Are Bookies Illegal in US? (Laws), Successful Sports ...

is having a bookie illegal

is having a bookie illegal - win

Obviously running a book is illegal, but I have a bookie who I referred my friend to. That bookie is offering me a cut of his losses. Is taking that money just as shady

Basically a good friend of mine who's a bookie runs a PPH. I have another buddy who wanted to place some bets so I connected the 2.
I don't talk to either one of them or handle the bets. But once a week I get a 'commission' of my friend's losses. Think a couple hundred bucks. Is this wrong?
If it is illegal has anyone actually been caught for this?
And if I stop this now am I solid? Thanks
submitted by subagent121 to sportsbook [link] [comments]

20 Hot Nightspots In Night City

So you all meet in a bar. But which one? Night City is full of nightspots, legal and not. Here’s a few interesting places that may slake your thirst and scratch your various itches.
1: Smash/Cut. Smash/Cut is a dance club owned by the EDM band URBIS, and frankly, the place would have closed down entirely if it wasn’t for the fact that URBIS are propping it up with their royalties. This isn’t because Smash/Cut is unpopular. To the contrary, it is one of the most popular nightspots in Night City. No, it’s because most clubs and bars make their profits off alcohol sales and Smash/Cut’s main clientele are drugged-up neo-ravers.
The interior decor is perfunctory, with a few desultory chairs and tables arranged around an immense dance floor. 360 degree wraparound vidwalls and holoprojectors in the ceiling and dancefloor combine with strobe lights and mirrors to create an atmosphere described as “an armored truck having sex with a neon sign”. You do not go to Smash/Cut to talk, as most conversations are inaudible under the loud dance beat. You go to Smash/Cut to dance, and to have casual sex with people you haven’t spoken to. The staff at Smash/Cut are trained in American Sign Language to communicate quickly in a crisis, and many of them have dazzle compensation in their smart glasses or cybereyes. Noise-cancelling earplugs are standard issue.
Signature drink: None, but the bar always has energy and isotonic drinks available for the thirsty neo-ravers. €8 per 20oz bottle.
2: Fiddler’s Green. Fiddler’s Green is a popular Irish pub run by a veteran of the SouthAm wars, Kate Mulvaney, who can be seen mopping the bar with her medical-grade cyberarm. She, her wife Audrey, and their extended family staff the place, which is also open from 11:30AM on for lunch hours, as Fiddler’s Green also serves classic American-Irish food such as corned SCOP on cabbage. It’s a lively but not overwhelming place full of military and PMC veterans looking to unwind.
A former Panzergirl, Kate named Fiddler’s Green for the place cavalrymen supposedly go to after they die, while mere infantrymen have to go straight to their infernal rewards. It’s a good place for any Edgerunner to pick up the gossip and hear about jobs. Kate operates a poste restante service for various mercs, holding mail for them until they come to pick it up.
Signature drink: The Pint O’ Plain. Actual Irish Guinness imported from Ireland, with a softer edge than Canada-brewed Guinness. Kate has contacts. €10 per pint.
3: Kasim’s. Kasim’s is an unusual nightspot inasmuch as it does not serve alcohol, as its proprietor, Kasymbek, is a devout Muslim of Turkish descent. What Kasim’s has is strong thimble-size cups of Turkish-style street coffee and some of the best scented tobacco on the market, all compounded to be smoked in water-pipes, or nargile. Kasymbek’s thick, bitter street coffee (no actual coffee beans involved) is served in small cups, unfiltered, and flavored with cardamom, and drinkers are supposed to drain the liquid contents and leave the dregs behind.
As a compliment to guests, Kasymbek serves each pot of coffee with a plate of free sweets, sometimes loukum (Turkish delight) or baklava, made by Kasymbek’s mother Elif, who runs the kitchen. Elif will occasionally leave the kitchen to come out and greet favorite customers, and take a puff or two of rose-scented tobacco herself. If she really likes you, she might read your coffee grounds for you and try to tell your future. Kasim’s is closed on Fridays for Friday prayers.
Signature drink: Strong black street coffee, with a small plate of sweets. €10 per cup, to be refilled as long as you keep buying tobacco for your nargile, €8 per foil packet.
4: Bella Mia. Bella Mia is an exclusive club to see and be seen at, established by rockergirl and ultramodel Velvet Lux, who uses the place for PR and for soft releases of new clothing from her exclusive Lux Lines fashion label. The bouncers at Bella Mia’s are all issued with custom Wardrobe and Style skill chips that allow them to only let the best-dressed people in. In practice this means you’re probably only getting in the door if you were dressed by someone who has a Wardrobe and Style Base of 14 or better. Detractors call Bella Mia’s “Bulimia’s”, which is completely unfair, since part of Lux’s brand is an emphasis on healthy eating.
Signature drink: The Velvet Lush, Prosecco with passionfruit pulp. €20 per glass. Yes, Velvet’s just bad at naming things, but she tries her best, really.
5: Sakura’s. Sakura’s is an izakaya, an informal bar where customers may partake of beer or sake over a wide selection of Japanese drinking snacks. Marked by distinctive red paper lanterns flanking its door, Sakura’s is a Night City mainstay. The menu has been curtailed in recent times, but fans of edamame and yakitori can still find those old favorites, as long as they’re willing to accept fakemeat on the chicken skewers. Sakura’s was never really a hangout for Arasaka expats, who tended to frequent more upscale establishments. Instead, Sakura’s main clientele were Night City denizens of Japanese-American descent.
The original owner, Sakura Yamamoto, is long dead, and the bar is now run by her grandson Toru Evans.
Signature drink: Warmed sake, €25 per flask.
6: Greta’s. Greta’s was originally established as a lesbian bar back in the 1990s, but of recent nights its clientele has expanded, as it is now more famous for the quality of its amateur pool players, and the amount of betting that can take place over a single game. A pleasantly divey bar, Greta’s still attracts a healthy proportion of sapphics, each evening, especially because the top non-professional pool player in Night City is the butch and dapper Tech Jack Sawyer, and she will only play and drink at Greta’s.
Jack has her pride, and will not lose a game to please bookies. That has led to the armed lesbians among Greta’s clientele forcibly escorting injured Fixers out of the club after they dared make that suggestion to Jack Sawyer.
Signature drink: The Sunk Pocket, cherry infused vodka, Grand Marnier, and a splash of heavy whipping cream, topped with a Maraschino cherry. €15 per glass.
7: Chopper’s. Chopper’s is not a biker bar, despite the name. No, the name alludes to the fact that this bar used to be a local butcher’s shop, up until there just wasn’t any more meat to sell. The proprietor of Chopper’s, a slightly pouchy-looking man named Norman, has put the old chill-cases to good use by keeping booze cold in them. Customers sit on high stools up against the chill-cases, and Norman and his staff pour out the shots and slide them over.
Customers also come to Chopper’s because Norman’s nephew 80/20 runs a Fixer business out of the now-defunct walk-in freezer in the back. 80/20 got his nickname by what he’s willing to do to people who try to fuck him over, because unlike the walk-in, the meatgrinder still works… Enterprising Techs or Medtechs also come to Chopper’s for pre-owned cyberware. You just gotta clean it and fix it back up.
Signature drink: What kind of fancy place do you think we’re running? We got beer. We got rotgut. What do you want? €10 per glass of beer, €10 per shot of rotgut.
8: Redline. Redline IS the place to watch fights. Not bar fights, no. Redline brings the best in augmented and unaugmented mixed martial arts. The entire bar is built around a window-lined fighting pit. Customers willing to book the private viewing rooms (€200 to €1k depending on the fights) get to sit up against those big armored windows, watching people fight each other, while waiters and waitresses bring them their drinks and their bar snacks.
Less wealthy customers can hang out in the bar area, watching the fights from the caged top of the pit, or on screens mounted on the walls. The cage on top of the fighting pit is a new addition, installed after a cybered-up fighter threw her opponent clean out of the pit and onto some customers. Officially all fights are fought to the knockout, and Redline maintains a Trauma Team membership so fighters who get badly fucked-up can get treated. However, the rumor goes that there are deathmatches every month, on the new moon, for special guests and customers only.
Owner-proprietor Jenny Nails denies all of that, naturally.
Signature drink: The Winner’s Cup. Salty beef bouillon (made with a bouillon cube nowadays), cognac, worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, and a garnish of soy bacon, €20 per glass.
9: Red Oktober. Red Oktober is a Soviet themed bar and restaurant based on an old novel about a nuclear sub that went rogue. The bar, built in a defunct subway station, is done up to look like the inside of a Soviet bomb shelter, and its staff all wear replicas of Soviet military uniforms and speak with varying Russian accents. (Some good, some awful.) The walls are plastered with Soviet propaganda posters and the jukebox only plays patriotic Russian songs sung by the men of the Red Army Choir.
Tank, the owner-operator of the joint, inherited 4 Green Box storage units full of Soviet propaganda posters and kitsch from his late granduncle Ollie, who had been a political science professor at Night City U. That inheritance was largely useless to Tank, up until he had the idea of opening the Red Oktober as a theme bar and restaurant.
The Red Oktober attracts Red Army posergangers, real Cold War veterans, and Soviet emigres alike, if only because Tank also managed to poach the kitchen staff of a defunct Russian restaurant before they left Night City altogether, and now The Red Oktober serves the best Russian cuisine in the city.
Signature drink: Vodka. €16 per double for the good stuff.
10: Bear’s. Bear’s is named for its huge, hairy owner, but also for the moth-eaten bear head sitting above the bar. Bear is a jolly giant of a man with forearms the size of hams, whose deep rolling laugh can be heard frequently over the clink of beer mugs and the low hum of conversation. If asked to, Bear will relate the story of how his great-grandfather shot that bear whose head is mounted above the bar, with many, many embellishments.
Bear’s is famous for its microbrew beers, and has a limited menu of SCOP burgers and fries, chili con kibble, and tofu hot wings. To Bear, a proper beer ought to be thick and rich, like a liquid loaf of bread, and he despises the practice of covering up inadequate flavor with excessive hops. Bear is an ale man, and he will die on that hill. Bear runs the place with several apprentice brewers — he seems disinterested in sex or romance, and he intends to continue his legacy by adopting an heir.
Signature drink: Bear’s Berry Beer, a strong ale with pureed blackberries poured into the wort for secondary fermentation, giving it a whopping ABV of 9%. €12 per mug.
11: The Randy Dandy. The Randy Dandy is built in a passenger ferry out in Flotsam, Night City’s floating district out past the harbor, and can only be accessed by swimming (ugh) or by boat. Occasionally, very rarely, she puts in to harbor herself to pick up important dignitaries when the Randy Dandy is booked for Nomad family meetings. Run by a sea Nomad known only as The Skipper, the Randy Dandy is the place to go to pick up harbor gossip or buy sweet lots of salvage before it makes it to the middlemen on land, who will mark it up as it passes through their hands.
The Skipper is a lean, leathery woman of middle age with iron-gray hair, and a harsh, low voice. She’s missing the two smallest fingers on her right hand — ”an accident with a coil of rope when I was young and stupid,” — but does well enough without prosthetics. Her rule for the Randy Dandy is “Don’t start none, won’t be none,” and disobedient customers will be swiftly tossed overboard by one or two of her burly crew. Business is the general atmosphere at the Randy Dandy, and the Skipper arranges matters so that the eddies keep flowing.
Signature drink: The Blackbeard. Rum, ginger oil, and a squeeze of lime, on the rocks. €15 per shot.
12: Yum Seng. Yum Seng is run by Alan Lam, a Chinese-American raconteur of Cantonese heritage. Lam’s grandfather fled Hong Kong with his sizable fortune shortly before Hong Kong left British control, and Alan has used his inheritance wisely, building a modest empire in the vice scene of Night City. Yum Seng (Cantonese for “cheers!”) is a host and hostess bar, but it’s also oddly one of the best places to get a seafood meal, because Alan Lam is also something of a gourmand. Customers to Yum Seng are asked to choose their seating by the host at the entrance. Customers who just want to eat are escorted to tables in the communal eating hall. Customers who want more personal attention are escorted to booths, where they will be attended to by pretty, pretty people.
Lam is smart enough that he’s not using Yum Seng as a money laundering front. No, that’s for the other businesses he controls in Night City. Yum Seng is just his personal hangout. He takes great interest in the comfort and satisfaction of his customers, stopping at their tables or booths to ask if all is well, and is very responsive to their concerns. The seafood is the best and freshest in Night City, the drinks are of high quality, and the hosts and hostesses are all beautifully and elegantly bodysculpted and trained in manners and etiquette.
There are also soundproof karaoke boxes, because Lam LOVES karaoke. Any Edgerunners wanting to do business with him will have to participate. He doesn’t expect them to sound good, but he wants them to have the balls to try.
Signature drinks: Anything expensive and showy. Veuve Clicquot, 18-year Scotch, all at least 150% of standard price, except when Alan Lam visits your table, then he comps you the drink after asking if you’ve had a good time.
13: Chatelaine’s. Chatelaine’s is a smoky old cabaret decorated and designed to look like it came out of the 1930s. The mirrors are scratched by hand and hazed with airbrushed pigment to look smoky and stained, the synthetic floors are treated to look like scuffed wood, and the staff all dress in period costume. Chatelaine’s is also one of the more popular gay bars in Night City, with a Friday Burlesque Night and a Saturday Drag Fest, to the point where some nights they have more heterosexual tourists than actual queer customers.
This has led to some murmurs that Chatelaine’s has “sold out”, and members of the Night City Queens gang have begun shunning Chatelaine’s Drag Fests. Owner and proprietor Lulu deLuz remains supportive of queer concerns, however, and she has allowed young homeless queer people to sleep in the club’s office space while she arranges for emergency housing for them.
Signature Drink: The Cocktease, peach schnapps, Cointreau, crème de cassis, €18.
14: The XX. The XX (pronounced “The Twenty”) is a raucous punk dive that serves no liquor. That’s because the punk band that owns and runs it, Breakfist, are straight-edge, partaking of no booze or drugs. The XX has a juice bar instead of a booze bar, and their smoothies are particularly good. That’s because Breakfist bassist Ten Ton used to be a pantry bitch at one of Night City’s finest eateries, Angelo’s, and she uses her restaurant contacts to pick up bruised and wilted fruits and vegetables before they get thrown in dumpsters. Her pickup runs save the back-of-house staff a drop-off trip, and she saves on ingredients for the bar’s juices. After all, nobody’s going to care how beat-up a fruit looks if you’re going to stick it in a blender.
The XX’s other draw is live punk music, every night. While the various members of Breakfist aren’t always available every night, they allow other acts to perform at the club with one caveat: Nazi Punks Fuck Off.
Signature drink: The Lean Mean Machine. Frozen bananas put in a blender with soymilk, chocolate-flavored syrup and peanut-butter flavored kibble to make a mean smoothie. €16 per cup.
15: Yewtree. Yewtree is a slightly overpriced neo-hipster bar near the new Night City U campus, and is therefore crammed with students most nights. The bouncers seem constitutionally incapable of recognizing a fake ID, and yet Yewtree has never been raided by NCPD. That’s because Yewtree was set up with the covert cooperation of NCPD. College kids will drink. They’re going to do it no matter how many enraged calls their parents will make. So why not make sure they can do so with a minimum of trouble? So Yewtree welcomes its fake ID wielding hordes, and waters the drinks down just enough. Bartender Stuart Hedley keeps an eye out for anyone trying to get someone drunker than they want to be, and he listens to the gossip, and if anything truly alarming reaches his ear, then he passes it on to the Lawmen.
Signature drink: Slightly overpriced, watered-down beer, €12 per mug.
16: Air is a sterile white cube with transparent glass bars, and uncomfortable brushed-steel stools, and it sells curated blends of scented, purified air to the afflicted masses of Night City. It’s an unfortunate truth that the air in Night City can be heavily polluted at times, and Air was established to make breathing a commodity.
Ranks of transparent oxygen masks hang above the bars at Air, and customers choose their blend of choice from a touch-screen embedded in the bars themselves. Then they put on the mask, insert their credchip, and the flow starts.
Signature drink: Alpine Mountains Blend, 20% oxygen in nitrogen with assorted herbal scents. €5 per minute.
17: Rusty’s Dive Shack. Need a drink while you prep your salvage dive? Need to rent mostly-safe dive equipment to do a salvage run? Want to trade salvage for booze and eliminate the middleman? Rusty’s Dive Shack is the place to go. Rusty is a sour old coot with the heart of a pawnbroker and the merciless gaze of a seagull, and he caters to those salvagers too poor to own proper kit, and too desperate to not work for him.
There’s all kinds of stuff out there in Night City Harbor. Most of the stuff on ships has already been cleared out by Families of sea Nomads, so it’s the stuff in the drink for the unconnected and ill-equipped. Rusty will rent would-be salvagers equipment for a share of the finds. He’ll also take their salvage if they want to trade it for booze.
Signature drink: Homemade shark liver oil, supposed to keep you warm in the cold depths €12 per cup. Tastes fishy and rancid.
18: Maria’s. Maria’s is a lively little beer tent with outdoor seating. The chairs and tables are loosely chained together so nobody can run off with individual pieces of furniture. Not without bringing bolt cutters, anyway. Maria’s is a popular hangout for road Nomads as it’s set up in the vast amount of parking space near several industrial workshops — an auto body shop, a couple chop shops, and a Tech workshop shared by two vehicle specialists.
The original Maria passed away five years ago, and now Maria’s is being run by members of her extended family, among them her niece, Lupita Garza, or Little Wolf. Little Wolf is a trained Medtech, but she comes around and tends bar in between jobs. The Nomad connection means that Maria’s is one of the few non-executive bars where you can get real tequila, as it gets trucked in by various Nomad families on a regular basis.
Signature drink: Real tequila. €20 per shot.
19: Buffalo’s. Buffalo’s is cursed. No two words about it. Track down a hospitality professional after shift and ask them, and they will tell you about the Bad Restaurant Curse. The Bad Restaurant Curse works like this: A restaurant will open in a space, and it will be a bad one. All future restaurants using that space will also be bad ones. This apparently applies also to bars.
The first bar opened in Buffalo’s space was Foxy’s, a topless sports bar and wing joint, which was acceptable enough except that the management got busted for using “illegal” meat in the boneless wings. A commonplace, in Night City. Foxy’s was replaced by Baby Grand, a piano bar and lounge, but their management got busted for money laundering. Baby Grand was replaced by Frezh, a juice bar that got shut down after it gave most of its customers food poisoning one night, and so on so forth, for the past sixty years.
The current management of Buffalo’s has lasted three months and there’s a healthy betting pool projecting its closure in timespans ranging from the next week to the next month.
Signature drink: The Buffalo Nose. Bourbon, pickle juice, lemon juice, Tabasco sauce. €16.
20: Anjelika’s. Anjelika’s is a host and hostess bar, and the destination for anyone who might have a cyberware kink. The hosts and hostesses are all bodysculpted with EMP lines and Chemskin to look like attractive androids and gynoids, and some of them have taken on employment at Anjelika’s so they can save for further cybernetic modifications to their bodies.
The most popular host at Anjelika’s is Gavin, a beautiful young man with bronze-tinted skin, custom cybereyes, and cybernetic arms and legs. He lost his organic limbs in a childhood accident and has spent his whole life with more chrome than some Solos. His cyberlimbs are custom designs from Rocklin, and he changes the casings to suit his wardrobe. Gavin’s popular not just because he’s the most cybered-up host in Anjelika’s, but because he has a warm, sympathetic manner with his clients, who just want to be pampered emotionally for an hour. He also does modelling work in the daytime, and has been solidly booked three months ahead for the past year.
Signature drink: The Coolant Flush. Midori, peppermint schnapps, seltzer. €16 per highball.
PS: And with this I'm taking the weekend off. (: More posts Monday.
submitted by almondbreath to cyberpunkred [link] [comments]

The Jewels of the Jawas

The party will be going to Tatooine soon. One of them is a Jawa with a sprawling family and tendency for self-promotion who used to work as a podracing bookie. I figure a fun thing would be for, on arrival, their extended family to rope them into an attempt to re-start the Boonta Eve Classic, which has been banned by the Empire.
Several sandcrawlers will have banded together, each building their own ramshackle podracers, and want the PCs to help them find an audience, recruit other teams, and throw some kind of diversion to distract the Empire on the day. To the Jawas, the post-race salvage is the prize (even if they're just salvaging each other's crashed podracers) but they'll need something to draw in non-Jawa teams.
So now I'm wracking my brains: what mysterious treasures might the Jawas have lying around underneath the piles of junk in their sandcrawlers? Preferably a few of them, so the PCs can try and figure out which is most likely to appeal to the contenders:
submitted by TT-Toaster to swrpg [link] [comments]

Pakistan: When Agents Ruled – a glimpse of Spying, Espionage and Security Breaches

The London Post

19-24 minutes
By Dr. Shahid Qureshi: –
A young journalist in London asked me "Do you know someone who is working against the national interests of Pakistan?". That was an interesting question from a typical young Pakistani who is loyal and patriotic to the country. I was nearly heartbroken to tell him that there is more and almost everyone who matters in Pakistan is in some way is selling Pakistan cheap to the enemies. Normally people think about spies and agents like James Bond 007 who goes on a mission and meet beautiful girls and come back successful. Well, that is one part of spying and espionage. The way Pakistani agents serving their foreign masters is a bit subtle and sinister. I have discussed some in the upcoming book and exposed them in the articles. People trust journalists more than the spies and agency operatives as they don’t have any loyalties to the sources but journalists do. I have seen many journalists threatened with imprisonment by the state but they did not disclose their sources following the journalistic code of ethics. Most civilized countries have a declassifying system for the official government records and obviously, those who have signed the official secrets act of the country don’t write books or come on TV channels to discuss their missions and details? Only in Pakistan you can do and get away with it. For example, Lt. General Asad Durrani was assigned a task by the President of Pakistan Ghulam Ishaq Khan to counter Benazir Bhutto who was compromised on Pakistan’s nuclear program and Indian affairs. The president ordered to dislodge her without creating too many currents keeping in view Pakistan’s ground realities. It was his oath to keep that secret as ISI chief but he behaved worst than an informant. He broke his oath, violated the official secrets act of Pakistan by giving an affidavit to FIA director Rehman Malik. The only attraction for him probably was to get posting as an ambassador. This is known as the Asghar Khan case currently hanging in the supreme court of Pakistan and no government is sincere enough to put an end to it by submitting the response and call the parties involved.
A few years ago, I was sitting with General Mike Jackson former British Army Chief, I asked him ‘why did you not take control of Sarajevo airport in Bosnia and Herzegovina’? He replied to me very quietly ‘read my book’. Apparently, the American General asked him to take control of the airport and he reportedly refused by saying: ‘I don’t want to start 3rd World War. Now it is the duty of the security establishment to provide training to its officials as to how to live a retired life without compromising national security and if at all they need to write a book, the transcript must be cleared by the premier agency. Let’s imagine a Pakistani agent is tasked to delay the installation of an electricity project to destroy the whole industry and infrastructure of the country. I wrote in 2006, that this load-shedding of electricity in Pakistan is linked with the security of the country. People acknowledge the risk assessment but they could not do anything as the people who were doing all this were sitting in high positions. The dramatic escape of the longest-serving Indus Water Commissioner to Canada is one example. He obtained Canadian citizenship and nobody from the security establishment question his activities. He delayed the Pakistani water projects and facilitated Indian dams on Pakistani rivers. Then we see the politicians from PPP, MQM, and ANP receiving instructions and findings from Indian agency RAW to make Kalabagh Dam project controversial and let the Sindhis drown in floods as well as cause damage in billions to land, crops, properties, livestock, and national infrastructures from rail to road links every year. This project was actually approved by British engineers during the 1930s. so if it was ok then how come it becomes problematic in the 1980s? Well appointing a corrupt and incompetent is also a form of espionage against the country for example during Zardari Rule 2008 -2013 he appointed the most corrupt and incompetent on the highest positions. He introduced another damaging policy of ‘system bypass’. With this policy, he bypassed all the rules, and his men in the presidency were calling direct to the land department junior officials and police station inspectors, or even below to do the illegal tasks. The flourishing of the land mafia was at its peak in the whole of Pakistan, especially in Sindh province. His party members and cronies were directly involved in ‘target killings of security officials’ attacks on government infrastructures. Over 25000 people were killed, billions of rupees’ revenue were lost due to strikes and terrorism in Sindh while PPP and MQM-A were ruling the province, which we know now was happening on the behest of RAW the Indian agency. Both military and civilian establishment is fully responsible, with the support of politicians like British criminal terrorist Altaf Hussain, Asif Zardari, and his team and now Nawaz Sharif and his agents, as well as military dictator like Pervez Musharraf and his team as tons of material and reports were filed to all the above but they chose not to act and remain complicit. A security official said to me a few years ago: ‘sir we can stop these bombings in 24 hours only if we are allowed to respond in kind to the supporters and abettors of these bombings. Musharraf was a megalomaniac and had a delusion of grandeur about himself. I told him that NRO (National Reconciliation Ordinance) is a black dot in the history of Pakistan. He admitted to me that ‘it was a mistake’ and said cases were not moving and going anywhere’. I told him that just because something is not working does not mean you need to make it worse? He agreed with the analogy. Let me give you another example of how foreign agents work or operate at high places. Former ISI officer Major Amir disclosed in a GEO TV program that: ‘when he was appointed Director-General Immigration, the Indian embassy in Islamabad was not very happy and asking about me’. He stated: I found out that Indians who were traveling to Dubai could stopover in Karachi and also sneaking out. I immediately stopped this practice it was like giving open access to RAW not only to launch its agents but also brief and debrief them’. The person who opposed this ban was no other but Sharyar Khan foreign secretary of Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif appointed about 80 years old Sharyar Khan as head of Pakistani cricket and Najam Sethi another pro India mole to keep him company. Guess what Pakistan is losing all its important matches to India because all the gambling bookies are being run from Mumbai. Earlier Pakistan had a foreign secretary Riaz Mohammad Khan whose wife was active service head of training in the US State Department. A Central Asian diplomat from Kazakhstan told me that: ‘if I had to marry a foreign national I would have to resign from the diplomatic service’. This joke did not stop here earlier Pakistani Defence Secretary Skindar Mirza had a full-blown affair with Nahid Afghamy wife of Col Afghamy Iranian Military Attaché to Pakistan. He later got married to her and Nahid Afghamy becomes Pakistan’s first lady of President Skindar Mirza and Army Chief Ayub Khan regularly saluted her. That was the worst security breach but that did not stop here Nahid Afghamy give full access of the presidency to her relative Nusrat Isphani (Bhutto) and her husband ZA Bhutto. She was also 2nd wife of ZA Bhutto like her. Since then we had no real oil and gas mining in Baluchistan for the past 68 years. Was that mission of Nahid Afghamy or much more? We don’t know.
During John F Kennedy’s presidency reportedly FBI chief went to the US Attorney General his boss and brother of JFK with the photos of the president with the actress Marilyn Monroe who was also linked with the mafia. He told US Attorney General the FBI thinks this affair is not appropriate. Well, it is a matter of national security who the president of Pakistan is sleeping with Ayan Ali or Nahid Afghamy? Pakistan suffered from sabotage, espionage, and terrorism even before it was fully created. In a 1995 article, `Pearls of Memory’ (Al-Nahal„ Spring 1995), M M Ahmad wrote that: ‘close to independence, l was `designated by Pakistan’ as additional deputy commissioner of Amritsar to take over the charge of the district if it was awarded to Pakistan. One day the British deputy commissioner of Amritsar told him `casually that:’Gurdaspur district is likely to go to India’. The award of Gurdaspur gave India a land corridor to Jammu and Kashmir and so enabled it to Occupy the territory after three months.
A preliminary version of the award was ready on 8th August 1947. The definitive version was with the Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten (1.1979) on 12 August. However, Mountbatten informed India and Pakistan on 16 August- after the `process of the Transfer of Power had been completed’. M M Ahmad gives no date when this `top secret’ information was given to him. However, instead of rushing to report the matter to the Government of Pakistan, he traveled to Qadiyan to inform his `khalifa’. This contrasted with I the conduct of Indian officers who immediately reported any sensitive leak or information to Nehru (d.1964) and Nehru took it up with Mountbatten. General Gracey the Army Chief of Pakistan did not send troops to the Kashmir front and refused to obey the order given by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Governor-General of Pakistan. Gracey argued that Jinnah as Governor-General represented the British Crown of which he himself was an appointee. It was the second time Pakistan missed the opportunity to take Kashmir following the ‘partition formula’. Ignoring the legitimate stand of Pakistan and MA Jinnah on Palestine Sir Zafrullah Khan (Qadiyani) was able to say publicly in Cairo ‘in February 1952 that Israel must be ‘regarded as a limb in the body of the Middle East’. He further urged Egypt to seek a peaceful solution to the conflict, in other words, to give up any thought, of liberating Arab and Palestinian lands and recognize the illegitimate occupation of Palestine. After the US-sponsored assassination of Prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan, Pakistan was led into one military alliance after another: a Mutual Defence Agreement’ with the US (May 1954), SEATO (September 1954), and Baghdad Pact (February 1955). After the overthrow of the Iraqi monarchy, Baghdad Pact was christened as CENTO (Central Treaty Organization). Although Pakistan had no security conflict in that region, ‘Zafrullah had put the country into South-East Asia Treaty Organization, without consulting or even telling the army. The commander-in-chief, ‘General Ayub Khan, said he was informed only after Pakistan had joined the alliance. The other character was M M Ahmad born in (1913-2002) was reputedly one of Pakistan’s most powerful bureaucrats. He belonged to the elite ICS (Indian Civil Service, later, (CSP or the Civil Service of Pakistan) and was a district officer in 1947, but by 1966, he had risen to head Ayub Khan’s powerful Planning Commission. He helped to shape the Country’s economic as well as defense and foreign policies. Ayub Khan also wished Arab states to join the Baghdad Pact and turn it into a `powerful Muslim forum’, but he understood why they were suspicious of the alliance. However, although he did have foreign ministers like Manzur Qadir (1959-62; d. 1972) and Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada (1966-68), both pro-western but also Pakistani, but key policy decision had also to be cleared with a Qadiyani bureaucrat M M Ahmad. Though only the head of Ayub Khan’s Planning Commission, he had come to exercise a veto over political decisions as well. Taken as someone with influence in the World Bank, he could shoot down anything by simply saying it may not go down well with Washington. According to Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada, French President de Gaulle had personally told Ayub Khan in 1967 that France was ready to provide `full’ nuclear assistance to Pakistan. In return, he simply asked that France be allowed to mine for uranium in the northwest and share it equally with Pakistan. `Our “friends” may not like it,’ M M Ahmad told Ayub, and in any case, what do we need this expensive technology for.’ Words to that effect. But that is how Pakistan missed the opportunity of becoming a nuclear power at least two decades earlier than it did – and minus all the blackmail and intimidation that knows no end. In an as yet unpublished interview, the eminent constitutional expert and authority on Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah (d.1948) and Pakistan movement, Sharifuddin Pirzada also, told Ahmed Irfan a London based journalist that as far back as October 1967, French President Charles de Gaulle (d.1970) had offered Pakistan ‘full’ nuclear assistance and know-how; the only thing he wanted, in turn, was to he (France) should be allowed to mine for uranium in Northwest Pakistan for a 50% share. In April 1965, Ayub Khan had also gone to Moscow. This was the first-ever visit by a Pakistani leader to the Soviet capital. Ayub Khan came back with the understanding that the visit `might prove a turning point in our relations and that there were tremendous possibilities of cooperation’. The Soviets had actually agreed to give military aid to Pakistan, but writing two years later Ayub Khan had to understate the achievement because the same Qadiyani bureaucrat too had vetoed this. This offer had been made by Brezhnev at a meeting set for recreation and shoot some clay pigeons outside Moscow, but with only Ayub Khan and Pirzada attending. Ayub Khan quit in March 1969 and MM Ahmed (Qadiyani) acquired yet more influence. He emerged as economic supremo of the new Chief Martial Law Administrator, General Yahya Khan (d.1980). After Yahva was forced out in December 1971, MM Ahmad continued as Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s (d.1979) economic adviser. But a few months later, he went to Washington DC and joined the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank). There he rose to be the deputy executive secretary of the joint Development Committee in 1974. However, M M Ahmad’s imprint on Pakistan’s fiscal and development policies was to last forever. As Yahya Khan’s ‘finance minister’, he devalued the rupee by 131% percent. As one economist pointed out (Dawn, Karachi, 1st February 2002), ‘that was the start of the deficit finance, inflation and trade imbalance’ from which the country has not been able to free itself. In 1974 Bhutto amended the constitution to clarify the non-Muslim slants of (the Oadiyani creed to which M M Ahmad belonged; yet influence over the country’s bureaucratic and political elite remained unaffected. Many owed their position to his patronage and almost everyone wanted to benefit front his Washington connections’. In 1993, then army chief Abdul Waheed Kakar was looking for a caretaker prime minister to replace Nawaz Sharif. M M Ahmad is believed to have solved the ‘problem. The job went to Moeen Qureshi, who had recently retired as executive vice president of the World Bank; He was given a Pakistani `passport’ on arrival. MM Ahmad kept a low profile, but after October 1999 coup, he seemed to have become the regime’s `holy man’. He was the grandson of the Qadiyani `prophet’, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani, (d.1908) and son-in-law of the second Qadiyani `khalifa’, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (d.1965). Besides being an international bureaucrat, M M Ahmad was all active `missionary’ of his Qadiyani creed. After retiring from the World Bank in 1984 he formally became the `amir’ and missionary in charge’ of the group in the US with headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. While many power holders in Pakistan seemed proud of being `secular’, for MM Ahmad, it was his `religious’ vocation as a Qadiyani that really defined his relationship with Pakistan. The relationship was in conflict with the existence of Pakistan itself. According to a Qadiyani `prophecy’, revealed a few months before the independence of Pakistan, if at all India and Pakistan did separate, it would be `transient’ and the Qadiyanis were asked to try to bring an end to this phase soon. (Al Fzal, 4 April 1947 and 17 May 194’7) We hear of M M Ahmad in another CSP officer, Qudratullhah Shihab’s memoirs, Slihab Nama, (Sang-e-Meel, Lahore, 1991) that the 1965 war with ‘India was ‘a Qadiyani conspiracy’. It was planned by an able (Qadiyani officer, Major General Akhtar Hussain Malik’ and `backed by several powerful people, among them, at the lot of list was said to be Mr MM Ahmad’. Shihab checked this with the West Pakistan governor Nawab of Kalabagh (d.1967) and he concurred.’ That the Qadiyanis have their own particular agenda on Jammu and Kashmir is an open secret. Like the Oadiyani Nobel Laureate, Abdus Salam, M M Ahmad too was opposed to Pakistan becoming a nuclear power. In an as yet unpublished interview, the eminent constitutional expert and authority on Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah (d.1948) and Pakistan movement, Sharifuddin Pirzada, told Ahmed Irfan a London based journalist that as far back as October 1967, French President Charles de Gaulle (d.1970) had offered Pakistan ‘full’ nuclear assistance and know-how; the only thing he wanted, in turn, was to be allowed to mine for uranium in Northwest Pakistan for a 50% share. President Ayub Khan said he would reply after consulting with his officials back home in Pakistan. In the event, the offer was vetoed by M M Ahmad and the army chief Yahya Khan. They warned Ayub Khan that the US would not take it kindly. Pirzada was Ayub Khan’s foreign minister and is a personal witness to the affair. M M Ahmad is also believed to have been a key architect of the split between East and West Pakistan. ‘Planned’ for the economic disparity between the two wings and laid the grounds for an eventual conflict and break. Former cabinet secretary and author of The Separation of East Pakistan (OUP, Karachi, 1995) Hasan Zaheer (d.1998) quotes Brigadier, later Major General, M I Kareem telling him that Colonel Chaudhary, Staff Officer of Lt-General S G M M Peerzada (had) told him that he had read a top-secret paper of MM Ahmed, suggesting that it was time for the friendly separation of two Wings rather than elections and warning of serious consequences for the entire country otherwise’. Peerzada was Principal Staff Officer to President Yahya and Brig. M I Kareem his deputy. For M M Ahmad, however, helping to end the `transient’ was a duty ordained by his khalifa’. Born on 28 February 1913, in Qadiyan, Gurdaspur, M M Ahmad died on 23, Ju1y 2002, Washington DC and was buried, 30th July 2002, ‘in Baltishti Maqbrah’ in Ghenahnagar (formerly Ribwah), Pakistan. The purpose of narrating the history above is to give a background to the young researchers, writers, and journalists interested in Pakistan. It was not like that from the beginning. People were loyal, motivated, and sincere with Pakistan. They were true survivors and go-getters as nothing come in their way once they decided to do something. The current structural breakdown is linked with the corrupt and compromised elite and leadership without vision and strategy. The Americans will never hire someone like Nawaz Sharif, Asif Zardari, Altaf Hussain, or Pervez Musharraf as a manager of a small company but they don’t mind a ‘stupid’ running Pakistan. Sometimes we need ‘stupid’ like him said a US senator to a friend of mine and a Pakistani journalist in Washington.
This is a picture of our ugly bureaucracy. A poor politician corruption is nothing that BROADSHEET is claiming; Bureaucartes knows every penny of Pakistani money and where to move under their umbrella. In a recent example, Azerbhajan offered deferred payment oil, did our bureaucracy let allow it on sacrifices of their millions of dollars commission for the sake of Pakistan. But we have seen their inhumane bureaucracy act made an example without God's fear in the country where Pakistan's creation was based on Islam's Ideology. We all understand Karachi's situation during the 2000-2015 period and why this poor person was absent from his job because of fear of death due to Karachi's law and order concerns. In 2012, the Pakistani leadership sat down to sort out solutions for dealing with the menace of terrorism, and in 2013, political parties unanimously resolved on Monday 9, September 2013, at the All Parties Conference (APC), stating that negotiation with the militants should be pursued as their first option to counter-terrorism.
link to the original post along with attachments (photos)
submitted by yfo36304bcaoo to pakistan [link] [comments]

This Semester (Grades, handling of COVID, Effects on Mental Health)

So I'm currently a sophomore attending a very rigorous, top 25 US university. Basically, I had found myself going down a dark path when COVID/Lockdowns first started. As I am sure it did to most, being in a lockdown/isolated from the normal life that we have all grown accustomed to really had a negative impact on my mental health. My family has a history of depression on both sides and I could not admit it to myself at the time, but I was becoming depressed. I started smoking weed everyday, multiple times per day and stayed in bed constantly. I would just smoke, go on my laptop, xbox, or phone and numb myself from the feelings I was experiencing.
Once the lockdown started to ease up in the summer, I was 20 pounds heavier (in 2 months) and disgusted with myself whenever I was sober and looked in the mirror. Without any motivation, I continued my way down this dark spiraling path. I kept telling myself it would get better once I returned to college, but I got myself into more bad habits in the mean time. My "friend" became an illegal "online bookie" and I would spend my days just gambling and smoking. My concept of realness would get so numbed from the constant high, that I would be irrational with my gambling and not have any concept of how much I was actually losing (these sites use credits, so there are no up front deposits needed. Just a final payout/collection at the end of the week.). This newfound gambling addiction was a way for me to create excitement in a time I felt there was not much to do.
Luckily for me my college did decide to open up in the fall, and I felt some non drug/gambling related excitement for the first time in awhile. I had just finished pledging a fraternity before COVID had impacted that semester, and could not wait to see my friends. Part of me had no confidence in some regards, as my subtle transformation to a degenerate left me feeling so uncomfortable in my own skin. I dealt with this for the beginning of the semester when I got back, but then something cool happened. I started to find motivation. I was able to workout with friends in our dorms which made it a lot more fun and we were able to hold each other accountable, and they helped me go on a t break. I had lost 10 pounds and was feeling the best I had in a long time.
But then I got Covid. I hadn't gone to a single party. We hungout in our dorms and kept low, but everyone on campus was seemingly getting it. The school threw me in a Best Western Motel for 12 days and I completely regressed back to my old ways. All I had for the next 12 days was weed I had brought (Even with the tbreak there was no way at that time I was going to get through 12 days of isolation with no weed at all. Call it dumb, but other people brought alcohol to keep them company, so to each their own) and the TV in my room. As well as the gambling that I decided to take up again, which resulted in me risking a total of $700 in those 12 days and pretty much breaking even at -$12. I was not allowed to go outside once. I had entered into that Best Western when it was around 75-80 degrees in the beginning of October, to 60-65 when I came out, but I didnt realize the gradual shift in temperature til the day I left.
The isolation and experience of that was horrible. I didnt have any symptoms of Covid besides a slight fever and loss of smell which I regained after a few days. These slight symptoms goes for any college student I have personally met that has contracted the disease, which is around 75-100. The symptoms of Covid werent the bad part for me, it was the complete tear of my mental health. I came out of that isolation in the same position I had started in before college started: Depressed, addicted to pot and gambling, and overweight.
The campus I returned to was the most restrictive place I could ever imagine. I got written up for throwing a football on the quad, and being in a 4 person hall when there were 5 people there at the time within the first few weeks. There was nothing to do and I felt completely lost about how I could turn my life around.
This had such a huge toll on me and my habits got worse and worse. I started smoking the most I had ever in my entire life. I would wake up and get high and immediately start placing bets. I had met some guys who were big spenders and I would start to match their spending habits while I was completely fried and not involved in the reality of it all. I knew it was really getting bad when I had to call my parents for $1.3k out of my savings account. I admitted my issues gambling and they told me to get help from someone at school, but wired me the money too. I had thought that by calling them they would take me out of this place and tell me to come home. A few weeks later I was feeling so shit that I was throwing down the most expensive bets ever cause in the back of my head it was "well, you're either gonna be making some nice money or definitely going home this time". Obviously that was foolish and dumb, but thats the way Ive looked back and assessed my thought process during that time and my therapist agrees.
Upon coming home, my family had been supportive and I have never felt better. Hitting a personal rock bottom has shifted my perspective on life and I can gladly say I have been seeing a therapist for the first time in my life these past 6 weeks I have been home, and I also have not bet or smoked once. I am happy to say that I also have been going to the gym 6 times a week, and have never been in better shape before.
With this all being said (sorry for such a long post XD), how do these schools expect us students to be okay in the conditions they have set up for us? I know I am not the only one who has experienced these sort of things this semester, yet might be one of the only ones to admit these problems I have dealt with. Although I am doing great now, I really feel this whole situation is fucked and that these schools should be exposed for the non-caring businesses they truthfully are. They only care about the money we pay them regardless of the experience they provide, and for me thats 38k (76k a year!) for a 2.6 GPA (haven't even told my parents yet, had a 3.4 after last year), deepened mental health issues, and unneeded stress.
I guess theres not really a big question here, but I wanted this to be more of a place for people to share their opinions on the COVID effected semester and share their own experiences. Thanks guys.
submitted by Leopars56 to college [link] [comments]

After reading the book, I watched "Came a Hot Friday"

Widely regarded as one of the greatest of New Zealand's films (and rightly so, I think), this is a comic romp set in post WWII rural New Zealand. It's directed by Ian Mune, whose name should ring a bell to anyone who knows the NZ film scene.
Wes and Cryil (Peter Bland and Philip Gordon) are a pair of chancers trying to make money on a scam called "Past Posting" where a bet is placed on a horse race that has already run. This worked in 1949 when few races were broadcast. One watches the race live and phones the pub where his accomplice is and relays a coded message, who places a big bet with the resident bookmaker (I think every pub had one in those days). The problem is that it needs a third accomplice to make it realistic due to the timing of the phone calls. The opening scene is one such bookie seeing through it and Wes having to make a quick getaway.
They head to the coastal Taranaki town of Tainuia (based on Hawera) where they hook up with Don Jackson, who is stuck in a dead-end car sales job and willing to get some excitement into his life.
Their scam is successful - for a time. Jackson makes two profitable bets but the bookie (Norm Cray) is suspect and forces him to blind bet on the third race - which he also wins through blind luck.
There are other plots just as important, but the big new character is The Tainuia Kid, played by the late Billy T. James. He's Maori but affects a Spanish accent (must confess that when I read the book I thought it was French). In the book I didn't think this character worked at all, but in the film he is key. The other plot is the town's big crim who has someone burn down a snooker hall as he's in up to his neck. The problem is the supposedly empty building wasn't and an innocent man dies in the fire.
The other plot concerns an illegal gambling den in a wool-shed, where Crown and Anchor is the game played. The trio retire there to parlay their winnings into even more. This joint is run by Sel Bishop, the man who had the billiard hall burned down. And Norm Cray suspects foul play in the winning bets. It doesn't go well on the table and they lose most all they won on the gee-gees. Wes's last big bet comes in (three anchors) but the rozzers raid the joint and he doesn't get the winnings. Even worse, Sel sets Norm Cray onto a helpless Wes.
In one my favourite scenes, the Crown and Anchor table flips over to become the wool classing table that was its original usage.
In the morning, Wes meets "The Tainuia Kid" who is no fan of Sel. The last third of the film is Wes trying to get revenge on Sel. This is my least favourite part of both book and film as the jokey tone turns serious.
It's based on the classic book of the same name by Ronald Hugh Morrieson, and it is well worth seeking out. It is of its time with outdated language and mores but I don't care about that. You can't and shouldn't rewrite history. He lived in Hawera his whole life. This adaptation is more comic than the book but quite close to the meaning. The actors playing Wes and Cyril are older than I imagined the characters from the book, but that might just be me. And there's little room in the film for Don's dad, a veteran of Gallipoli who lost a leg there and is finding his old digger mates are dying off and he's turning old and sour, though he's trying hard not to. He was my favourite character in the book, but I can see how he's not suitable for a big part in what is essentially a comic adaptation.
A final mention to the wonderful rural New Zealand locations that were shot. I love the small towns and landscapes from back then.
submitted by widmerpool_nz to newzealand [link] [comments]

Choosing the Best Sportsbook

Sports betting is essentially the act of placing a wager on the overall result and predicting sports results. The likelihood of sports wagers varies widely by culture, with a majority of bets being placed on sporting events that are won by a certain margin. Sports betting can take place on a single event such as an NBA or NFL game, a Formula One race, or any other competitive sporting event. In many cases sports betting can also take place on non-competing teams and/or players in order to handicap the competition.
Gambling has long been regarded as an acceptable form of gambling by many people, including many law makers. Gambling comes under the heading of sports betting in the United States law because the US government recognizes that it can generate revenue for its citizens through regulation of sports betting. Many states in the US have legalized sports betting, although they generally do not include online gambling, lottery bets, or other non-regulated forms of sports betting. Internet gambling is illegal in most states, but Las Vegas is the only city that openly promotes sports betting by allowing online bookmakers to participate in the LVAC Sportsbook Select program, which is used by hundreds of bookies across the country. The US State Department does not recognize online gambling, however, and individuals caught participating in this activity can face serious criminal charges.
In Las Vegas, a sportsbook allows customers to place bets on a variety of different sporting events, including basketball, football, baseball, tennis, golf, swimming, horse racing, and skating. The odds at which these wagers are placed are based on the sportsbooks' understanding of each sporting event and the probability of that event occurring. In order to place a successful bet, the gambler must be able to understand the odds on the game or event. The odds at which a bet is placed may vary significantly from bookmaker to bookmaker. In order to place a profitable bet, the gambler must use all available information, including the odds, to make his or her best bet.
With so many sports betting options available today, bookmakers have made it possible for bettors to enjoy their favorite recreational activities while still earning money. There are literally thousands of sites on the Internet where bookmakers allow bettors to place sports bets. Many of the sites feature daily, weekly, and even monthly payouts. The terms and conditions for placing sports wagers on such sites vary, but most include the following basic information: the name of the bettor, his or her credit card or e-mail account information, the wager amount, the date and time of the game, whether the game will be played in an online casino or on a television set, and whether or not the game will be played in more than one game. In addition, bettors must read carefully over the terms and conditions and follow all instructions provided.
Some online sports betting websites offer betting programs that include a variety of different games, including college football, baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, and NASCAR racing. These programs also typically include a schedule of games for the different sports involved. Most bettors must register at the website in order to place a bet. Others must join a VIP program, which allows them to place larger sports bets that would not be eligible under regular rules.
Online sportsbooks also allow bettors to look up current news and odds for sports events within their books. This information allows them to place bets based on news and odds. The best sportsbooks can offer a wide range of information and provide updates on game scores and odds for millions of sports events. Before making a bet, it is important to find out if the website and the bookmaker have good customer service, because in the end, it is you who will have to keep track of your winnings or losses. And most importantly, do not forget to check if the site and the sportsbook can actually produce the numbers you're looking for; that way, you won't get stuck paying too much for sports betting odds.
submitted by lijemi to SportsbookHelp [link] [comments]

Betting is not gambling.

Greetings for all.
I had a telegram group where i share 'fixed matches'. There were around 25 people in it, some of them made profits, some of them couldn't. But so many of them gave me tons of headache. They were showing me some coupons they've made, they were complaining about my loses, sharing any other opinions etc.
First let me tell you what i do. First, i copy all of day's matches pre-start odds on excel. And then i compare each one of them among the all popular betting websites and Turkish national betting website. I'm 32 years old and i've never watched a football game from start till the end. I don't like football, i don't like to talk about football, i don't like the people who has strong passion about football. I believe %80 of the matches are fixed. Betting industiry became so big in the last years, big guys doesn't want to leave this industiry to 22 players hands. Otherwise wouldn't be so easy? Put Liverpool, Barca and Bayern on the same coupon, bet 1k usd and double up. I'm %100 sure, professionals like me thinks the same way.
I believe betting according to odds instead of the teams, team's position in its league, injured players etc is way way more profitable. Just think about the last Liverpool - West Bromwich match. What did Liverpool lose? They are still 3 points ahead. But just think how much did they get by setting up that match. Also search Liverpool's historty for how many other set-up matches like this. And one another thing, they are trying to keep first 1-2-3-4-5th team's points close to heat up competition. More competition means more bets, more money for bookies etc.
Anyway, i want to keep it short but there are tons of topics to discuss. What i'm saying is, im not a regular better. I always bet according to odds, trying to find these kind of set-up matches and i have straight rules to keep me tight.
So what happened to the group? Why did it fail?
There are 2 things u MUST control in betting. 1- Bankroll management, 2- Your greed. If you lose any of them, you will fail. I'm just a stranger for my clients in that group, trying to share so-called 'fixed matches' I share 4+ odd, they bet big and it fails. Then i share +4 odd, they bet big (this time with frustiation) and it fails again. Then i share one more +4 odd but this time they think that im a scammer and they don't bet it or bet less. This one hits this time, but they couldn't make any profit. And after they complaining, i'm afraid to share +7 odds when i see any. If that +7 hits, i can't explain how much i got tilted.
So, i don't want to deal with 25+ people. My aim is to get 5 people till the next friday. What these 5 people must do is:
1- Cash-in exactly 100 euros on their betfair or bet365 accounts.
2- They must bet exactly the amount that i told.
3- They can't bet on their own, this is not gambling, this is business.
4- They must show me every bet when they did it.
5- They must show me how much they've got in the account, or their betting history when i ask.
6- They must be ready to bet as soon as i share the match because all the matches are live. (Weekdays between 7-11 pm, Weekends between 4-11 pm)
7 -They must send me 50 euros whenever their bankroll reaches 500 euros (first 4 cash-outs. Then 100 euros when it reaches 500). Cash-out 350 euros, put it into their pockets, and continue with the left 100 euros.
If one of these rules is broken, deal is off. And you may think that 100 euros is too much for 400 euro profit. Because i know you smart guys gonna create another account and bet bigger in there as soon as you see this is working like a clock.
You pay me 50 euros for the first 4 cash-outs, and then 100 euros. You follow my rules. Rest, you can do whatever you want. You can sell my matches, share them with your friends (for a percentage etc) i dont care.
One another thing, My matches are not %100. There are %100 matches out there yes, believe me. But there is almost no chance for us to get them. Their prices usually +5k usd. But even if you pay that money, you can't be sure whatever you do. My offer is a long running business. I can't make you rich in 2 weeks.
And last of all, why am i doing this? If i'm this sure that i'll win, why im not doing it myself?
Guys im living in Turkey where 1 euros is 9.5 liras. And betting is illegal in Turkey. Because of the our lovely goverment, i can't even login into any betting websites (yes i've tried vpn, tor, paid vpn, dns, etc) and even if i can login, i can't create any accounts. There are only illegal betting websites in Turkey, But i got scammed 43k Liras (around 4.7k euros) total last year. So i need a %100 SAFE platform like betfair and bet365. And this 5 people is gonna provide it to me.
So why are they putting the first 100 euros by themselves? You put it?
Guys i've spent 3 years for this. There are 3 monitors in front of me, searching for bugs among 10-15 websites all the time. My job is to do this hard work, your job is to invest that first 100 euros.
If you think im a kind of scammer, GREAT NEWS! YOU ARE SMART! And smart people also knows there are none easy money in the world without any risks. The risk you take is the possibility of losing that 100 euros. Now just sit and try to calculate what and how much are you gonna win if it works?
my telegram is @ xhonobia. Cheers and good luck for all.
submitted by xhonobia to bet365 [link] [comments]

Betting is not gambling.

Greetings for all.
I had a telegram group where i share 'fixed matches'. There were around 25 people in it, some of them made profits, some of them couldn't. But so many of them gave me tons of headache. They were showing me some coupons they've made, they were complaining about my loses, sharing any other opinions etc.
First let me tell you what i do. First, i copy all of day's matches pre-start odds on excel. And then i compare each one of them among the all popular betting websites and Turkish national betting website. I'm 32 years old and i've never watched a football game from start till the end. I don't like football, i don't like talk about football, i don't like the people who has strong passion about football. I believe %80 of the matches are fixed. Betting industiry became so big in the last years, big guys doesn't want to leave this industiry to 22 players hands. Otherwise wouldn't be so easy? Put Liverpool, Barca and Bayern on the same coupon, bet 1k usd and double up. I'm %100 sure, professionals like me thinks the same way.
I believe betting according to odds instead of the teams, team's position in its league, injured players etc is way way more profitable. Just think about the last Liverpool - West Bromwich match. What did Liverpool lose? They are still 3 points ahead. But just think how much did they get by setting up that match. Also search Liverpool's historty for how many other set-up matches like this. And one another thing, they are trying to keep first 1-2-3-4-5th team's points close to heat up competition. More competition means more bets, more money for bookies etc.
Anyway, i want to keep it short but there are tons of topics to discuss. What i'm saying is, im not a regular better. I always bet according to odds, trying to find these kind of set-up matches and i have straight rules to keep me in tight.
So what happened to the group? Why did it fail?
There are 2 things u MUST control in betting. 1- Bankroll management, 2- Your greed. If you lose any of them, you will fail. I'm just a stranger for my clients in that group, trying to share so-called 'fixed matches' I share 4+ odd, they bet big and it fails. Then i share +4 odd, they bet big (this time with frustiation) and it fails again. Then i share one more +4 odd but this time they think that im a scammer and they don't bet it or bet less. This one hits this time, but they couldn't make any profit. And after they complaining, i'm afraid to share +7 odds when i see any. If that +7 hits, i can't explain how much i got tilted.
So, i don't want to deal with 25+ people. My aim is to get 5 people till the next friday. What these 5 people must do is:
1- Cash-in exactly 100 euros on their betfair or bet365 accounts.
2- They must bet exactly the amount that i told.
3- They can't bet on their own, this is not gambling, this is business.
4- They must show me every bet when they did it.
5- They must show me how much they've got in the account, or their betting history when i ask.
6- They must be ready to bet as soon as i share the match because all the matches are live. (Weekdays between 7-11 pm, Weekends between 4-11 pm)
7 -They must send me 50 euros whenever their bankroll reaches 500 euros (first 4 cash-outs. Then 100 euros when it reaches 500). Cash-out 350 euros, put it into their pockets, and continue with the left 100 euros.
If one of these rules is broken, deal is off. And you may think that 100 euros is too much for 400 euro profit. Because i know you cunts gonna create another account and bet bigger in there as soon as you see this shit is working like a clock.
You pay me 50 euros for the first 4 cash-outs, and then 100 euros. You follow my rules. Rest, you can do whatever you want. You can sell my matches, share them with your friends (for a percentage etc) i dont care.
One another thing, My matches are not %100. There are %100 matches out there yes, believe me. But there is almost no chance for us to get them. Their prices usually +5k usd. But even if you pay that money, you can't be sure whatever you do. My offer is a long running business. I can't make you rich in 2 weeks.
And last of all, why am i doing this? If i'm this sure that i'll win, why the fuck im not doing it myself?
Guys im living in Turkey where 1 euros is 9.5 liras. And betting is illegal in Turkey. Because of the our lovely goverment, i can't even login into any betting websites (yes i've tried vpn, tor, paid vpn, dns, blowjob etc) and even if i can login, i can't create any accounts. There are only illegal betting websites in Turkey, But i got scammed 43k Liras (around 4.7k euros) total last year. So i need a %100 SAFE platform like betfair and bet365. And this 5 people is gonna provide it to me.
So why are they putting the first 100 euros by themselves? You put it?
Guys i've spent 3 years for this shit. There are 3 monitors in front of me, searching for bugs among 10-15 websites all the time. My job is to do this hard work, your job is to invest that first 100 euros.
If you think im a kind of scammer, GREAT NEWS! YOU ARE SMART! And smart people also knows there are none easy money in the world without any risks. The risk you the is the possibility of losing that 100 euros. Now just sit and try to calculate what and how much are you gonna win if it works?
my telegram is @ xhonobia. Cheers and good luck for all.
submitted by yagerbull to betting [link] [comments]

Betting is not gambling.

Greetings for all.
I had a telegram group where i share 'fixed matches'. There were around 25 people in it, some of them made profits, some of them couldn't. But so many of them gave me tons of headache. They were showing me some coupons they've made, they were complaining about my loses, sharing any other opinions etc.
First let me tell you what i do. First, i copy all of day's matches pre-start odds on excel. And then i compare each one of them among the all popular betting websites and Turkish national betting website. I'm 32 years old and i've never watched a football game from start till the end. I don't like football, i don't like to talk about football, i don't like the people who has strong passion about football. I believe %80 of the matches are fixed. Betting industiry became so big in the last years, big guys doesn't want to leave this industiry to 22 players hands. Otherwise wouldn't be so easy? Put Liverpool, Barca and Bayern on the same coupon, bet 1k usd and double up. I'm %100 sure, professionals like me thinks the same way.
I believe betting according to odds instead of the teams, team's position in its league, injured players etc is way way more profitable. Just think about the last Liverpool - West Bromwich match. What did Liverpool lose? They are still 3 points ahead. But just think how much did they get by setting up that match. Also search Liverpool's historty for how many other set-up matches like this. And one another thing, they are trying to keep first 1-2-3-4-5th team's points close to heat up competition. More competition means more bets, more money for bookies etc.
Anyway, i want to keep it short but there are tons of topics to discuss. What i'm saying is, im not a regular better. I always bet according to odds, trying to find these kind of set-up matches and i have straight rules to keep me tight.
So what happened to the group? Why did it fail?
There are 2 things u MUST control in betting. 1- Bankroll management, 2- Your greed. If you lose any of them, you will fail. I'm just a stranger for my clients in that group, trying to share so-called 'fixed matches' I share 4+ odd, they bet big and it fails. Then i share +4 odd, they bet big (this time with frustiation) and it fails again. Then i share one more +4 odd but this time they think that im a scammer and they don't bet it or bet less. This one hits this time, but they couldn't make any profit. And after they complaining, i'm afraid to share +7 odds when i see any. If that +7 hits, i can't explain how much i got tilted.
So, i don't want to deal with 25+ people. My aim is to get 5 people till the next friday. What these 5 people must do is:
1- Cash-in exactly 100 euros on their betfair or bet365 accounts.
2- They must bet exactly the amount that i told.
3- They can't bet on their own, this is not gambling, this is business.
4- They must show me every bet when they did it.
5- They must show me how much they've got in the account, or their betting history when i ask.
6- They must be ready to bet as soon as i share the match because all the matches are live. (Weekdays between 7-11 pm, Weekends between 4-11 pm)
7 -They must send me 50 euros whenever their bankroll reaches 500 euros (first 4 cash-outs. Then 100 euros when it reaches 500). Cash-out 350 euros, put it into their pockets, and continue with the left 100 euros.
If one of these rules is broken, deal is off. And you may think that 100 euros is too much for 400 euro profit. Because i know you smart guys gonna create another account and bet bigger in there as soon as you see this is working like a clock.
You pay me 50 euros for the first 4 cash-outs, and then 100 euros. You follow my rules. Rest, you can do whatever you want. You can sell my matches, share them with your friends (for a percentage etc) i dont care.
One another thing, My matches are not %100. There are %100 matches out there yes, believe me. But there is almost no chance for us to get them. Their prices usually +5k usd. But even if you pay that money, you can't be sure whatever you do. My offer is a long running business. I can't make you rich in 2 weeks.
And last of all, why am i doing this? If i'm this sure that i'll win, why im not doing it myself?
Guys im living in Turkey where 1 euros is 9.5 liras. And betting is illegal in Turkey. Because of the our lovely goverment, i can't even login into any betting websites (yes i've tried vpn, tor, paid vpn, dns, etc) and even if i can login, i can't create any accounts. There are only illegal betting websites in Turkey, But i got scammed 43k Liras (around 4.7k euros) total last year. So i need a %100 SAFE platform like betfair and bet365. And this 5 people is gonna provide it to me.
So why are they putting the first 100 euros by themselves? You put it?
Guys i've spent 3 years for this. There are 3 monitors in front of me, searching for bugs among 10-15 websites all the time. My job is to do this hard work, your job is to invest that first 100 euros.
If you think im a kind of scammer, GREAT NEWS! YOU ARE SMART! And smart people also knows there are none easy money in the world without any risks. The risk you take is the possibility of losing that 100 euros. Now just sit and try to calculate what and how much are you gonna win if it works?
my telegram is @ xhonobia. Cheers and good luck for all.
submitted by xhonobia to sportsbooklive [link] [comments]

What A Day: Floperation Blorp Speed by Sarah Lazarus & Crooked Media (12/09/20)

"At 10:00 P.M. on Election Evening, we were at 97% win with the so-called “bookies”." - Donald Trump, seeking the overturn the results of the Triple Crown

None The Pfizer

After the Trump administration nailed every other aspect of the pandemic response with flying colors, it may come as a shock to learn that its plan to distribute vaccines to hundreds of millions of Americans leaves something to be desired. Specifically, vaccines.
Even in a delay-free world, the coronavirus task force warned on Tuesday, the vaccine program wouldn’t substantially reduce the spread of coronavirus until late spring.
It stands to reason that the Trump administration’s demonstrated indifference to saving American lives would hobble the vaccine effort, and we can fully expect Republicans to turn around on January 20 and try to blame the ensuing delays and deaths on Joe Biden. No one should give them the time of day. Hard as they might try to wipe it on to Biden’s hands, the blood is on theirs.

Look No Further Than The Crooked Media

We're only a few weeks away from the January 5 runoff in Georgia that will determine control of the Senate. Early voting starts on December 14, and if you're looking for ways to support groups on the ground making sure every voter makes their voice heard, sign up to Adopt Georgia. We'll be sending new opportunities to donate and volunteer every week between now and January, so head over to to learn more about what you can do today.

Under The Radar

The Federal Trade Commission and 48 attorneys general have filed landmark antitrust lawsuits against Facebook, alleging that the company illegally crushed its competition by buying up its rivals and weaponizing its staggering troves of user data. Federal and state regulators have been investigating Facebook for over a year, and this marks the first government antitrust action against a company that’s been behaving like a monopoly for a decade.The lawsuits explicitly ask the DC district court to consider forcing Facebook to sell off Instagram and WhatsApp, a move that Mark Zuckerberg has said would be “existential” for the company. Oh nooo, where would we all go to spread antisemitic conspiracy theories, spur on the downfall of American democracy, and wish an aunt we've never met happy birthday?

What Else?

The president is just straight up tweeting “#OVERTURN” now. That hashtag is gonna turn this whole coup around.
Trump and 17 states have joined Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s lawsuit asking the Supreme Court to help Republicans overturn (#overturn?) election results in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
The Senate confirmed three nominees to the Federal Election Commission, after the agency sat around uselessly for months without a quorum.
The EPA has finalized a rule making it more difficult to enact public health protections, one of several rules the Trump administration is fast-tracking to environmentally screw over Joe Biden.
Gov. Tom Wolf (D-PA) is in quarantine after testing positive for coronavirus but said he hasn't experienced any symptoms.
An Idaho health official left a virtual meeting in tears because anti-mask protesters had surrounded her home, where her 12-year-old son was alone.
Relatedly, here’s the completely heartbreaking story of Mitchell, SD, one of many red state towns where residents followed GOP leaders in not taking coronavirus precautions seriously until people started dying—and where a group of anti-maskers continued to vehemently oppose a local mask mandate.
YouTube will start taking down new videos that spread voter fraud conspiracy theories, right in the nick of time.
Cartoon voter-fraud witness Melissa Carone said she isn’t self-quarantining and hasn’t gotten tested after testifying next to COVID-positive fart-machine Rudy Giuliani.
Joe Biden might send Pete Buttigieg to China as an ambassador, in the latest indication that he is a mere puppet for radical socialist Amy Klobuchar.
Piers Morgan has been forced to deny a rumor that he played the Central Park Pigeon Lady in Home Alone 2, but enough people believe the rumor that we should probably let all of the legal challenges play out.

Be Smarter

A new study found that rural, predominantly Black counties have the highest IRS audit rates. You know, where all the rich white tax evaders live. Humphreys County, MS, where more than a third of mostly Black residents are below the poverty line, is the most heavily-audited county in the country—because so many taxpayers are poor. The IRS doggedly audits taxpayers who claim the earned income tax credit, a program meant to lift workers out of poverty, under pressure from congressional Republicans. As a result, the five counties with the highest audit rates are all poor, majority Black counties in the deep south, and the audit rate is next-highest in majority-Hispanic counties and those with Native American reservations. Try to claim a legal tax credit and get slammed with a year-long IRS audit, while wealthier white populations enjoy an unaudited existence: What could be fairer?

What A Sponsor

Interested in the most comfortable pair of underwear in the world? Tommy John set out to reinvent men’s undergarments, the way they should be: more tailored, fit, and fashionable.
Created by a husband and wife team, co-founders Tom and Erin left their careers, cashed out their 401Ks, and set out to reinvent men’s undergarments, the way they should be: more tailored, fit, and fashionable.
And just like that, Tommy John was born. And the life-changing products followed. Underwear that never rides up. Socks that never roll down. Apparel that moves with you. Loungewear and pajamas that are luxuriously soft, yet machine washable. For all of your clothing needs, Tommy John has you covered.
For this holiday season, enjoy comfort, all through the house! Tommy John has seasonal gifts for you and your spouse. Oh, and you don’t have to be married - or dating - but you get the idea.
This holiday, upgrade you and yours with limited edition prints and patterns guaranteed to bring comfort and joy, available now! Order NOW to make sure your gifts arrive in time.

Is That Hope I Feel?

New York has pledged to divest its $226 billion pension fund from fossil fuels by 2050, and completely decarbonize the fund by 2040.
A universal flu vaccine that protects against all strains of the flu and lasts for years may not be far off.
The House has passed a bill that would broaden marijuana research in states where the drug is already legal.
Taylor Swift donated $13,000 to two mothers on the verge of eviction. Your turn, federal government.


place where cats shouldn't be on Twitter: "* 1 video attached *"
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

I Watched "Came a Hot Friday" (1985)

Widely regarded as one of the greatest of New Zealand's films (and rightly so, I think), this is a comic romp set in post WWII rural New Zealand. It's directed by Ian Mune, whose name should ring a bell to anyone who knows the NZ film scene.
Wes and Cryil (Peter Bland and Philip Gordon) are a pair of chancers trying to make money on a scam called "Past Posting" where a bet is placed on a horse race that has already run. This worked in 1949 when few races were broadcast. One watches the race live and phones the pub where his accomplice is and relays a coded message, who places a big bet with the resident bookmaker (I think every pub had one in those days). The problem is that it needs a third accomplice to make it realistic due to the timing of the phone calls. The opening scene is one such bookie seeing through it and Wes having to make a quick getaway.
They head to the coastal Taranaki town of Tainuia (based on Hawera) where they hook up with Don Jackson, who is stuck in a dead-end car sales job and willing to get some excitement into his life.
Their scam is successful - for a time. Jackson makes two profitable bets but the bookie (Norm Cray) suspects a scam and forces him to blind bet on the third race - which he also wins through pure luck.
There are other plots just as important, but the big new character is The Tainuia Kid, played by the late Billy T. James. He's Maori but affects a Spanish accent (must confess that when I read the book I thought it was French). In the book I didn't think this character worked at all, but in the film he is key. The other plot is town's big crim who has someone burn down a snooker hall as he's in up to his neck. The problem is the supposedly empty building wasn't and an innocent man dies in the fire.
The other plot concerns an illegal gambling den in a wool-shed, where Crown and Anchor is the game played. The trio retire there to parlay their winnings into even more. This joint is run by Sel Bishop, the man who had the snooker hall burned down. And Norm Cray suspects foul play in the winning bets. It doesn't go well on the table and they lose most all they won on the gee-gees. Wes's last big bet comes in (three anchors) but the rozzers raid the joint and he doesn't get the winnings. Even worse, Sel sets Norm Cray onto a helpless Wes.
In one my favourite scenes, the Crown and Anchor table flips over to become the wool classing table that it was in its original usage.
In the morning, Wes meets "The Tainuia Kid" who is no fan of Sel. The last third of the film is Wes trying to get revenge on Sel. This is my least favourite part of both book and film as the jokey tone turns serious.
It's based on the classic book of the same name by Ronald Hugh Morrieson, and it is well worth seeking out. It is of its time with outdated language and mores but I don't care about that. You can't and shouldn't rewrite history. He lived in Hawera his whole life. This adaptation is more comic than the book but quite close to the meaning. The actors playing Wes and Cyril are older than I imagined the characters from the book, but that might just be me. And there's little room in the film for Don's dad, a veteran of Gallipoli who lost a leg there and is finding his old digger mates are dying off and he's turning old and sour, though he's trying hard not to. He was my favourite character in the book, but I can see how he's not suitable for a big part in what is essentially a comic adaptation.
A final mention to the wonderful rural New Zealand locations that were shot. I love the small towns and landscapes from back then.
submitted by widmerpool_nz to iwatchedanoldmovie [link] [comments]

For all of you wanting to know the Underworld Bollywood functioning and why Salmon Bella is feared in the industry. Here's the Scoop PART 2 ( KJO & Salmon's connection to Child Trafficking and Murders from the past):

So, my last past I put up got tremendous attention,
Understand the one racket which was too dark for me to type was that of child trafficking, organ selling. HERE LET ME TELL U HOW SALMON BELLA AND KALANK JOKER RUN THE RACKET
The players important in this racket are : Gopal Dalvi, Imtiaz Khatri, Tendua Shroff and Suar Pancholi.
The front man is always different but these are the main players with Bella and Joker the king pins.
Take this NGO :
look at the net worth it generated and the work done. Kunal kapoor (THE FRONT MAN IN THSI CASE) is one its founder who married Naina Bachchan. Wonder why what kept Big B mouth shut ? All his goodwill of a life time will go into gutter in no time.
The NGOs being used for money laundering is widely known on the ground in the Indian context.
But child trafficking always involves a similar racket
Remember the Ranjan Family, this anu ranjan and family right? Look, they have an NGO called - Link called Beti. If you look, the brand ambassador is - Anushka who is Alia bff, and Anu's daughter. It has pictures of Suraj, varun, alia etc. I mean Suraj who is one of the alleged prime suspect in disha case is on the front page of an NGO for small girls!!?
If you go to the supporters link under - About us. You will see so many names of celebs who support them. They are randomly written in different font sizes.
The most strange part is this - Link
It has names, phone numbers and address of small girls - it says they are in grade 2, 6, 7 etc and so on. What is the meaning of this? Is putting all this information online even legal or safe?
The address and phone number of little girls put out? WHY?! If they are the ngo then funds would be distributed through them. Why put out contact info.
Same with Gopal Dalvi Smile NGO :
Imtiaz Khatri, Tendua Shroff with kids :
all shams.
The NGO'S, MMA schools are all fronts for child trafficking
for abroad (Dubai, ME ) selling they SPECIFICALLY TARGET GIRLS FROM MINORITY COMMUNITY, LET'S SAY ABOOUT 80% OF THEM and sell them off for either prostitution, illegal organ donation ( KJO ka sector)
As for murders in the past :
Divya Bharti fell to death from a house that had no balcony : Cooper Hospital
Parveen Babi : Bumped off as she was gaining her senses : Cooper Hospital
Romi Jaffrey 's brother's wife :
Cooper hospital.
Sridevi : Killed off
and I don't know how many of u remember : Pak coach Bob Woolmer:
He was killed was like SSR : Strangulation after intoxication
Fun fact the last person he was seen arguing with a bookie called Chadda who is D company's right hand man
Apparently Chadda had links with 7 pak players and let's just say a really really strong player ( huge frame ) oversaw his strangulation.
submitted by Vaakil24 to Chodi [link] [comments]

Part 2/3 My Introduction to a Professional Sports Betting Syndicate

PART 2/3
The train ride home from that meeting I was excited and nervous. I played out every possible scenario of this arrangement. My first concern was what would happen if my employer found out. It definitely didn’t benefit George or me telling anyone about this so it wasn’t really a loose lips sink ships concern but rather my company noticing a pattern of delays on injury reporting, our company kept logs and tested speed but usually I was the one doing that and nobody ever checked them, but would that change if delays started to happen regularly? I figured I could just play dumb if it ever came up, “I’m sending them out as fast as I can boss, it was really busy”. These are convos I was playing back n forth in my head. I even thought about the possibility of this being some sort of loyalty test from my boss. It was unlikely but after all George and him went way back, my boss operated a sportsbook in Costa Rica back in the day and George was a big thorn in his side as he was killing bookies in Costa Rica during that time.
My second concern was about money which during the meeting he glossed over briefly. To me money isn’t everything, it’s the only motherfucking thing that matters. So the terms he explained to me was that I would be paid a flat rate only for each accurate report for players listed as probable. I would get 15% for each accurate report on any questionable players, 25% on accurate reports on players that were doubtful and finally when I reported a player being OUT and he was in fact out for that game I would get 35%. This was for key players and starters only. He said it would be based on the following wager amounts of each report, if I reported a player questionable he’d be betting $5,000, $7,500 for Doubtful and $10,000 for out, $200 flat rate for players reported probable. Now a few things I have to mention, me reporting this information to him doesn’t guarantee that the team loses, especially if I’m reporting something along the lines of BK-F-[Joe Harris]-Lower Leg-Doubtful, it didn’t matter if Brooklyn lost or didn’t cover I would be getting paid as long as the information was accurate. If I reported a player questionable or doubtful and he ended up playing I didn’t get paid. I know some of you might be thinking the deal sounds awesome and it did. I could report a player OUT and if he didn’t play I could get $3,500 which even thinking about it now is insane.
One thing I learned at a young age is you never accept the first offer you receive, so as good of a deal as it sounded and the thought of how much money I could be making was mind blowing I began to think about his earning potential. He did his best to convey that nothing was certain and that it’s really not too often a key player is scratched from the lineup, blah blah etc. I imagined George didn’t become a successful sports bettor by giving everyone great deals. I put myself in his shoes and started to think about what I’d do if I had access to thousands of sports book accounts, a capable team and the ability to bet while getting injury info before books adjusted lines. Having this injury information didn’t mean an automatic win George made sure to hammer that fact home to me. George didn’t tell me this but what I realized is it didn’t matter who won or lost for George because he wasn’t actually risking anything. I’ll explain: Let’s say NBA Phoenix vs Utah and Utah is -5, I get a ping -PHO-G-[Devin Booker]-Left Foot-OUT and I send it to George and what I assume his team did was they would program his software to bet Utah -5 at every book that has it listed at -5 or better. His automated bet software allows him to place bets on hundreds if not thousands of different accounts within 10 seconds, it even auto-confirms the username and password.
He now has X amount of money on Utah-5 who is playing Phoenix who is without their best player. While George and his team are finishing up pounding Utah I’m likely just hitting send at work reporting the Devin Booker injury status, within seconds books are now moving the Utah line as the public is also reacting to this news. Within a couple minutes it is widely known Booker is doubtful. Let’s say the line eventually gets up from -5 to Utah -8 which would be likely in this case. Most of you can guess what George and his team does then, they come back and bet Phoenix +8 for the same amount of money they bet Utah-5, Hence the no risk part, he now just sits back and hopes for the game to land on 6 or 7(Utah -5 & Phoenix +8). Of course there is no guarantee Utah would win by exactly 6 or 7 for him to cash both sides but even a Utah win by 5 and 8 would be great considering he’s only risking juice.
It’s been a couple days since the meeting and it’s all I’ve been thinking about. It’s not like I can really ask anyone for advice either, the only people that can know about this is myself and George and his team. A few things I realized was he would definitely be betting more than $5,000 to $10,000 per injury report but my % was based on those figures he said. I understood not every player I would be reporting would result in a big line move but then again I’d only be reporting key players and starters. Also if a player is reported out for 3 or 4 days it’s not like I’d be getting paid to report him being out each night. It was really just players that played in their previous game and their status has changed before the next game. I figured I would still make a ton of money but it all depended on players getting hurt and missing games. Tough to say how many times this would occur, could be 0 or 10 in a week,
Another big thing I was hung up on is the morality of it all. I knew I wouldn't be doing anything illegal but it was definitely straddling the fence between right and wrong. It’s also important to note that at this time in my life this was one of my first real jobs, you know the ones that have dental and eye insurance. Prior to this I was an illegal street bookie, among other things, all illegal. No shocker this eventually led me to prison and I had only been out of prison for about 2 years before I started working for this company so staying on the straight n narrow was important not just for me but for family members, I could finally answer questions about what exactly I do for a living. It was a good feeling and here I was contemplating jeopardizing it all. Or at least that’s what I was thinking at the time.
Exactly one week after the meeting I get a text message from a number I don’t have saved, (I’m paraphrasing, it was a long time ago) but the text read “Hey I work for George, he told me to connect with you to set up messenger apps and establish lines of communication,”. My anxiety immediately spiked. I haven’t even confirmed with George that I’m officially in. So I responded with “Ok, sounds good but first could you pass along to George that I have a few questions before getting started”, No response. I realized I gave George my number but didn’t get his number so all I had was the number from this text message and didn’t even have a name. I’m thinking I just blew this whole opportunity which looking back now was stupid of me to think but this whole process was just nerve racking, a lot of potential money on the line for everyone involved and the thought of going from no responsibility at work and just bullshitting around to having to be on point and super focused as id be playing a major role in the betting syndicate. Not to mention I still had questions and would like to negotiate and counter his offer. Also it’s worth noting that a customer asking me for a deal on an ounce and me saying no was the full extent of all my previous experience negotiating deals.
It’s now a few days since I got that text and roughly 10 or 12 days since the conference. A small part of me was hoping he had a change of mind and doesn’t want to do it or something came up. The other part of me wanted to make money and to become a part of his team.
My shift at work was 2pm - 10pm and after 5pm I was the only one working, except on weekends when it was busy there were two of us. It was a weekday night right as I was finishing up work, I got a call from a private number, I normally don’t answer private or unknown numbers but since the conference I started answering them. Me: Hello George: “What’s up? Are we going forward or what? Mario said you had some questions, what you don’t like money (fake lol) Me: George! I would’ve reached out sooner but didn’t have a number for you. Something I realized down the road was George knew that I was the night employee, NBA games start between 7pm -10pm at least on weekdays, so what good would an employee that works 8am to 2pm do for him, especially when breaking injury news is typically announced the hour leading up to tip-off. He also knew there’s only one employee after 5pm on weekdays.
I realized quickly that I wasn’t going to be fun and games working with friends, this was strictly business and everything was so serious, of course I realize now why. That phone call was the first of a series of phone calls back n forth over the next day or 2. As I suspected the terms he initially quoted were low and he eventually agreed to an increase on the doubtful and out percentages only. We ultimately reached an agreement and we planned that the next 3 days would be when we start running some trial tests. He said Mario would call me to set up the messenger apps and explain where to send the information, I just had to make sure it got to them accurately and fast. It all hit me, there is no turning back now, I’m all-in with this and looking back on it now, this decision alone is the turning point in my professional career and would ultimately set off a chain of events that led to shit I just never imagined.
To Be Continued....
Will likely just release Part 3 later today because I’m going away for the weekend.
submitted by bettingnetwork to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

New Role Idea For Red Dead Online

I do not work for Rockstar, but I will most likely be sending this idea to them.
So there’s already Horse Races implemented into the game. One of the first bits of content you play for most of the community. Now what if you could run a bookies, an AFK and/or Practical business that you can upgrade and change odds, increase the amount of properties you own, and even participate in placing your own bets to make more money or lose it.
To start off this role, you travel over to Valentine to examine a new property on the market. This will be your starting office. One you can purchase for an amount of gold (20 or under). From the office you can purchase new betting offices for money, not gold and upgrade them. Imagine it like the clubhouse property and the MC businesses that span from it like GTA online. Also from the office you will be able to start a heist (this will be touched on later).
Expanding on the bets. Players throughout the serveplay session will be able to go to one of your properties and place bets on the horses. Depending on your upgrades, the max bet could be possibly between 10$ max to 100$ max (not set in stone). These bets will come back to you according to the odds if you win making it a fun gameplay mechanic on the side to take a chance and earn a quick buck.
Now for the AFK or Practical properties of this role. The owner or the player with the role will have access to their safe, one that contains the money of all their profits from the bookies -the more bookies you have (max of 3, making you rely on the choices you make), the more money you can potentially earn (price depending on location, e.g. a property in Vanhorn would be 100$, compared to one in Saint Denis that could be 1500$. Prices varying due to population size). An interesting twist that could spice things up could be that after a certain threshold of money is amounted, the player can hire guns-for-hire (NPC’s or Players, let me know your thoughts) to protect it from looters and outlaws (if Outlaws ever becomes a role these could tie into each other). This could leave the player losing an amount such as 10% of their profits to the other player. Now I realise that this is a decently unfair circumstance and this is where I say its not set in stone, its just an idea and I’m sure one of you will think of a more fair execution of this gameplay mechanic.
Finally, this may require some explaining. Now my inspiration for this segment and a lot of this comes from the TV show ‘Peaky Blinders’ as most of you can tell. But this next point is quite interesting I think. Much like GTA; set-up and heist missions. For example, with a posse you can plan to raid an opposing racecourse master. Which will most likely be an NPC, or a full side-story that puts you from starting an illegal business, to becoming legit. Now in my imagination, the story starts out one like this...
After setting up your office and in search of property you arrive in Blackwater, the town swept in mist and darkness, the only thing you can see are the low orange glows of lanterns hanging in the streets. Windows are closed for the night. Everyone resting comfortably in their households. You’re tired having travelled from Valentine. You decide to spend the night in a local inn. Having booked a comfortable room, you doze off into a slumber. SMASH You are awake. Yet you are still covered by darkness. You open your eyes wide. But theres nothing.. You are covered with a blindfold. You hear a man rambling in front of you, thats when you smell the familiar aroma of whiskey. You struggle to no avail, you cannot escape, and you cannot see... A harsh light is shone at you as the blindfold is ripped from your face. It takes some time for your eyes to adjust. And you see a man in front of you. A man who makes love to his whiskey (Sean). You find the man repulsive as he drinks the rest and throws it against the wall. This is where he tells you of his plan to rob Scotty Denver. A savvy investor and makes a profit in races. Sean wants to take him down for unknown reasons, and thinks you would be a good candidate to help him, Scotty being an opportunity of sorts to establish yourself.
The heist follows through and you rob him of his safe, bagging you enough to purchase the property in Blackwater.
This kicks off the quest line, leading you to come across Scotty on many occasions as he swears vengeance upon you. This is how the story begins.
In time you will find Scotty Denver to be a problem, ordering his men to ‘interfere’ with your betting offices.
I know this isn’t the best example but I think this would be a good if not great role for the red dead community. For a long time we have wanted an outlaw role, to fit in with the premise of the Cowboy Outlaw aesthetic of the game. This would be bringing in more activities to do within the western world. Thank You
submitted by Okami-Blues to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

[Question] Bookieless betting?

I will start this post by admitting ignorance. I just bet causally from time to time. So preemptively I ask you to forgive my ignorance.
I was thinking in the shower recently and it occured to me in a flash. Do we need bookies anymore? Wouldn't it be amazing to have an amazing site/community where peer 2 peer betting was happening. Sort of like Ebay. You post a bet you are willing to make and someone else accept that bet.
Wouldn't that be more real? Maybe it is illegal, I don't really know. Bookies have there niche of course, but if we could eliminate their cut from betting wouldn't things be a lot better for everyone? Except the bookies of course.
Like I said, maybe it is illegal, or maybe something like this exist already, I don't understand why this isn't more popular?
submitted by neobick to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

Something I’d like to see added to criminal enterprises

tldr at the bottom
I’d love to see something like a fight club involving the gang leaders in each of the towns. It’d be similar to tournaments in the same way it doesn’t happen everyday but often. It’d also be considered illegal in all towns so you’re running the risk of getting criminal reputation by participating.
It’d go something like this.
You go into a town to speak with a gang leader, you’d ask [gang leader] “Any fights going on around here?” To which he’d reply “Yes, [rival gang leader] and I are holding one in two days, by the gods I’d like to stick it to that bastard. why? Do you want in?”
You’d have these options to reply with
“Yes, I’d like to fight for you.”= You would get 1 point in relationship with that leader and 5 if you won all three of your fights
“I’d like to make a bet on you and your men”= bets made on illegal fights are much more profitable than betting on tournaments, say you can wager 1000-1500 denars? As long as it’s the day of the big fight you will see the participating gangs huddled up around the fighting area with their chosen fighters (of which will have actual names not just thugs and expert thugs) there will be three fights but you can only bet on one gang. You will watch the fights in real time and at the end either collect/lose your money from the bookie who is also in the area during the fight
“No, just curious”= exit dialogue
There’s much that can be done with this as far as variables go, I believe.
During the fights there could be a chance that guards interrupt the fight and depending on your roguery you can escape a couple days in the dungeon, a fat fine, and a mark on your criminal reputation in that town.
If the fight was interrupted it would spawn an additional quest to track down the bookie to get your money back. He’s fled town with the small fortune he held by the patrons
You could also decide not to pay the bookie if your gang loses (idk about this one but just an idea) but by doing that you have put a massive price on your head punishable by death! Gangs will ambush you in taverns while your alone and some will have small warbands tracking you down. Of course if cornered by these thugs you can always just pay what you owe out with interest.
The fighters in these fight clubs could have specific modifiers on them to make the fights more difficult and interesting and you’d be able to tell these modifiers by their names. “Nogand the Boulder” would be someone with a .25x damage reducer so he can take a ton of hits, “Rieland the swift” a fast, athletic, agile fighter, etc
Every so often the actual leaders of the gang would fight each other instead of their men, this would usually be the last fight if you weren’t participating in it yourself. (not too crazy of an idea, just a fun thing to watch if you’re immersed in the world and the characters)
I don’t think you should be able to bet on yourself, only that the gang leader would give you a decent purse of denars if you win the fights, but if you could it’d make the fights extra hard with most of the fighters having buffed
Everyone would have the same gear. A pair of ragged pants and fist wraps so no more rising to the top just because you have imperial lamellar
I’m hoping you all enjoyed reading this and entertaining the idea. Please feel free to add whatever ideas you think would flesh out a feature like this.
TLDR; Fistfights
submitted by Winterman-is-here to mountandblade [link] [comments]

Idiot Employee

Don't know how to tag this, but it seems like something this crowd would enjoy.
There was an employee we couldn't fire for 2 years. Company policy was to do all terminations in person unless they abandoned their job (no-call, no-show for more than a week). The problem was this guy called in every single day. As it turned out, a condition of his parole was continuous employment. However, he made more money engaging in other illegal activities (mostly gambling related, he was a bookie who ran high-stakes card games), so there was no financial incentive to actually work this job, he just needed it to show he was employed and explain his income from other endeavors.
But the fun part of the story is the lame excuses he'd come up with. He thought he was a master of deceit, and we'd believe anything. Good thing he just ran the poker game and didn't try playing it.
• I have to go to the clinic, it burns when I pee.
• I was called for jury duty (apparently for 12 weeks out of the year)... never mind he's ineligible to be a juror.
• Immigration hearing (he was not an immigrant, he was hired as a US citizen, that stuff is on record).
• A goat chewed the brake line on his truck. He lived in the city.
• Obligatory religious observances... he claimed to be polyreligious, a devote follower of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Shintoism, and a few others. Ever other week there was a holiday. He pronounced most of them wrong, and frequently got the dates wrong, like celebrating Yalda (winter solstice) in April.
• Claimed to work for the CIA, and needed to train people in tactical deception (because his lies were so good).
• Child custody hearings. He has no children.
• Needed to go to emergency because he has 3rd degree burns in his throat from coffee that was too hot. He had no trouble saying this over the phone though.
• His parrot escaped, and he was chasing it across town.
• His dad died, for the third time in 2 years. When questioned about that, he didn't go with the plausible explanation of it being a step-father or something like that. Nope, just one father, who did die last time, but doctors were able to revive him at the last minute, then died again, only to be revived, then to die again. "Ok, when he comes back to life this time, tell our dad we hope he gets better".
• He was looking for the remote and got his hand stuck in the sofa. Knowing him, this was the most plausible excuse he ever gave.
• He needs to travel out of state to give blood, because his blood is very rare and a kid needs it. I was wiling to give the benefit of the doubt here, until he stated that the kid was attacked by shark, so he needs to go to a hospital in Oklahoma, a place well known for their high number of shark attacks, lol. (Oklahoma is land-locked).
• His penis turned green. I didn't ask for details, and regret not asking to this day.
• There's a family of very aggressive squirrels in his car, so he can't drive.
There were many others. He forgot he added half the office on social media, and would post selfies at concerts when he was having open heart surgery, or tweet about how bad a restaurant was while he was in a religious fast and too weak to stand.
He was convinced that using the same excuse "I'm sick" repeatedly would sound made up, so he'd keep coming up with more and more bizarre stories to explain his absence. He was also under the delusion that more details would make the story more convincing.
People, if you ever need to call in sick to work, just say "I'm sick". That's it. No details required, and when you make the fake "sick voice", that's a dead giveaway. It doesn't fool anyone, ever.
submitted by Arkryal to RipeStories [link] [comments]

Visit PayPerHead for Sports Bookie

A sports bookie or a bookmaker is basically known for betting on the outcome or results of a certain match or even from sports. While this is illegal in some countries and states, it is also considered as a legalized form of bookmaking in certain parts of the world, the professional and amateur sports industry can massively benefit from an institution of legalized bookmaking. There are different varieties of sports bookies ranging from ones that are not directly involved but instead mostly register the bets of other customers at the cost of a commission, while other people directly bet on the outcome, results, or score of a match. Legalized sports bookmaking allows players to be more invested in their game, spectators more worried about the outcome and it also makes for a profitable
However, using the help of a proper sports bookie who is experienced and trained and has a fair idea about how the match is supposed to work out, they can be very and extremely useful for new bookies, the assurance that amateur bookmakers include the idea that the people investing money, never lose their money. This is a huge assurance especially for people who are new to this form of investment. Though they is do involve a charge or a fee which means that they are mostly functioning as brokers, who have a better idea about the game and the outcome of the match itself. This can be achieved with years of experience of being a sports bookmaker and by having sources of information that can make or break the bet. This fee provided to these professionals are mostly for their services and should be considered as so. Tax is an issue for most amateur people looking forward to making a business out of betting in a sport. Some countries make the income from betting tax-free allowing the consumer to have better input and control over the amount they are willing to spend on the bet.
If you are in the right hands, then a professional gambler can make you a lot of money. The tax-free income allows people to make larger bets with more risk. An average bookie can usually make money very easily in a week and over more than that in a year. However, smaller bets lead to smaller income, and while their commission is nominal the amount of money that you make at the end of the day is huge. Having the option of a betting automation service makes it much easier for amateurs to handle and assess potential bets, and understand how well their bets are going to perform. The riskier you play the more you win, and this can possibly make you one of the best sports bookie in the sports industry or market.
For More Info:-
submitted by walkervictor78 to u/walkervictor78 [link] [comments]

Something I’d like to see added to criminal enterprises

TLDR; Fistfights
I’d love to see something like a fight club involving the gang leaders in each of the towns. It’d be similar to tournaments in the same way it doesn’t happen everyday but often. It’d also be considered illegal in all towns so you’re running the risk of getting criminal reputation by participating.
It’d go something like this.
You go into a town to speak with a gang leader, you’d ask [gang leader] “Any fights going on around here?” To which he’d reply “Yes, [rival gang leader] and I are holding one in two days, by the gods I’d like to stick it to that bastard. why? Do you want in?”
You’d have these options to reply with
“Yes, I’d like to fight for you.”= You would get 1 point in relationship with that leader and 5 if you won all three of your fights
“I’d like to make a bet on you and your men”= bets made on illegal fights are much more profitable than betting on tournaments, say you can wager 1000-1500 denars? As long as it’s the day of the big fight you will see the participating gangs huddled up around the fighting area with their chosen fighters (of which will have actual names not just thugs and expert thugs) there will be three fights but you can only bet on one gang. You will watch the fights in real time and at the end either collect/lose your money from the bookie who is also in the area during the fight
“No, just curious”= exit dialogue
There’s much that can be done with this as far as variables go, I believe.
During the fights there could be a chance that guards interrupt the fight and depending on your roguery you can escape a couple days in the dungeon, a fat fine, and a mark on your criminal reputation in that town.
If the fight was interrupted it would spawn an additional quest to track down the bookie to get your money back. He’s fled town with the small fortune he held by the patrons
You could also decide not to pay the bookie if your gang loses (idk about this one but just an idea) but by doing that you have put a massive price on your head punishable by death! Gangs will ambush you in taverns while your alone and some will have small warbands tracking you down. Of course if cornered by these thugs you can always just pay what you owe out with interest.
The fighters in these fight clubs could have specific modifiers on them to make the fights more difficult and interesting and you’d be able to tell these modifiers by their names. “Nogand the Boulder” would be someone with a .25x damage reducer so he can take a ton of hits, “Rieland the swift” a fast, athletic, agile fighter, etc
Every so often the actual leaders of the gang would fight each other instead of their men, this would usually be the last fight if you weren’t participating in it yourself. (not too crazy of an idea, just a fun thing to watch if you’re immersed in the world and the characters)
I don’t think you should be able to bet on yourself, only that the gang leader would give you a decent purse of denars if you win the fights, but if you could it’d make the fights extra hard with most of the fighters having buffed modifiers.
I’m hoping you all enjoyed reading this and entertaining the idea. Please feel free to add whatever ideas you think would flesh out a feature like this.
Edits: more ideas
Everyone would have the same gear. A pair of ragged pants and fist wraps so no more rising to the top just because you have imperial lamellar
submitted by Winterman-is-here to mountandblade [link] [comments]

Stumbled upon the historical significance of "Grandma Plays The Numbers"

So I started reading "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" where "playing the numbers" is a pretty big part of Harlem culture. When playing Fallout I always thought "Grandma Playing The Numbers" was about a grandma playing the state lottery. Which isn't far off, but there is a more interesting significance to the lyrics.
Playing the numbers in the '30s and '40s was illegal. It worked pretty similarly to the lottery, except that you had to go to the bookie covertly or a bookie would come to you.
Playing the numbers was popular in areas like Harlem and the operations were run on a community level. I'm guessing a state lottery was later put in place because of how futile enforcing gambling is, and you might as well have it contribute to tax revenue.
Anyway haven't thought about that song in years until it was all brought up in a book. has anyone had similar experiences of stumbling upon the significance of certain Fallout songs?
submitted by madmanwhich2 to Fallout [link] [comments]

Do I need to create a real business and pay taxes or is this fine off the books? (read post)

Some of my friends and I are planning on starting a handicapper service (Professional sports betting picks). The business is legal because we have no affiliation with illegal bookies or any betting activity we would just be being paid for our advice on what picks we think will hit. Do you think we are fine if we collect payment via venmo or cashapp without registering the business and paying taxes or is the government going to coming hunting for tax dollars.

4.99859 83/379ths
submitted by ce_grapefruit to legaladvice [link] [comments]

is having a bookie illegal video

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CONTACT: Barbara Burns PHONE: (716) 843-5817 FAX: (716) 551-3051. ROCHESTER, N.Y. – U.S. Attorney William J. Hochul, Jr. announced today that Paul Borrelli, 70, of Rochester, NY, who was convicted of illegal gambling and money laundering, was sentenced to three years probation and eight months home detention by Chief U.S. District Judge Frank P. Geraci, Jr. shady and illegal are two different things. I don't think it's shady to get commissions on referals but you are party to a criminal activity. If there is an investigation that takes down your bookie and they find that you were profiting from the illegal activity you will be either named or formally charged in the criminal conspiracy. In other words, it is legal to bet with a bookie, but it is not legal for the bookie to bet with you. Sure, if you use an illegal local bookie to place bets in your town, you might get caught in a wider police dragnet, but online, you run no such risk. Nor do the bookies, because they aren’t based in America and are thus not beholden to US law. So as long as the illegal bookie offers poor people an opportunity to place a bet at a low price, they’ll still exist. It just gives you a cheaper option.” For many others, the draw of the local bookie is the ability to bet on credit, meaning you don’t have to put your money down in order to place the wager. Here’s How a Local Bookie Really Works: Myths and Reality. It involves behavioral counselors, vetting clients, managing betting lines from a master dashboard, settling up and much more, operating on credit. More at Illegal gambling is any type of gambling that is specifically prohibited by state law. Gambling Involves a Bet. While most instances of gambling occur when someone bets money, courts have ruled that gambling can occur whenever a bet is made using anything of value. Gambling with a bookie illegal - Trial bids - Because We are Leaders. Black Jack - Best and Top Bet! Pai go poker - Best Chance! A bookmaker is a misnomer. It is not illegal to make books, but it is illegal to receive bets on agreed upon odds. A bookmaker, sometimes called a “bookie” or “turf accountant,” takes bets from individuals and then pays out or collects money based upon what his book says about who-owes-who what amount of money. Being a bookie just means that you are someone that is accepting wagers and bets on various sporting events. *6 weeks free trial - test drive - best in the biz *Deposit with Bitcoin - They'll ... The question of whether or not bookies are illegal in the USA has changed over the last year, because this used to be a hard no that bookies were illegal, however now with the United States recent law changes that allow each state to determine if they want gambling to be illegal in their specific state, the answer is not always a no.

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