options.
  • Purple seeds have the following options: -- Caster and Physical related crafts as the "common" one. -- Socket change related crafts as the "uncommon". -- And Fire and Currency related crafts as the "rare" ones.
  • Lastly, Blue seeds have the following inclanations: -- Defense and Lightning related crafts as the "common" options. -- Link change and Unique Item related crafts as the "uncommon" options. -- Chaos related crafts as the "rare" options.
Those only cover the T1s, but to be entirely honest, most players will not require a specific breakdown of T2 and higher, as the frequency that you acquire those with is so low, that you're likely going to simply plant every single T2 and up seed that you get anyway, so specifying which one is rare and which one isn't, outside of giving you the names of the absolute best seeds to sell, as I've done earlier during the commoddity section, does not seem like a worthwhile use of our time.
Just be aware that each tier of seeds gets progressively rarer as a result of only being dropped by the lower counterparts. You require fully grown T1s to drop T2s. Fully grown T2s to drop T3s. And of course, fully grown T3s to drop T4s. As a result, simply double-check the list provided earlier to make sure you're not willy-nilly planting extremely profitable seeds and using them for fun, when there's profit to be made.
Outside of those specific ones, just go ahead and experiment with them. Have fun, craft some items, make some profit with the crafts, or just slurp 'em for juice for the better seeds later on.
Moving onto the actual specific of the crafts, here's a quick rundown of what each keyword will actually do to your items:
  • Randomise = Divine Orb equivalent craft for ALL the specific mods with the descriptor given.
Example: "Randomise the numeric values of the random Physical modifiers on a Magic or Rare item", from the Purple T1 "Wild Hellion", will re-roll every VALUE of the mods on your item with the "Physical" tag.
  • Reforge = Chaos Orb equivalent craft for the ENTIRE item.
Example: "Reforge a Rare item with new random modifiers, including a Caster modifier", from the Purple T1 "Wild Ursaling", will re-roll the ENTIRE item, but guarantee AT LEAST 1 mod with the "Caster" tag.
  • Remove = Annulment Orb equivalent craft for ONE RANDOM mod with the given descriptor on your item.
Example: "Remove a random Life modifier from an item", from the Yellow T1 "Vivid Weta", will remove ONE random mod with the "Life" tag.
  • Augment = Exalted Orb equivalent craft for ONE RANDOM mod with the given descriptor.
Example: "Augment an item with a new Chaos modifier", from the Blue T1 "Primal Maw", will add ONE random mod with the "Chaos" tag to your item.
  • Remove and Add = A combination of "Remove" and "Augment". Annulment + Exalted Orb equivalent craft for ONE RANDOM mod with the given descriptor on your item.
Example: "Remove a random non-Lightning modifier from an item and add a new Lightning modifier", from the Blue T1 "Primal Dustspitter", will FIRST get rid of any mod on the item, that does NOT have a "Lightning" tag, THEN it will add a mod with the "Lightning" tag. This means that you CANNOT block suffixes or prefixes simply by filling them up with random mods. You'd have to fill either the prefixes or suffixes with 3 mods that each have the "Lightning" tag, in order to FORCE this one to choose a suffix or prefix respectively.
With those keywords covered, you will likely have started to already get a rough idea for just HOW powerful this crafting can be, when applied properly.
Outside of simply being able to essentially fossil or chaos spam items a near-indefinite amount of times, you can, for the first time ever in POEs history, Annul and Exalt TARGETED crafts. If you have been browsing reddit for the last few days, you will have seen some absolutely crazy items popping up, with literally all T1, best possible rolls and best possible mods on any given item.
This is due to the ability to use and combine these new crafts in order to create entirely new crafting ways.
Here's one example of such a new crafting way:
Let's assume we have a Wand, like this one shown right here. We're looking at some pretty decent stats overall and with any other league, outside of a double-veiled craft, a lucky annul, a raw exalt slam or simply bench crafting it, our options would not only be fairly limited to improve this wand, but also be entirely irrelevant, as players would never consider investing so much work and currency into a wand with an item level of 73.
However, Harvest league changes this in a big way, through two specific limitations that are applied to each craft:
Firstly, any given craft can only be used on items, that are AT MOST 10 levels higher. This means that this wand can be crafted with any seed that is higher level than 63, but NO seeds that are below that item level. As such, a large hurdle of using currencies on these types of lower-iLvL items is gone. Where you'd save your exalts and annuls for the absolute best of the best, these crafts CANNOT be saved for the higher level items, due to this restriction.
The second part, is that crafts are (unless you have a near infinite amount of Horticrafting Stations) time-limited to the one instance that you harvested the seeds in, meaning you will HAVE to use it immediately or lose it.
These two aspects combine to make for some very fun and interesting choices, that would normally never occur if the crafts were simple currencies that could be used freely, such as an exalt or an annul.
Getting back to the wand, let's say we wanted to change the critical strike chance, as the Tier 4 roll is really nothing to write home about. We have a few different choices for crafts, in order to make this happen:
Firstly, we could simply "REMOVE" the mod with the corresponding "critical"-tag craft. We could "REMOVE" it with a "non-XYZ"-tag craft, like the lightning one mentioned earlier. Or we could simply decide to replace it with a different version of itself, or any other "critical"-tag craft, using the "REMOVE AND ADD" keyworded craft of the "critical"-tag assortment.
This particular one mentioned, comes from a Blue T2 Grain by the name of "Primal Viper". It is one of the most expensive and rare ones out there, so should not be used without proper forethought, especially as it's also a T2 and used in very very powerful crafts that I'll mention in just a bit.
However, for our purposes, we're going to assume we want to make this wand the best it can be.
As such, we will use the craft that reads as follows: "Remove a random Critical modifier from an item and add a new Critical modifier"
If you remember me mentioning it earlier, it will FIRST remove the mod that exists and then choose ANY mod of that particular modifier type. As a result, you can these particular crafting options to simply re-roll the TIER of a given mod, if it's the only mod of it's kind that a given item can receive. This wand however, can receive another "critical"-tag modifier.
The critical strike multiplier suffix, which we have hit with our craft, as shown right here.
With this one simple crafting operation, we've now changed a mediocre wand that had a pretty sub-par critical strike chance suffix, into a vastly superior one, featuring a critcial strike multiplier suffix instead. This method can also be used to re-roll resistance tiers, life tiers, energy shield tiers, physical damage tiers, etc. etc. The list goes on near-indefinitely, for as many crafting-tag types as there are in the harvest league mechanic.
One further use of this particular type of craft, the "REMOVE AND ADD" keyword, is that you can simply use the crafting bench to craft any given mod with such a tag onto an item that doesn't already have such a tagged mod, in order to then essentially "exalt" a mod of that type onto the item, by REMOVING the crafted modifier and ADDING an entirely new one.
Through this combination and many others, which would be way too plentiful to explain in this thread, it is possible to achieve crafts that were previously absolutely unimaginable. If you need some inspiration for crafts, simply head on over to the subreddit of Path of Exile and check out the "Item Showcase" tag and just look around in the posts from the last day or two. There's PLENTY of insane examples of the entire crafting system being applied, resulting in previous mirror-tier items left and right.
There are 2 further things I want to cover before ending this discussion.
Firstly, here's a quick list of seeds you should look out for, as they're potentially valuable and likely more worthwhile to sell than to plant yourself, unless you know exactly what you're doing. Keep in mind that for these seeds to be as worthwhile as possible, you will want at least iLvL 75 versions of the seeds, to make it possible to use their crafts on iLvL 85 items and lower:
  • Primal Maw Seed (Blue T1)
  • Primal Viper Grain (Blue T2)
  • Primal Scrabbler Grain (Blue T2)
  • Primal Blisterlord Bulb (Blue T3)
  • Vivid Thornweaver Seed (Yellow T1)
  • Vivid Nestback Grain (Yellow T2)
  • Vivid Vulture Bulb (Yellow T3)
  • Vivid Abberarach Bulb (Yellow T3)
  • Wild Chieftain Grain (Purple T2)
  • Wild Spikeback Grain (Purple T2)
  • Wild Bristle Matron Bulb (Purple T3)
  • Wild Thornmaw Bulb (Purple T3)
  • Wild Brambleback Bulb (Purple T3) !!This one is extremely rare and pricey!!
  • Wild Infestation Queen Bulb (Purple T3)
Secondly, I will provide a spreadsheet that will show you a list of influence-specific mods that you can 100% guarantee using the harvest-crafting method, starting specific iLvLs with the correct bases.
The way this one works, is that it shows the affix you can guarantee on the left, the second column will show you the minimum item-level requirement to roll the specific mod, the third column will tell you what specific item-type the base needs to have and the last column will tell you which crafting seed you need in order to guarantee the outcome. Note here, that it's NOT necessary to have an augment (aka. exalt craft) in order to get these. It's enough to simply use one of the "Reforge with guaranteed X-type mod" crafts at the specified level with the correct base, in order to guarantee the outcome mentioned in the first column.
This spreadsheet was NOT compiled by me, so it might contain a few errors, but from my personal testing and research it seems accurate so far. This table was created by a reddit user with the name of TheSennosenMan, who, of course, will also be credited on the screen and in the spreadsheet itself. Thank you for providing such a valuable asset to the community!
There are a ton of different things that I'd like to cover, as the harvest crafting system is incredibly complex and the most powerful individual mechanic we've ever had access to, but unfortunately my time is limited and so is yours. As a result, I'll simply point you in the direction of further information or ideas to pursue with a short list of things for now:
  • Check out the subreddit for crafting guides on specifically "Tailwind" boots. The entire process is described in multiple threads there. Similarly, you can find guaranteed ways to get yourself an Explosion chestpiece as well.
  • Try crafting a few cluster jewels (especially small ones), with this mechanic. It leads to really easy currency gains, as there's such few mods you have to actually hit, that it's pretty easy to target and re-craft the ones you don't think are amazing. Especially Energy Shield and Life bases are fairly popular for this.
  • Try looking for items to re-craft and flip for profit. Simply search for an item that already is nearly finished, but has one or two bad rolls on it, to then use your own harvest crafts to re-craft them and make a large profit. Especially jewelry here is very popular, such as high-res but low-life jewellry, which can easily be re-crafted into the hundreds of chaos area with a simple "REMOVE AND ADD" life craft.
This concludes the extremely long strategy discussion segment of today's episode. I hope this what I have just mentioned made some sense to you and furthered your understanding of the league's mechanic, as well as the potential that it holds. If you'd like to see more information about harvest crafting in the next episode as well, such as exact examples of an entire crafting process or similar, please let me know in the comments down below.
The discussion segment is specifically there for me to provide you with the information that you request and require, so don't be shy about asking for specific discussions in the comments!
You can find in the comments down below... it's a long one, after all...
submitted by LunaWolve to pathofexile [link] [comments]

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